• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 1,485 Views, 13 Comments

A New Shade of Yellow - Blaze

Leon Belmont, an experienced, yet soft MMA fighter and RWBY's Yang Xiao Long are thrown out of their universe and into each other. Leon now controls a male Yang and both want to return back home. But what if Yang wasn't the only being to be

  • ...

The First Footholds

"Yang....Ya-ang," A voice said throughout Yang's mind, she felt like she was drifting somewhere else. "YANG! Wake UP!" Yang bolted up from her bed, shaking the books supporting the bunk bed.

"Leon!" Yang looked around, not within Leon's mind, but with her own eyes. She saw that they- she was back in her team's room and that Ruby was peeking her head up to Yang's bed which was the top bunk.

"Leon? Was that one of the names of those 'buddies' you hang out and drink with?" Ruby as questionably.

"Ruby, hurry up and get her. I can't hold you up forever!" The strained voice of Weiss said, as if she was over-exerting herself. "You said this would be quick, but your sister is once again, difficult to wake up. And now that she is awake, you can get off. I think I'm losing my grip." A crash was heard throughout the room, but multiple thoughts swarmed Yang. Was that whole little adventure with Leon a big dream? It couldn't have been one of my friends or drinking buddies, I would remember a name like Leon. Or maybe it was some sort of vision, telling me that something was going to happen? But there was still the possibility of— Yang was thrown out of her train of thought by Ruby's voice.

"Yang, could you just get up. We are going to be late for class, I have already sent Blake to stall Professor Chaos Theory." Ruby informed her, yet Yang gave her a confused and drowsy look. "Ugh, Yang. You know, our new professor, here at Beacon, in the region of Vale. Do I need to go on? Just get ready and put on your clothes."

Yang got out of bed, washed up, and put on her uniform, but was still thinking about what happened with the manticore and Leon. I remember that the manticore slashed us and I somehow got tired, but I was still inside Leon's mind. Could the wound affect Leon and myself, despite me having no physical form? The trio soon reached their class and saw that Professor Chaos was almost finished answering a question that Blake had presumably asked. Professor Chaos had his back turned to the class and was chalking down multiple arrows and symbols to explain Blake's question. The trio sneaked into class while Professor Chaos explained what they meant.

"So you see class, when you pour an exceedingly amount of Nergy and Struix dust, which represent energy and matter respectively, onto one of the many magical lines that cover Remnant where raw magic is most potent, and as Miss Belladonna has asked, a minuscule rip in the fabric of time and space could appear. Now mind you that even with that much Nergy and Struix falling onto the magical lines, it is no where strong enough to transport matter on its own." Said Professor Chaos with his back still facing the class, he announced the three who barely got in their seats. "Ahh, Miss Rose, Schnee and Long. I am so glad that you can come attend my little lecture about my theories on multiple universes and dimensions, even if it was the last bit. Now I presume you three don't have a very excusable reason to be late?"

He turned to face them and Yang got a good look at his complexion: his hair was snow white with a thick single black line running across the side of his head, a beard that was also white, and was wearing a brown coat with a yellow inside shirt and a red tie to finish it off; but those weren't the things that caught her eye. It was his eyes, they looked like they have seen madness and laughed in its presence. His red eyes surrounded a small black pupil which was an uncommon eye color but the white of his eyes took the cake, they weren't white, but were yellow. Yang snapped to attention when she realized that Professor Chaos redirected the question to only her.

"U-U-Uh," Yang was surprised and didn't know what to say, but she did know that what she would say was going to be foolish. "I had a strange dream about a guy controlling my body and that I was only in his mind. I woke up to find out that I was late for class."

"Partially correct, Miss Long, but your dream of Mr. Belmont was not a dream" He saw that Yang looked at him with suspicion and he snapped his fingers. Everything turned grey and everyone stopped, even when Jaune was in the middle a nap when Professor Chaos snapped his fingers, he shot up when he heard it but was frozen midway.

Yang glared daggers at Professor Chaos, "What did you do to them and how do you know Leon's full name, how do you know that that wasn't a dream?" She tried to flick open Ember Celica but with another snap from Professor Chaos, they vanished. "What did you do to my gauntlets! No matter, I still have my strength."

