• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 443 Views, 5 Comments

Battle For Canterlot - Coolmrfreeze

The Changelings have been increasing their attacks on The Equestrian Borders but now they feel is the time to strike. They march for the fair capital of Equestria....Canterlot. A call for aid has been issued. Who will answer ? For war is kindled.

  • ...

The party before the storm

Celestia smiled and pulled her student close. “That is enough. We have a lot of work to do, Twilight.” They broke free from each other and climbed out of the spa.

“Alright; apologies, teacher.” She smiled up at her teacher and blushed a bit before sitting back in the tub.

She turned to Luna. “Luna….We need to go, we have work to do.” Her sister nodded at this affirmatively.

It wasn’t until that night that Twilight got to see the princesses again, when they showed her to her room for the week. She settled into the room for the night. Now, the next day, she was called to the throne room by Celestia.

“My dear student, Twilight, our troops will march out soon, and I need to ask you; I want you to give a speech to them. They will need the courage, and that would really help the morale.”

Twilight smiled awkwardly. “Oh….M-My.”

“If you don’t want to then I understand. I mean...it is a bit of short notice.”

Twilight said, “Oh...no no no! It isn’t that, Miss….it’s just that it would be an honor to do so. But...how long till they march?”

“Two days time.” She looked to Twilight. Meanwhile, Luna stepped in.

“We are all set to give our own speeches at the march out. I can help Twilight, if you want.”

Twilight said in a bit of surprise, “I would love that, if you will.”

Celestia smiled and settled into throne. “Okay, good. You two got it covered for each other.”

It was then that she realized she still needed to get back and check in with miss Gilded at the library and tell her about the eventful trip to the fort, so with that she waved off to the sisters before heading back down the winding halls and finding the familiar library, it had always been a haven for Twilight, she just felt at home around all the knowledge that they provided, she then called out to the librarian. “Hello, Gilded, you around?”

She looked out from behind a shelf and smiled. “Hello, Miss Twilight! How did the talk with Miss Luna go?”

“O-Oh...it went as expected well as you might have expected, I think we found something!”

Gilded looked at Twilight curiously.

“What was it?” Gilded looked into Twilight’s eyes and stared at her for the longest time, it seemed, until Twilight spoke.

“We found the fort from the war and an evil now lurks there, we could feel it.” She stared back into Gilded eyes, unable to break her seemingly hollow gaze.
It wasn’t until two days had passed that the march was delayed and the sisters had retreated into the tower war room.

Twilight worried about them, but stayed in Canterlot for the rest of her week, visiting places while trying to forget about her teacher and her sister. In the end, though, she left Canterlot to come back home…….


It was early morning as Twilight awoke on what felt like a completely normal day. She had already made her speech ready to give at the march, which had been delayed due to cold weather conditions and poor planning. She wasn’t coming unprepared, as her library looked barren at the moment. She had cleaned out all the books from it to hide them in safety. So, when she went back to Canterlot, they could be put into the vault there.

“Hey, Spike, where are you?” She called out for her dragon ‘brother’.

He climbed out from under her bed, clutching a blanket to himself. “Awww, you’re back! I was getting the best sleep in ages; you know, the uninterrupted kind.” He snorted and giggled as she gave him an angry face. Spike stepped forward, and hugged her. “Twi, relax. I was only kidding.”

She smiled and hugged him back. “Thanks, Spike.”

She explained to him that she was about to leave again on more business in Canterlot, and that she would be back as soon as possible to spend time with him. He nodded, and smiled. “Yay, back to bed!” The tired dragon ran off for the bedroom, covers in claw.

Twilight was left alone and thought, “Ugh, why do I trust him to do work?” She shrugged it off and packed her cases into a pile, lifting it with her magic. “Heavy!” She almost tipped over, but caught her balance and walked on, carrying an unwelcomed weight on her being that was unpleasant for her and her back.
She walked on down the road and passed by Rarity, who stood on the street waving at Twilight. Twilight waved back to her. “Hello, Rarity! How are you doing?”

