• Published 2nd Jun 2014
  • 2,621 Views, 118 Comments

Family of the Blanks - HumanSVD

Having an unexpected second shot at life, Ruby and Mitta wake up in Sunny Town, but discover it is not the cursed place of misery and suffering as they know it to be.

  • ...

Supper time!

For the past thirty minutes, Katja and Blau Strifen suffered agony from the loving maternal mares. No matter how hard they tried, they simply could not get away. They resigned to their fates as their mother and grandmother gave them loving affections in the form of hugs and motherly kisses. Looking at each other, Katja and Blau Strifen silently agreed to a truce. It was almost as if the siblings had telepathy, but it was no more a particular skill than simply knowing each other too well. As if the family hugging would never cease, their father's voice could be heard from the dining room.

"Dinner is ready! Wash up!"

Ruby and Mitta ceased their hugs and kisses, turning their attention to Konrad's winner announcement.

"Food? I don't even remember what eating is like..." said Mitta in disbelief.

"What's for dinner, honey?" asked Ruby.

Seeing that their attention was now focused on dinner and, more importantly, their grip no longer tight, the children immediately seized the moment of opportunity. The colt and human girl broke free from the clutches of their mother and grandmother, running straight for the bathroom with lighting speed.

"We're saved!" cried Katja.

"Freedom!" cried Blau Strifen.

As the two young members of the family disappeared, both Ruby and Mitta felt a sense of disappointment. No longer were the children in their forelegs to be hugged, nuzzled, or kissed.

"Aww." said a sad Mitta.

"My babies...they're gone," said Ruby while looking at the ground floor with a sad face.

"They're just in the bathroom washing up. Like they always do."

Turning their attention to the newcomer, Ruby and Mitta saw a confused man looking at them. The man who had saved both of them ended the curse and risked his own life for them now stood before them as he took his apron off. Ruby looked over Konrad, taking in the details of his appearance. He was wearing a simple green shirt, blue jeans, and simple white socks on his feet. Usually, for ponies, this would be considered an erotic form of clothing, but for humans, it appeared to be necessary for their feet as their daughter was wearing them. Looking at Konrad, Ruby took in his new middle-aged appearance and couldn't help but find it attractive.

To Ruby, he seemed more confident, strong, and mature. His entire demeanor was different yet so familiar, and the set of blue eyes that she loved seemed to be as handsome as ever. Combined with the fact she was now married to him, Ruby hopped off the couch and jumped straight up at her husband. The man reacted quickly, catching her with his hands, holding her firmly on her plot. Not knowing why his wife was so excited to see him, the man's eyes widened as Ruby gave him a passionate kiss. The feeling and sensation of kissing Konrad was pure bliss, just as before coming through the bright light.

"I'm kissing him! I'm kissing him again! Oh, it's so good!"

As they broke their kiss, Mitta growled at the sight before saying, "Excuse me, boy, but you are grabbing my daughter's rear in front of me!"

"Oh no! This is so embarrassing! Mom! Let me have this moment! I'm not a teenager anymore! He's more mature and-"

Turning his attention to Mitta, Konrad gave her a puzzled look. After setting his wife down, the man replied, "Excuse me, golden oldie, but I'm married to your daughter, not dating her. I can damn well grab her plot whenever I want. Hell, I can smack that sexy thang if I want to!"

Walking behind his wife, Konrad smacked Ruby's plot hard, causing her to jump up with a feminine yelp. The man stared at Mitta, who returned his gaze with her red scolding eyes. While the stare-off was happening, Ruby blushed, feeling flattered by her now-human husband.

"Oh my! Is he standing up to my mom? And finds me sexy? Despite my age? Oh yeah, I'm making love to him tonight. I'm going to lose my virginity to him! Well...again, I guess?"

"And besides, I'm not the one who caused trouble and acted bizarrely before everypony in the town square! Seriously?! You two beat the crap out of Gray Hoof?! Why?!"

