• Published 13th Apr 2012
  • 951 Views, 6 Comments

The Mare who Holds Man's Chaos - uz_mike222

Rainbow Dash traveling with a human to find something he lost.

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

“Do you really want to know my story?” He asked, worry in his eyes.

“Please tell us. We might be able to help you with your plight.” Twilight insisted while the others nodded their heads in agreement.

“Alright, if you say so. My story is that I am hunting a dangerous psychopath; and I am the only one who can bring her to justice.” Vic said, fingers intertwined as they covered his mouth. His empty pie tin rested in front of his shins, legs crossed.

“What did this… criminal do?” The unicorn with curly purple hair asked in a dignified tone.

“She slaughtered everyone in my colony without mercy and didn’t it in the most gruesome way possible. She killed both men and women that were either young or old. It didn’t matter what age or what gender they were, she killed them with equal brutality. She escaped by the time I returned with some firewood. Ever since that happened, I vowed that it will be my personal responsibility to set vengeance upon her very soul for the crimes she has committed.” Vic answered, face calm, but his eyes burned with a passionate fire.

“Well, if you want to take her to court, I’m sure the Princess will help.”

“No. No government’s court can settle this. The only person who can be this woman’s Judge, Jury and Executioner is me. And I plan on wearing the black mask when my blade whispers to her.”

“Well, is there a way to bring justice to this person without killing her?” Twilight Sparkle asked, he’s finally starting remembering their names.

“No. She kills for the sheer fun of it and the only way to stop her bloodshed is for me to shed her blood. I have thought of every other way, but that is the only option that would stop her for good. This is a quest I must do alone.” He answered, his voice was calm.

“Well, Ah don’t know ‘bout vengeance and what not, but Ah’ll help ya out.” Applejack said, tipping her hat.

“You sure ‘bout that cousin? You don’t even know where ya’ll are going.”

“Even so, Braeburn, Ah can’t sit idly by while a criminal runs around, endangering us all.” She stood up.

“No!” Vic shouted, waving his right hand. “This is my fight and I will do this by myself. If I bring anyone else along, they’ll most likely be killed.”

The yellow Pegasus whimpered after hearing that. “I’m fine with staying back in Ponyville.”

“Even though we have been through a lot in the past few years, girls, however, maybe this is one fight we shouldn’t involve ourselves in.” The curly-haired unicorn suggested.

“How can you say that Rarity and Fluttershy?!” Rainbow Dash shouted, lifting herself into the air with her wings. “This is one of those times that when someone needs our help and yet you turn your backs? Both of your elements revolve around helping others.”

“Dashie, they are right though. This isn’t our fight, no matter how you look at it. Besides, if he is forbidding help, then who are we to override his choice?”

“Not you to Pinkie Pie! What do you say about this Twilight?” Rainbow asked, all of her friends looking at her.

“It’s not our choice in the matter and we have to respect Vic’s, ok Rainbow? So let’s just drop this and try and be merry.” Twilight said, a small smile forming onto her face.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash both had a look of disappoint on their faces. The others, however, agreed with Twilight and began talking about fun times in their pasts where they were able to laugh and have fun and avoid the topic of Vic’s journey.

The night dragged on as they asked a few questions about Vic and his species. They talked until they all fell asleep around the fire except for Vic, who was sitting near a big enough rock to sit up against it, pack sitting next to him.

He stood up, while taking off his poncho, looking over the sleeping bodies and walked away from the tribe after dropping his poncho onto his pack. He quietly found a secluded rock where prying eyes wouldn’t be able see him and was able to finally answer natures call.

He sighed happily as he finished up and began his walk back while buttoning his pants up. Once he got a few feet away from the rock, he was rammed in the stomach and fell flat on his back, coughing away the dust that tried to enter his lungs as he sat up. He felt his right side and found out the ribs that were cracked fully broke. Well, isn’t that just something?

He looked up and found Rainbow Dash standing over him, wings spread apart to make her look bigger than normal. An intimidation tactic but it won’t work on him.

“Where ever you’re going and whatever you’re doing, I’m going to be right next you and you will not leave me behind no matter. Got that?” She shoved her snout into his face for the third time since they met.

He pulled her back legs forward, but pushed her front legs back. He then quickly wrapped his arms around her body so she couldn’t move her front legs. She raised her wings, but he rolled until he was on top of one, immobilizing her.

