• Published 29th May 2014
  • 1,246 Views, 24 Comments

The bride of sparkle - the frank

Rainbow Dash is dead. Her marefriend Twilight is devastated. She doesn't accept Rainbows death and turns to science for comfort. Mad science.

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6. Just a nice little chat!


"Pinkie...please...let me go. She needs me!"

Twilight had been begging Pinkie to let her out of the golden oaks library for more than an hour, but the Pink earthpony had no mercy for her.

"YOU'RE NOT going anywhere. And you don't have the right to call me Pinkie. The name for you is Pinkamena Diane Pie. Miss Pie for you...miss Sparkle...if I have to be polite. I can't believe you to do such a monstrous thing. It's just...just...I don't know..."

Pinkie went back into silence. Her hair was straight again. Yep, this was Pinkamena alright. Twilight couldn't think of anything to do, and she became desperate. The only thing that was on her mind at the moment was to help Dashie. Ok, She was strong...but an angry Applejack was a tough opponent. And then there was the townsponies...they might see her... and without Twilight there to explain.... She needed to get out. She closed her eyes. It might have looked like she was in dispair, but in reality, she was thinking.

There is a chair in the hallway...If I can get Pinkie to put all her concentration on me... but no, this is PINKIE...she will see through a lame gambit...

but on the other hand...This is Pinkamena...she MIGHT be easier... Worth a try at least

Twilight started to sctrach herself. This was not anything particulary suspicious, but Pinkamena took no chances apparantly, and she immidiately started to stare her down. This was the chance! Twilight levitated a chair from the hallway behind Pinkamenas back, still scratching her back.. Pinkamena was staring at her and it was a tough task not to look like there was something suspiciuos behind her... But Twilight had trained enough to levitate objects without looking at them.

Just a bit more...Don't move..don't move...THERE!

And so, she knocked Pinkamena to the floor. But she also needed to take care of Spike. Or, to make sure he didn't snitch on her. They had a stash of sedative at hand in the basement, just in case, and now she went for that. She took a syringe needle as well and went into spikes room. The dragon was still sleeping, in spite of the commotion. How that was at all possible she couldn't say, but she proceeded with her plan. She gave Spike the sedative. Now, he would sleep for the rest of the day. Hopefully. And she could make her escape. And save her creature from Applejack. Or the other way around. The latter was the more probable.

She sneaked out of the library. The whole town was awake apparently. Twilight decided to stay out of the open, but it was not hard for her to hear the shoutings. She heard everything.

"We must track down that monster!"

""We must find the one responsible"

"We just found Zecora...Dead! The moster took her!"

"Who can it be, that is responsible for this?"

"Applejack murmured something about Twilight Sparkle!"

"If Twilight Sparkle is responsible for this, we must get her! NOW!"

Twilights brains first thought after those rants (and those printed above was only a handful of them) was that there was no logic between "maybe Twilights responsible " and "lets go get her" but she pretty soon realised that this was an angry mob...there were no thinking... just a thirst for revenge. Alomst like a stampede...

Oh my celestia...Applejack...what did she do to her?... and Zecora...dead? No...NO... NOOO!!!

...They hate me...they will find me... They will fiond Dashie... NOOOO!

She suddenly felt apathetical. Nothing else. She fell into a heap on the ground.


The creature approached the castle. The memories of its new existence were blending with old ones and it was all just very confusing. What was she? Who was she? Who was Mommy? was she Twilight Sparkle? She had remenessing about that name. She felt that name to be important. And during the fight with the pony with the hat, some other things had surfaced. She had remembered the face, and in the end she felt like she finally was winning something. And yet, she also knew there was a deeper connection between them as well. Well, one thing was for sure.

She did NOT like this state of mind.

The creature walked over the bridge to the castle. Now, since she was practically newborn the first time she was here, she had no real idea where to go. The castle was big, and it was mostly a ruin which made it even harder to navigate through. But she took her time, and eventually she found the right door. The labaoratory smelled like it hadn't been cleaned for half a century, but she stepped in nevertheless. This was the first place the creature remembered. This was the place where she would find the answers. No matter how much mom...TWILIGHT said she loved her, she didn't really trust her telling the truth when asked anymore. Suddenly, a new wave of memorys came upon her. She fell on her hooves, backwards to the floor, while the tides of time floated over her. It was a bit blurry, but...there was names. Shouting.

