• Published 26th May 2014
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Big Sis Scootaloo - Never2muchpinkie

Scootaloo's all grown up. Having completed her journey she takes some time just to be part of her adoptive family and watch her little sister grow.

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Chapter 22: Life without Scootieloo

Scootieloo is gone. Scootieloo… is gone! Waking up, that’s the first thing that comes to mind. She’s gone and I don’t know when she’s going to come back. I have to force myself out of bed. I barely slept last night. I felt so sad and lonely that I went to sleep in my parents room. I fell asleep crying in my mom’s hooves.

I had encouraged her to go. I had told her to leave. I wanted her to be happy. I wanted to see her achieve her dream. I did it for her. But now I miss her so bad it hurts! I can’t believe she’s not here.

I grabbed my saddlebag as I walked downstairs to the kitchen, seeing my parents eating breakfast.

I sat down at the table. Before I can even get a word out I began sobbing as I place my head in my hooves. This ache in my heart is unbearable. I want her back! I want her back NOW!

Dad walked over to me and put me on his lap, holding me to him. I held onto him tightly, my emotions bursting forth with all of my pain. I couldn’t even hold any of it back. My body shook and I gasped in what little oxygen I could between sobs.

I don’t know how long it went on but eventually my emotions burned themselves out. My head hurt from the intensity of my crying fit.

“Rose… it’ll be okay,” said Mom as she rubbed her hoof through my mane. “You just have to take things one day at a time. I know you didn’t want her to leave but she’ll become a better mare for it. She’ll grow exponentially and become the pony she was always meant to be. And as her sister you’ll follow in her hoofsteps and become great like her. Isn’t that an exciting thought?

"Maybe one day you’ll be a Blazing Wheel too. The best one there ever was. But if you just spend all your time being sad you know Scootaloo isn’t going to be happy about it. She wants you to be happy. You want her to be happy. That’s why you encouraged her to leave. So don’t become overwhelmed. I know how deep your bond was with your sister, but you’re not alone. Me and your father, Rainbow Dash, and your three friends will all be there to support you during this time. You just have to let us.”

I looked up at Mom and Dad, and I started feeling a little guilty. “I… I’m sorry. I don’t mean to make it seem like I don’t love you guys too.”

“I know, Rose,” said Dad, rubbing my back as Mom continued rubbing my mane.

I closed my eyes as I rested against his chest. For the longest time Scootieloo had always been the priority. I would go to her when I was happy, when I was sad, when I was mad… you name it. I shared everything with her, only going to our parents when she wasn’t around. It wasn’t that I didn’t care about them, or that I didn’t trust them or anything. I just felt the most comfortable with Scootieloo. I guess I was just going to have to learn how to rely on them again while she was away.

After about ten minutes my emotions had settled enough that I felt almost normal. I wished I could have just stayed in their embrace and enjoyed their love for a while longer, but I had to get to school.

I was going to get my scooter, but… I didn’t think I wanted to ride it today. It would just remind me too much of Scootieloo. So, for the very first time, I flew there. After the usual warm-up exercises I took to the air and zoomed off towards school.

School didn’t go so well. In the safety of my parents comforting hold and loving caresses, Scootieloo not being there felt easy to take. Without them, the world felt so cold and empty. Even my friends couldn’t shake me out of it.

I felt irritated. I couldn’t focus on my work. I wanted to start crying again, but not in front of everyone. I snapped at a few ponies for bothering me. Worst of all, about halfway through the school day Honey Drop tried to be supportive of me. I had just been passively listening, but when she brought up Scootieloo’s name I lost it. I yelled at her to shut up and flipped my desk over before getting up and kicking hers over too.

When Miss Cheerilee went to scold me for it I yelled at her too that I didn’t want to hear it and I just went into a corner to shut her up.

I was dimly aware of her calling an early recess. She came over to me and put a hoof on my shoulder. “What’s going on, Rose Blossom?” she asked with concern. “This isn’t like you. You’ve never done anything like that before.”

I threw her hoof off me and walked further into the corner. “I’m punishing myself! Do you mind?”

I heard the sound of more hoofsteps approaching, and I heard Sun Glimmer say, “Miss Cheerilee, Rose Blossom is sad because her sister isn’t here anymore.”

I heard a gasp, and she responded, “She died?”