Professor Chaos smirked at Yang, the look made her want to hit him there and now, but she held back as he opened his mouth to speak. "But my dear Miss Long, have you even thought that this was—" He snapped his fingers and the floor beneath Yang was pure darkness, she fell in screaming. Throughout the unending darkness of the void, Chaos' voice resonated, "What if this was just a memory before you were sent to my dear home of Equestria? Here, a gift from me to you; I've noticed that you are just itching, mind the pun, to have a physical body while inside Leon's mind, so I give you this. A snap was heard and a mirror appeared in the darkness. "This is your new form and you may choose to change whenever you want from between Leon's mind or this form and you can even interact with anything from the material world, it will give you more freedom that the little cage of his mind."

Yang peered into the mirror and saw a yellow feminine sprite, no bigger than her hand. The sprite moved as she did and it carried some of her features, most noticeable was her bust and hair that was waving in the non-existent air. Chaos' voice carried throughout the void once more, "Now my dear, I am interested to see how much chaos the two of you could make along side that other being from your world. Ta-Taa, my dear Yang and say hello to Leon when you wake up." He ended with a maniacal laughter and another snap resonated in the unending darkness and she felt nonexistent, slowly drifting in a void.

Meanwhile, back in Equestria, Leon began to stir. An window was open and was shining the glorious sun's rays, right upon his eyes. He groaned in discomfort but felt the warmth of a blanket on top and the softness of a couch underneath him. Leon was peacefully laying on the couch feeling the warmth and softness of the blanket all with his skin, he didn't have his shirt on. Huh, I don't remember that I got this blanket before. Did mom buy this for me when I didn't know? And why am I laying on the couch without a shirt on instead of sleeping my bed? These questions swarmed Leon enough to open his eyes and rub the crust off of them. It seems that the sun knows that his eye lids were now open and intensified the strength of the rays into the small square window. He groaned once more and turned away from the powerful sun, his eyes were shut but could still feel the glare of it coming from inside his own eye lids.

A flapping was heard and the amount of sunlight entering the room was diminishing, though Leon still had his eyes shut tight until the last of the curtains were closed. A soft, motherly voice spoke to him. "There, there big guy. I closed all the curtains so the light is more dimmed." Leon opened his eyes and scanned the room, it wasn't his house that he was sleeping in. He was too panicked to speak to the voice and quickly looked to his right side, it was bandaged and he saw a crumpled line of semi-bloody bandages near the couch he was sleeping on. She must have seen him looking at his old wounds and tried to calm him down, "Calm down big guy, you were hurt pretty badly by a manticore attack. A manticore's claw has a special coating that immobilizes their prey if they are scratched by it. Although, the manticore had had it worse." Her voice dropped a little, "Yo-You didn't kill it yourself, did you? Manticores are one of the top predators among the Everfree, yet a creature of your size defeated one."

Leon could still not find any words to use. His mind flashed back to what happened last time he was awake: he woke up in a forest, found out he stole the body of another person and that said person's mind was now trapped within his, he learned about their world, and finally fought...the manticore, he won but was still wounded by the claws of it. He gripped his head in pain over that this was all reality, including the fact that he was maybe a universe away from his own. Tears started to drip down his face over this fact, he continued to do so until a felt warm fur pressed against his left side, a flat appendage stroked his head. "There there, I know it must have hurt, but I cleaned out your wounds and they have probably healed since the last time I checked. Your recovery rate was amazing; I wonder why I don't see more of your kind around Equestria?" That last sentence caught him off guard, 'I don't see more of your kind' She just implied that humans must be a totally new species to this land. Which calls the next question to step forward: just what is she then?

Leon slowly turned his head so that it was facing the source of the voice and he saw a equine as tall as him since he was sitting on the ground, she had a butterscotch coat and pink mane with matching pink tail. She was still consoling Leon and was emitting warmth and love, despite the shock realization he had in his eyes. The room was silent with only the equine's gentle care and another thing hit Leon, Yang, Yang you there? Yang! He called out in his mind, his mind was even more silent, Yang, was that just a dream? I thought I actually had someone close to a human in this world and now you're gone. Tears streamed down his face once more, he just lost the closest thing to a friend in this world, someone he could relate to. "Yang...Don't leave me." He said quietly. The equine holding him stopped stroking his head the second he talked.

"Yo-You can talk?" She asked, a bit more scared now. She started to back away slowly from Leon, her shyness getting the best of her, but she at least tried to actually have a conversation. "W-Well since you can talk, could you tell me about yourself?" Leon rubbed his eyes and slowly nodded and thought, Maybe I could make some new friends, I am also curious about this world.