Rainbow, wait! Don't do it!

I have to, I need to...there is nopony else.

Be careful! I love you, please make sure you come back.

The voice. That was Twilight sparkle. And then there was...foals? Foals. And a falling rock. And then... this other, strange memory. It couldn't really describe it, other than that it was beautiful. Then it remembered pain...and sudden lights... and the face of mom...Twilight. Mommys face looked like Twilight. Alright, mommy was Twilight. And she loved Twilight Sparkle. And Twilight Sparkle loved her. That was good then?

On a table lay a book. "How I did it". The creature glanced through it. This was a really strange book. Something about...bringing dead things to life?

Yuck! Who reads this stuff?

Then her eyes fell on a pile of paper that were spread all over the same table. The creature hadn't even started to read the text when she recognized the handwriting. This was a document written by somepony the creature knew well. This was Twilights handwriting.

After glancing through, she noticed that the papers were numbered and that there was an actual cover page. She arranged the pages in order and looked at the cover.

Project New Rainbow.

A study in the possibility of reanimating lifeless matter and turn a dead mind back in consciousness.

The creature had a really bad feeling about this, but she sat down, and started to read.


Twilight Sparkle awoke in the same position she fainted in. Apparently noone found her. But the commotion was still att full throttle. Now they seemed to aim all their anger at her... Twilight needed to step back and think, easier said than done.. What had really happened? Pound was hurt, Applejack was beaten to a pulp and Zecora was...dead? And who got the blame? she did. All because of her... all because of her...creature? That couldn't be! That just couldn't be! She had been acting out of love! And nothing bad comes out of love! She got angry all of a sudden.


Seconds later, she had teleported her way out of ponyville. If Spike had been here, he probably would have said something about it being bad giving away your position to an angry mob by screaming at them but what did he know anyway? Luckily it would take the townsponys some time to wake Spike to make him tell where she had gone.

Though, some part of her mind told her that this wasn't right. She should not treat ponys like this. She shouldn't leave her friends bleeding in the towns square, or beting them with a chair. But that part was very soon gagged and put in a cell back in her cortex. She hadn't done ANYTHING wrong! THEY were wrong! And she was going to show them just HOW wrong! And her poor Dashie...Where could she be?

The castle. That was the only solution. She had trained her herself. After Zecora, there was now way she had stayed in the everfree. And so Twilight ran for the castle.


She opened the door to the laboratory. The creature sat at the table head in her hooves. She did not raise her head when Twilight entered. She just stared blankly straight forward.


No response. Twilight walked up to her, and now, the creature did look at her.

"Dashie, what..."

"Why, Twilight? Why?"


"Why did you do this to me?"

"Do what?"

The creature stared at Twilight for some seconds, then it took a piece of paper and started to read.

" 'The left hindleg was to badly decomposed to be reanimated. I made a visit last night to the morgue, and after two hours I found a earthpony with almost the same color and height. From the same body I took some part of the intestinal system that also needed replacement.' Oh, but wait, this is getting better. 'Since the right wing is to badly damaged to recover, I will haveto track down a pegasi with almost the same height. Since it is of most importance for the wing to be fresh, I will need the donor to be alive at the moment of donation."

The creature put down the paper, and looked at Twilight.

"What have you done to me? This is not my body. I do not want any other body than mine!"

"Dash...this is your body..."

"It is not! My fur was blue! My mane and tail were rainbowcolored! My eyes were red! I had the cutie mark of a cloud with a rainbow bolt. I was the fastest flyer in Equestria! I was the Dash! Popular! Lucky! Free! ...happy. I was not...like this... "

The creature paused, a very pregnant pause.

"NOT...like this"

"You...you can talk? You remember?"

"THAT IS NOT IMPORTANT! Do you realize what you have made me into? I am a creature that no pony can love! You know what I did? YOU KNOW WHAT I DID? I almost killed a foal beacause it was TO LOUD AND HIS WINGS DIDN'T COME OFF! and just because I was shaped this way, My BEST FRIEND wanted to KILL me, and I WANTED TO KILL HER!! I almost did...Do you realize how much that hurts? And...the one pony who saw beyond that...the one who gave me back my memorys...I killed her...with my own hooves...because it was to painful..."

"Dashie...I love..."

