• Published 8th May 2014
  • 1,685 Views, 207 Comments

The Alicorn King's Glare - LightOfTriumph

Equestria could come crashing down when a threat from Equestria's past returns from it's prison. Could the mane six stop the world from being blinded by unholy light?

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Chapter 7: Chaos vs. Light

Discord and Seaphim Glare stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity.

"Forward March," Glare said after a long while. "I hardly recognized you."

"Yes, Much has changed since you took your little extended vacation," Discord said examining his lion's paw. "As I'm sure you saw. I'm also sure you saw the death of Forward March. He's not here anymore, only I'm left."

"Ah yes," Glare said smugly, "That's right, you go by 'Discord' now don't you. As I said March, your name would be far more hated than mine, one day."

"And so it was," Discord replied calmly, "That will happen when one party fades out of history, back into legend. It seems that your 'light' was bright enough to irritate ponies, but not quite bright enough to be worth remembering."

Glare was obviously angered by that, but he kept his composure. "Why are you here, March?" he said with a forced grin on his face. "I'm much stronger than the centaur, so I believe an alliance won't be necessary."

"Oh, very funny, Seraphim," Discord flexed his paw to reveal five claws, as long as steak knives, "but you know exactly why I'm here."

Glare's hooded cohort stepped toward Discord, but was blocked by a golden wing. "No, Light. I'll handle this personally."

"But father-"

"No argument," Glare said firmly, "After all, old friends should settle this kind of agreement personally."

"I couldn't agree more," Discord grinned.

Outside the gate, Twilight and the others were standing in awe at the raw power that was circling the throne room. "This is not good," said Twilight. "If those two go at it, they could bring this whole place down."

"Do you think that Discord will be alright?" Fluttershy asked.

"Are you kidding?" Dash replied. "This is Discord we're talking about. I'm just going to sit back and watch the butt whuppin'"

"I'm not so sure," Twilight added. "True, Discord is highly powerful, but he got that power from Seraphim Glare. And Glare said it was only a portion of his power, this is going to be far from a walk in the park for him."

There was a snap and a flash and all of the sudden movie theater snacks appeared in front of the three ponies. "I thank you for the vote of confidence, Twilight," Discord said dryly. "This is why Rainbow Dash gets more popcorn than you do."

"You've become much more of a good time since you lost control," Glare laughed. "I wish you had been more like this back then."

"Now, now," Discord gave a sly smile. "I do hope that means you won't be going soft on me, Seraphim."

Glare gave an evil grin. "Don't worry."

Glare lunged at Discord, but he was blocked by the appearance of a giant apple pie. "You know what I've felt your problem has always been, Glare?" said Discord. "A lack of imagination."

Glare pulled himself from the giant pie and backed into a place behind him, where the floor had become soap. He skidded into the opposite wall.

"All your going on about 'my light' this and 'my light' that," Discord nimbly dodged a bolt of magic from Glare's horn. "It's like you never learned to have any fun."

"You insolent-" Glare was cut off by when an anvil stuck him about the head.

"But if you really must be such a stick in the mud," Discord appeared in front of Glare. He grabbed Glare's horn with his eagle's talon. He winced as a sizzling noise echoed throughout the throne room. "I can handle that."

Discord began to bat at Glare's face with his lion's claws, scratching at his eyes. Glare fired a bolt of energy through is horn that hit Discord squarely in the jaw. Discord staggered back, and then took to the air. Glare was about to follow, when all of the sudden shots rang out. Several cannons which had appeared on the ceiling fired at Glare. The glow around Glare intensified and the cannonballs melted. Glare tried to take off again but was welded to the ground by the molten metal from the projectiles."

"What?!" Glare tried to wrestle his feet out of the molten lead, which was already beginning to glow orange again.

"Oh, my," Discord giggled. "It's almost as if I saw that coming!" Discord shoulder checked Glare into the opposite wall, embedding him in it and enshrouding the Alicorn King in a blanket of blue dust. "Honestly Seraphim, I expected more of a challenge than this," he said nursing a burn on his shoulder.

"ENOUGH!" the kings roar shook the throne room. He came out of the dust cloud with his face clouded in rage. The tips of his horn and hooves were glowing like gold being tempered. "Enough of these games, March! I tire of them! Any entaertainment value that this bout may have had is long over with. It is long past the time where you need to die!"

