• Published 2nd Apr 2012
  • 615 Views, 1 Comments

A Demons Return, The end of day? - JKaneH

Nightmare Moon is back, and the Elements of Harmony cant help this time. can the mane six proform their tasks in time to defeat their enemy

  • ...

A Busy Return

Twilight Sparkle sighed as she looked at the banner that flew from the town hall. “THE SOLAR EMPIRE” with a picture of her beloved Princess Celestia, she adjusted her cape and continued walking passed the large newly fortified building. She remembered when life was easy, just making her friends in Ponyville, it seemed so long ago, though she knew it wasn't. She walked to the smithy where Rarity's shop used to stand. It still held Rarity's touch, over shined and gems everywhere, though a large black cloud of smoke rose from the large chimney. And a bright orange glow emanated from the windows and door. As Twilight walked into the building Rarity looked up from her work.

“Ah Twilight, its been to long dear, be a doll and give me that hammer would you”

Twilight was always shocked to see the pretty-pony doing such a filthy job, as she magically lifted the oddly heavy hammer and gave it to her friend she said

“Yes it really has, I've missed all my friends, but the Princess wants me to ask you, can you make more Armour this week, the troops are falling left and right and the only ones left standing seem to be in your suits”

Rarity just smiled and gave a small chuckle, whilst covering her mouth she noticed her hoof was covered in black from her metal working, she squeaked and immediately went to a wash bucket, washing her hooves vigorously and said

“Dear, I am way ahead of you thanks to that wonderful never ending fire Spiky can conjure now, Iv been able to forge three times as many suits as normal! I sent out a shipment of over a thousand to Canterlot just moments before you arrived”

Twilight was impressed, she new that Rarity was a great smith but never had she thought that she could have made over a thousands suits of steel and gem in just a week. But her friends never stopped surprising her..

“sorry Rarity, but a thousand wont be enough. The Equestrian army is much larger then that, could you keep up that production” more of a order then a question

“I suppose I could dear, but for how long I'm not sure..” Behind her friend Twilight saw Applejack's little sister, Applebloom striking metal into the shape of a blade. She noticed the cutie mark the filly bore, a blade being pounded out on an anvil by a hammer. The filly could always fix and was handy with a tool, but in the smithy she was completely unmatched in blade smithy. Twilight now wished she had never seen the girl with her cutie mark...such a terrible skill to have to know your good at, but she had other business and couldn't doddle with this trivial train of thought. She thanked Rarity and told her to meet the rest of the group at the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse at eight, Rarity agreed and gave Twilight a hug goodbye.

As she walked down the street of her home town Twilight saw broken homes and cracked roads, this war is dragging out way to long she thought to herself, how could she live much longer like this, being the royal magi was so much work, she found herself having to protect Ponyville all to often from the onslaughts of the Lunar Republic, and to often she found herself broken and bleeding at the end of a battle. She kept walking to Rainbow Dashes house, it was built into the wall that now surrounded the town. She was the general in arms and was always ready to protect the town. As Twilight walked into the building she saw, hanging on the wall was the arsenal that Rainbow Dash brought into battle with her. A double bladed sword made out of a folded steal and moonstone the blade was unbreakable, and the handle was beautiful rose wood, wrapped in transparent rainbow silk. to fit perfectly between her teeth an amethyst to match her eyes, (a detail Rarity would not leave out) the Gem allowed Twilight to enchant the blade, it would break through any magical ward a unicorn could summon. One of Applebloom's finest blades, made with special care for the world renown pony., by the sword were her wing blades, again made by Applebloom, the razors made to attach to the wings of Pegasus so they could dog fight and attack the ponies on the ground using their most powerful appendages. Twilight walked into the sitting room of the dark stone building and was greeted by a joyful hug from RD, who exclaimed,

“Twilight! I'm so glad to see you! I was worried after that last battle, since I wasn't there to watch your flank”

she stuck her tongue out at Twilight in a playful manner and walked over to the table containing the maps of Equestria.

“reaally now I thought you were always watching my flank”

Twilight's tease earned a dark blush from her friend, who quickly turned away trying to hide her crimson cheeks.