"YOU DON'T LOVE ME! You loved the feeling, you loved to be loved by me. You were more in love with love than with me! If you really HAD loved me, you wouldn't done THIS to me!"

The creature rose from the chair, and walked towards Twilight. For every step, she deliberately showed every scar on her body. She overdid the limp slightly, and she precipitated her odd pair of wings

"I was only a freaking experiment to you! Just a fun little thing so you could have something to play with! Did you ever ask yourself if I WANTED to come back like this? I DON'T! I DON'T! I don't want to live like this! The pain...Do you understand the pain I feel every second? To know that I can never be one of you...to remember something that was me, but never again will be me?"

Twilight stayed silent, tears beginning to fill her eyes.

"Do you realize how it feels to remember how it was to be among friends, then wake up, understanding that those friends will never come back! Never look at you like they did before? Never treat you as an equal again? They called me a monster. They can not see how I could be anything else!..."

The creature was silent once more. She continued to look at twilight.

"Not that I don't agree with them. I AM a monster! And YOU were the one who turned me into a monster! I hate you! No... I don't hate you! I despice you! I Loathe you! I hope you end up in tartarus for this...you freak!"

Twilight was still crying, she wasn't even looking at the creature. So, she went over to Twilight, took her face in her hooves and looked her in the eyes. Twilight turned away her eyes. She knew what was coming, she waited for the blow. Which never came.

"You think I'm going to hurt you? Kill you? Make you pay? Treat you the way I treated Applejack, cause that's the only thing you deserve? No. Oh no, that is to easy for you!"

The creature pulled Twilights face closer to her own. It was almost like she was going to kiss her, but she didn't of cource. She resumed her speaking, but now in a low voice, dripping with hate and bitterness.

" This is my punishment for you! You shall never leave my side! You will stay with me as an outcast, as a pony non grata and you will see me everyday as a rememberance of what you've done. Everywhere we go, they all shall now what you did! And the only one who will talk to you is me...to spend your whole existence with the creature who hates you most of them all!"

She let go of Twilights face, and turned away from her. She couldn't bare to look at her maker again. The creature walked out from the laboratory. She had no intentions of mercy, she just had decided that the pain would sink in a bit more if Twilight were allowed to be alone for a while. But partly, she also felt the pain herself. Every word she had said was true. Her life was pain. Endless, unbearable pain. And the worst pain was tha fact that she actually had hopes that it would have worked. Because down in her heart she still loved Twilight. But that love could never be. And that was the biggest reason for her to hate Twilight. For making her never be able to love her again. She went for her saddlebags. She had prepared thier egress even before Twilight arrived, because she knew there was no toher way out of this than to leave ponyville and Equestria for ever.

When she returned to the laboratory, Twilight was still laying on the floor, but now on a heap of dry hay that by some reason was placed in a corner.

"So...Twilight Sparkle. Are you ready?"


"Hmm? No begging for mercy? No speach about how 'this was all I could do' or 'It was for love'? Hmm? No attempt to persuade me?"

"No...No...I can't. I won't...please...I want to...stay with you."


"I am...also a monster. They think so...they all think so...They want to get us both...they don't understand...They hate me as much as they ...hate you...I think..."

The creature couldnt believe her ears. For a moment, she was wondering if that was a part that had been replaced as well. Twilight looked at her with tearful eyes. It was pathetic and meek, but still.

"Dashie...What you just said...That's everything I want. Thats all I want. I don't care if nopony loves me, I don't care if they all hate me. I don't care if you hate me...just don't ever leave me. I can't live without you. Even if you deny me your love and only give me your hate...I will live with that, I will take the pain... But please don't leave me. Ever again."

That moment, the creature did realize the depth in Twilights feelings. Alright, it was a very twisted love... but it was love. And she loved HER. The creature wasn't really sure how she felt about this, but, by pure instinct you might say, she walked up to Twilight and put her wings around her. And for a moment, there was just silence and comfort. One of those moments you wish would last forever.

Then there was an explosion. And a Voice. A big voice.

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE! With all the authority that has been given to me by the people of Equestria, I demand you to come out here and face your crimes!"

Celestia. Oh Celestia.

Author's Note:

“I, even I, am he who blots out
your transgressions, for my own sake,
and remembers your sins no more."
Isaiah 43:25
