• Published 18th May 2014
  • 486 Views, 6 Comments

Broken Glass - UndercoverPanda14

Pinkie seems different when her reflection starts to talk back to her. But does it all go well after she decides to make it stop?

  • ...

Don't let it change you

Listen to that, the birds were tweeting. Pinkie could feel a sun beam over her cover. This felt different, was it because there was no scratching of glass, or whispers and mumbles to begin her morning? Probably, whatever it was, it was nice to have a peaceful morning, alone, with a nurse at the end of her bed, scribbling something on a clipboard. Ah yes, she closed her eyes again...wait!
She saw a doctor, and Twilight next to her bed, probably imagining she'd be asleep. So, she pretended she was.
Dare she move, as she laid with her eyes closed, though listening.
'She has shown signs she might be.. insane,' Twilight proceeded, 'She's always acted a bit random, but never this bad.'
'Yes, we've come across these situations before, it's almost certain of her insanity.'
What on earth was happening? She was more concerned of what really was happening then the conversation.
Pinkie saw them all leave the room, accidentally leaving the door ajar.
She immediately sat up, it was obvious her mane was straight, by the way it swayed over her shoulders as she moved. But this wasn't the thing that mostly bothered her, it was the sharp pains across her neck. She looked down - bloodstained. There were scars and cuts across her neck - and across her stomach, written with a sharp piece of broken glass, only just could have been read the words 'Over here.'

She flung the covers off from over her, close to bringing tears - but she refused to cry, not now. She got up, and limped into the lavatory attached into a corner of the room. She opened the door, without waiting, stared into the mirror. She saw the dark side of her again.
'What have you done?!' She screeched almost quietly, but just so she wouldn't be heard. To her surprise, the reflection followed her every move - not one delay. Was this a game her reflection played? No... this was truly her, the dull eyes, the straight mane, she could even remember the exact same scars across her neck.

'Pinkie, are you awake?' Twilight had just walked in - it was obvious she had seen her out of bed. Pinkie slowly came back into the room, and sat on the side of her bed.
'Twilight, what's going on?'
'It's going to be alright, Pinkie, you're safe here.'
She could tell Twilight was just trying to help, and held back her fury inside for her friends not trusting her.
'Where is everypony else?'
'They will come and visit you.'
'Why aren't they here right now.' Pinkie's voice was not becoming louder, but she was speaking faster - as if she longed for the answer. There was a short silence from both of them.
'They'll come..' She walked out, leaving her just a smile - which almost forced her to beg her to stay. She watched her walk around the corner, unable to be seen. Pinkie felt the lonesome pang in her chest again, as she swallowed - an ache in her head occurred, this was still another sign that she felt lonely.
'Now what?' A voice came from the other side of the room, behind a curtain as a hoof from the other side pulled it to one side. It was an elder pony, though he didn't look too old. His mane was white, and messy, he wore the hospital gown. It was obvious he shared this room with Pinkie. This came clear to her, that she was in a mental hospital.
'I said 'Now what'.' He repeated, sarcastically.
'Yeah, I heard you, I just don't understand what you meant.' She replied, swapping which side she hung her hooves over.
'Well it's clear you don't belong here, you're like me.'
'Like you?' This came out more rudely then Pinkie had meant it to be. But the old pony chuckled.
'All my friends thought I was crazy too, you know - but I told the truth about the things I saw.'
Pinkie knew what he meant, he didn't seem insane.
'So, now what?' He repeated, in a friendly way.
Pinkie sighed, looking down at the floor.
'I..don't know, anymore..' She seemed ashamed to say this, like she had given up.
'Then go and find out!' He offered a persuasive smile.
Pinkie smiled back, looking out the window next to him. It all seemed so dull....it all seemed so dull, her reflection!
It had struck her that she had broken the mirror, what had happened after that she didn't know, but she was, quoted, going to go and find out.

'Don't let it change you, kid.' He said, just before she had been able to gallop through the door, throwing the gown onto the bed. She briefly looked back at him, he was right, this reflection was starting to change her, the eyes, the mane, the scars, but it didn't change her friendship - it couldn't, and she wouldn't let it.

She galloped out of the hospital easily, the gown would have been a distraction, but now she blended in with the visitors. She was still new, so her face wouldn't have been recognized by the staff.
The outdoors wind flew past her, it was gorgeous. She hadn't had time to enjoy it for so long. Where would her reflection be? Only now, it wasn't her reflection - it was a cold hearted, blooded pony rampaging through the town, harming as she pleases and destroying many things in her way. Probably.

The Everfree forest was a few meters away from her position, she could see it's dark mist and fog, with branches sticking out as if there were strange creatures lurking between the tree's.
This was what gave the game away, the nagging, mumbling voice that begged Pinkie to come closer into the forest. This time, she was far from scared anymore.

As Pinkie slowly wandered past the many overhanging branches and thorns, her mind still echoed worries and cautions. It all went silent. It may have seemed strange, but the silence was the main thing that told Pinkie she was set in the right place, it lingered on for a while - until she heard another voice.

The first time Pinkie had been even slightly startled for a while, was when she heard that clear voice. It didn't echo, it didn't mumble or nag, it was clear as daylight, and awaiting her to find it. This was the real thing, that had to be noticed..

'Over here...'

Pinkie shot round, spinning on the spot. She could only see fog.

'Over here...' This time, the voice was beginning to feel misty and echo.

She turned round again, there was more fog.
'Leave me alone!' She yelled into the forest. There was another silence. Had her darker side obeyed?
'Peekaboo.' That was it, Pinkie turned straight around as the last word had been heard to drip from her cold lips. She was there - stood with that smirk, again. That stupid smirk.