“No!” I said loudly, spinning around. “What are you, STUPID? Does 'NOT HERE' automatically mean DEAD? DON’T SAY THAT! DON’T EVER SAY THAT! Scootieloo can’t die! She can’t! I’d never forgive her for that.”

Rock Climber spoke up next. “Scootaloo was given an offer to join a scootering group outside of town. At first she turned it down because she didn’t want Rose to… well, to act like this.”

“So why did she leave if she knew the effect it would have on her sister?” asked Cheerilee.

“Rose Blossom was the one who told her to leave. She wanted Scootaloo to be happy, and she clearly wasn’t with her first choice. I… I think it’s a lot harder on her because of that.”

Rock Climber was right. I was kicking myself for telling her to go. My anger began fading away as I fell sobbing onto my teacher, my second time today. How was I going to handle this for months or even years if I couldn’t even make it past the first day without being a crying wreck? This was hopeless! It was impossible!

Just like with my parents she held me securely to her, rubbing my back as my emotions overflowed. All my friends came over and hugged me too Even Honey Drop came, and after I had just been so nasty to her.

Just like before, with time and caring friends, my emotions burned themselves out and I began calming down. I pulled myself from Miss Cheerilee’s grip and I said, “Thank you… all of you. I’m sorry.” I let out a sniff as a few more tears came down my face, “Sorry for being such a jerk. I just didn’t think it was going to be this hard! I’m sorry I yelled at you, Honey Drop.”

She walked over and gave me a big hug. “It’s okay, Rose. I forgive you.”

It was my second breakdown today, but I didn’t know if it was going to be my last. It felt like all I was doing was just holding back the inevitable. I could try not to let it bother me, but I knew it would soon enough.

I spent the rest of the recess period being fawned over by my friends and teacher, and even asked to spend some more time in her lap. I felt a little embarrassed to ask though. I had been getting so uncomfortable being held and babied. I wanted to be seen as more than just a little kid. I wanted the same kind of respect and admiration Scootieloo had. I’m already two years older than she was when she saved my life, but I haven’t done anything remotely impressive besides train.

I managed to make it through the rest of the school day with no more problems. Rock Climber asked me if I was going to be there for training that day. I told him I didn’t want to go. It would just remind me more that Scootieloo wasn’t around.

When I got home Dad was at work, but Mom was home. She was sitting down writing something. It was a little rude but I didn’t say a word as I pushed her backwards and hopped into her lap, hugging her as I let out a big sigh.

She didn’t sound bothered as she said, “Rough day?”

“Rough? It was terrible. In a few more days, at least, I won’t have to worry about school anymore until after summer. But that just means all my days are going to be empty. I don’t know if I’m going to last until Scootieloo comes home. I appreciate your help, and my friends are helpful too, but my life just seems so incomplete without my big sis. I think you could help hold my heart together.”

“Well, thank you, Rosie. Oh, I forgot. You’re just Rose now, right?”

I shook my head. “No,” I responded, feeling irritated again. “A big girl wouldn’t be this weak and pathetic. I deserve to be called Rosie.”

“Don’t say that!” she said sternly. “You’re not weak OR pathetic. Missing someone who’s not around is a perfectly normal response, especially for ponies as close as you two were. Scootaloo was around your age when her grandmare died. She was affected by it so hard she went into a coma to keep from snapping, and afterword required all of us to help her cope until she could accept her loss. So, after talking so much about how you want to be just like your sister, and how brave and tough and strong she is, are you trying to say that she's weak and pathetic?”

I let out a huff. “That’s not the same! Her grandmare didn’t just go on vacation. She died. Scootieloo knew she wasn’t coming back no longer how long she waited. I know Scootieloo will come back.”

“It’s not as different as you think, Rose. Keep your chin up. You’re stronger than you know. If you heard Scootaloo’s life story then you know how little faith she had in herself when she was younger. She thought she had no value and she could never match up to Rainbow Dash. But… she did. She surpassed every one of her expectations and came out triumphant. You’ll do it too.”

“I do feel better, just sitting on your lap and being close to you.” I closed my eyes and gently nuzzled her. “You always smell like freshly picked flowers and love.”

My head bobbed a little with her movements as she laughed. “So what does love smell like?”

I was stymied for a few seconds before I responded, “You!” My quick joy faded. “I really do feel good sitting here with you, but I can’t spend every minute of every day sitting with you, even if I wanted to.”