“Twilight not while Scootilo is here!”

Indeed Scootilo sat in the corner with Tank playing with the turtle, none to gently as she hit the creature only to reserve a snap from his abnormally sharp jaws. A game that the filly played a lot since she was orphaned by the war, she no longer feared pain or death since learning that her parents had died by the hand of Guilda while trying to defend Cloudsdale from the Lunar Republic. Twilight herself blushed hoping the filly did not hear her comment, satisfied that she did not, Twilight's demeanor became serious once more.

“So as you know I've been in Canterlot for the last few weeks,and the Princess wanted me to ask you to, if it was possible train other Pegasus i to do the Sonic Rain-boom”

“SHE WHAT!!! I can't teach others to do my move! They could steal my thunder, and then how would I ever get into the Wonderbolts!? I cant do it I just cant!”
` Seeing Rainbow so upset over a simple request worried Twilight, she knew her friend would be upset, but not THIS much. She walked over and hugged Rainbow

“Rainbow I know its a hard move to teach, and that it is your...thing, but you need to realize that it is what has won most the battles we have fought. Without it I would have been dead and buried multiple times over, not to mention the ATOMIC Rain-boom which the Princess doesn't want you to teach anyone, that can still be yours, besides, what other Pegasus uses a sword and a set of the wing blades? You have that to! So your aren't giving up everything just this one thing”

“but Twilight, I don't know if I can first of all, secondly its my move” Rainbow Dash whimpered her beautiful mane falling into her eyes, at the thought of others stealing her move and possibly being able to do it better then her. Twilight looked at her friend with eyes that shown of comfort and love, and maybe just a tad of persuasive magic, but Rainbow didn't need to know that last part. She brushed the lock of mane out of her eyes and stared at her.

“fine ill do it, just for you, NOT for the Princess, or any other pony, just you” Twilight smiled, and was content with her friends answer, she told RD to meet the rest of the group of ponies at the Cutie Mark Crusaders house and she left the stone building.

That pony really needs to white wash the walls in there, its way to dark, and kinda creepy. Thought Twilight to herself as she walked to her next destination. She was on her way to Sugar Cube Corner, or what USED to be Sugar Cube Corner, now it was the town mess hall. Ponyville with a mess hall, she still couldn't wrap her mind around that one, it used to have so many restrants and cafes that she could eat anything she wanted. Now it had one mess hall. She trotted along at a comfortable but quick pace so as to keep schedule, which RD had made her fall a little behind on. She passed other ponies now, it was getting late enough that they would actually be awake and up and about the town. She saw ones here and there that were wearing there battle gear, just in case they needed it. As she walked up to the building that now held the monopoly for foodstuffs in Ponyville, she put on a happy face, as everypony did when about to talk to Pinkie Pie about anything serious. She bounced through the bright pink doors, to be greeted by Pinkies normal kind of decor, streamers reading HAPPY EATING, and balloons in the shape and colors of fruits and vegetables. Twilight couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous decorations, this was war and Pinkie could make even that happy, well happier. She walked into the kitchen where Pinkie along with other volunteers were working on making the towns rations, from cakes to simple dandelion sandwiches. The ponies stopped their work at the sight of Twilight knowing it must be important for her to barge in without warning. Pinkie, of course either oblivious to the seriousness of the situation or just not caring, bounced over gleefully and asked

“whatcha need Twi, were really kinda busy, NOT THAT I DONT LOOOVE LOVE LOVE SEEING YOU! Its just that we are kinda in a rush yah know so whatcha need, huh huh huh” the pink mare said in on long breath whilst bouncing around Twilight

“well Pinkie I need you to let me have all the unicorns that are helping you for a few minutes.” twilight responded to her overly joyous friend.

