• Published 19th May 2014
  • 449 Views, 7 Comments

The Mane Six Meddle with Time - Alticron

Twilight creates a bracelet that allows time travel. Hijinks ensue.

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Chapter 03 (Moon Whiplash)

Twilight Sparkle witnessed her young drake assistant reappear in a bright flash, clutching his stomach while rolling on his back and cackling like a maniac. Twilight looked on as her eyes half-lidded.

“…Spike, why do I have the feeling you didn’t really go back in time to free Cheerilee from the bathroom?”

“Heh heh heh, as much as I’d love to tell you about what happened during my trip…” Spike let out a yawn that seemed convincing enough for the alicorn. “… I’m pretty tired and it’s getting pretty late. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow, ‘kay?” Spike asked while heading towards his basket. Twilight let out a tired sigh.

“You’re right, it is getting pretty late. We’ll talk about this in the morning, alright?” Spike gave a thumb’s up in response before the two dozed off and had pleasant dreams.

Twilight awoke the next morning when she felt a heavy landing on her chest. She slowly opened her eyes as the blurry image became clear. What had landed on her turned out to be Spike, carrying a large tray covered with buttered toast, hay bacon strips, waffles with whipped cream and berries, pancakes that were drenched in maple syrup, half an orange and thermos full of fresh tea.

“Good morning, Twilight. I figured that you creating a bracelet that let you travel through time was such a hugely important thing that it should be celebrated! And what better way is there for you to celebrate than having the best breakfast in bed ever? So, do you like the spread?” He asked as his eyes practically glimmered.

“Why yes, Spike. It looks absolutely scrumptious and I can tell you put a lot effort into this.” Twilight gave as smile as she levitated a piece of toast over to her mouth and took a bite out of it. “Hmm… Nice toast.” She said with her mouth full before swallowing. “And nice try. You’re still going to tell me what you did while time-traveling.” She finished with a smirk.

“Darn it, I was hoping this make you forget about this. Oh well, might as well tell you what happened.” Just not one-hundred percent accurately. “After getting leaving with the film for Cheerilee, I headed over to Sugarcube Corner because I remembered that there was a sale on cupcakes that day that I’d missed. After getting one, I went upstairs to check on how Pinkie was doing. She was reorganizing her movie collection. I asked her if I could borrow a movie from her, like Figurine Fantasy 3 or something. She tossed me this canister and said sure thing. As I was leaving, I tripped and the film reels fell out of the canisters. I must have gotten them mixed up when I put them back in. Anyhow, I went and gave Cheerilee one of the films and came back here. I didn’t get to watch the movie until the next day. Just as I was kicking back to watch Figurine Fantasy 3, I saw it was that borin… I mean, informative film about puberty. So I figured that meant the foals would be seeing a fun movie about the secret lives of toys, but when I went to get the film back from the school, I saw what was printed on the canister’s label. It didn’t say Figurine Fantasy 3; it said Donkey… something-or-other Country 3.”

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie burst out of the bathroom. “Oh my gosh! They saw Donkey Dong Country 3?! Oh no! That’s the third filthiest movie I own!” Twilight stared on as her jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

“What th… Pinkie, what were you doing in my bathroom?!”

“And given the reaction the foals had, what could be filthier than what they saw?”

Pinkie chuckled. “Well first, I was in your bathroom because me and Dash were going to prank you by covering your toilet bowl in cling wrap…”

“Pinkie! You aren’t supposed to tell them how we’re gonna prank on ‘em!” The cyan mare shouted as she flew from the bathroom.

“Silly Dashie, we were already busted when I came out, so there wasn’t really any point trying to hide what we we’re doing in there.” Pinkie let out a small chuckle before turning to face Spike. “And to answer your question Spike, the two movies I have that are dirtier are Backdoor Ruts 9 and Pielander II: The Dickening.”

“Pinkie!” Twilight shouted from her bed. “Ix-nay alking-tay about our-yay ornography-pay in ont-fray of Ike-spay!” Spike, after quickly deciphering Twilight's message, decided to get one last laugh when it came to Pinkie’s movies by acting like a somewhat innocent child.

“Hey Twilight, have you seen those movies? Also, what’s a Dickening?” This ought to be good.

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……” Twilight said as her coat turned redder than Big Mac’s. She then started rapidly shoveling her breakfast into her mouth. “Kent Tukk Spi, eeing!”

“Sooooo… Twilight found a new way to time travel?” Pinkie asked as Dash turned her attention to the young drake while holding in her laughter.

“Oh yeah, and it’s really cool too! You can go back to any time and take control of your past self, and you can do anything you want without consequence because what you do ends up making a new alternate universe!”