"Oh, I don't think your little 'Incinerate Stare' will do you any-" steam began to rise from Discord's skin. He doubled over in pain. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"Oh, you're right," Glare said, a mad grin plastered on his face. "I cant kill you with it..."

Fluttershy reached through the bars as Discord let out another scream. "Discord!"

"What I can do" Glare said with a cold satisfaction, "Is make you hurt, March. I can make it feel as if every inch of your body is burning. But on the other hand..."

Discord seemed to be relieved, his body still twitching after the ordeal it had been put through.

"That would lack imagination, wouldn't it Discord?" Glare seemed to begin to calm as he lifted his former friend into the air.

A magic aura seized each of discord's limbs and began to pull in different directions. Discord looked as if he would scream if something hadn't also grabbed his throat.

"So many different limbs, belonging to so many different creatures," Glare pondered. "I think it's time you returned them."

Discord let out a choking scream as the pull became more taut.

"Twilight!" Fluttershy said desperately. "We have to get in there!"

Twilight didn't answer. She couldn't answer. She simply stared at her friend in agony. Tears began to well in her eyes. If she had looked around her, she'd have seen that that her friends had the same reaction. They were all to shocked to move.

Fluttershy threw herself against the bars with all her might. "What are all of you waiting for!" Fluttershy hurled herself into the bars again. "We have to get in there!!"

Glare smiled and slackened the pull. He slammed Discord to the ground, cracking the floor. "Don't worry, March," Glare said softly. "It's to early to kill you. Never say again that I don't know how to have fun."

There was silence, and then a wheezing laugh. "I most certainly won't question your imagination ever again." Discord slowly rose. "You truly are sick, you know that, don't you?"

"Oh, good," Glare said with a sick glee. "You have enough energy to fight back. This should make things a little more interesting."

Discord shook his head. "No, Seraphim. You've won this round." He snapped his fingers and a glass vial filled with blue powder appeared in his hand.

"Is that...?" the vial was enough to break through Twilight's shock.

"I'm afraid so," Discord said quietly. He popped open the cork and poured the powder down his throat.

"What are you doing?!" Twilight screamed.

"What is it?" Fluttershy was crying now. "What did he just-?"

"Harmony extract," Discord said quietly. "As for what I'm doing, Twilight. I'm giving you a back up plan. Remember, I'll be right here when you need me."

"What?" Twilight asked.

"Harmony extract? He can mean..." Fluttershy looked at her friend and there was a catch in her heart. "No..."

The tips of his tail and toes were beginning to turn grey. "The process should be slower with such a small amount. That should give me enough time to say a few things."

Glare seemed intrigued. "Speak your piece."

"You've won round one," Discord paced around Glare, each step making a hard tap against the crystal floor. "Would you like to hear about round two?"

Glare smiled. "Oh, please. Go on."

"The six mares you are about to come in contact with," he stopped in front of the iron bars as the petrification moved up his legs and onto his hips. "Are truly remarkable. They are the sort who can achieve the impossible if they work together. They have a bond that nothing can break apart, trust me, I've tried. And you're going to underestimate them, Glare. That's what will be the end of you.

"Girls," Discord snapped his fingers just before the petrification took his arms.The iron bars in the doorway lowered "I leave him in your capable hooves."

With that, Discord was turned to stone. Arms spread wide as if to erect a wall between him and his friend.

There was a very long silence. Fulttershy was weeping softly. Twilight was stunned. Even Pinkie Pie was on the verge of tears.

The silence was broken by a cold laughter. "Trust me, March," Glare laughed. "I've been watching. I know exactly what they are capable of." He lifted Discord into the air and turned to his ward. "At least this wasn't a complete waste of time, daughter. I now have a new ornament for my throne room."

He placed the statue behind the Crystal Empire's throne. "Hail to Discord!" he said with a great pride. "Formerly Forward March! The last opponent who would ever be a challenge.

"Now," Glare sat on the throne and turned to the six friends. "I believe I have business with the six of you."

Author's Note:

Next couple of chapters are going to be relatively short. So I should be able to update more frequently.

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