"Well I am not from this place, you said Equestria, right? I am going to guess that the name of this place isn't named Earth." She nodded a bit more confident that he wasn't going to yell or something like that. "I am originally from a place called Earth and there are only a few sentient beings on it, my kind are sentient dominant species there. Which brings me to my next question: what are you?"

"Well here in Equestria, ponies make up most of the population. Ponies fall under three races: the earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. Each three have a unique ability: the earth ponies are more attuned with the earth, pegasi are flyers, and unicorns could use magic. Princess Celestia rules over Equestria with a soft hoof and she is all three ponies combined. She has the horn of a unicorn, wings of a pegasus, and is attuned with the earth." She stopped backing away and went to sit next to him at the base of the couch. "Now the world is called Equis and each land is divided among the beings here. There are minotaurs to the west, dragons, griffons, and zebras to the east, and changelings to the south. I wasn't top of the class in my geography studies, but I wasn't the worst" She said with a smile, Leon felt that no one could resist her smile and smiled too.

Leon went over his world and its ups and downs. The technology that made them the dominant species, how they were used, what he did before he came here, the animal and plant life that surround the Earth. All this was interesting to her and she suspected there was more that she didn't know yet, some of the information shocked her but she understood the reasoning behind most. They talked until it became the afternoon and the pegasus was resting her head on his lap while he stroked her fur.

A snap was heard and he looked around for the source. Soon, a familiar voice talked in his head, Wow, nice pet. She looks so adorable, is this what you've been up to since I was gone? Leon was speechless but he didn't need to talk, his emotions washed over to Yang and she felt the happiness and love that he had for her since she was now back. Aww I missed you too big guy, but hey! Check out this new little ability some crazy guy gave me. She popped out and a small yellow feminine sprite appeared in front of him, it was floating around the small house looking at things. "So you found a house? I am going to guess that whoever owns it also owns that small horse resting on you." She said aloud, with the walls of his mind no longer there. Aww sweet! I have my own voice, maybe that guy isn't so bad after all, still crazy but not bad." The pegasus in question was starting to stir.

She got up on all fours and stretched, letting out a cute yawn, "Leon? Did somepony enter my house?" She rubbed her eyes and stared at the new sprite with curiosity and it stared back, "Uhh, Leon. Did that horse just talk? Fluttershy gave Leon with a confused look, he simply shrugged and got up to introduce the two.

Leon cleared his voice to get both of their attentions, "Well Fluttershy, this is the girl that I told you who lived in my head, Yang. Yang, this is the pony who cleaned out our wounds and took care of our body," He gestured to his bandaged side where the manticore had hit him. "They are also the dominant species of this country. See if you can access my memories about both our worlds from the conversations I had with Fluttershy here."

"Yes, oh glorious puppet master." She said with sarcasm and bowed before popping back into Leon's mind. Leon chuckled and looked over to Fluttershy, "Hey Fluttershy." She was walking to the kitchen before Leon addressed her, "Where did you put my clothes?" He gestured to his naked upper half and Fluttershy squeaked in surprise that she never got him his clothes.

"Umm, your clothes were pretty damaged due to the manticore so I had sent them to a friend to get them stitched back up." She was looking down at the ground as if she did something bad. Leon smiled warmly and walked over to her to rub her head. She leaned against it and knew that she didn't mind. "She said that it was a minor patchwork job and that she should be done by this afternoon. Though I wonder why she hasn't—" A knocking came from the front door and she hovered over to it and opened it cautiously. "Yes? Who is it?"

A feminine voice with a posh tone answered her, "I brought back the beast's clothes, darling. But I don't know why such a creature could have these unfashionable clothes, much less wear them. But alas, you know animals better than I do." What she said infuriated Leon, he clenched his fists in anger but didn't let Fluttershy see it. "Oh and I also brought Rainbow and Twilight, if you don't mind." Fluttershy opened the door to find her three friends waiting there and gestured for them to come in. None but one noticed Leon's anger towards Rarity's words and she charged at him.

"Don't even think about it!" A rainbow was flying straight at him but Leon saw it coming. He dropped backwards and propelled the charging rainbow behind him. She landed against the wall with a thud and he was about to make sure she stays down, but he felt resistance in the air, a lavender aura was holding him in place.