Both mares lowered their ears and heads in shame at the mention of Gray Hoof's beating. Everything was different for them; the reality, as they knew it no longer, seemed accurate. Ruby and Mitta looked at each other, expecting the other to come up with a reason or valid explanation. Turning her head back to face Konrad, Ruby gave him a nervous smile before saying,

"Umm...we-we got scared.", said Ruby.

The man couldn't fathom the reasoning behind his wife's statement and asked,

"What?! I don't...I can't even...WHAT?!"

"What do I say? Oh no, I looked crazy out there! it's like what happened to me never occurred!"

"Ruby...I asked you and your mother to go to the fields and find things. You know, what you usually do?"

Pointing at her cutie mark Ruby turned her head around, taking note of the magnifying glass on her flanks.

"I'm doing my special talent for a living while having a family? This is paradise!"

Turning her head back to her husband, Ruby found herself lost in her husband's eyes. The former ghost mare could feel her heart beat faster, looking at him, remembering everything he had done for her. However, the same could not be said for him, as his face gave a clear look of anger away. Ruby backed away from her husband, no longer smiling as he slowly walked toward her.


"I did that to set up a surprise anniversary celebration for you. I asked Gray Hoof to do most of the heavy work because I have to look after the kids while you are out. And he's busy enough as it is getting other parties prepared."

Ruby suddenly found herself backed into the wall, no longer able to keep the space from her husband. The way he slowly approached her began to bring up memories of her past, of how she was backed into a corner. Fear began to make her heart beat faster as he continued to close in on her. Mitta scowled at what she perceived to be potential domestic abuse and prepared to intervene should he hit her. Unable to come up with an answer, Ruby just simply looked at him in fear.

"So why would you get scared from one of the most cheery guys I know, doing us a favor so we can celebrate our anniversary? You beat the hay out of him, honey! WHY?!"

Not expecting Konrad to yell at her, Ruby covered her eyes and crouched on the floor while Mitta ran between them. Mitta bucked Konrad in the gut using her forelegs, making the man collapse in surprise on the living room floor. As he huffed and gasped in pain, Mitta stood over him and yelled into his face,

"Don't you ever threaten my daughter again! Neither you nor anypony else will hurt her again!"

The man simply looked at her with confusion on his face while holding his belly, with too scared young voices crying out,

"Don't hurt daddy!" cried Blau Strifen.

"What's going on?!" asked a scared Katja.

Mitta and Ruby turned their heads towards the voices of the children present before them. The looks of fear on their faces made Ruby's heartache.

"My babies are scared! I have to do something!"

"Mom! Get off of Konrad! He wasn't going to hurt me!"

Coughing, the man added,

"Hurt you? Why would I ever do that?! What's wrong with both of you?!"

Looking somewhat embarrassed, Mitta got off Konrad as Ruby ran over to help him. As the man stood back up on his legs, he glared at Mitta before walking to his kids. Kneeling, both children hugged the man tightly as the mares watched from across the room.

"Dad, what's going on?" asked Katja.

"Why did nana hurt you?" asked a shaking Blau Strifen.

As the kids buried themselves into his shoulder, Konrad replied,

"It was a misunderstanding, kids. Mommy and Daddy will talk about it later after you go to bed. But for now, let's eat, okay?"

"My babies...they're so sad. Why would I ever think he would've hurt me?"

As Ruby and Mitta watched across the room, guilt on their faces, the children broke their hug with their father. Wiping their tears away and nodding in reply, the children walked towards the dining room with Konrad, Ruby, and Mitta following from behind. The scene broke Ruby's heart, and never before had she felt so guilty for causing such pain, especially towards her children. Mitta couldn't even look at the kids due to the shame of hurting their father as she followed everyone with her eyes looking at the floor. It was especially painful to Mitta as the kids kept their distance from her while walking into the dining room, something Ruby noticed all too well.

The silence that permeated the house was painfully awkward as everyone sat at the table. Neither the kids nor Konrad looked and made eye contact with the mares instead of staring at the empty plates. Ruby and Mitta could only frown, thinking about how they inadvertently hurt those close to them, something they'd never want to do. After a minute of silence, Konrad looked up from his plate and scanned both sides of the table. Seeing that no one was doing anything, the man sighed before saying.

