• Published 5th Jun 2014
  • 14,207 Views, 508 Comments

A shell, a spell, and...wait, what the..?? - MrWriterWriter

An impatient and lonely Celestia + a dragon's egg =

  • ...

Mini-Chapter: Kids...


Spike sighed. He knew his mom had meant well.

"...bratty little...!"

She'd had some of the nobles bring their kids when she held court so he'd have someone to talk to. It was mostly about a dozen other foals, between six and nine.


It didn't look like it'd be too bad; at least till one of them said her mom thought Spike was an abom-something, whatever that meant. And that she agreed after looking at him, sniffing really loud when she did.

"...you nobody...!"

He didn't know what it meant, but an older filly must have because she got in the first one's face and responded with something about manners.

"...self-centered runt...!"

That set the first one off and they began trading insults.

"They're STILL at it?" One of the other colts asked, sitting down beside him.

"Yep." he said, "I think one resorted to 'poo-poo face'."

"Really? That...that's not even clever."

"...pretentious princess wannabe!"

Spike looked up, "I don't know that word either, but it sounded creative."

"Kinda hurtful, too." the other agreed.

"You take that back!" the younger filly snapped.

Both colts responded in unison, looking at the older one, "She won."

Author's Note:

Try and tell me you've never seen little kids throw insults back and forth for a while.