“silly filly I cant just give you them!, they are ponies! They choose whether you can keep them or not, though I could just tell them to go with you, Geesh I thought we were fighting oppression not trying to enforce it!” the pink pony then skipped from table to table telling all the unicorns to follow Twilight Sparkle, even though they had all heard the conversation. What with Pinkies yelling it was hard not to pay attention to what was being said. The group walked to the back of the building where there was plenty of room to practice the magic twilight had to teach the Ponies. Banana Fluff and Amethyst Star were the only outwardly impatient ponies while Pony Joe and twinkle sat calmly just wondering what they were meant to do hoping it would be quick so they could get back to work. Twilight walked in front of the four unicorns and addressed them with

“fellow unicorns, I have brought a challenging task back from Canterlot, by order of the Princess herself, I must teach you all a new spell” she waited for the groans to settle before continuing. “now this is not like any other spells you will learn , It cannot be written down so you cant just read and understand how to do this, you have to find out how yourselves, but when you do the results will be awe inspiring. Let me show you” and with that she plucked a leaf from the nearest tree, and laid it gently on the ground, facing downward with the curve. She then concentrated, focusing the magic and emotion inside her as all unicorns do when using magic. She first gathered the power she felt, a constant orb of light that she always felt inside her. This was her magic. Then she called upon the appropriate emotions to cast the spell, her horn began to glow a bright green as she now concentrated on the leaf. Then the magic connected like lightning to the ground. Exploding with power. And the leaf transformed into a gigantic stalk of celery. Easily twenty-five feet tall. The other ponies stood awe struck , just as Twilight said, it was truly an awesome spell. Then came the questions. Of

“how did you do that?”

“what is the right emotion combination?”

“the proper combination of magic and hunger???”

only Pony Joe stood silently . Concentrating on the leaf that had just fallen on the grass. His horn began to glow a dark purple, the other ponies continued to harass Twilight. As she just stood in awe at Joe's attempt. Then in a flash of blue light that left her blind for a few seconds. When again she could see, a gigantic doughnut stood before her..though not as tall as the celery that it stood next to, it was a much more complex transformation then what even Twilight could accomplish, thou a bit jealous she nodded her approval.

“That's amazing!” she exclaimed “though now you must teach these three how to do it, I have other business to attend to.” The unicorn nodded his consent and Twilight walked away. She really hoped that that would work, it would allow for all the ponies in Ponyville to be fed even through the winter with ease, so long as there was a leaf a tree, they could feed all the ponies for at least a day. Though there would be less choice in food then before, at least they all could eat right? She walked through the kitchen in between stoves and ovens till she found her flamboyant pink friend. Who upon seeing Twilight again jumped for joy asking in her normal fashion of a chain of odd questions

“Oh Twilight what did you teach them? I saw a flash..did you teach them how to instantly cook food? Or how to blow stuff up? Ooh oh oo maybe you taught them how to magically eat?! Or maybe..”

“None of the above Pinkie I actually taught them how to grow food instantly, Pony Joe really took to it, you should put him in charge of dessert for a while.” she laughed at her own joke but Pinkie remained silent, she obviously would have to see for herself.

“Aany way meet the rest of us at the Cutie Mark Crusaders old clubhouse later would you, I've got something to talk to you all about”

“ookie doki loki ill be there Twi don't you worry your pretty little horn over it” and the pink pony once again bounced over to the stove to continue her work.

Twilight walked out of the building noticing the intensely bright flashes coming from the back yard of the shop, she sighed her relief that the ponies had understood the magic. It was so hard to teach magic without having a spell book, you couldn't really describe emotions the way that she thought books could. She only had two more ponies to talk to today. Fluttershy, and Applejack..she really was dreading having to talk to AJ, she had nothing but bad news for her, she sighed once again and shook off the thought, that was a worry for later, not now. For now, to Fluttershy's cottage. As she walked over the bridge leading out of Ponyville she stood a while leaning over the edge, she missed the days when the most worrying aspect of life was to get a letter on friendship to the Princess. Now, now everything was different, friendship was still very important, but, the war was stressful on even the strongest bonds. But again, she must be off her schedule was already trashed and any more delays would irritate everypony.

