• Published 4th May 2014
  • 5,252 Views, 129 Comments

C-R-O-W-N-E-D S-O-U-L - Mordy

A human is transformed into Magolor Soul when he puts on the Master Crown. But when the Elements of Harmony are used on him he is reduced to a shadow of his former self. That doesn't stop him from seeking revenge!

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Ch. 1 Little Pile of Hate

By: Mordy

Ch. 1 Little Pile of Hate

Hate is a powerful word. Such negativity not only in of itself, but in the very air that surrounds it when it is spoken. It’s almost magical in a way. Just saying it causes one to feel the dissonance that emits from it. Such is its power. Not many want to use the word even if it is what they feel. They think they’re somehow better if they don’t admit to it and make it seem as if they’re humble and in control by not giving in. It’s somewhat ironic that they loathe to admit that they hate something.

Want to know what I think of such people? I think they’re utter fools! Why deny such feelings and bottle it up? It only helps if you reserve them for the right moment to unleash it. Otherwise you’re just hurting yourself. That’s why I embrace it and all other negative emotions.

You’re might be wondering who I am to embrace such darkness. Well, I’ll tell you. I am the great Magolor! The manipulator, the wielder of dark matter, he who wears the Master Crown, the one defeated by that annoying pink puff ball!

I try to downplay that last part.

Yes, I am that Magolor… sort of… kind of… not exactly. I should probably explain…

You see, I was human at one point. Then I put on what I thought was just a neat replica of the Master Crown. Turns out it was the genuine article. It transformed me into Magolor and transported me to another universe.

Now, when I say I was morphed into Magolor, I’m not talking about cute seemingly harmless Magolor. I’m also not speaking of magician form Magolor. I’m talking Magolor Soul Ex form. As in, “oh god, that would be so awesome if it wasn’t going to kill us,” Magolor. Evil red eye in the mouth and all.

So, now you might be thinking, “That’s cool, so you got transported to the Kirby Universe?” Well… not exactly. Kinda got thrown a little off course and ended up not quite there. In fact, I wasn’t even close at all. The only comparison was that the world I ended up in was just about as colorful.

Where did I end up? As it turns out, I was transported to Equestria…

Yeah, as in My Little Pony universe. Thankfully it was Friendship is Magic version of the universe and since I was a fan of the show this pleased me greatly. Though, I had to deal with a few issues.

First, I had to stop panicking about my new form. That was made even harder by the fact I was in a snow covered field not knowing where the hell I was. After I calmed down I started to experiment with my powers and that’s where I got giddy. I was amazed to find out that my powers weren’t restricted to Magolor, but all the Soul bosses plus a few extras. I was quite happy with this even though I was stranded in god knows where.

The next issue that came up was that I was more unfamiliar with the world than I should have been. This was mostly because I was in a completely different time era. To give you an idea of when it was (not that I knew the exact date and period) it was sometime after Discord had been sealed, but before the Crystal Empire had disappeared and Luna had yet to have her little… let’s call it “episode”.

So, how did I narrow it down to that? The answer is simpler than you think. I merely ran into Sombra.

If you’re hoping some kind of epic fight happened, I hate to be the bearer of bad news… actually I like giving bad news. There was no confrontation between us. He took one look at me and immediately thought: Nope! It was kind of disappointing since I knew so little about him, what with his lack of character development in the show and little screen time.

That meeting was where I learned a little something about Equestria. As it turns out, there’s a hierarchy for villains. It works like this; the more sinister and evil you look the higher you rank up. So, if you went by my looks alone I was pretty much Equestria’s ultimate super villain and probably seen as the complete antithesis of Celestia. In other words, I was king of the hill. Though let it go on the record that your rank on said hill doesn’t reflect your level of power, just your general evilness as viewed by the general public.

The next thing I did was make friends with Sombra… I know, hear me out.

I didn’t have much else to do and it wasn’t like I was going to be accepted by any of the ponies of this world as anything else, but a monster. Sombra and I were also in sync. What with him using dark magic and me somehow being able to feed off the negative emotions of others, we got along quite swimmingly. Besides, I was very curious to learn more about him. It was probably going to be my only opportunity and I wasn’t doing anything else.

To describe Sombra, I’d best say he was like a pony with Asperger’s Syndrome. Actually, I think he may have had it. He had odd social quirks, didn’t know how to appropriately hold small conversations, and he had an obsession with Crystals. Though I think we all knew that last part. He had always been shunned by most of society because of his oddities. It also didn’t help that he was easily frustrated because he would often miss out on social queues. It was kind of sad. Not really his fault, he grew up in a time where such a mental disability was an unknown and was seen as someone to avoid. So, these factors lead to him to secluding himself to his magic and his other obsessions. Things that he could understand.