“Hey! what are you d-“ she was cut off as he covered her mouth, putting his index finger to his lips and made a shushing noise.

Vic looked forward and saw the same silhouette he glimpsed at back in Ponyville, or whatever that town’s name is. He was able to get a clear look at this time: The shape was that of a bear, but it was a lot bigger than the Grizzly and Black Bears. It stood on its hind legs, sniffing the air with its snout. Then, tentacle-like appendages grew out of its back, spinning and wiggling in the air. Luckily it, went back on all four its ‘legs’ and ran off into the night. He released his grip on Rainbow and rolled off of her wing, letting her stand.

“What was that thing?”

“A Night Lurker, as I like to call it. It’s been stalking me ever since I left Ponyville. Luckily it hasn’t attacked yet and has been content with just following me. I don’t know when it started, but I noticed it when I entered the town the night I left. So, do you still want to go with me, even though that is tailing us?” Vic asked, brushing the dust off of his clothes after tucking his shirt back into his pants and re-buttoned them.

Rainbow Dash turned towards him and looked him straight in the eyes, they were alight with a burning passion. “I do,”

“Even if I tied you up so you couldn’t go anywhere?” He asked with an eyebrow raised.

“I’ll hunt night and day for you, even if it takes me a lifetime to find you.”

“Well then.... Gather your stuff and I’ll be over to see what your taking with you.” He sighed with apprehension. He didn’t like this at all.

Rainbow Dash giggled excitedly and tackled Vic again, but this time, she gave him a giant hug while shouting out thank you. She released him and ran off back to camp.

Vic stood up slowly and wiped the dust off his backside, yet again, but he couldn’t help but smile. Funny how something like that could cheer him up, even if it was for a little bit and over something small.

Once done, he walked over, but stopped at the edge of the fire’s light, to see Rainbow Dash gathering everything she could to fit into her bags. Vic raised an eyebrow at that and walked over. He pushed the Pegasus out of the way and upended both bags that were connected together. Saddlebags, he guessed.

“What are you doing?!” Rainbow asked, angry that he just undid her work. She’s got a lot to learn if she was going to travel with him.

“I told you I’d be checking your bags and none of this is suitable for long distance traveling. Comic books are not needed, same with these regular books.” He tossed Rainbow Dash’s collection of Daring Do’s Adventures that she brought with her onto the dirt. “Pick only one and no more. Just count yourself lucky I’m even letting you bring one with you.”

He saw half-finished pieces of sugary treats and other food items. He threw those into the dying fire.

“Only carry food that won’t spoil, but can give you nutrients and energy to keep moving. Any type of grain product is the best for now since it lasts long and can give you the energy you need. Don’t worry about fruits and vegetables, we’ll find those along the way. Just count yourself lucky you’re an herbivore and don’t require protein. I hoped you didn’t plan on bringing any other bags along because you’re going to be traveling light.” She shook her head no. “Good. We’ll head to town and pick up all the grain products and water you can carry because that’s going to be your only food and water source until we can get to the next town.”

“What about money? I only brought enough for a couple of days.”

“Doesn’t matter. Buy as much as you can fit in your saddlebags because once you’re done with that, we’re leaving this area and heading west.”

“Why west?” she asked, still trying to pick which book she wanted to bring with her.

“It’s a new direction,” he answered with a straight face, but his eyes were smiling.

“You have no idea where you’re going, do you?” She asked with suspicion.

“Nope, and I intend to keep it that way until I can get a solid lead on my enemy. Besides, the journey isn’t fun if the destination is already known.” He winked with a sly smile. “Hurry up and get to sleep, we have a long day tomorrow.” He made his way back to his pack, and slipped on his rabbit fur poncho. He put his back up against the rock he was using and fell asleep with his arms crossed.

Rainbow watched him for a while after picking the book she would take with her. She chose to bring the first book she read and that was ‘Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone’. She set the book in her otherwise empty saddlebag and closed the flap.

She walked over to Vic and nudged his head a little to see if he was awake, but he ignored her by rolling over so he could show his back to her. She tapped his back with a hoof but he just waved it away with his hand. She rammed his back again, causing him to grunt, but he didn’t move much. She sighed and rolled her eyes while walking back to her saddlebags.