"Don't you dare, you monster, I saw what happened to that manticore." A lavender unicorn said, the same colored aura surrounded her horn. He struggled to get out of his purple prison but couldn't move anything. He saw the pony that tried to attack him get up and she was pissed. "Hold him still Twi, this punk will learn not to mess with me or my friends." She said as she flew towards Leon and he was in a defenseless position, he couldn't do anything as he felt the pony punch him straight on his bandaged right side and he let out a cry of pain. She was about to land another punch before someone, or somepony, stopped her.

"Rainbow, Twilight, please stop, your hurting him!" Fluttershy's alarmed voice made Twilight drop her spell and Rainbow stop beating the man. He landed on the floor with another pained sound. She fluttered over to Leon and rolled him over to see his right side. She took off the red bandages and saw that several stitches were snapped and was letting blooding flow. She quickly put the bandages back on, placed a pillow under his head and addressed her friends "I want to thank Rarity for fixing this man's clothes, but you three better leave. You've done enough damage to his wounds than I have fixed." Those words hurt Rainbow and Twilight, but they knew what had happened to the man. They silently went back to their houses while Fluttershy went back to find the supplies to stitch Leon's wounds back up.

Holy shit Leon, you got your ass beat by two horses. Yang told him mentally, Leon let out a mental response similar to a middle finger. He was in too much pain for a wittier comeback. So you don't feel any of this? Wow that sucks for me. No, but I can feel the emotions you have and along side that is the pain. But I can only feel it if I wanted to. It looks like our Aura isn't doing that great of a job since we came here. Wait...Did you have anything to eat before waking up here? Leon mentally shook his head. Then that's our problem! Aura comes from inside , if the user aren't well fed, then it gets weaker, the same deal happens if the Aura takes too much damage. But now that the wounds are more healed, maybe I can direct some Aura to it. Try not to tense up and after I'm done you might get sleepy again. Leon tried to relax despite the pain and he saw Fluttershy hover over to him with a white box that has a red cross on it in her mouth. He smiled warmly at her kindness and she returned it.

Her smile fell as she talked to him, "Leon, I have to say sorry for my friends reaction to you. What Rarity said made you a little angry, right? I'm sure we explain everything to them later then it will turn out fine." She flew to his right side and started to take off his bandages, "Let's get you stitched up first, though." Leon started to get a bit sleepy from the lack of Aura. Fluttershy was shocked when she finished taking off his bandages, she saw that they were all healed up. She was about to ask Leon how did his wounds heal so quickly, but he was asleep. She gave him a motherly nuzzle and Yang popped up in front of her. Yang floated to the ground to inspect Leon's wounds and was satisfied that she did a good job. She flew back up to Fluttershy's eye level.

"Fluttershy, right? I fixed up Leon's wounds from inside him but he will be asleep for a while and will be really hungry when he wakes up. Do you have any food that he could eat? She asked Fluttershy, Fluttershy pondered this for a second before a question out of formality appeared at the tip of her tongue, and apparently Yang saw this, "Before you ask, Leon is an omnivore. Which I'm sure you know means that he can digest both plant and meat. Although I think meat would supplement our Aura levels even more than vegetables or fruit. She wasn't shocked about this, Leon had told her that other animals weren't sentient so most humans didn't feel remorse for animals, yet there were still groups who fought valiantly for their survival. She also took care of many animals who were omivores, while she did try to turn their food choice to a more herbivore status, she still gives meat to some. She looked back at Yang, nodded and gestured for her to follow her into the kitchen.

Although Yang learned a lot from Leon's conversation with Fluttershy, she still wanted to talk to her directly and it seemed that Fluttershy felt the same. So they cooked dinner for him and Fluttershy, but Fluttershy did most of the handiwork while Yang zipped here and there gathering the ingredients. Through all that they were regaling about their lives and adventures. From the living room, Leon creaked one eye open and saw the two, he closed it and fell back to sleep with a small smile on his face.

Roman knew every basic thing about these diamond dog's chief, although they were apparently too scared to be descriptive on his physical appearance. They simply stated that the chief was a hoarder and kept the diamond dogs in check by killing the ones who failed or disobeyed him. He also learned about this new land, Equestria: its neighboring countries, the multi-racial population, political leaders, even the abundant minerals and ores. The fact that precious gems could be found by simple digging a few feet below ground opened up multiple business opportunities. And even though he was ripped from his own universe, he couldn't care less of how or who did it, but if there was a way back. he would manipulate it. Make it so that more White Fang members could get in and help take over this pitiful country of hugs and smiles. Rover, once again, broke his train of thought.