Now, when I first met Sombra he had yet to conquer the Crystal Empire. Though, I may have given him the idea when I mentioned its existence and how one could spread emotions throughout Equestria using the crystal heart. Uh… my bad?

Could I have stopped him? Yes. Was I going to? Pfft… nope! As time went on I had found myself caring less and less about the feelings of others and I might have been getting a bit more selfish and evil. Though I bet that was merely my imagination. Besides, I wasn’t going to mess with history. I knew the outcome of everything, so I thought it was best if I just let things run their course.

That didn’t stop me from enjoying myself, with Crystal Heart spreading fear and hate through the land I found my own power growing with it. I was quite happy with this and I sort of became the Crystal Empire’s unofficial guardian. Not because I wanted to protect it, but because I enjoyed using my abilities to crush anything that tried to attack it. Was like having a beacon summoning challengers to fall to my power!

Then the sisters showed up…

I said I wasn’t going to interfere with history, but with me siphoning energy from the crystal heart and a chance to fight Princess Celestia and Princess Luna I couldn’t help myself. Besides, they attacked first… if you don’t count that preemptive strike I got on them. They were getting ready to attack me, so I just struck them before they could get the first strike. I’m pretty sure they were about to attack or they might have just been stunned by the sight of me. Okay, maybe I was the one who struck the first blow…

Let’s be reasonable and logical about this. You’re the rulers of this land and have never seen anything like me before. You find yourself looking at a creature made up of dark matter with more spikes and horns on him than a porcupine has quills with a giant red eye inside of his mouth that not only was guarding the Crystal Empire, but was friends with the penultimate bad guy. Are you really thinking that maybe I can be reasoned with?!

So, I fought them. How did the fight go? To put it frankly, I kicked their flanks six ways from Sunday. It was a very fun battle… for me. Not so much for them. I at least had the courtesy of sparing them. I was also hoping for the chance to have another go at them after they had recovered. Looking back at it now, I probably should have finished them off when I had the chance.

Anyway, I sent them away with their tails between their legs, but they came back for another round. I was expecting to have some more fun, but they had other plans though. The sisters did the worst thing possible in a fight; they cheated. Those two horses had the gall to use the instant win button on me, better known as the Elements of Harmony!

Now, I tried to stop them, I thought I could interrupt the attack, but seems those elements even give them invincibility frames or rather shield them from most attacks. I really should have seen that coming. So I did the most reasonable thing. I fled… or rather I tried to. I have the ability to open portals to travel to and through other dimensions, but I really should remember to close the damn things more quickly! That blasted homing rainbow cannon followed me through my own portal and struck me there. Celestia and Luna were able to see me get hit before my portal closed. I’ll never forget that smug look on their faces.

So, what’s it like getting hit by the orbital friendship beam? I’ll tell you in a word. Painful. That thing stings! My entire being was torn apart and bits of me were flung out of my personal pocket dimension and back into Equestria.

When I finally became aware of myself again I was back in the snowy tundra’s of the Crystal Empire, except the said empire was now gone. I then found out something horrible. I couldn’t move. The Elements of Harmony seemed to have many odd possible effects. They can banish you to the moon, turn you into stone, purify you of your envy, but it did none of those to me. I’m only guessing, but seeing as I was a soul made of magic and dark matter I’d wager it seemed the elements found it appropriate to turn me into a dark crystal.

It gets worse though, the flow of time can be different in other planes so, hours had passed for Equestria when I was in my dark realm. So, not only was I stuck as a Crystal, which is quite uncomfortable I might add, and slowly building a layer of snow on me, but the Princess’ didn’t even know I had been flung back into Equestria! They probably thought I was forever sealed between dimensions.

If they knew I was back then they definitely would have taken me with them to lock me away in some vault. Not leave me alone where they couldn’t keep an eye on me. It’d be foolish to do so. That would be like leaving a dangerous possessed suit of armor locked up in chains in your basement then moving and forgetting to bring it with you while leaving it completely unguarded. Who in their right mind would do that?!

