• Published 18th May 2014
  • 1,150 Views, 45 Comments

The Equestrian Asylum: Pinkness mixed with blood - steeperswine

inspired by the video game OUTLAST, I bring you the pony version with my made up story line with sadness and thrilling darkness. a earth pony named Blue Nail Gets trapped in an abandon asylum for the criminally insane.

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The Insanity Program

"Well Mrs Light, I hope you enjoy your new home in the asylum! Shame you tried to tell the world about the secrets the company holds."

3 Hours ago.

I became a janitor in the Equestrian Asylum, Well what choice did I have? None, that's all, this is the only job I have left, without it I'm nothing. This is the only way to get the money my family deserves. If you think about it, it's not that bad. All I'm doing is cleaning shit all day, that's all, no harm done.

When I started this job they gave me a broom and said, "Go to section 12 hallways and clean the blood of the floor."

Mostly, all I have to clean is blood and shit. Blood, shit, blood, shit, blood, shit! Blood and Shit! But what choice did I have, none! But still things can't get worse, I mean come on!

They told me to go and clean up section B. Finally something different, but not what I expected. Why? Because I nearly crapped myself. A black pony, probably one of the patients, ran up to me and grabbed my mane with his teeth yelling "PLEASE their going to kill me! Please help me!"

I stared at him in shock not knowing what to think, but he continued. "Please I know who you are! You're the friendly one! Please you must tell the world about this! Please their going to RAPE ME!" As he was crying the security unicorns rushed in and levitated the pony. As he was being dragged he was screaming "PLEASE HELP ME! RAPE, RAPE, RAAPPPE!"

I stand there horrified out of my brains, what if he's right? I mean not the rape part but I mean about the part that this is a good place? Is this the friendly place where they try to help the patients out and try to make them follow the right path? I've been here for a year now and this is not what they seem. They look like as if its more of a torture chamber than a bedroom. Nah I must be stupid to think that, but that reminds me, what about the special treatment for Pinkie Pie? All of the documents say that her code name is Pinkamena, and they said that they need to give her a treatment that no pony gets. Well what would you expect from a Pink pony that killed 12 ponies and cooked 3 of them into cupcakes and sold them?

I trot over to the reprogramming area where they 'reprogram' a pony's brain so they can be nice like a normal pony. I've never been there before but I'm interested in how they do it.

I walked to the door and the security guard looked up and saying "Sorry no entry unless you have your pass."

Damn I thought to myself, in the end I found out how to find a way in. Through the vents. I squeeze through and pop out the other side in the reprogram system. I stared, in shock, I saw ponies cutting open the patients. They pulled guts out, examined and put back as if nothing happened. My mind was racing and I started to think of random things like. What the hell is happening, This is not right! or I must tell the world and stop this disgusting behavior.

I began to climb out and when I got out back first my legs where dragged out and my face slammed into the ground. I looked up and saw two guards and my boss. He said to me "Now now calm down, what you had witnessed was nothing new. What did you think? That we don't know where you are? You are at the worlds best Bio station studying the pony life of the criminally insane and you think you can just run in here without anyone knowing? That's stupid, In fact that's interesting," He looks at one of the guards and says "Did I just hear her say that she volunteers for the Insanity Program?" one of the guards responds "Why yes Mr Chairman!"

He turned back to me and said "I thank you for insisting to join this program and you will be one of the thousand test subjects in this program." He then turned to the guards and said "Take him the the program."

3 Hours later

"I hope your comfortable in your new habitat Mrs Light its rare that we get a female subject, most of our subjects are male." says Mr Chairman. "Well Mrs Light I hope you enjoy your new home in the asylum! Shame... you just had to try and tell the world about the secrets the company holds."

"Go fuck yourself!" I yelled back.

"Wrong answer." says Mr Chairman, He had strapped me down to a chair with a camcorder recording me and as my new enemy left he says "I hope you enjoy the insanity system because after... you may not even remember who you are!"

Two power cords enter and hold both sides of my head. I begin to panic but alas, its too late. The Reprogram starts to hurt my head, revealing my nightmares. I scream in pain as they show me my darkest dreams. What I'm scared of and what I am afraid.

I start to lose my mind, my hooves are shaking, I am screaming and shouting. I think to myself "No I must think of happy things!"

I picture my family and friends, my children, my husband and everypony I love. But it is too hard. My worst fears are taking over me but I must try! I picture the first time I met my husband. He never told me his job but I didn't care. Why? Because I love him!

10 hours later

As my mind gives up the power turns off. Finally. I thought I was going to die there! But what was different was I hear screams through the hallways outside.

I begin to panic and yell "HELLO? CAN YOU GET ME OUT!"

As I continue my screams, the door opens revealing a mare holding a knife in her mouth. She walks up to me and raises her knife into the air.

When I think I am going to die, the knife comes down cutting the ropes that hold me. As I get up the mare pushes me. Causing me to trip and hit my head against the wall and knocks me out. As I close my eyes I see the mare getting lifted and sliced open by a pink colored pony.

Author's Note:

if you had noticed i may had used some of the outlasts DLC begining stuff, only because I cant think of any BUT i am going to make up my storyline i just cant think of a begining but of cause the storyline will be made up.