• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 2,845 Views, 22 Comments

Hey, this isn't Minecraft... - Twisted Light

A hapless lad is selected at random to participate in some challenges set forth by Discord. Oh, and he'll have to acclimate to his new surroundings...

  • ...

Restless Dreams

Four days had passed since the party, and Steve sighed at the thought. It was late in the evening, and the sun was setting as he split the last log for the day. After setting the resulting firewood in a rather large pile, he looked back at the small clearing he had made. Tall trees that just fall down. Maybe this isn't a game. Maybe I'm in some other world. Maybe I'm just over-thinking this and am really just tired. Steve nodded a bit and looked to the sky again; the pegasi were very quick with dispersing the rain clouds after the work had been done. That was uncomfortable, he thought as he remembered performing an emergency shore-up of the roof.

With the day's work done, Steve went back into the shack for the evening and closed the door. The past few days proved to be quite productive, and he used a few logs to better safeguard the home. He placed the axe on the new table and flopped down on the bed, and let himself be claimed by sleep. I wonder if I'll see...


"...her." Steve finished his thought aloud in the dreamscape. Apparently, cotton candy clouds and an endless field of blue grass with a green aurora above was the order for the night. "Trippy." He began to mill around before he had an epiphany. "I always have these weird or downright disturbing dreams when-" He thought aloud when he finally caught the familiar dream-pony materialize. "Speak of the devil..."

"Ah, here is thine dream," the invader spoke as she casually cantered toward him. "Rather... chaotic."

"There you are again," Steve remained still. "Here to call me odd again?"

"We shall do no such thing," she replied. "Thou must be 'Steve.'"

"Word travels fast," he commented before sitting down on the grass; it lit up in a semi-bright light as he seated himself. "But I have no idea who you are, and we've met a few times already."

"Thou keepst awakening from thine perturbing dreams," the mare responded while taking on a look of annoyance. The glare softened some after a brief pause. "We are Luna, princess of Equestria's night."

Steve raised a brow before reaching behind him to pluck a cotton candy cloud out of the 'sky' and began to eat it absently. The action earned another unamused look from Luna. "So, why do I dream about you," he asked before finishing the cloud.

Luna, in reply, began circling around Steve at a slow pace as she spoke. "'Tis not of us thee has dreams of, but we monitor all dreamers' sights, should nightmares plague our subjects. Thine dreams are, for lack of better words, different." She paused once a complete circle had been traced.

"But," Steve began to reason, "I am not of this land and I am not one of your subjects, why the interest?" The control over the dream world felt as if it had been wrested from Steve as the world normalized to a daylight scene just outside his shack. "My shack?"

"Thou hast set up a dwelling and engaged in peaceful interaction with our subjects, in addition to granting aid," Luna explained and seemed to grin and shrug. "We are considering thee a citizen, pending probation."

Steve facepalmed, and Luna seemed to giggle at the reaction...


Most of the dream had been spent confirming and denying Pinkie's history lesson, while some things that made sense were denied (such as an imperial tax being placed upon cakes, causing a rebellion nearly a millennium ago), others that made no cohesion were supported (such as Luna, Discord, and even a being known as Celestia being well over a millennium in age). It was during one explanation, that Steve felt an interrupting inquisition form. "How did you know my name or what I've done? We've not really had much contact," he asked. Luna paused her explanation of how she and her sister weaved the very heavens above and stared at Steve with a neutral expression.

"We were informed of thine properties by Twilight Sparkle, shortly after thine heroics with the embernan-" Luna explained casually, but was abruptly cut off.

"Enderman," Steve corrected quickly, failing to notice Luna's gaze seemed distant now. There was something slightly off with the dreamscape; a noise that wasn't there before, like an erratic thumping. "So, Twilight brought even more attention to me?"

Luna blinked and looked back to Steve. She nodded, a frown adorning her face. "Was it thine wish," she asked while raising a brow, "for secrecy?"

"Not exactly," Steve replied with a shrug as a bit of a breeze kicked up, pushing clouds and waving the grass. The pounding noise grew in intensity. "I'd like to have known that I'd be up for discussion or something, though." He frowned and flicked his right ear some, failing to notice that, once again, Luna seemed to look around for something.

"Steve," the lunar princess shut her eyes with a sigh, before reopening them suddenly, the once blue orbs now a blinding white light. "Awaken! Thou art endangered!" The pounding grew louder before a green, rotted hoof smashed through the sky like it were glass. The dreamscape fell apart before blackness reigned.


Steve awoke with a start and looked about; he was in his shack, the darkness of night giving him no real lighting to work with. The moonlight peered in through a hole in the door, illuminating the axe by his bed, and he sighed in some relief before some small fact dawned on him. My door doesn't have a hole...

His thoughts were interrupted by more banging noises, only with them came a visible shake from the door as well as an audible gurgle of a noise, followed by a long groan. Steve hastily escaped from the makeshift bed and grabbed his axe before a familiar appendage burst another hole in his security door. His pulse quickened as he caught a glimpse of the newest tormentor. Zombies? Pony zombies? That's it, I'm done! Before much else could be done, however, the door splintered apart.

Two green equine-shaped undead shambled their way toward the human as he hefted his axe to one side and swung hard, attempting to knock them back. The blade struck its target, pushing it back in a stagger as it gurgled in protest. The shove was enough to knock one into the other on their sides, but Steve had no time to celebrate; his foes started to right themselves. Need room! Without a second thought, he sprung out of the dark and into the night and whirled about to face the pair.

The less lame of the two sped (as well as a zombie could pitifully waddle) towards Steve, and was greeted with a face-full of stone axe. The violent savage in Steve stirred some as he pulled and stepped back to swing again, his weight thrown into the effort needed to eliminate these threats. With a second contact made, the first zombie fell with a gurgle and thump. The second fared no better, as Steve rained down a hail of blows to its skull, mashing it to a puff of smoke.

Steve panted as the surge of adrenaline wore off. It was then that he heard the screams come from the village. No... He gulped and started to sprint toward Ponyville.

Author's Note:

My apologies for the delay. Motivated to work on this again, between all my other projects and duties.