"Mr. Roman, sir. We are closing up near the chief's den." Rover said cautiously, Roman looked over and saw Fido was still nursing his arm, having two mismatched twigs and torn cloth acting as splints.

"Thank you Rover, lead the rest of the way." A quick nod from Rover was all he needed. Roman cracked his knuckles menacingly as he thought, Well, this took a while but here comes the first foothold in taking over Equestria. If their chief is anything like them, then he should just be some over sized diamond dog. Dog meat to be precise. He mentally chuckled as the four reached a torch lined tunnel leading to a brightly lit chamber. A roar was heard before they got into the room and they froze, a booming voice ran along the walls "You DARE disobey ME? You shouldn't hold back on my the things that are rightfully mine!" A diamond dog squealed and the crunching of bone was heard throughout the chamber that chilled the backs of the three diamond dogs. Roman gestured them to stay back and he went in to handle the chief. He peered into the den and saw that he couldn't see the ceiling and the other end was kilometers away from each other.

Roman walked into the huge chamber saying, "So lets say I want to take your people as my own? What would you do to stop me? I am Roman Torchwick and I challenge you for spot as leader." He got a good look at his new opponent, to put it plainly, it was a dragon. He glanced back to Rover with one eyebrow up, as if to say You didn't tell me it was a dragon., two thumbs up was his response. He face palmed and turned back to the dragon, it was a crimson red dragon, the spines on its back and ends of its wings were obsidian black and so were its claws, but the spines on its head were tipped with a crimson color, its tail had a spiked ball at the tip that was bigger than its head, its underbelly was a soft pink peach colored and it was resting on top of a mountain of gems and gold sitting in the back of the room. The dragon seemed both amused and angry that it was challenged by this strange new bi-pedaled creature, it compelled the urge to eat it there since it can learn something new from this creature before killing it. It spat out corpse in front of the creature before talking, ""I have lived for over 1200 years, I was there when the princess of the night was banished to her moon, it was a delightful light show by the way, and through all my time living I have never met such a creature like you. Before I devour you with teeth and flames, do you have any information you wish to share?

"Yes, oh glorious harbinger of death." He said with a bow and a sense of mockery that the dragon didn't detect, "I will give you a crystal from my world, but only if you give me a handicap, tell me a weakness of yours and a gem you have never seen before will be yours." The dragon pondered this, but Roman knew he won before the dragon could say anything, for he knew that dragons would be eternally greedy and that greed would be the death of it, but does it have to die? A scenario popped into his head and he hoped it will play out in his favor.

"Very well, I shall tell you one weakness I have, Agreed the dragon, seeing as how a mere mortal couldn't conjure the strength for it, "My kind are the fire dragons of the eastern lands our numbers are few but our power is strong. I have a hide as strong as iron, my claws are spears, my tail is an earthquake, my wings are a hurricane, my breath is death, but if we are struck on our bellies with a massive blow, it would damage our scales, rendering it useless. It sent a small diamond dog to him. "And now, for my crystal.

Roman smirked and dug into his coat, he pulled out a white crystal the size of his palm and tossed into the claws of the diamond dog. The diamond dog ran over to the dragon and placed it in its claws, it brought it up to eye level to inspect it, and the diamond dog scurried away, fearful of their chief. The opacity of the gem seemed unique in its eye and it grew instantly fond of it. It tucked it carefully underneath one of its loose scales on its belly, where it would be safe to keep yet there to see. Roman was laughing internally at the foolishness of the dragon, for it did not know its true power or how to unleash it. Roman stopped smirking and brought his cane up and spoke with a serious tone, "Now then, shall we have our battle?"

The dragon responded by propping itself up on the mountain its head high, but not high enough for its head to hit the enormous chamber's ceiling, and threw its head out into a bloodcurdling roar. The back of Roman's hair stood up but he showed no fear, nor did he show contempt, he kept a unreadable face. Around him, the diamond dogs cowered in fear behind whatever they could find. Others ran out to the tunnel's corridors but they peeked their heads out, eager to see who would become victorious: a unknown creature with undeniable confidence or their dictator chieftain. The dragon spoke with fire raging in its stomach, Then let us begin the feast."