Rarity smiled and looked back at her. “Greetings, darling. Do you need help with those?” She used her magic and took some of the weight off of Twilight.

Twilight huffed in relief and smiled. “Thanks, Rarity; I needed that.”

Twilight and Rarity walked down the street and loaded the massive crates onto the train platform, waiting for the train.

“What is in these crates, Twilight?” She looked at her in confusion as the huffing of a train and the whining of a whistle filled the air.

“Wait, darling, you're not staying for the party?” She flashed a concerned look to Twilight.

“What party, Rarity? I didn’t get an invitation to any parties.” Twilight said with a small chuckle.

“Oh yeah, I was supposed to give you an invitation; I must’ve forgotten. Are you sure you can’t make the next train stop? Pinkie will want you to come to say bye. Who knows how long you will be gone, dear?”

She looked at Twilight longingly and started to walk off before she realized that Twilight was walking with her. “You know Rarity, I hate it when you’re right.”

They both laughed together. Twilight patted Rarity on the back and said, “Well I guess I can theoretically make it to Canterlot a little bit late. I mean, Celestia said I wasn’t needed there yet.”

Rarity smiled, and in a swift but free flowing movement, spun around and grabbed Twilight’s hoof, pulling her off in the direction of Sugarcube Corner.
Twilight only spoke as she was dragged there, “Rarity, do you enjoy Pinkie’s parties?”

Rarity looked at Twilight, her face ablaze with confusion. “What kind of question is that?”

Twilight laughed. “Not like that, I just mean, do you enjoy them? You’re….you know….fancy; I just don’t see you enjoying yourself there.”

Rarity looked back at Twilight. Although her trot onwards continued, she said, “Whyever would you think I could miss a ‘Pinkie Party’...? I may be sophisticated, and ‘whatever else’, Rainbow says behind my back, but one thing's for sure; Pinkie Pie is my friend, and crazy or not, I still love her parties.”

Twilight smiled and nodded in happy agreement as Rainbow flew over them. Spotting them and dashing downwards, Rainbow Dash landed abruptly next to them. “Oh, hey, Twilight! Finally, somepony found you! We have been looking all over for you. We needed to find you before you left town. This party is supposed to be just as awesome as I am, so there’s no way we could’ve let you ditch!”

Rarity and Twilight looked at each other and smiled. They could hear the music already, and if that wasn’t enough to find the place, the lights were another dead giveaway. Rarity grinned and said to Twilight and a hovering Rainbow, “Well, we still managed to be late; the DJ is already set up and playing!”

Rainbow shouted over the loud electronic music, “WE GOT A PARTY TO ATTEND, COME ON!!!!”

Rainbow flew off in a haze towards Sugarcube Corner, where ponies were gathering at the doors to get inside with their friends. Twilight and Rarity walked to the doors and joined the crowd inside, dancing, eating and partying in general. As soon as Twilight stepped inside, the whole house shook with cheers and a loud, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” rung out in the small room.

Twilight smiled and laughed, having forgotten that today was her own birthday. She shouted, “THANK YOU ALL!” It, too, echoed off the walls.

Twilight went off to herself to get food at the tables and she ran into Pinkie Pie, who, in her usual sugar-coated mood, said with a wide smile, “Ooooh, Twilight, you made it here! I was afraid you forgot today and just left!”

Twilight smiled and hugged Pinkie. “I wasn't even going to celebrate at all this year Also, Pinkie….”

Pinkie snorted and smiled, “Not celebrate a party, pfff, your hilarious, but anyway what were you saying ?” her hooves holding Twilight tight.

“Thank you.” Twilight responded in a happy tone as she broke the hug up and grabbed some of the hay fries laid out on the table. While she happily munched on her snack, onstage, DJ PON3 herself was rocking out with her new accomplice, Rainbow Dash, who had wandered up onstage and began dancing for the crowds. They yelled and cheered while dancing side-by-side, which naturally doubled the cheers.