“Oh, neat-o!” Pinkie called out as she started hopping around on her hind legs. “Twilight! Can we try it?! Can we can we can we?!”

“Ugh…” Twilight groaned as got out of bed and held her stomach, which had swollen enough in size to rival the belly of mare that was ten months pregnant. “Sure, Pinkie. Spike can tell you two how to operate it. Ugh… this is worse than the Apple family reunion… I’ll be in the bathroom if any of you need me…” Twilight said before hobbling towards the bathroom. Rainbow Dash then shot her foreleg upwards before shouting.

“I call first dibs!”

“Alright,” Spike said as he slid the Time Band off his arm and giving it to Dash. “All you have to do is picture the time and place you want go back to, and then hit the gem in centre of the band. You press it again in the past to bring you back to right after you left. Any questions?”

“Nah, I think I got it.”

“What are you gonna do, Dashie? Is it gonna be awesome?” Pinkie asked excitedly.

“You bet, Pinkie. I’m gonna make it so that my debut is the best debut anypony has ever had!” She said with a huge grin.

“So… when you say your debut, do you mean your major flying debut like when you were at the Best Young Flyers competition?” Spike pondered.

“I think she means the scene where she met Twilight by crashing into her back in the first episode.” Pinkie answered.

“Wrong on both counts, guys. See ya!” Rainbow Dash then hit the gem and vanished in a flash.

When Rainbow Dash found herself in the past, she felt like she was being crushed. She was being squeezed all over by something very hot and damp.

Okay, I may have timed this wrong.

Dash then suddenly heard some muffled voices coming somewhere nearby.

“C’mon Firefly! You’re almost there! I know you can do this, push!”


Scratch that, I timed this perfectly. Now I just have to put up with all this squeezing and my awesome plan will be put into motion.

After several minutes that had felt like hours, Firefly’s agony was finally over.

“Congratulations Firefly, it’s a filly.” An older pegasus mare said before handing the little bundle of joy to the new mother. She then turned towards her young assistant. “Nurse Pond, put down the time of birth at 1:05 PM.”

“I’m on it, Dr. Song.” the pegasus stallion said before finding his clipboard. In the bed, the pink mare was closely looking at her daughter as her husband approached.

“Aw, look at her, Rainbow Blaze; she looks so much like you.” She said while simultaneously smiling and holding back tears.

“She certainly got my mane, but she got my mother’s coat.” The periwinkle stallion responded as he saw her beautiful cyan coat. He then noticed that his daughter’s eyes started to slowly open. “Look dear, she’s got your eyes.” Once the filly’s eyes were fully opened, she looked back and forth between her parents before reaching her forelegs out.

“Baby wants cider!”

“… W-WHAT THE?!” Everypony in the room responded as they heard what just came out of the baby’s mouth. She turned to look towards Rainbow Blaze with a grumpy look on her face.

“Listen buddy, if you went through what I just did, you would need booze too! So Baby wants cider, now!” The newborn filly screeched at the adults, causing all the adults in the room except the nurse to faint. She then looked around the room, seeing all the fainted ponies around her before setting her sights on the nurse. “Sooo… where’s that cider?”

“Y-y-yeah. I’ll get some cider for both of us. Faust above knows I need it.” He said as he was heading out of the room. Once she was sure that he was out of earshot, Rainbow Dash started to laugh uproariously before pushing her tiny hoof on to the band’s gem to return to her time.

Spike and Pinkie witnessed Rainbow’s return, rolling around on the floor and laughing like a mad mare.

“So, what did you do Dashie?” Pinkie asked as she leaned in towards her cyan friend.

“Ah ha ha ha ha ha… I… ha ha ha… pulled a prank on… hahahaha … my parents right af… hahahaha after I was born! Ahhahahahahaha!” Dash was laughing so hard that she had started to cry as Pinkie joined her laughter. “This can’t get any better!” Their laughter was soon cut off as the trio heard Twilight scream from the bathroom. Spike ran up and rapidly pounded on the door.

“Twilight! Are you okay?!” The three heard her groan.

“Yes Spike, I’m fine. I just… forgot about what Pinkie said about the cling-wrap.”

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dear Faust, it’s so funny, my sides are splitting! Ahahahaha!” Rainbow soon felt the Time Band being pulled her foreleg before it floated into the air, suspended in magenta light. She then saw that Twilight had just left the bathroom.

“Well Dash,” Twilight spoke as her horn glowed. The band then levitated towards Pinkie and a mop appeared in front of Rainbow. “I guess you’ll be cleaning to bathroom while Pinkie is taking her turn.”

“Ugh… fine. Enjoy your turn, Pinkie.” Dash sighed as she headed towards the bathroom.