Roman flipped his cane's sight open and locked onto the white opaque crystal underneath its scales but it propelled itself with its wings and flew, scattering gold and gems around room. It flew up and dove for Roman, black outlines started to appear under the scales of its belly and it opened its gaping maw to reveal more of the glow and Roman knew what was coming so he dove to the right as flames shot out of it and dance upon the rocky floor. Roman's coat ends were singed by the crimson red fire coming from a black flame of the dragon and he growled out a curse, he recovered and fired three consecutive shots out at the dragon and first of them bounced off its tough hide, the last two was fired into its mouth as it tried to breath fire again. Roman watched it let out a small screech and then open its mouth, Roman expected it to let out another roar and braced himself, but it never came. Instead, it was laughing, once its laughter died down, it spoke, "It has been more than 300 years since I have felt such pain, I commend you creature, but now you die."

It opened its great wings and brought unknown wind into the chamber, the wind slammed into Roman and he was thrown into the opposite wall. His breath was leaving him; he slowly raised his cane, aimed the shot, and fired at the opaque crystal underneath the scales of the dragon. It exploded, but only the air around it, then it came back and imploded causing the massive dragon to be knocked to the back of the chamber and both fell to the ground.

Roman got up, dusted himself off and walked over to the fallen dragon, it lied on its right side opposite to where the crystal was. He got close to the right side of its head, its eye following him. He crouched down and spoke softly, "I won and your people are now mine." A silent nod answered him, "I can save you, on one condition. You will serve me and belong to me." Its eye shot open and looked at him with new curiosity, "How can a mere mortal not only defeat me, but save me as well? I will never live this down, but I accept your condition." Its voice was strained and in pain.

Roman walked over to its left side and found the spot where the crystal imploded; several scales were turned upright and a steady flow of dark red blood streamed out. He got to work fast and focused his Aura to connect to its Aura to direct it towards her wound to heal it. His Aura flowed into her and the scales started to realign and the hole was filling in. He finished with and tapped it to let it know he was done. It got up and stretched its limbs, flinching when it moved its side, Roman cursed and went back to put some more Aura.

After a continuous flow of Aura, Roman was left tired and hungry, but still didn't show any signs of it. The dragon was back up and was content with the work Roman did. It called all diamond dogs to report to the main den and soon the room was full of diamond dogs and a dragon before Roman. "Roman Torchwick was beaten me and is thus, leader of the diamond dogs!" It spoke before the diamond dogs and they cheered for the good fight. It swiped a claw to hush them "A side proposal was made between Roman and I, along side the diamond dogs, I now fall under him. This form might be too demanding for food and supplies so I shall shift into a smaller frame. The diamond dogs looked shocked at this, even Roman didn't hide his surprise as the dragon shifted to a frame smaller than Roman but a head taller, but what surprised the most of them was the new bust she carried. It seems that none of the diamond dogs were informed that their chief was a female dragon. The spines turning into a feminine hair style and her now short wings stretched outward. It- She now spoke to Roman with a normal tone of voice, "I, Saphira, live to serve you, Roman Torchwick." She knelt and all the other diamond dogs followed. Roman smirked at the sight before him.

"We have some work to do, but first is that we are going to name our pack," Roman announced, they all picked their head back up, "We are now named, The White Fang." The diamond dogs roared their approval of the name. Roman basked in his glory...until his stomach growled. It seemed as if every dog and the dragon heard it, "Second order of business, I need to fucking eat! Fetch me fresh cooked meat, preferably, if not, just get something edible." Diamond dogs ran here and there preparing, meanwhile the newly-found-female dragon approached him, "As for you, Saphira. I need a place to sleep and like hell am I going to sleep on gold or rocks. So I need you to fetch me a bed my size, discreetly." She nodded, her wings grew larger and she flew off. Roman walked over to the mountain of gold and plopped down, grunting at the feeling of hard gold and sharp gems underneath him, but he didn't care. He got a small army at his disposal and there is much to do for The White Fang. He slowly drifted off to sleep on the uncomfortable mountain of gold.

Author's Note:

Two chapters in less than a week? That's way better than the chapter a month thing I use to do, hopefully I can keep this track going.

I would like to thank ChaosTheoryandCookies's approval to use Professor Chaos in my fic. They were kind enough to lend me the character since I am horrible at making names and features and I also used her art as a basis for his style.

And for those who say I copied other write's ideas or their own ideas for that matter, I would like to say sorry. I couldn't really think of any other way to make it a bit more interesting than a big diamond dog or minotaur.

Please inform me about anything about the story: if I miss spelled something or if you just want to offer criticism.