“You could have just said something instead of tapping or hitting me.” Vic said, rolling over to face her.

“Yeah, right,” she cleared her throat while blushing, “I just wanted to say I’m sorry for yelling at you and causing you trouble.”

“No need to apologize. It was understandable anger. You just wanted to stand up for your friends and I respect that. I didn’t see much in the way of loyalty until now.” He rolled onto his back, staring into the star-filled sky.

It still pained him to not see any dust clouds or nebulae in the sky. He missed being able to view the Milky Way’s Core from a top a hill that was pitch black.

“What do you mean by that last sentence?” Rainbow asked, curious.

“No questions tonight. You’ll find out more later on in the journey. Get some sleep; we have a long day ahead of us.” He closed his eyes and drifted away into the comfort of sleep.

“Right,” She sighed again, nodding and laid down next to her bag, staring at the dwindling fire as she also drifted off to sleep.


The next thing Rainbow felt was a harsh kick to her flank. She jumped up quickly and displayed her wings while getting into a charging stance. Vic stood in front of her, arms crossed over his chest.

“What was that kick for?!” she demanded, sitting down and rubbing the spot he kicked.

“It’s time to head to town so you can purchase food. Your friends agreed to help chip in. Here’s the purse.” He tossed a large sack full of coins that spilt out a little. It was twice as big as the one Rainbow Dash brought, which only held about 45 bits; it was only enough to get by this weekend.

“Wait a minute! The sun hasn’t even risen yet, so why are you eager to get out of here quickly.” She stood up, placing her bits in with her friends’ bag.

“Because, it’s a long walk from here to town, besides, it’s best to get an early move on.”

“But I can fly there in no time.”

“Yes, but if you do that, I won’t guarantee I will be here. Hurry up and get ready, your friends are ready to move out.” He said, walking over to her friends while he wrapped his brown cloth around his neck which Rarity put a tongue out at it.

She stood up and asked Twilight to help her with her saddlebags. Once she was ready, they moved out of the Buffalo tribe’s territory with waves and hugs of goodbyes and followed the tracks back to Appleloosa.

It took awhile but they finally made it to the outskirts of the small settler town as the sun was hiding behind the mountains, but still giving off light as it rose above them.

“Buy only what you need and come back here when you’re done. You can say goodbye to your friends either there or here. You have thirty minutes and that’s being generous. Don’t waste it because if you do, I’m gone.” He moved over to a rock that had shade already showing and pulled out map, along with a compass and a pencil.

As Rainbow and her friends galloped down the slope, the orange pony with the cowboy hat and 3 apples on her side, walked over to where he was sitting.

“Vic, can Ah talk to ya?” She asked as she sat down next to him.

“What is Applejack, is it?” he looked at his compass and marked a few numbers down.

“Well, Ah was thinkin’ if Ah could come wit’ ya’ll an’ try an’ help. If that’s okay wit’ ya.”

“I would say yes, but you already have your own responsibilities back at the town you live in, correct?” He looked at the orange pony, who looked away, cheeks red with embarrassment.

“That is correct,” She answered.

“Then you already know my answer. If there’s anything else you want to talk about, do it now, because this your last chance.” He told, but she just shook her head in a no and watched Vic plot his course across the map while writing down the numbers in a small notebook.


The half-hour was almost up as Rainbow trotted her way up the slope to where Vic still sat, his attention still on the map. Applejack sat next to him, watching what he did, until she saw the others and stood up, making her way over to them.

“You have five minutes left to decide on whether or not you want to go with me. Make them count.” He told her without looking up as he started packing his things up.

Rainbow said goodbye to her friends as they embraced her with a giant group hug. The five minutes were up as they finished up and Vic started moving west, towards the already set moon, once he finished packing everything up.

Rainbow broke free and cantered after Vic, who was walking at a brisk, but fast pace.

“Hey! What happened to waiting for me?” she asked with an annoyed tone.

“I never said I would wait.” He told her and felt her anger on him, which he ignored.

They walked for a bit in silence for a couple of miles before Rainbow Dash spoke up again.

“This just feels strange, for some reason,”

“What does: traveling with a creature you don’t know anything about or traveling without your friends to help you out of any situation, even the most basic or both?” he asked, not even looking towards the cyan colored pony.