"Okay, I guess I'll start serving then."

Reaching for the lid covering a pot on the table, Konrad pulled it up, revealing the contents of what appeared to be steamed vegetables. The hot and fresh smell made Ruby's mouth drool, something she failed to notice. Mitta was also enticed by the contents, completely forgetting about the assault on her son-in-law. Lifting another pot's lid, Konrad revealed what appeared to be spaghetti. While the pasta wasn't something ponies ate very often, it seemed to be a favorite of her husband and daughter. Both humans smiled at the pasta before them, making Ruby take a mental note for later.

"So humans like pasta? Good to know; I'll make that for them later."

Setting the lid down, Konrad made his way to the last pot on the table and revealed what was Ruby's favorite meal since her filly years as a young filly.

"HAY PATTIES!! He made me Hay Patties?! Best hubby ever!"

"Okay, everyone, let's-"


Turning his head toward his wife, Konrad asked,


"I love you."

While he loved his wife, Konrad was taken aback at the out-of-field comment coming from her. Katja and Blau Strifen gagged at the show of affection. Blushing slightly, the man smiled and replied,

"You too, honey, now why don't we-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Ruby and Mitta immediately moved in on the pot of hay patties, taking all of them like a pack of hungry Timberwolves. Konrad and the children stared in awe at the mares devouring the fried hay patties, unable to comprehend the most well-mannered family acting out of character. Eat with their mouths open, pieces of fried hay plastered on the side of their faces with not a care in the world. Mitta growled like a hungry timberwolf feasting upon a fresh kill, while Ruby made chewing loud noises. The children were scared of the behavior coming from them, while Konrad was disgusted with his wife and mother-in-law.

Turning to her husband, Ruby smiled, showing not just her appreciation of Konrad's
cooking, but the bits of hay between her teeth as well.

"It's the best I've ever had! Dinner is delicious!"

Giving his wife a weak smile, Konrad replied,


"Good job, human boy; I didn't know you could cook so well."

Konrad glared at Mitta, offended that she referred to him as a boy in front of his children. Katja simply stared at her mother with her mouth open, unable to believe the mare that taught her how to act like a well-mannered lady could act like a slob. Blau Strifen, on the other hoof, simply stared at the now empty pot, sad that his favorite food was not gone. Unable to contain his feelings, Blau Strifen cried,

"Waaahaaahaaa! DAAD! Mommy and nana ate all the patties!"

Looking at the pot, Ruby realized not only her poor table manners but the fact that she had deprived her young colt of one of the most popular foods to ponykind.

"Oh no! I'm such a horrible mother!"

"I'm sorry! I was just...so hungry!"

After facepalming, Konrad got up and set his napkin on the table. Taking the empty pot, Konrad patted his son's head before saying,

"I'll make some more, son; just eat your vegetables and have some pasta in the meantime."

Blau Strifen's face visibly changed to disgust at the mere mention of pasta.

"Eww! It looks like worms!"

"Oh, don't be such a baby! Pasta is delicious!"

Slurping a noodle up, Katja beamed a smile while Blau Strifen continued to make a grossed-out face at his sister. The siblings continued to look at each other until Konrad snapped his fingers. Katja and Blau Strifen ceased and turned to their father, paying all their attention to him.

"Katja, eat with manners. No more slurping your pasta," said Konrad with authority.

Nodding her head, Katja returned to her plate and ate with the manners she was raised with. Blau Strifen snickered at his sister until Konrad pointed his finger at him.

"As for you, Blau Strifen, you WILL eat pasta or no hay patties!"

Gulping in fear, the colt nodded and helped himself to a decent serving of pasta. As the man walked into the kitchen, Ruby admired Konrad's authority and parenting skills in ensuring their children behaved.

"He's so wonderful! I'm so dreadful."