She trotted from the bridge, into the park looking from tree to tree, wishing that she could see Rainbow Dash napping in one of them, if not to bring back memories of the good lazy days they used to have bringing there pets here. Then to see her friends face, RD always brought her comfort when she needed it. But alas no such luck, she continued on her path towards the looming Everfree Forest. As she walked along the verdant path. Grass now popping up from the packed stone. She saw a rain-boom in the distance. She smiled. Her friend still managed to amaze her with that, such beauty made by such a beautiful Pegasus She stopped to look at the bright circle of colors and watch the rainbow trail left by the cyan pony. The clouds moved as she soared past them. She flew through on of them causing a brilliant rainbow cloud. The light from the multicolored cloud made Twilight squint, and come back to reality. She had places to be and ponies to see.

She topped the hill before the dwelling of her friend. She took in the seen before her, with prepared composure. Injured ponies spread out on the field from the base of the hill to the edge of the everfree forest. Only a flimsy fence between them and the denizens of the dark world beyond. She navigated the horror, her ears assailed by the moans and groans of her brethren. Finally she could no longer take the gore around her, so she cast a spell that would temporarily make her deaf.

The emotions of pain and joy, mixed with a little confusion flowed through her until her horn glowed a abyssal blue, the blue magic surrounded her head, and she could hear no more of the agony around her. Her gait quickened as she tried to avoid looking the dying ponies in the eye. After what seemed like forever she finally made it to her friends wooden door. Again she prepared herself for what she thought would be beyond the portal. Her hooves pushed the unlocked door open..or at least tried. The door was blocked from the inside. Immediately Twilight became concerned, then realized the yellow Pegasus was probably doing some delicate procedure involving some surgical shenanigans. So she waited. Her head towards the door to avoid seeing the terrible sight behind her. The sun ticked down, well at least SHE saw it ticking down, she had a meeting with the others soon and she still had to go to Applejack's. Finally the door opened, a blood soaked Fluttershy walked straight into Twilight.

“oh so- sorry I.. I didn't see you there. Hope your OK”

“I'm fine don't worry” responded the purple mare, now covered in maroon blotches. “though I have come with news from The Princess”

“oh, oh-Kay then what, what does she have for me to do?”asked the ever hesitant Pegasus.

“well.. Equestria seems to have another....well...um..another dragon problem. Only this time. Its not napping...its snapping....at everything...and anypony who gets in jaw range. So sheee wants YOU to try and fix that...” the unicorn felt TERRIBLE about asking something so dangerous of her friends

then an odd thing happened, Fluttershy's demeanor became one of courage, loyalty, confidence, one...just like Rainbowdash's her sweet voice suddenly became harsh, yet, oddly calming at the same time.

“a DRAGON, please. I can handle a dragon, just point me in the buckers general direction and ill teach it to mess with my friends. But first follow me if you would.”

Twilight stood in awe for a second, before Fluttershy said in a commanding voice “come on follow me!” again Twilight was awestruck but followed the pale Pegasus into her cottage, in the middle of it, there lay a surgery table, bloody tools lay next to it on a sanitized dish.

“can you use healing magic to fix him up, hes a great troop and I would love to be with him if I'm going to go irritate a dragon,”

sure enough there was a cut open patient on the table, he was a dark red Pegasus, he was covered in blood but the color of his coat, almost matched the bloods perfectly, so it took some looking to even make out the dull crimson splotches. His mane, was stunning, almost floating and amorphous. Like....the only other pony Twilight could recall with a mane that was similar to this was nightmare moon, but his was a mix of dark reds, yellows and oranges, that made it look as though he was on fire.

“ill try my best to fix him, what happened:”

in a less commanding, but still hollow voice Fluttershy responded “he took an arrow to the back. But he kept fighting, so not only did the dumb-buck break his left foreleg he also took a massive stab wound to the chest, and severed his spinal cord with the arrow”

Twilight cringed thinking of the pain the colt must have endured. Well at least until he managed to cripple himself. She didn't know if she could fully heal the maimed Pegasus but she could try. She began to call upon the emotions necessary for a healing spell, when out of nowhere, came a sensation she had only felt a few times in her life. Her unicorn magic was overflowing into her, it was taking over her thoughts as it had when she first joined Celestia's Academy. The feeling was rapture, she was at peace with the world, but entire unaware of what she was doing, for all she knew she could have destroyed all of Ponyville, or transported herself hundreds of years into the past or future. When she finally came to, Fluttershy was again back to her timid self cowering in a corner, and the crimson colt was completely healed, he was standing in front of Twilight his crippling injury was completely nullified. The Pegasus walked around the room a few times, testing his own capability to walk. He walked back to Twilight and spoke in a smooth deep voice.