“Both,” She simply told him.

“You’ll get over it soon. Any questions?” he asked, looking down at her.

“No, no,” She turned away and look ahead of her at the open expansion of the desert they were in.

“Good. No more talking then, we’ll waste energy that way.” And with that, their chatter ceased for a long, long while.


It took them a couple of days before the desert rose in elevation a bit while the climate changed to suit a Savannah biome. Though it wasn’t much of a change in temperature, Vic liked the change,. He was uncertain how the Pegasus took the change, however.

Once they were able to stop at night, Vic went back to catching small rodents to keep his protein levels up, as well as the other vitamin’s the small critters provided since he some running around earlier.

As Rainbow Dash set up the fire, a couple of hours later, Vic came back with three giant rabbits. Each one would probably keep him going without having to stop for the next couple of days. He set the carcasses down and pulled out his serrated pocket knife and began to skin them.

Rainbow Dash looked up from the fire and saw Vic was skinning a dead rabbit. She quickly stood up, jumped over the fire and shoved him back, making him drop the half-skinned carcass onto the ground.

“What was that for?” He asked as he stood back up, hand over his ribs and saw Rainbow between him and his meal.

“Why did you kill these rabbits?” she asked, wings spread in an intimidating stance, which made him smile slightly, but once he noticed her eyes, his smile faded.

“Because they are my dinner,” He told her flatly.

“What about those boxes of food you made? Why can’t you eat those?”

“Those rations are for emergency only. The time I ate those was because I was unable to find food that is already available, i.e. those rabbits. My species is omnivorous, which means I can eat both plants and animals. Without the necessary vitamins and proteins that the meat provides me, I will die of malnutrition because my body cannot make the necessary amino acids, unlike yours. Sure I can eat beans, cheese or anything else along those lines, but they do not provide the necessary amount I need, especially for what I am doing now. Besides, those aren’t as common as a rabbit is in the wild.” He explained as simply as he could. “Do you want me to die of malnutrition?”

“I-I guess not,” the cyan Pegasus said, lowering her wings slowly and dropping her head, but picked it back up. “I don’t like it though,”

“You don’t have to. I’m only doing this because I need to survive to complete my goal, otherwise I wouldn’t bother with this and live out on a farm.” He sat back down in front of the rabbit and picked it up. He inspected it and luckily, it landed on its fur, which broke the meat of the mammal’s fall.

He finished skinning the carcass and opened up the belly with his knife so he could see the inside. He set the body down on the fur, then grabbed some rubber gloves from his pack and put them on. He dug his hands into the rabbit itself and pulled out everything, dumping it all into the fire. It roared high as the organs burned, along with the blood. They released a pungent smell that Rainbow Dash didn’t like at all since she tried to cover her nose, especially after he tossed the head in. Vic tossed her his brown shirt at her with an non-gloved hand, which she gratefully accepted since she placed it over her nose.

He washed out the inside with a bit of water, while adding a bit of salt from a packet he had. He grabbed one of the more slender sticks and drove it all the way through the rabbit, making sure it went into one hole and out the other until it both ends were visible. He then set the stick to face at a 45 degree by driving the bottom part into the dirt and used some surrounding rocks to make sure it stayed in its position.

It took a while for the rabbit too fully to cook but Vic was happy for the wait because it was juicy and tender as he bit into it, like a well done rib-eye steak. He dug into the meat with pleasure, but Rainbow was just disgusted at how he was able to eat another animal, even if he had a higher intellect.

The night dragged on as Vic finished his meal, dumping the remains into the small fire, making the smell the Pegasus pony hated very much which made her put the brown t-shirt over her muzzle again. He laid down with his head on his pack and looked back up at the never changing twinkling stars and the moon staying full while Rainbow began to fall asleep on the opposite side of the fire, but was facing him.

“Hey Rainbow Dash, why is the moon always full?” He asked, staring up at it.

She picked up her head and looked at the moon. “It’s probably because Princess Luna likes the moon being full so the ponies who work at night can see. Why do you ask?”

“I was just curious, because our moon actually looses and gains light every month due its fast orbit. Sorry, I’m becoming scientific again. Let’s get some sleep.” He rolled onto his side and was able to shut his eyes an hour later as the fire died.