Sorry, I’m rambling. You tend to do that when you’ve been stuck as long as I have. Anyway, I was trapped in crystal in a snowy wasteland with nothing to do. At first I tried to see if I could break out of my prison. No luck there. Don’t think I gave up easily either. I went at it for who knows how long. I occasionally stopped to rest and then I would start up again. My motivator was the fact I could be here for as long as it would take for the Crystal Empire to reappear. That meant at least one thousand years before I could get out. I’d go mad before then… and I kinda did.

So much hatred filled me. Most of it directed at the sisters who imprisoned me. With no way of escaping my confines I plotted and planed. With my knowledge of events of the future I could find the perfect moment to take my revenge.

At first, I thought if I could get out after Nightmare Moon’s banishment I could swipe the Elements after Celestia abandoned her castle. Unfortunately that would be unlikely. If I was released after Nightmare’s return then I’ll be in a bit of trouble. The elements would be together again, but I would have a window of opportunity to maybe kidnap one of the bearers until I took care of Celestia and Luna. Though, I’d have to deal with the rest of the mane six.

The problem with the Elements of Harmony is there isn’t an easy permanent solution. If I destroy them, then bearers could just restore them through their bonds with one another. Just like when they defeated Nightmare Moon. If I kill a bearer then the element will possibly just find a new host. Though, I’d bet the other five would be too slow to figure this out. Unfortunately, they would figure it out eventually. Another option is to kill the mane six and destroy the elements. However, with my luck an army of bronies will show up to seek revenge. If not that then new bearers will come together with the elements restored. That was easily the worst option because I wouldn’t be able to see them coming till probably too late.

I had to rack my brain or whatever I had in my current form to figure out a more viable solution. My best bet would have to be after the elements were returned to the Tree of Harmony. Even that might not be enough. Sadly I would have to play most of this by ear. Still I had options and I could use whatever worked best. As long as I could keep the sisters away from the elements my victory would be assured.

So, as I went insane from boredom I could only sleep, make futile attempts to escape my prison, stare out at the mountains and wasteland, stare out at the blanket of snow that sometimes coated my crystal, think about whatever, or let my hate simmer.

It wasn’t until something hit me that I finally got out of my funk. And I mean it literally hit me. A pony explorer had been wandering the tundra until his hoof struck me. After a few curses from both of us he picked me up to examine my container. At first all he saw was a dark purple crystal that was pitch black on the inside. No light could escape from it. However, a second glance and all he saw was dollar signs.

Now, he started to dig around in the snow like an idiot hoping to find more, which of course he wouldn’t. However, that was when I learned I had an ability I was never aware of. I could put suggestive thoughts into the minds of others. The weaker willed they were the easier they became to manipulate. Of course it had to be simple stuff and if I did it too much or straight up tried to mind control them they started to become more aware of what I was trying to do. At that point all my directions would just fall on deaf ears and possibly reveal me.

So, I was able to put the idea that he wouldn’t find more crystals and it would be best to return to Equestria. From there I was passed around a lot. No one knew what to do with me, but if I got an annoying owner I could occasionally get them to sell me off or pawn me. I could even compel some to buy me.

I quickly found out that Nightmare Moon had come and gone, but not enough time had passed for her return. Not enough to my liking at least. Let me put it this way, Canterlot was still under construction and there was no Ponyville at the time. However, with my new found passion of being a collectable I was able to see and learn a lot more. It was fairly fascinating to watch some of the cities evolve into huge metropolises.

At one point a unicorn got ahold of me that recognize there was magic contained within the crystal and tried to break me out. I was really rooting for him to do so. It did wake me up from some of my naps, but freedom would have been worth it. Unfortunately, he never succeeded and I got traded again.

So, who owns me now? Well, no one in particular. As of now I’m currently stuck on display in some museum in Canterlot where I’m just a random rare crystal that scientists and mages occasionally study in an effort figure me out. So far they’ve learned squat, but that doesn’t seem to deter them nor fascinate them any less. It’s kind of fun to listen to their theories. Even if they’re all wrong.

On the bright side Nightmare Moon returned and then was restored as Princess Luna. That also meant I had been stuck as this thing for over a thousand years. I’ve been here so long I don’t even remember my life as a human. Strangely enough, I find myself not caring. I guess my old wasn’t too important and it’s not like I could return to it with so much time that had passed. Regardless, I’d soon be able to escape and wreak havoc on Equestria!

That’s when a horrifying thought came to me. One that had never crossed my mind. What if I never escaped? What if I was doomed to be stuck here for eternity and never get my revenge? I might not have a way to escape at all. That idea shook me to the core.

At that moment one of the museum’s guards ran up to another that just happened to be passing by me. As the stallion caught his breath and adjust his blue officer hat he then relayed an order, “Hey, we’ve been told to close up the place and have everypony return home!”