“Thank you ma'am you saved my flank there. Let me introduce myself, my name in Pyro Technic and I come from a land farther south then you might know, its on the boarder of Equestria. Beautiful place you should visit after we win this war. Any who. I must be off to pack since apparently I have to fight a dragon” he finished his statement by glaring at the other Pegasus in the room.

“wait you heard that?” asked Twilight “you were out cold on the operating table.”

“No,. I wasn't, this little demon of a pony.” He nodded towards Fluttershy. ” Thought it would be a fine idea for me to remain awake through the operation, since I couldn't feel pain, and she thought that I could tell her when she fixed me up alright”

“I – I'm sorry” said Fluttershy. “I I just, just thought that maybe, if you could possibly talk or blink, that you could maybe possibly tell me when I was doing something good or bad.”

“its alright just don't do that to any other pony, its a sickening thought to be cut open by a fellow pony, when your not on the battlefield. But again I must be off to prepare for the up coming shit-storm that's booound to ensue from pissing off a dragon.”

the two other ponies walked to the door with him. But when they opened it an incredible sight unraveled before them. Everypony in the field, all of them, even the ones to sure to have died, where up and about with no sign of injury. Or illness, Twilight's magic had healed EVERYPONY when it took over, not just Pyro. The three stood in awe at the glorious sight.

“holy mother of Carrot-top” said the crimson Pegasus.

Twilight thought that was interesting.. a pony who worshiped Carrot-top she, made a quick mental note to look at the book she read about the mythical mare when she could spare a few minutes.

“well miracles aside I've got places to be, as do you Fluttershy, the Princess has orders for the six of us, so meet us at the Cutie Mark Crusaders old clubhouse in a bout two or so hours if you would.”

The Pegasus agreed and they parted ways. Twilight now not so horrified to walk through the once beautiful field. Again she cantered up the path, a little faster then before but still at a comfortable pace, no point in galloping and wearing herself out, she read enough books on running races and marathons to know that. So as her hooves clicked on the paved stone she again lost herself in thought. Thinking about this and that and what must be done for the war effort. At least Sweet Apple Acres was still there. It always would be, war or not ponies LOVED their apples and cider. Since the Apple Family were the best at supplying those to things to all of Ponyville and beyond. It would be a long while before the war actually effected their business. Still lost in thought she suddenly ran to two ponies walking down the path.

“oh sorry, I was in a hurry and wasn't paying attention to where I was going” the unicorn apologized. The unicorn on the left, an eggshell white, with...the must unnatural hair color on a pony Twilight had ever seen.. a sort of light blue. Respond polity

“ooh its fine, don't worry about it, you OK Tavi” she asked the second pony, a light Grey with a long smooth black mane

“yeah I'm fine,” she said with a loving voice, then she turned towards Twilight .”sorry its just as much our fault we weren't paying attention either. So if your in a hurry we will let you go, have a beautiful day,” she said, and the three ponies kept going their respective directions. Again going through the town square Twilight looked at the banner of her loved Princess, she bowed her head and said a silent prayer to the demi-god of a mare. Hoping the war would be over soon. She started again walking at a faster pace, turning into a full fledged run, she didn't know why she just had to run, run all the way to sweet apple acres, she knew that if she didn't something terrible would happen, but she didn't know what. She galloped full speed, a feat that. Rainbow would be proud of she thought. She was running faster then she ever had before, and for a really long time. Not to bad for a bookworm, she thought in satisfaction. She burst through the front gate of the orchard only to see big Macintosh bucking apples to late. She ran head first into the stallion sending both of them sprawling, right as a large branch fell off of the tree, easily big enough to crush or maim the large red pony.