Realizing her face was dirty, Ruby embarrassedly wiped the mess and helped herself to some vegetables after her children. The rest of dinner went by quietly as Mitta and Ruby were too embarrassed and hungry to talk to Katja and Blau Strifen. Konrad eventually came back with fresh hay patties for their son, who gladly took them after finishing his serving of pasta. After eating their meal, the children took their dirty plates to the kitchen and helped clean the dishes. Ruby and Mitta were both impressed at the children's actions, happy that they had behaved well and did chores like Ruby was raised. After doing the dishes, their father sent the children to get ready for bed, giving Ruby a perfect chance to speak to him.

"Mom, I'm going to talk to Konrad. Can you watch my children and make sure they're getting ready for bed?"

Mitta squealed in excitement at the prospect of being in a motherly position.

"I get to watch over my grand foals! I finally get to be a grandmother! It feels so great to be alive again!"

Ruby giggled at her mother and watched as Mitta happily trotted down the hall, leaving Ruby with Konrad.

Sitting on the couch, Konrad sighed with his eyes closed in the exhaustion of the day's events as Ruby watched him peaking from the corner of the hallway. Ruby felt guilty for making the day stressful for him, regretting her actions in the town and at the dinner table. She vowed to make it up to him and find a way as she always had.

"He's done so much for me...saving me from the curse, ending my suffering, and giving me a chance to be happy, even in this new life. How do I repay him? By taking him from his home and having him fight my battles...NOT NOW! NOT AGAIN! I will make it up to him, and I will repay him...starting tonight."

A seductive smile came across her face as she slowly walked toward him, eager to repay him for his hard work. Konrad opened his eyes as Ruby moved onto the couch, sitting next to him.

"Hey...you okay?"

Konrad turned to Ruby and asked,

"Shouldn't that be my question? I still want to know what the hell happened today."

Turning away from her husband, embarrassed and uncertain what to say, Ruby closed her eyes. The memories of dying, suffering for years as a lost spirit in the forest alone, not knowing how her mother was doing, and being forced to replay her death again took quite a toll. It was even harder to explain to the man that had saved her, who had no clue what nightmare she had been through. Looking back at her husband, Ruby replied,

"Something...I...honey, it's tough to describe. I don't know how to say it!"

Frowning, Konrad shook his head and put his right hand on one of her hooves.

"Ruby, we've been together since you said yes to me long ago. Being married hasn't always been easy, but we've managed it so far, especially raising our kids. I think we can get through this too. You know I'm here for you always."

Running his right hand through her mane, a sense of safety and love was felt, giving Ruby the much-needed comfort. Looking straight at his eyes, Ruby smiled before kissing him once more.

"I'm never going to get tired of this."

Breaking the kiss, Ruby took a deep breath, trying her best to describe her pain and suffering in a manner that wouldn't make her seem like a mad mare. It was tough having to lie to her husband in a way, but she decided to opt for a slightly different way of telling her tale. For the next hour, Ruby told her husband that the last thing she remembered was waking up in the field with her mom from a terrible nightmare. She told him everything about the nightmare, from being murdered at 18 for her cutie mark by her friends to bringing him from the past of humanity to help her fight her undead enemies to his heroics of saving Apple Bloom and Princess Luna. Konrad didn't say a word as Ruby spoke, listening to his wife's story with undivided attention. His facial expression didn't change at all the entire time she told, which was very surprising and worrying to Ruby.

"What is he thinking? Please don't think I'm crazy, honey! This is so complicated to explain..."

After finishing her explanation by waking up in the field to their encounter with the rest of the town's ponies, Ruby awaited Konrad's response to the ordeal. She didn't wait long as her husband brought her into a hug. Ruby melted in his arms and felt completely safe from anything that could harm her. Feeling his lips kiss her neck, Ruby moaned at the sensual feeling Konrad gave her. Breaking their embrace, Konrad said,

"Well, Ruby, that's one hell of a nightmare you went through. I know I've had my fair share."

"You have?"

Rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous look, Konrad replied,

"Y-yeah...but anyway, that's a pretty big and detailed nightmare you've been through...very detailed...isn't that right, Mitta?"

A gasp could be heard from around the corner before an embarrassed Mitta walked into the living room. Standing before her son-in-law, Mitta bowed her head in shame as she remembered hitting him earlier.

"Konrad, I'm sorry for earlier; I just-"

"Stop.", interrupted Konrad. "I have a good idea why you did it, based on what Ruby told me. But you already heard the whole story while she told me, not to mention dreaming it yourself, no doubt."

Mitta was at a loss for words, unable to understand how Konrad knew she was there eavesdropping.

"How did you-"

"Know you were there? Well, I WAS in the military back when humanity existed, and having two sneaky kids trying to get cookies up at night gives me practice using my sixth sense."

Ruby giggled at the thought of her foals trying to sneak cookies at night as she did the same thing when she was young. Her mother had stopped that every time she tried, and now history was repeating itself with Konrad in place of her mother.

"Plus, it's something you have as well, consider you'll beat me to stopping their midnight raids."

"Oh my gosh! It's happening again! Just like when I was a filly!"

Smiling at her husband's statement, Ruby held a giggle back while her mother smirked.

"Okay, I understand," replied Mitta. "But I'm still sorry I did that, especially in front of children."

Waving his hand in dismissal, Konrad smiled before saying,

"Well, what can I say? When you have tough love as your special talent, you'll do anything to protect your loved ones, especially after that nightmare. Let's put it past us, okay? I think you two have had enough for the day."

Both mares replied, "Mmmhmm," before Ruby asked,

"Wait! Honey, how did you arrive in Equestria? And you said back when humanity existed? Where did they go? How did we have our children?"

"And you said my special talent is tough love? What do you mean?"

Konrad's eyes went wide in shock hearing Ruby and Mitta's questions. Looking back in forth between them in worry, Konrad asked,

"First, how do you not know your special talent? It's tough, loves Mitta, what it always has been for years!"

As Konrad pointed her flanks, Both mares turned their heads and saw a cutie mark. Both had failed to notice the cutie mark of a shield with a heart emblazoned in the middle. Seeing the cutie mark made complete sense for both mares, especially Mitta. For years as a single mother raising a filly alone, Mitta had to be stern and protective of her only foal. Never before did she expect that to be her talent until now. Both mares turned their attention back to Konrad as she asked,

"And Ruby? Do you remember how we met? And I mean really met?"

Thinking real hard, the only thing that she could remember was meeting him in the forest and watching him shoot his weapons. It was the first time she had seen him, and considering the new reality she and her mother were in, it was most likely the wrong answer.

"I...don't remember," answered Ruby.

"What about our wedding day? Or when our kids were born? Do you remember any of that?"

Ruby couldn't answer her husband's question as she frowned and looked at the ground in sadness. Konrad facepalmed before turning his mother-in-law.

"Please tell me you remember something."

Mitta shook her head, causing the man to double facepalm. Taking a deep breath, Konrad pulled his hands away from his face and said,

"We've got a REALLY bad problem here. We need to find out why something happened to both of you out there. Tomorrow, I'm coming with both of you out to the fields. Katja and Blau Strifen will be at school tomorrow, giving us more flexibility to look around. We'll try and find any clue of what's messed with your memories. Hopefully, it's not that damn Poison Joke plant."

Ruby remembered the plant quite well; Konrad had used it to interfere with the town's "protection ."If it could do something like that to them, then it could have been the cause of her memory loss.

"If that's the case, have I been living a nightmare for years? It was all so real to me..."

"For now, I think it's best we just sleep. We'll deal with this tomorrow."

Both mares nodded as the man got up and headed down the hall, with Ruby and Mitta following him. Neither of them could believe how bigger the cabin was, as it used to be just one large room with two beds with a connected outhouse. Halfway down the hallway, Konrad stopped as Ruby asked,

"Honey, why is my old home bigger? It never had a hallway or other bedrooms."

