• Published 15th May 2014
  • 459 Views, 8 Comments

Into the shadow of the beast - TwiwnB

It's a beautiful day in Equestria, Twilight is doing magic, two creatures from the everfree forest come into Ponyville and bring their conflict with them and the whole story is actually about Applebloom strongly wanting to punch Diamond Tiara...

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One last chance

Somehow, the presence of a giant bear and a giant wolf fighting in the middle of the streets of Ponyville wasn’t making a very good impression on the ponies who were running everywhere for cover, screaming in terror and asking for help.

Twilight easily followed the trail of destruction left behind by the two Leliels and, when the destruction became too big to really follow, oriented herself on the sounds of stuff breaking and ponies screaming to find out the location of the two creatures. She caught up with them near the town hall where a lot of ponies had found refuge.

But Lielle wasn’t a wolf anymore. He had grown into a giant two headed ogre, as tall as a house, and Leilel had changed from a bear to a giant lizard with teeth and claws. Twilight saw the white sphere in the ogre’s hand and decided that she had only one way to stop those two before they would crush the whole town.

As both Leliels charged onto each other under the horrified looks of the ponies in the town hall, Twilight teleported right on the ogre’s hand, forced it open with her magic and took the white sphere away with her as she took some distance from the two monsters.

“Hey, give it back!” shouted Lielle, ready to attack Twilight and growing some spikes onto his back.

Leilel also turned into Twilight’s direction with the clear intention to reduce the little pony into smithereens in order to retrieve the sphere.

“If you come any closer, I’ll destroy your precious… thing!” threatened Twilight, realizing she still wasn’t sure to know what it was she was holding.

He threat worked and both creatures stopped their advance.

“What do you want?” they asked the alicorn. “This doesn’t concern you.”

The tone was harsh, but there were still some traces of care and gentleness in it.

“You are going to hurt each other if you keep on fighting.” told them Twilight. “Even more, you’re going to destroy our town if you don’t stop.”

The ogre and the lizard looked at each other and at the buildings around them and realized what was going on.

“I’m sorry.” said Leilel in a sudden last fit of goodness that broke under the monster’s rage. “I really am. I don’t want to do any harm, I assure you that I never would if it wasn’t absolutely necessary.”

Lielle was feeling the same way. They were clearly pained by the idea of involving other creatures into their fight, even after having transformed into such beasts.

“Can you help us, please?” implored both Leliels. “We really need help, this has gone way too far already and I can’t stop anymore. Maybe it’s not too late already.” added Leilel while feeling it actually was.

Twilight thought about everything she knew about those creatures, but found nothing that could help her. Still, she persevered and began asking questions about the Leliels and forced them to explain everything all over again. Which still wasn’t helping much and made both creatures even more nervous, but helped Twilight understand that there was no way a Leliel could live without his body, and therefore no way a Leliel would leave without his body.

“How come there is only one white sphere for the both of you?” asked Twilight, having ignored that detail until then.

“The same way you can have two shadows.” replied Lielle. “We are shadows, so as long as there is a Leliel near us, we exist.”

“Okay, right.” said Twilight, who could have guessed that part, “But you each had a body before you began fighting, right?”

And having said that, she immediately caught on what had made the second white sphere disappear, and she bit her lips for having asked the question.

“Leilel sure had a body somewhere too.” replied Lielle, losing his last piece of sanity. “But that ophicleide lost it in an explosion in the forest. I was there, I saw it.”

“It’s false! All lies!” responded Leilel with fury. “It’s Lielle who lost his body to that explosion and now he wants mine to replace it.”

They were way too far gone to even care anymore and certainly wouldn’t admit that they were both napping near each other when the ball of energy Twilight had launched by mistake had come upon them and that, after they had recovered from the blast, shadows being really hard to hurt, they could only find one of the white sphere back no matter how hard they looked and therefore had concluded the second one had been destroyed by the magical blast.

Had Twilight known that, she could have gone there and searched the whole perimeter. Had she then used a magical detection spell to search onto another dimension, she could have detected the being from the lost sphere and, with another complicated spell, could have maybe made the second sphere come back to that dimension.
But she would never know that, probably wouldn’t have thought to search into another dimension, didn’t know that spell anyway and maybe the whole thing wouldn’t have worked anyway.

In other words, this wasn’t helping and both Lielle and Leilel were losing their internal fight against the inner violent wrath that was devouring them.

“Why don’t we go outside of the town and try to solve the whole thing peacefully?” asked Twilight. “At least if it doesn’t work, you won’t involve anypony else.”

“I fear it’s useless.” replied Lielle with despair in his voice.

“And why is that?” asked back Twilight, afraid of what could possibly make the situation worse.

“What that low life moricaud is saying…” began Leilel unable to restrain his agressivity for his peer anymore, “…is that unless one of us defeats the other, we will keep on growing and you’ll get involved eventually. But if you can convince Lielle to give up on his claim onto my body, everything is going to be fine for everybody.” he finished with hope.

“No.” said Lielle. “The only way to make everything fine is to explain to that imbecile that he should stop being stupid and just accept that it is my body to begin with, that it has always been my body and always will be!” the Leliel roared without any trace of goodness left in his voice.

Twilight was stuck with two violent monsters and no way to calm them down as they had a very good reason to keep on fighting. She sighed. She could see the bestiality had taken over in the creatures’ eyes and understood it wouldn’t be long until even the threat of the white sphere destruction wouldn’t hold them back anymore.
Also, she didn’t want to destroy the white sphere at all. Killing them had never been an option: it was all just some bluff. She had another plan in head, but it wasn’t much better, so she had to keep it as a last resort. She had to try one last thing beforehand. Not that it had much chance to work, but she had to try it.

“I am Twilight Sparkle.” the alicorn decided to tell the two monsters with the most imperial voice she could find in her and trying to look as impressive as possible. “I am a royal princess of Equestria and it is my duty to protect the ponies and creatures living in that land.”

Neither of the two monsters made any sign of backing down.

“I am giving you one last chance.” Twilight shouted almost as an order to comply. “Please, just please stop this madness. Stop fighting, learn to tolerate each other, to live with each other. Even if it’s not easy. Even if you don’t want to. For your sake and for everypony’s sake.”

She could see that her words meant nothing to the two beasts in front of her. Even more, they grew bigger, becoming literally monstrous, to the size of dragons, with multiple tentacles legs, multiple heteroclite heads and claws. Two chaotic monsters with no other purpose but to destroy.
Still, Twilight finished:

“If you don’t back down right now, come back to your normal size and stop threatening each other and everypony around you, then be warned that I’ll make sure you won’t be able to make any threat anymore, forever.”

She barely evaded the acid thrown at her for all response, flew between the claws and heads that were trying to tear her into pieces and threw the white sphere at the two beasts so that they would fight each other instead of her.
She then flew to the town hall, ordered Ponyville to be evacuated and prepared herself to find all of her friends. She didn’t have to go very far as they were all here, had seen everything and heard everything.

“Alright Twilight…” said Rainbow Dash who had every confidence in the ability of the alicorn to solve everything. “What do we do now?” she asked.

“Now we give up.” replied Twilight. “And we retaliate.” she added with a firm resolution.