• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 337 Views, 5 Comments

Confessions to a Barista - Moonblaze

White Mocha is a Canterlot entrepreneur and barista with a shop that's barely keeping afloat. She always has time for a customer who needs an ear, though.

  • ...

Octavia Melody

"Welcome to Mocha's Cafe. What can I get you?"

"Tea. Earl Grey. Hot."

The creamy coffee colored mare behind the counter just chuckled, brushing her long, white mane from her caramel colored eyes. "Of course it'll be hot. Iced Earl Grey? That'd be terrible." She set about making the drink as the red stallion silently raised an eyebrow at her. It was clear the stallion was in a bad mood. He was probably from out of town, or at least the other side of Canterlot given the dust of the road that covered him. He probably had a long stressful day and just wanted his favorite drink before finding his way to his bed for the night, help him relax. Whatever the actual cause, he clearly wasn't in any mood for any of Mocha's comments. She fell quiet, though she didn't lose her smile, and simply brewed the tea. "Four bits please," she said, sliding the drink in the to-go cup over to him.

He pulled out a pouch and hand over his payment without a word, and she waved at him as he turned to leave. He hadn't made it to the door before taking his first sip and had to stop, looking down at his cup. Mocha's smile grew, knowing that yet another pony had seen just what a hot beverage could actually be. It wasn't some glorious, life-changing moment. Just one of those little ones Mocha always hoped to brew up. He took another sip before he continued out, but as he turned she could see the little smile on his face.

"One last win to end the night," Mocha mused to herself. She really should've started cleaning up so she could close, but right now her drink was playing across the taste buds of a weary traveler and making his night just a little brighter. That deserves a victory drink. She set about making her favorite; the house special and her namesake; a white chocolate mocha. Mocha always tinkered with all her blends and recipes, except for this one. It was the first recipe she ever decided she couldn't improve upon, and thus far it was the only one. In her own shop, she could make it blindfolded. It was only a few minutes after she settled in to savor the sweet taste of victory when the door swung open again, setting off the little bell hanging over it. Mocha had a moment where she wanted to say she was closed but she simply couldn't bring herself to turn away a pony.

She was used to strange occurrences in her cafe, the occasional strange happening was just part of life in Equestria. Mocha sometimes joked that she was prepared for anything at all to walk through the door. Of course, being ready for an angry manticore to decide your shop is a good place to vent frustration and being ready for an idol to walk through the door are two different things. Even the princesses were another matter altogether. Mocha had prepared for if they showed up, not because she thought they might but simply because it wouldn't do to be unprepared if they did. But the charcoal and onyx form of Octavia Melody entering her cafe? Despite it being altogether likely that the mare would stop in one day, she lived in Canterlot and was known to enjoy a variety of teas, after all. The very fact that it was so mundane meant she thought she didn't need to prepare. She was quite wrong, she barely managed to keep from dropping her cup as her mouth hung open for a few moments.

Octavia didn't notice any of this, however. Her head was low, eyes half-closed, and her gait slow. It gave Mocha plenty of time to recover her wits and, by the time her unexpected customer had made it to the counter she managed to get out her standard greeting.

"Welcome to Mocha's Cafe. Wh-what can I get you?"

Octavia sat in front of the counter and asked without looking up. "I don't suppose you have anything with a touch of alcohol, do you? A hard cider, even?"

Mocha shook her head, only now taking in Octavia's state. Her mane seemed a mess, her collar was scuffed and its customary bow tie was missing entirely, and there were bags under her eyes. It was unbelievable that a Canterlot artist, any Canterlot pony really, who was trying to build up a reputation would be out in public in a state like this. "I'm afraid not. This is a cafe after all." Octavia lifted her head ever so slightly, looking her host in the eyes to plead with her. It was then that Mocha realized something must be very wrong. They were not the sharp violet eyes of the proud performer she'd once had the pleasure of seeing at a concert, but a the lost and hurting eyes of somepony who doesn't know what to do. Octavia silently pleaded with her hostess. Mocha pushed her own drink across the counter, "Have this. It's on the house. I've had a sip already, but I think you could use it."

Octavia eyed it for a moment, she considered asking what it was but decided she didn't care. It smelled good, and that was enough for her. She took a sip and her eyes suddenly focused on the present as she stared dumbfounded down into the mug. The drink wasn't like any coffee she'd had. It was sweet and strong.