The other cocked his head. “Really? Why?” He asked, but was a bit happy to go home early.

“I’m not sure, but I’ve been hearing some weird stuff,” the first guard replied.

“Like what?”

“Well, I’ve heard some ponies have been saying they’ve been seeing pink clouds. Some are even saying that they’re raining chocolate!”


What?! I thought, knowing full well what that meant. Discord must have just escaped. If I recalled correctly, he got out because the elements had weaken their hold on him and some certain school fillies had caused a bit of ruckus and disharmony allowing him to be released. That means… I might just be able to escape too!

I waited for the two knucklehead guards to leave before I carefully checked my surroundings to make sure there was no one else around. Once I was sure the coast was clear, I began to ball up all my pent up hatred and lashed out at my chamber. At first there was nothing, but then I saw it; a crack.

I was overjoyed and attacked triumphantly as it grew bigger and bigger until finally the noise of a shattering crystal echoed the hall. At that moment it was the most beautiful sound in the world to me. An absolute symphony to my ears… if my form had ears.

My body fell to the floor with an unceremonious smack that sounded like a glob of paint falling against concrete. I stretched out with a moan as my other senses came back to me. First and foremost my magical one followed by one of my several visual ones. It was then I noticed something felt odd… or rather wrong.

I thought it was just because I got out and I was still recovering, but I felt weak. Weaker than I should be. It may have been a long time since I was in my glorious soul form, but what I felt now was nothing like it. It wasn’t until I glanced at a large mirror on display that I figured what was wrong.

What stared back at me wasn’t some demonic god, but instead was a large black slime ball a bit larger than a head with two elliptical white eyes staring back. I was essentially nothing, but dark matter in a thick liquid form.

A mouth formed on my being into what looked like a smile, but when it opened it revealed what was really a giant eyeball. My entire body was basically just one giant eyelid for that one crimson eye. I used it to glare out at the mirror as it became bloodshot as if it were angry. And well… I was. Quite furious in fact. I had escaped my prison, but I was now weak and vulnerable. I had no idea why either!

That’s when realization dawned on me like Celestia’s sun. When I had been hit by the Elements of Harmony I recalled bits and pieces of my body falling apart. I think I might even saw my crown. It certainly wasn’t on my “head” right now.

I let off an angered growl as my plans were suddenly turned upside down. So, I quickly had a new one formed:

1. Find my crown.
2. Restore my power.
3. Disable the Elements of Harmony.
4. ???
5. Profit!

As I chuckled mischievously, I heard approaching hoofsteps. I quickly scurried or whatever it is that slimes do to move around, over to a nearby display and hid behind it. I shut my large eye and peaked out with my two white ones. If I got caught at least I wouldn’t look very threatening. I could feign being harmless until I had a chance to make my move.

It was the two guards again or as I like to call them, Tweedledee and Tweedledum. They were in a panic and it wasn’t from my broken display.

“It’s not enough we have a madhouse going outside, but now this!” the one I called Dee, exclaimed as he started to hyperventilate.

Dum tried to rub his back to calm him. “Forget about the stupid crystal! Let’s just get somewhere safe and hope Princess Celestia can stop all this chaos.”

Dee gulped and hesitated before he quickly rushed out with Dum in tow, but in that brief moment I had been fed with their panicked visage. The negative emotions I had felt gave me a little bit of power and now my form was a little bit more solid. If I could just find more ponies with such distress I could get enough power to get my revenge or at least enough so my dark matter was at least a bit more solid.

Thankfully, with Discord on the loose I knew exactly where I could find a buffet of ponies in an absolute panic. A quiet, little town that most ponies knew as Ponyville. Discord was surely raising some chaos there!

With what little power I had, I concentrated as a multi colored star shape hole opened before me. That little act exhausted me immensely, but even though I hadn’t stepped through I could already feel the dissonant emotions flowing from the gate. Already I felt a little more of my power return as I quickly hopped through the warp star and on my way to restore myself to my full glory and to seek my revenge!

Author's Note:

So, after seeing a lot of LoHAV fics floating around I kind of wanted to do one. So, I thought to myself who is a good bad guy that someone could be turned into? Well, after my recent Kirby binge I went with the best boss final boss from the series. To my readers of my other stories, I am sooo sorry! XD

I really need to do another Roses for the Grave chapter, but I've been busy and to lazy to make final edits on earlier chapters. Mostly cause I have to do them in one go.