• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 563 Views, 25 Comments

Reflections - loopsorspool

What happens to a reflection after it's caster dies? I know. I'm the first to know. I am the first of my kind. And I am not the last.

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"Where the brambles are thickest, there you will find a pond beyond the most twisted of vines.”
“And into her own reflection she stared yearning for one whose reflection she shared, and solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly mared."
-The Legend of Mirror Pool

There I was, looking again at my reflection, or was it my reflection? We both moved at the same time in uncanny synchronicity. 'What if I am the reflection,' I think to myself and not for the first time. I can't help it, I reach out to... Myself? It's hard to tell, I always look different, I think, I can't really remember, but there are stray memories of... What? Certainly not me. I've lived in this cave my whole life... I think. But if I had, then who's memories are these? Contact, and its not glass between me and... Me? It doesn't matter, her grip is strong and is pulling me, down into the water. No, I can't swim. I don't want to drown. But the pool of water is... Dry? That's the best way I can describe it. Its like I've lived my whole life in the water and for the first time I'm coming up to breathe.

"Cotton Storm," she (I?) says.

"What?" I ask in barely a whisper, having used my voice for the first time.

"That's what I'll call you. My name is Felt Cloud."

"Felt," I cough up some liquid, "Cloud?"

"Yes, how do you feel?"

"S-sick." My stomach empties itself on the ground. So much liquid, its almost surprising how much was inside me. I tried not to think about it, I had other questions. "W-what... am I?"

"You are me, sort of. You are a copy of me," she said, happily. "Oh, you're probably hungry! This is so exiting! Here, try an apple." she extends a wisteria hoof holding an apple in it.

"Th-thank you." I stare at the red object in my hoof, I stick out my tongue to taste it, flavorless. Tentatively I take a bite of the 'apple.' crisp, sweet with a slight tang, it's very juicy and it make me feel less hallow. "It's good."

"We should do something together! But what? What do you like to do? Oh,you probably don't know. Then lets try stuff together! Finally I won't be alone!"

"Where..." My inquiry cut short by Felt Cloud

"We could go for a walk!" She starts trotting in place excitedly.

"Um... Ok," my voice coming stronger now. I hesitantly walk over to her. She starts at a normal pace, but soon starts skipping, still trying to maintain a easy pace for her new friend. "Where," my voice catches, "are we going?"

"The Everfree Fields. Near the Celestial Castle. If we are lucky we might see the Sister Princesses!"

"Sounds nice," we walk, I with a awakward gait, unused to the feel of stone under my soft, new hooves. there is something different about the about the ground as stone turns to dirt, it's... Hard to look at, painful even, 'What is it?' I wonder, 'Why is it hard to look at that spot?' I voice my concerns, "What is that? It's painful to look at. M-m-make it go away. Don't step in it!"

She stops just before putting a hoof on the painful ground, "Don't step in what? This? It's light silly," I flinch as she puts her hoof on the painful spot and her hoof becomes lighter. "It's not going to hurt you, yeah going from a dark place to a light one hurts a little at first, but your eyes will adjust."

My brain can't handle it, 'How can she become like the painful spot?' She was right though, it didn't hurt to look at the spot anymore. 'Maybe she is made of glass!' I rationalize, 'But what is glass? I don't know. I don't want to know, if it's as confusing as this "light" thing I hope I never encounter it.'

"Aren't you coming?" Hesitantly, I follow, flinching as I placed my hoof into the light. It's not painful, its rather pleasant, warm. but it creeps onto me where it's warm. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I walk fully into the light. It's pleasant, I open my eyes and notice something dark behind me.

"Aaaaahh!! What is that thing!! It's touching me and its dark and tall! Get it a way!" Felt Cloud can't handle this spectral and simply cannot stop laughing. I give her a dirty look, "This is serous, It's scary! Please stop, this isn't funny!"

"It's just a shadow, it can't hurt you. it's fine, look I have one too!"

"O-o-oh," I hang my head, feeling... feeling what? Bad, but what is this feeling called? Embarrassment? Maybe, but whatever it is I don't like it, it makes my cheeks hot. "Please tell me this is the last of this voodoo witchcraft."

she sputters a little bit, trying to keep back a laugh, "I think so but I might be wrong. Come on, We are almost out of the cave now."

"Ok..." I follow her out of the cave, not knowing what to expect upon stepping out side of its protection. I steeled myself for whatever is to come, but it didn't matter, I stepped outside and saw... Blue, lots of blue, so far away, so open. It took my breath away, It was huge and empty, I felt so small, just a speck. I feel my mouth fall open, my knees shake, "What... What is... Sky.. This is a sky, right? The blue thing..."

"Oh you silly filly. Yes, that is the sky, Isn't it wonderful!"

"Its so big," I emphasize the last word.

"I know! Hey I have a picnic set up in the field, let's go!"

"Um, ok." Picnic. Picnic. I know this word, its... food, in a basket... And a blanket to sit on. It sounds relaxing. I can see the basket, its really close, but I feel... Something, weak? Tired? It doesn't matter, a few more steps and then I can rest. One... Two... Three... Four... And made it, I let my shaky frame flop onto the blanket. It's soft.