Turning around, the man looked at his wife before shaking his head and answering,

"Another thing you don't remember...great."

Frowning, Ruby was about to apologize before Konrad beat her to it.

"I'm sorry, honey, I'm just worried about both of you. After we got married, all three of us, with the help of your friends, expanded the house. It took us about four months, but we did it."

"Where's your truck? Do you still have it? And where are your weapons?" asked Ruby.

"Yes, are they safe away from the children?" asked Mitta.

"Guns are safe, in a spot where they can't find them. And the truck? Eh...we still have it, but we can't use it as much as we used to."

"Why is that?" asked Ruby.

"Not having an auto store/repair shop makes it difficult."

"Aww, I wanted to ride it."

"Me too," added Mitta.

"We'll look into that later; let's get some sleep. Come on, honey, let's go."

Just as Ruby and Konrad were about to walk into their bedroom, Mitta said,

"Excuse me, boy, where do you think you're taking my daughter?"

The man turned around, giving her another look of "WTF?!" before saying,

"Mitta, you may have forgotten this, but I'm MARRIED to your daughter. I've been sleeping with her for years. You may have made sure we didn't do anything while dating, but those years are long gone. You're going to have to get used to it again."

Mitta was shocked at Konrad's statement but couldn't refute a single word. It was true; he was indeed married to her daughter and, from looks of it, was a good husband and father. Had he picked her in the other life, Mitta had no doubt he would have been just as good there as he was here.

"C'mon, mom! You approved of him before we woke up here...if that was a dream."

"I...you're right, Konrad, I'm sorry...which one is my room?"

Pointing the finger at a door between two other rooms, Konrad answered,

"It's that one; Blau Strifen's door is on your right, and Katja's is on the left. Hopefully, they won't wake up and cause any mischief, but I'm sure you'll stop them if they do."

Giving Konrad a smile that sent shivers down his back, Mitta replied,

"Oh, I will, alright. Nana will put a stop to it."

As Konrad gave his mother-in-law a nervous look, Ruby's face hoofed in embarrassment. As Mitta walked into her room, the older mare added before closing the door,

"Try not to wake them up as well; the sounds of flanky spanky isn't something they nor I want to hear."

Ruby glared at her mother with her face beet red, who chuckled at her daughter's embarrassment. As the door closed, she turned her head away from her husband, fearing him seeing her face that was no doubt reddened beyond belief.

"Wow...even with her memory scrambled, she still knows how to tease like there's no time tomorrow."

"You have no idea, honey."

The man chuckled as he ran a hand through her mane, putting her at ease.

"We've been married for a long time, Ruby, and she lives with us. I know VERY well indeed."

Suddenly, Ruby's heart began to beat as she turned her head towards Konrad, making complete eye contact with him.

"We're married."

Konrad smiled at her, replying,

"Uh, yeah. We are."

"We're married...and finally alone together. I've been waiting for this, and now I can share myself with him...again I suppose, but it will be like it's the first time!"

"And it's just us now, honey."

The man failed to understand what his wife was getting at until she walked past him, brushing her tail against his waist. The man grinned as the realization of her true intentions hit him like a ton of bricks and immediately followed Ruby into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. While the events of today were tiring, she was glad to at least finally be alone with the man of her heart, free to do what any married couple could do in bed.

"This is going to be SOO great! I better get him in the mood."

Jumping on the bed eager, Ruby laid her front body down and propped her plot upwards, seductively swaying it back and forth. Konrad, in return, began taking his clothes off, revealing his bare chest as he advanced toward her.

"Honey, I'm sorry for causing trouble today, especially on our anniversary. You've done so much for me today; I think I should reward you."

Lifting her tail, Ruby gave her husband a wink before saying,

"Come and get it, honey."

"I feel so dirty, but dang it! I'm married, and I'm going to have him!"

A thrilled Konrad began to take his pants off quickly, and just as he got down to his boxers, something unexpected happened. The same pain began to take over as the image of the dark void was now around her again. Her other incarnation suddenly appeared with a vengeance, bucking her straight in the face. Ruby found herself lying on the ground as the other Ruby yelled,

"Stay away from my family imposter!"