“mm I guess my Twilight sense isn't as good as Pinkie's buut it works well enough eh?” she asked the befuddled Apple. Who replied with an unusual


Twilight laughed and trotted towards the barn. She was happy that she had, literally ran into Big Mac it lightened her mood, for the news to come.....

“Twilight Sparkle!, isn't it just the mare I were searchin for,” Apple-Jack walked out of the large red building. “how are you this wonderful mornin' sugercube? I fixed us some lunch to talk over if you wanted to help yourself. Business is a-boomin' even in these harsh times, yaahhoo we've been raking in the coi----” she stopped short when she saw the look in Twilight's eyes..”wh—whats wrong sugercube- is everything OK? Did something happen...please tell me RD is OK!!” she began to panic thinking that the rainbow Pegasus might have been hurt, or worse...

“no no it wasn't Rainbow,” Twilight silently sighed, if she had lost Rainbow Dash.....”no its about your family...in Manehatten...”

“oh are the----they aren't OK are they.” the Orange pony's voice making it more of a statement then a question

“AJ...they---they took Manehatten last night...no---no pony escaped. It was a surprise raid..they killed everyone..even the fillies, and the babies...for Celestias SAKE THEY KILLED THE BABIES!” Twilight lost her composure and fell to the floor crying at the thought of the innocents being slaughtered...Trixie was the one who had lead the attack. Twilight knew she was going to have to kill that terrible unicorn..and she knew she would enjoy every minute of it..

“We---well shucks.. I I” Applejack to broke down crying for the loss of her Family, she may not have been that close to the Oranges, but they were still good ponies, they didn't deserve death...Bic Mac walked in to see the two mares huddled together in tears.

“noow whhaat is wrong giirls?” the stallion asked with genuine care in his booming voice. Twilight barely managed to choke back tears long enough to explain what had happened to the Oranges, and all of Manehatten. Big Mac stood in horror at the thought his mane flattens, in his eyes grew a fire, a blood lust. He had been very close to the Oranges. Since they lost Granny smith two years ago, HE had inherited all of the communications and had talked with all the relatives at least once a week. With the Oranges, more so, he was in love with their sophisticated way of life and insisted that after the war he would go and stay with them. But now that was a dead dream.

“Twilight, have you mastered the spell to teleport others yet” he asked without his normal speech impediment of elongating words.

“um, no, not entirely I still end up with a broken pony on the other side, even over short distances...why” she asked dragging out the last work in wonder, and worry.

“because you are going to send me to Celestia, this instant” the tone of the stallions voice , told Twilight arguing would be pointless, and could prove painful to her lest he loose his already shattered temper.

“but.. if I do this you could die. And I would have no way of knowing about it until you came back here” Twilight's tone was one of genuine concern for her friends brother.

“i don't care, I'm going to die eventually might as well not die of old age!” the red stallion began to get more upset with every word he spoke, his chest heaving with every breath. His tail swishing back and forth with violent intent. Twilight turned to her orange friend hoping for some sort of an attempt to talk reason into her brother. But none came.. tears just streamed down her face again, leaving dark lines on her freckled cheeks.

“okay...i will try my best, just...have The Princess send word to me immediately when you get there. Got it.” Big Mac nodded braced himself for the unimaginable outcome. And so twilight began to weave the emotions needed to bend space-time. Hope, ignorance along with a long list of others, in the right mixture and at the right time, she added one more then normal this time, completely by accident, love, for her friend, and her friend's brother. And her horn began to glow, a stunning pure white, as if one were to look at the center of the sun, a pure untaintable white. And with a star like flash from the tip of her appendage, Big Mac phased out of the room. The remaining two ponies stood, in horror at the thought of losing, the large red pony. Then after what seemed like hours. But Twilight knew was only a few minutes a voice rang in her mind.

“Twilight Sparkle my lovely student, I hope this intrusion was of utmost importance, I am very busy. Though it is always a relief to find some excuse to get away from my duties for a second” twilight mimicked the spell that her instructor had taught her. It was much more effective then communicating through letters, though It still tired the Purple unicorn to use it since it was dependent on the obstacles between her and the Alicorn.

