• Published 21st May 2014
  • 534 Views, 4 Comments

Once upon a Fantasy - posponer

A collection of Short One-shots about the Married Life of Micah (Main Character of Rune Factory 3) with different Mares each chapter. Let's see what happens shall we?

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Anything can be friendly

Diary entry #421

Living in Equestria is just like living in my old world, both have a sky, same with vegetables and same with monsters, yes, monsters. For a world full of fluffyness, kindness and magic, you'd expect this world to be perfect right? But if you think about it those words are exactly me! hahaha... right, you know? Because of my wooly form? Fluffy and kind?


Guess Fluttershy is right, it really isn't that funny. Well anyways, just like my old world, monsters here can be tamed, I saw Fluttershy taming a gigantic beast just by staring and to this day I still don't know how she does it!, my way is different, with the pet glove....


"Micah! Can you please handle Mr.Cuddles for me please.. the fillies are being too rowdy, if you don't mind that is..." I chuckled, same sweet mare I fell in love with, yes a mare, as in a female equine, it's not weird at all that me and her are joined together since if that's weird, then what am I? Anyways, Fluttershy and I are already together and in love with one another, but I guess it's just in her nature to be shy and all that towards others, even her own family!

"Sure Honey! Just let me finish this entry, also, girls don't pester your mother too much!"

"Yes father/okay" were the answers I received, these answers came from the twin fillies of Fluttershy and I, one was courteous and elegant, Rarity's ways seem to have rubbed off on her, while the other was the same as her mother and frankly speaking was a real mama's little girl, she would never sleep if she weren't held by her own mother's hooves.

Now where was I?


Oh right! The pet glove, is a way to convey your intentions to a monster and let them know you want to be friends! The more passive the monster is, the better. After all, you don't want to pet something that would swipe your shoulders and head clean off right? But I still do this, after all, animals and monsters alike only follow their instincts, and if you look like a threat then you will either be torn to pieces... or


"MR.CUDDLES IF YOU DON'T STOP GROWLING THIS INSTANT, THERE WILL BE NO FOOD FOR YOU!" I yelled out from the second floor's window and hearing 'no' and 'food' easily silenced the manticore... yes, we have a pet manticore, remember the pet glove? Mr.Cuddles And no... I did not choose that name... was a gift from me to Fluttershy seeing as how she can take care of any animals, I thought maybe she can take care of this one too?

I often tangled with this manticore back in the forest so as a way for me to stop getting pounced and attack, I decided to tame it... I just wasn't sure if Fluttershy would take to the news kindly, but she did... she even named it Mr.Cuddles, after the kids cuddled with it and it doing the same... man this glove has some creepy powers...

or dinner, I was used to using this back home and I'll stop here before I get stopped again... so with that..

Thank the Mana for another day with the family..... and Mr.Cuddles

I closed the book and sat it on the nightstand as I went down the stairs and into the kitchen where I see my two beautiful daughters and my lovely wife eating some snacks, I said my hellos as I grabbed a cookie from a plate near the three and I instantly got berated by my daughters

"Hey! Father, I was saving that for later! Grabbing food off another's plate is seriously un.. uh.. un..." I chuckled at the sight of my daughter trying to use big, fancy words she could hardly remember, so I decided to help her out

"It's 'uncouth' darling." sadly the results of my help were not appreciated as she pouted, a little bit upset.

"I know that!"

"Of course you do darling." I tussled her hair which caused her to groan but it only made me laugh at how 'ladylike' she was trying to be "darling... you should try to be less like your aunty Rarity, you'll turn into a nag if you do..." I chuckled at the phrase I just said and even Fluttershy struggled quite a bit to stifle a laugh, sadly our daughter gasped

"I'll tell on you. You just said aunty Rarity is a nag! I'll tell her you said that!" I winced, this was not good... but as a man I might need to bluff. Hope she buys it though

"Sure, go ahead, you can also tell her that I'm not afraid of her." Summer, my wonderful and beautiful child... please don't tell her...