"W-wait! Don't-"

Before she could finish, the other Ruby disappeared without a trace, leaving her alone in the dark void. Neither Konrad, Mitta, nor her children could be found anywhere, making the mare scared beyond belief.

"Who was that?! She looked like me! Where am I? Konrad! Mom! My babies!"

With nothing to do, and fear taking over, Ruby curled herself into a ball, crying nonstop. She was now just as she was when she was a ghost, all alone.

"Ruby? RUBY! Are you okay?"

The man feared for his wife's safety as she collapsed on the bed and began to convulse uncontrollably. But as soon as it came, it quickly disappeared as Ruby shook her head and smiled at her husband.

"Oh, honey! You won't believe the crazy dream I had! It was like this other me took over, and it was soo scary!"


"But I'm glad it's all over! And...you're in your boxers?"

Frowning, the man replied,

"Yes...I thought that we were going to...you know...make love? It is our anniversary, after all."

Ruby giggled at her husband's statement, making him feel like an idiot.

"Oh, honey! I know it's our anniversary, but I'm not in the mood right now. Let's just cuddle and get some sleep. I promise we'll have fun tomorrow."

Looking down in disappointment, Konrad replied glumly,


"Damn flip floppy mare...can't live with her, can't live without her."

"Oh, don't be that way! I promise, honey! Just cuddle with me; I need it."

Sighing in defeat, Konrad got under the covers with his wife and cuddled with her, not sure which side of his wife he wished for.

"It's like she's another pony now; I think I miss the horny version of my wife. She acted like she's never been with me before. Oh well, fuck it. Got to figure this whole thing out tomorrow. Could she be from...gah! I'll think about this tomorrow."

The man kissed his wife on the neck, with his arms wrapped around her. This elicited a moan of happiness from Ruby as she whispered,

"Goodnight, honey. I love you."

"You too, Ruby."

"Fucking Story of the Blanks! Stopped me from getting some."

Both of them closed their eyes and slowly fell asleep, letting the day pass, unaware that another lost soul was suffering alone, just waiting to find a home of her own.

Watching everything was painful for the volunteer angel and father of Ruby. The stallion could not help his daughter as she suffered alone in limbo when the original soul of this dimension retook control. As much as he wanted to go down and comfort her, he couldn't as any interference could complicate the souls from merging. His former wife also suffered the same issue, and he could not help, watching helplessly as Mitta shouted and screamed in the dark void the moment the other soul took over. Burying his face with his hooves, the stallion was on the verge of crying, wondering if he even made the right decision taking the risk of bringing them here in the first place.

"Hey, you alright?" asked Konrad's angel.

"No, I'm not, my wife and daughter are down there in pain, and the original souls are resisting the merge fiercely. I'm starting to think it was just better to let them go to heaven."

Looking at the soul of Ruby and Mitta below, the angel of Konrad facepalmed before turning back to the stallion.

"Well, I can't blame you; you're just trying to ensure your assignments are happy."

"Family. Not assignments."

"Sorry." said the angel holding his arms up defensively. "Anyway, you might not be able to interfere with their souls directly, but...you can make it easy another way."

The stallion's ears perked up and turned back to the angel, asking,

"What can I do?"

"Pay attention because you'll have to be subtle about it."

The stallion listened intently to the angel's advice, smiling as he heard more and more details. He might not be able to speed it along, but there was undoubtedly a way he could help make things easy for them. There was a silver lining to this situation, and he had finally found it.

"At least I didn't have to watch my daughter have sex, thought would have been painfully awkward to see."

However, the struggle for his daughter and wife was far from over.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, guys! I hope this helps make it up for the delays. I just got back from my deployment, and this was the first thing I decided to update since it was the most outdated. I promise I'll do Aftermath next and redo come Battle of the Blanks chapters. Comment, please! Let me know your thoughts!