“That’s true. But we can spend what time we can together, hmm?” She put her hooves around me and held me to her. She began singing a song to me as she rubbed my back.

It took me back, back to my young, young days, where I was only a toddler. I couldn’t remember it clearly. It was more a vague memory that made me feel calm and that the world was right. I very nearly fell asleep as she sang several lullabies to me. I felt peace in my heart. It was a lovely time.

It lasted me the rest of the day, but unfortunately it didn’t last. A few days after school let out for summer I got a visit from Rainbow Dash. She asked me to come out with her. I wasn’t really in the mood but I went with her anyway. She flew up into the sky and I followed along with her.

“So what’s going on, Rose Blossom?” she started. “You’ve been shirking your training. I don’t appreciate that.”

“I’m just not ready yet!” I responded, getting defensive. “Riding my scooter and going to training both remind me of Scootieloo. It keeps hurting so much.”

She let out a laugh. “You’re still such a kid. Maybe I’ll start calling you Rose Baby from now on! Hey, that has a nice ring to it. Rose Baby, Rose Baby, Rose Baby!”

My emotions instantly switched from sadness to anger. “You shut your mouth!” I screamed. I flew hard into her, trying to hurt her. How DARE she talk about what she knew nothing about! She had no idea of the hurt I was going through!

“That’s better!” said Rainbow Dash. “Just like with Scootaloo I know that anger is more useful than despair. At least when you’re angry you’re full of life and energy.”

Some of my fury disappeared, one eyebrow going up. “Always with the tricks with you.”

“Of course.” She smirked. “I always want the best for my sisters. Tell me. Scootaloo has gone away to train and follow her dream. YOU pushed her to do it because you knew it was the right thing to do. NOTHING you do now is going to change that. So pretty much you have only two choices now: You can sit and mope and whine and cry and let your skills get rusty and let all your training go to waste, or you can rise above these feelings and do what needs to be done.”

“And what 'needs to be done?' ” I asked in a sarcastic voice.

“Why, you need to move forward and beat Scootaloo. I gave Scootaloo the same speech when she was your age. I’m harsh on you because I respect you and know you can take it. I know this isn’t enough to break you. You can copy Scootaloo in everything she does, but you will NEVER be her. The only thing you can ever hope to be is a carbon copy phony. It’s time to cut the apron strings and grow up, Rose. You’re not a baby anymore. You’re growing up.

“If there is one thing I can recommend you do copy from Scootaloo it’s what she did after losing her grandmare. She turned her despair into inspiration. She took her grief and pain and all the negative things and got rid of them by throwing her whole heart and soul into an activity. Namely, scooter practice.

“If you stop here just because Scootaloo isn’t going to be here to hold your hoof every step of the way then you’re a loser and not worth my time. In fact, even if Scootaloo came back right this very minute you’d still be a great big loser because all you’d do is go right back to relying on her for everything. You talk a big game of being mature and grown-up, but all I see before me now is a baby and a coward.”

I let out a growl. Her comments got under my skin so much I wanted to hit her! But I knew that’s what she wanted, so I wasn’t going to give in to her.

With a big smirk she continued, “Something wrong, Rose? You don’t like hearing a great big helping of the truth, do you? So what is it you’re gonna do? You can go back home now and go back to being a crybaby brat, or… you can prove me wrong. You can grow and excel and reach an even higher place than Scootaloo. You really going to tell me you’re going to be satisfied just letting me insult you and belittle you and mock you, and you’re not going to do a thing about it but prove me right? Huh… Rose Baby.”

I felt like I couldn’t get enough oxygen in my system. My breathing was short and shallow and my head was pounding. I turned to her and said in a growl, “YOU’RE ON! I’m going to demolish you and everything you stand for! I’ll be great! Greater than anyone else! Even Scootieloo won’t be able to beat me by the time I’m done. I’ll become so great that other ponies will say, 'The Wonderbolts? The Blazing Wheels? What’s that?' So you can shut your mouth, Rainbow Dash! Because I’m not a baby! And I’m not going to take your smart-mouthing!”

“Good! That’s what I want to hear. I’ll expect you at the park soon.” She took off ahead.

I turned around, pushing myself to my limit as I headed back home. I was furious. Furious in a kinda good way. I slammed the door open of my home, racing to my room and getting on my scooter, then zooming off to the park. I’d show her! I wouldn’t ever give in to her! No matter how hard it gets I’ll keep pushing ahead and I’ll become better than everyone else that came before me! I owed it to Scootieloo. She was surely doing her best to become great where she was, so I had to train even harder than she ever did!