“Okeydokeylokey, Dashie! Here I go!” Pinkie pressed the gem and vanished in a bright flash. She returned a second later. “Alright, mission accomplished!”

“So Pinkie, what did you with your little trip?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, nothing much. I just went back to yesterday and grabbed the correct milk jug from the fridge so that nopony would get sick when they found who the milk came from.” Pinkie said while beaming.

“Wow, I think that was actually the first nice thing that anypony has done with the Time Band so far.” As Twilight said this, Dash emerged from the bathroom.

“Twilight, wouldn’t that mean you also did something bad while using that thingy?” Rainbow questioned.

“Oh… uh… well… you see…” Twilight spoke as a light blush came across her cheek and she rubbed the back of her neck. “I… accidentallykilledmyfather…” She blurted out, hoping that nopony would be able to figure out what she said.

“WHAT!?!” Pinkie screamed.

“You killed your dad? Why?!” Rainbow shouted as she flew directly into Twilight’s face. She gently pushed Rainbow back so she could explain.

“I didn’t mean to, it was accident! I panicked and let out a magic blast at him!”

“Yeah, but that still doesn’t answer why.” The pegasus responded.

“I’ll tell you and Pinkie why later…” She then whispered. “…when Spike isn’t around. I really don’t want him to hear this.”

“Ah, gotcha.” Rainbow said with a wink and thought to herself. Translation: Your dad wanted to mount you like a picture frame.

“Anyway, Pinkie, since you did something really nice, I’ll give you one extra turn with the Time Band.”

“Aw, thanks! Say Twilight, could I bring a thing from the present into the past with me?” Pinkie asked curiously.

“Well, yes. If you couldn’t, then the time band wouldn’t be on you when you arrived in the past. The only things you need to know are that what you bring with you won’t have the perception filter that the band has, so ponies will notice that you now have an object with you that you didn’t have before, and if you aren’t holding or carrying what you brought with you when you activate the gem to return, then the object will be left in that divergent timeline. Do you understand that, Pinkie?” The earth pony responded with a nod.

“Sure thing, Twilight. Don’t drop anything and everypony will see I’ve got something new, got it. And I know just what I’m gonna bring.” Pinkie reached into her mane and pulled out a strange necklace. It had an amulet shaped like a silver cross with an orange gemstone in the centre.

“What the-? Pinkie, what is that?” Twilight asked as Pinkie put the necklace on.

“It’s called the Sun Stone. I got bought it last week from a kiosk run by somepony named… I think it was Beaumont or something. Anyhow…” Pinkie spoke as she dramatically raised her foreleg to the sky. “It’s time to split!” Her hoof slammed down on the band’s gem, making her vanish in a flash.

In Ponyville’s town hall, what was meant to be a time of celebration to welcome summer had turned terrifying. Standing on the balcony before the town’s citizens was not their beloved and expected Princess Celestia, but the horrifying mare of legend; Nightmare Moon.

“Remember this day, little ponies, for it is your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!” The dark alicorn bellowed before giving off an evil laugh.

“Not so fast, Nightmare Moon!” A high-pitched voice called out from the crowd below.

“What foal dares to stand against me?! Step forward to face our wrath!” Nightmare Moon shouted at the cowering ponies below her. A pink blur jumped up from the floor to the snack table and then up to the balcony, bringing a pink earth pony with a necklace staring down the massive black alicorn.

“I am Pinkamena Diana Pie of the Pie clan, and I shall save Equestria from your reign of terror, Nightmare Moon!” The proud mare shouted while facing the great menace, standing her ground. Down below, a purple was staring at what her new friend was doing in horror.

“Pinkie! What are you doing?! Get out of there! She’ll kill you!” Twilight screamed, unable to find herself able to move, paralyzed in fear.

“Oh no oh no oh no!” A yellow pegasus said while hiding behind a bird perch, her eyes filled with tears. “Pinkie’s going to get gobbled up!”

“Muhahahaha…” The dark mare chuckled while looking at Pinkie. “Are you really Celestia’s last line of defence? A filly in cheap jewellery. If so, than it seems that she and her standards have fallen far since our last battle. Stand aside, peasant, and I may be gracious enough to spare your pathetic, misguided life.”

“Not a chance, Queen Meanie. I’ll take you down, once and for all, and I’ll do it without the Elements of Harmony!” Pinkie shouted, causing the gathering below to murmur amongst themselves.

“Oh? And pray tell, how do you to hope to do that? Even with all her power and the Elements, Celestia was only able to contain my power for a limited time. Thou art truly diluted if thou believes that I can bested in combat by a mere earth pony.” Nightmare Moon said as she glared and her opponent.