Rainbow shouted to Vinyl, “This party is awesome!” Vinyl nodded in agreement as they danced on. On the other side of the room, Applejack was serving cider for the guests and staff, who lingered behind for the party that they had set up for the princess.

“Ah reckon that the party was a success then, Pinkie?” AJ said as she filled a glass of cider for Pinkie. The both of them smiled at each other as they watched the scene of Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch dancing to the music that was playing, and doing a pretty good job at it, too.

Yet, despite the party, the night drawing around the house as they raved on, nothing interesting occurred until Twilight stepped up with Rainbow to dance.

“I am coming onstage.” Twilight muttered confidently. The crowd went wild in excitement as Twilight got onstage next to Vinyl, and in a cider-drunken spur of the moment, she started dancing onstage and shaking her flank. This caught the attention of the stallions offstage, and they started to gather near the front of the stage to cheer loudly. Then Rainbow joined in with Twilight and started doing the same, and soon Vinyl too. Soon, the party started to get crazy as a few mares joined them onstage following their drunken moves. It didn’t take long for the party to get out of hoof in this manner.

As the mares danced, Rarity watched silently from a ways away. As she did, Pinkie and the others on the grounds started to dance too, and after a moment the rave was back on.
Vinyl jumped for her turntable and started remixing the song. “Aww yeah, come on everypony!” She yelled happily.

The crowd let out another cheer and went back to dancing as Rainbow and Twilight jumped offstage and went to settle in the back by the desserts table. They both laid on a small couch off away from the stage. As Twilight lay there, she started to feel more and more tired, despite the ranting party in the background. She passed out right there on the sofa, snuggling up to Rainbow Dash.
Twilight woke up a few hours later, her breath smelling of alcohol and her vision cloudy as the sun beamed her in the face. She wiped her muzzle and messed with her mane while standing up slowly. She walked over to the bar, and as she did, she tripped on the passed out DJ. “Ow, what the hay was that?” She rubbed her head and sat back down on the floor, trying to return to the living world.

Rainbow sat up and looked at Twilight with frazzled eyes. “You okay, Twi? You need some help?” Rainbow sat by her friend and wrapped a caring wing around her.

“Yeah, I’m fine Rainbow. Thanks. I just need to get moving…...ugh, I am tired...” Twilight stood up and shook her wings before she realized something dismal. “Wait, I have to go to the train station! I have to catch the train in order to make it to Canterlot! I have a meeting to attend; it will govern the fate of two empires !”

So after the party, as they walked along to the train station many ponies came around to wave off the famous mare. The reason her friends came was simple, they didn't hesitate as it was the going away of their best friend and the one who brought them together in the first place. When they arrived Pinkie burst into tears over her taking leave to Canterlot, naturally Pinkie would be the one to lose it. Standing around the platform, Rarity spoke first "Well darling, we came to see you off, and I want you to be safe, who knows what we would do without you here darling."

Rainbow nodded and added "We really need you around" and in an effort to hold her cool she slyly added "egghead."

Twilight was kinda surprised to see Rainbow Dash, labeled the cool one mentioning her feelings to any of them "th-thanks Rarity and thanks to you too Rainbow."

Rainbow nodded "yeah, yeah but isn't that your train coming up right now ?" There was a loud whistle in that erupted before the sound of screeching brakes.

Twilight blurted "Oh yes, it is!" with that realization, she hugged Rainbow Dash and Rarity then she waved off the rest of her friends hastily. With that, she was off again on her trip to Canterlot. She got onto the train platform and waved off to Spike, who had followed her there.

“Bye, Twilight! I will see you soon! Please be safe!” Twilight nodded reluctantly. She stepped off the platform and onto the stairs leading up to the train that was destined for Canterlot…..

Author's Note:

I'm so happy to after so much delay be able to release chapter 3, it took way longer than I planned for with setbacks on all levels it she turned out good in the end I think, chapter four should be out soon but my friend http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Civviq+Writer shall write the next chapter, that will be fun, I can't wait I think Civviq is just as eager as I am to get started I hope this pleases those waiting, see you next chapter /)