When I arrived at the park I saw Rainbow Dash waiting for me. “So what’s first, OH SO GREAT RAINBOW TEACHER?”

She let out a laugh. “Well, besides training I think there’s something else we have to work on.”

“And what’s that?”

“Well, kid. You seem a little… incomplete right now.” Coming over to me I felt her tap my flank.

I looked over. I hadn’t given it much thought, but all four of us were still blank flanks. That was the first step in overtaking Scootieloo and Rainbow Dash.

From that day forward I attended every one of my practice sessions. I practiced every day for hours, even when Rainbow Dash and my friends were busy. Just like Rainbow said, having something to focus all my energy on really helped to cool my emotions. I’d go home feeling proud of myself. Having an outlet for all my painful emotions worked wonders on my mood. Of course I did still miss Scootieloo a ton, but I wasn’t letting it hold me back anymore. Every time I started getting too deep into my sadness I’d see Rainbow’s mocking face in my mind, and my misery would instantly turn to rage.

A month after Scootieloo left I finally got a letter from her! In fact, three of them. She had written each of us an individual letter. When Mom told me about it I was so quick in taking it from her I nearly ripped the letter in half. I was in such a rush I could barely get the thing open. When I finally got it out I read her words.


“Dear Rosie,

How are you? I hope you’re doing well. I’ve adjusted to this new life, but it’s a struggle every day not being around you and everyone else. I tell you, though, the training they’re putting me through is like nothing I’ve ever had before. They’re putting me through the ringer, testing me in every conceivable fashion and pushing me to my limits and beyond. It’s such a rush to finally be given an experience that challenges me to this extent.

“My teammates are really nice. Intense types, just like me. They remind me a bit of Rainbow Dash. They’re hardcore competitors. We spend hours every day just challenging each other to every type of trick, twist, jump, turn… every single possible thing.

“They’re really impressed at how good I am, considering I never had any formal training. In fact, I’m actually better than a few of them. Not all of them. There are a few of them who are running circles around me no matter how hard I push myself. You don’t know how glad I am to write those words. I never knew just how good some of these ponies are. It gives me something to work towards. If I was the best as soon as I got here then it wouldn’t be much fun.

“I have to thank you, Rosie, for encouraging me to go. I’ve never felt such a sense of fulfillment in my entire life. I know that this is where I’m meant to be. I belong here with my teammates. All of us push each other to do our best, because no one wants to be seen as the worst one there.

“I’m determined to be the best there one day. Now I know I have something high to strive for. Just like you requested I’m going to do every single thing I can to improve and show all of them just how good I am.

“I love you, Rosie! I miss you so much, and I can’t wait to see you again! Write me when you get the chance and let me know what you’ve been up to since I’ve been gone. I can’t wait to hear from you!

“Soar high, zoom ahead, and become so good I don’t even recognize you by the time I see you again.

“With boundless love, your big sister forever, Scootieloo.”


Tears came down my eyes. Scootieloo was having the time of her life. She’s constantly being challenged and striving to improve. I no longer regretted telling her to leave. I felt so happy for her happiness. I had to keep pushing ahead myself. I couldn’t let her get too far ahead.

When I saw my friends for our training I read them the letter.

“Listen up!” I said. “I think it’s time for all of us to stop being children and really think about our future.”

“What do you mean, Rose?” asked Rock Climber.

“The four of us are best friends. Except for our family we know each other better than anyone. We trust each other. I think we should make our own athletic group.”

“Like what?” asked Honey Drop.

“The Wonderbolts are only about flying. The Blazing Wheels are only about scootering. Do you know what they’re missing? VARIETY! We have a scooterist, a flier, an acrobat, and a magic user. Together we can put on a show that combines all of these aspects. We may be young, but we are not without talent! We’re going to show all of them that we can be just as good as them!

“What do you say?”

The three of them cheered.

I wasn’t going to fall behind to my older sisters just yet. Like Rainbow Dash said, I couldn’t just be Scootieloo’s shadow my whole life. I had to get out there and do my own thing.

The future awaited me, and I was going to chase after it, body and soul, until I caught it.

Author's Note:

One chapter left! And it's going to be a doozy! I hope all of you enjoy the ending.

We get to see Scootaloo perform! =)