“Oh, I’ve got just what I need to beat you right here!” Pinkie shouted while lifting her necklace up towards the alicorn. “Cross of silver, ray of light, in ender’s hoof will end the night!” As Pinkie spoke, in the gem in the centre of the necklace started to glow. When she finished, a large beam of orange light shot out, striking Nightmare Moon in the chest. The alicorn screamed as the beam continued to pound away at her, cracks of white light soon started forming all across her body.

“Pinkie!” Twilight shouted from the crowd. “What’s happening?!”

“Don’t worry, Twilight! Everything’s fine! Soon, Nightmare Moon will be no more and she’ll be turned back into…” Pinkie was cut off by a loud bang which preceded a wave of red that covered everypony in the building, save for the three fillies that were hiding under a table. “… a blood fountain! … Wait, that’s not right.” Pinkie said the last part she looked the amulet. She then looked down at the scared and disgusted masses below. The first thing she could make out was Twilight coughing. Why would she be coughing?

“Oh Faust and Zacherle above, I think I swallowed some of her!” Twilight’s coughing continued. Pinkie’s thoughts on this outcome were soon summarized.

“Uh oh… Uhhhh. Well… uh… I guess it’s time to spli-” Before Pinkie could press down on the gem, a large sphere of light appeared above the crowd. The light quickly dissipated to reveal Princess Celestia, who looked on in horror at the carnage that had taken place.

“W-w-What happened? Where’s Nightmare Moon?” She asked, barely able to keep herself together.

“Princess Celestia…” Twilight called out to the hovering Princess above her. “Nightmare Moon appeared.” *cough* “She was struck by an orange light.” *cough* “And then she exploded…” Twilight wheezed.

Princess Celestia brought herself on to the balcony. At the very epicentre of the bloody explosion, she found Nightmare Moon’s bloodstained helmet. She picked up helmet and stared at it as tears formed in her eyes before she pulled it her chest and screamed.

“NOOOOO! LUNA! It wasn’t supposed be like this! IT WASN’T SUPPOSED BE LIKE THIS!!! You were supposed to come home… and we would free you… and we’d be together again! Oh sister, why!?!” As Celestia continued to cry at her loss, Pinkie could only stare on and see what her actions had caused.

“I… I’ve gotta go…” She quietly spoke before reaching for the bracelet.

“Well… That really didn’t go as planned.” When Pinkie returned to the library, she heard the voices of all the other occupants screaming at her “What is it guys? What’s wrong?”

“I think we should be asking that!” Rainbow shouted while point a hoof at her.

“What are yo… Oh, I got it. I’m covered in blood… right. I forgot all about that. Silly me.” Pinkie said as realization dawned on her.

“Yeah, you look like when I found you when you were talking to that bag of flour… only much, much creepier.” Rainbow said while backing up slightly.

“Well, it makes sense that all this blood would weigh my mane and tail down.”

“But that doesn’t explain where the blood came from in the first place!” Everyone turned to look at the panicked princess.

“What happened was I tried to purify Nightmare Moon without the elements. As you can probably tell…” Pinkie said as looked down at herself. “… it didn’t really work. Sorry everypony, I didn’t mean to scare you like that. I guess this thing only supposed to be used on vampires.” At that, everyone besides Pinkie let out a sigh of relief.

“Wait…” Rainbow piped up. “Are you saying that that blood you’re covered in is Nightmare Moon’s blood?”


“… Y’know… That actually kinda cool.”

“Rainbow! How can you say that?!” Twilight shouted.

“Well… she blew up a super powered evil alicorn who would’ve destroyed the world. I figure that’s kinda cool. At least she didn’t blow up somepony like say… her father.” Rainbow said the last part with a smirk. Twilight let out a tired sigh.

“You know what? Fine. I’m not going to argue about this anymore. It’s way too early in the morning for this.” Twilight said as Pinkie took off the bracelet.

“I’m gonna go hit the shower, I see you all later.” Pinkie said as she wandered off.

“I’d better head out too; I’ve got some clouds to bust. Catch ya later!” Rainbow Dash said as she flew towards the window.

“And I’ll take care of the dishes.” Spike said as he went to get the plates from Twilight’s breakfast.

“So I guess that means…” Twilight then saw the bloody trail on her floor before sighing again. “I get to clean up the mess that Pinkie left behind. Wonderful.” Twilight levitated the mop and bucket from the bathroom before realizing something. “Wait… the hoof prints aren’t heading to the bathroom. They’re heading… downstairs!” Twilight tossed the mop and bucket aside as she flew down the stairs as quickly as possible, all the while shouting. “Pinkie! Use the shower here! Don’t go…” Twilight was cut off by the sound of many ponies screaming at the sight of the apparent baker turned butcher. “Outside…” Twilight facehoofed and groaned. “I just know I’m going to get an angry letter about this.”