“i am terribly sorry for interrupting Princess, but he insisted he was to be sent to you immediately. I have no idea why he made the request, is he alright?”

“he is fine Twilight Sparkle” rang the voice in her head. “he is missing a spot of fur on his flank though” a the voice had a tone of merriment at the sight, Twilight knew that the Princess was giggling at Big Mac. “though I must continue my work, I believe I have found the missing piece that I needed for you and your friend's mission. Remember I will have it operational in a minimum of three months. So please, make sure your friends have finished their assigned tasks and can move to Cloudsdale when it is time”

“yes Princess, as you wish!” and with that the Alicorn receded back out of Twilight's mind. She turned towards AJ “he is fine, though he did manage to loose a bit of hair on his flank.” the tear-stained pony smiled slightly at that thought. “The Princess will keep us informed about what is going on as she finds out about it herself. So until then we should get to the club house, we've got a mission to talk about”

“yeah your right, lets go.” the two walked out of the barn, Twilight close to AJ offering what little comfort she could. She hadn't ever lost a family member but she assumed it was like loosing a body part. The club house wasn't far away so they reached it in a few minutes.

The old Cutie Mark Crusader, hang-out had changed drastically from when the young mares had used it, it was now a tower, not a tree house, the bottom solid metal, enchanted with a spell that will block out eavesdroppers and fry anypony trying to get in without the correct color pattern. The top was a square of concrete, with the occasional window made out of shock resistant glass, and the roof was covered in hundreds of razor sharp spikes, to ward off any attacking Pegasus. The two land-locked ponies had just reached the door, when a breathless RainbowDash landed lightly behind them. She looked flustered and irritated, but Twilight figured that they would have time to talk later. So she opened the heavy metal door, holding it open for the other two.

The small white room had no furnishings, just a simple wooden table and a cabinet in the corner, on the table lay a map of Equestria and tacks of blue and red, in the cabinet, were all the girls weapons, all except RainbowDash's which were in her house. The other ponies had beat them to the Club House. Twilight walked slowly over to the table, she took a loose red tack, and stuck it into Manehatten's spot on the map. The rest of the ponies looked solemnly at AJ who was once again taken with grief, but she held her tears. Twilight began speaking after seeing her friend could restrain herself.

“now, you all know we are Celestia's go to ponies, and she has asked us to preform quite a few tasks already. But she has one more that we MUST complete. Regardless of losses, she has authorized any means necessary. She has commissioned the construction of a weapon, not just any weapon, but the largest ever seen in ponydom. It will harness the powers of the rainbows. Much as dash does, but it will be hundreds of times stronger, then any Atomic Rain boom she has ever made. Capable of destroying, everything in the dark side of Equestria.” in unison the other ponies let out a gasp.

“But. That would have to be massive, there simply are not enough unicorns in the world to make that immense of an explosion!” interjected Rarity.

“that is not entirely true” Twilight responded hesitation in her voice, “ we. Don t, necessarily need unicorns, we can uses any pony since every one contains a little magic, its just a matter of how this machine would pull it, Celestia wouldn't tell me but she says we need to be in Cloudsdale, in three months. So we have to complete the other tasks shes assigned us by then. Or sooner if we can.”

RainbowDash thought of arguing, she couldn't train anypony to do a sonic rain boom in three months...but she knew it would be pointless to try, once the Princess ordains something. Its done, end of story. Fluttershy on the other hand had once again taken to her hardened self.

“WHAT THE BUCK!. SHE EXPECTS ME GET TO AND KILL A DRAGON AT LEAST A MONTH AWAY, AND COME BACK. Shes getting more ridiculous by the day I swear. But fine ill have it done. But I hope she knows she owes me for this one. With that she bucked open the door and left, followed by everypony other then Twilight and RainbowDash, who just snuggled together on the floor while Dash talked about the first few hours of training.
End of chapter one
brony tip # 1 please for the love of Celstia do not, I repeat DO NOT feed the trolls, if you get angry at them and curse them they've gotten what they want. Just love and tolerate.