"I guess I forgot about how new you are to things like walking. Don't worry I got a solution, food! Here try a daisy sandwich," she says with a smile.

Oh, what's that word... Oh I got it! "Thunks, wait... that's not it... Thanks!" I can see the smile and laughter she tries to hide, but I don't care, it's still new to me. I reach out for the sandwich and our hooves touch, only briefly, but the touch is comforting, she cares about me. But how do I eat a 'sandwich?' Two hooves, That I know, but I can't get my mouth around the whole thing...maybe if I... My train of thought is interrupted by giggles.

"Silly filly, you can't eat it in one bite! Bite off a piece then chew it." my cheeks feel hot again, better find out what that means. I stop trying to contort my mouth, tentatively I take a small bite, watching Felt cloud to see if she does anything. She smiles, not trying to cover up giggling, must be doing it right. Its... Different, not like the apple but still good. It feels good in my belly, It makes me feel... Full. But now my lips are dry... Ugh, Being a pony is so confusing.

"Felt Cloud?"


"I'm dry..." I say, not really sure how to phrase it. Felt's eyes cloud over, deep in thought at what I mean by 'dry.' Then her eyes sparkles knowingly.

"Ah, I got it, you are thirsty! One moment, I have some lemonade here." she fumbles around in the basket a little, and pulls out a metal tube and an almost invisible thing. It's glass! 'No! I can't handle that right now! Put it a way!' I scream inside my head. oblivious to my anguish she sets the glass in front of me and twists on the metal tube, and the top comes off, revealing it's hollow! she tilts the tube over my glass thing, and water comes out of it! I was shocked that she would just pour it into that invisible thing! I was even more shocked when the water became tube shaped itself! Wait... Water isn't yellow. It must be that 'lenomaid' thing she was talking about. "Go ahead, take a sip!"


"It's not witchcraft, look!" she picks up the yellow liquid and takes a sip, the liquids only touches her lips.

"Give that to me, I want to try it."

"Please, say please."

"Please give it to me." I try again, she hands over the liquid, just when I was expecting my hoof to get wet, its stopped by something, oh right the glass... I forgot about that. I carefully take a sip. It's really sweet, a little too sweet for me. I finish off the glass, feeling my wet lips. "That's better."

"Hey Felt Cloud, I didn't know you made a ponnequin of yourself. That's kind of creepy, even for you..." An unknown pony says, the voice is deeper then our voices. We both turn to the source, it's a celeste color pony, she looks different from myself and Felt. She has things on her back. Weird fuzzy things. But there is something strange about her muzzle too. "AAAAHHH!!! IT MOVED!!!" The unknown pony scares me.

"Ssshhh! You'll scare her!" Felt Cloud chided. "It's ok, Cotton Storm, he didn't mean to scare you." 'He?' What's that? Is that why she has fuzzy things on her back?

"Why does," sniffle, "she have fuzzy things on her back?" I ask, between tears.

"Oh, Rainy Meadows is a pegasus, and also a stallion." Says Felt, giggling at my confusion. I guess that explains the muzzle, she is a he. And those fuzzy things are wings then.

"Uuuugh, if things become even more complicated I might just go crazy!" I shout, I jump at how loud it was, then I was embarrassed at scaring myself.

"How did you find her? She looks exactly like you, down to your Cutie Mark. In invisibility." Invisibility? What does that Cutie mark look like? I turn to look at my flank, but something is missing on it... Its blank. I have no cutie mark. But if I didn't have a cutie mark... I turn to look at Felt Cloud's flank, blank as well. But, then why would...?

"Very funny, Rainy, now go away, go torment somepony else." Felt says with a deadness in her voice.

"Ah come on, I was just teasing," his voice fades, feeling the wrath of the looks from Felt. "Um... maybe I should just be on my way..."

"Yes, that probably in your best interest. I don't want Cotton, with her young mind, to be subjected to your psychological abuse." Says Felt. Great big words, come on think, what does "siclogil" mean? Maybe Rai- wait where is he? Oh well, I guess I don't get to find out what meant.

"Um... Felt? what does, Ss-ic... log-il?," Great how did she say it? "Siclogil! What does it mean?" she pauses a moment,a searching look on her face then clarity.

"Oh, psychological!" then her face scrunches up, "It's... The brain... Behavior? Something to do with the brain and behavior, or something like that."

"Oh, that's... Helpful... -ish. Gosh darn it there are so many words, why can't there just be like forty words or maybe a book with what words mean in them!"

"They have one of those, it's called a dictionary." she adds with a giggle, she seems happy to forget about the event that just happened.

"New favorite book! Can I get a signed copy of it?" I ask hopefully, sure the most useful book in the world would have an author that would want to sign it. At that Felt promptly laughs out loud, completely unabashed.

"I'm not sure there is enough pages for that many signatures!"

"It's that big..." Great I won't finish for a long time if its that long.