"Okay! I will!" she pouted again and stuck her tongue out at me, I just rolled my eyes and patted her hair and then turned to face Skye, the silent child.

"Skye, don't be a nag like your aunty Rarity and sister Summer okay?" she smiled and nodded as I pat her head while saying "good girl" but Summer took offense in this as she countered with "Hey!" and pouted again, I would've laughed but Fluttershy cleared her throat and Stare at me as she said "Micah, please don't tease your daughters too much, it might hurt their self-esteem." All I could do was sit on my chain and bark as I nodded with a heartfelt "Yes, dear." and as soon as I did, her stare vanished and her warm smile returned.

"Well, I'm going to go feed Mr.Cuddles now." I told them as I pecked Fluttershy's lips and the two fillies squealed at the somewhat 'cheesy' action I just did. When Skye suddenly raised her left hoof

"Daddy... Can I... have a kiss... too?" looking at her sister, Summer thought the same thing as she also raised her hoof "Me too!" I would've teased her some more, but I suddenly remembered Fluttershy's warning and just laughed and said "Of course." as I kissed their foreheads.


"Yes, Summer?"

"Why do you give mother a kiss on her lips and us only on our foreheads?" I was caught of guard by the question, evident by how I almost lost my footing

"Well... uh.. You see honey, a kiss can signify many things, depending on what part of the body they're given to."

"and what... does... that mean?" I guess Twilight is starting to rub off on Skye, the same way Rarity is to Summer...

"Well, when a kiss is given in the forehead, it signifies familial love... and when it's given in the lips, it signifies true love."

"What does 'that' mean?"

"Well, you'll learn once you grow older, Right honey?" I looked at Fluttershy who was at the time, blushing at the words I said "I'll take that as a yes."

"That isn't an explanation!"

"Summer, don't raise your voice like that, if you do it again papa won't give you anymore wooly hugs..."

"I'm sorry." I chuckled "you're forgiven darling..."

We then suddenly heard a scratching at the door and since it seems we were done with the idle chatter I grabbed a couple bucket of fish, That manticore is really lucky to be a pet... I can't even overeat! Maybe I could.... nah, that'll never work and proceeded to go outside face to face with a gigantic and cute menace


"Mr.Cuddles what have I said about growling?" I stared the beast down, I learned to copy Fluttershy but the intensity when compared to hers pales in comparison

"Mew..." the beast mewled and purred as it rubbed it's head at me, instantly changing from his previous growling. The glove, plus the stare... with these two, I wonder how much chaos it would cause? I chuckled at the silly thought I had as I handed the spilled the load of the buckets in a big bowl next to the cabin and the manticore all but greedily swooped in.

I took this chance to lay down at the side of the big beast as it ate and doze of for a little nap, as soon as Mr.Cuddles was finished eating, it tried to find a good place to rest, but I withheld my comfortable position and heard it grumble and lay down at where it's currently standing, soon enough it yawned and the yawn passed to me causing me to yawn as we both dozed off...

A few hours passed by when I woke up and noticed that the sun was overhead, indicating that it was around afternoon, but what really took my attention was, next to me and Mr.Cuddles was my twin daughters and their mother nestled together and Mr.Cuddles doing what he does best Other than grumbling and growling, cuddling my family to sleep...

It's just this one time that we'll be late for lunch... it shouldn't be that bad, it's also a shame to wake them up like this... so back to sleep... Have a good sleep my dearest Fluttershy, my lovely daughters Summer and Skye... you too big guy... you're a part of the family as well... sweet dreams.

Author's Note:

You know, I'm really surprised at how much I could connect from RF universe (mainly RF3) to equestria and the mane six...

And yes... I wrote this before I went to sleep XD

Also... I should really stop giving you readers (including the anonymous people out there) a clue on who's going to be next... so no more smiley faces... except yours... I'll try to write the next chapter as cute and as funny as I could...