Mocha couldn't help laughing just a little, nice and soft to help comfort her a bit. "It's the house special. I'm well practiced in making it." Octavia looked up again. She almost cracked a smile, but couldn't quite bring herself to before dropping her head again and taking a deeper drink. "Miss Octavia, it's clear something's wrong. I-"

Octavia looked up again so quickly that Mocha had to stop. "You know of me?"

"Oh yes, I'm quite a fan. I play records of your ensemble for the cafe here from time to time even."

Octavia didn't seem to know what to say to that, looking back into her drink. She drank more of it eagerly, it was distracting her at least.

"In any case. It's clear something's on your mind. Why don't tell me what's wrong?"

So much for distraction, Octavia sighed inwardly. "Vinyl is missing."

Mocha just stared at her for a moment. "You lost a record?"

"No, not- Vinyl Scratch. We are a couple."

Ah, not this was more along the lines of unexpected things Mocha was equipped to handle. "That DJ pony all my university customers are always talking about? That's quite an odd couple," she smiled at the thought.

Octavia nodded, just on the verge of cracking a smile again. "We are. As aggravating as she can be, I do love her dearly." It quickly vanished as she set her forehead against the countertop. "If only I knew where she was."

"What happened?"

Octavia didn't look up, just waving a hoof at nothing. "She went to a party and hasn't come back yet."

Mocha tilted her head at Octavia, "Well that doesn't sound so bad. I mean, it isn't that late yet, I'm sure she'll turn up."

Octavia snorted. "The party was last night. I've been out looking for her all day."

Mocha looked over at her clock with a disturbed expression. It was getting close to midnight. "I'm sure she's alright," she said, turning back to Octavia. "Have you tried checking back at home yet?"

"I've just come from there. I was debating if I should sleep or go out again, but I found out I just don't have the energy for another jaunt around the city. I just... I can't seem to do anything."

"Don't be ridiculous. You're one of the up and coming artists in Canterlot. That's heavy competition and you've stood apart. You played at the Gala this year in fact, didn't you?"

"Which turned into a disaster." Octavia finally lifted her head to give Mocha a flat look. "Or are you the only pony in Equestria who hasn't heard about that?"

Mocha rubbed the back of her head, she seemed to recall hearing about that now that Octavia had mentioned it. "It wasn't your fault though." At least, she was pretty sure it wasn't, she never really got the whole story.

"Doesn't matter. We certainly won't be invited back." Octavia took another drink with a sigh. "I work so hard Miss Mocha. I put my heart and soul into my music, spend so much time perfecting it. And I can never seem to quite have that breakout performance. The Gala wasn't the first time I seemed on the cusp of something only to have it crushed. And Vinyl... I know she works hard too, and it's not like she doesn't deserve it. But she makes it seem so easy. Effortlessly crafting her music, gaining legions of fans all across Equestria. And I just... I'm just so tired." Mocha just looked at the musician and couldn't do anything but agree. Octavia finished off her drink and pushed it back across the counter. "Thank you for the drink, it was quite delicious." It was the words Mocha loved to hear, but somehow, it didn't feel like a victory this time. "I should ask for the recipe," Octavia added as she turned to leave.

Mocha was about to offer it to her, but her eyes sparkled for a moment as she realized she had a way to help the poor mare after all. "I could give it to you, but it doesn't mean you could make it."

Octavia stopped in her tracks, slowly looking over her shoulder at the coffee pony, wondering what had caused the surprisingly rude comment.

Mocha didn't wait for her to ask. "Say you gave me a piece of sheet music, would you expect me to be able to play it? Of course not, I haven't studied music since it stopped being required in grade school. But just for a moment let's suppose I had the same level of schooling and the same expertise with the cello. Would you expect me to play the piece just the same as you?"

Octavia had turned to face her fully again, halfway to the door. "Well no, of course not. But what-"

"I consider myself something of an artist as well. You could take my recipe and try and make it, but it wouldn't quite be the same would it?"

"Are you going somewhere with this?"

"Even if I had the talent, I wouldn't try to play your songs, Octavia. Your performances have more then your inborn talent and relentless drive for perfection. Each song carries a piece of you in it. That's the mark of a real artist. Some critics always talk about what makes art, art. As if some sort of technical skill is what makes it pure. Ultimately though, there's only one thing that determines if a work of art is art, and that's if the creator put a little bit of herself into it. Art is successful when you touch your audience's core, and you can't do that without giving them a piece of yours."

Octavia just stared blankly at the other earth pony. This almost seemed too much for her to take in with how tired she was. "That's.. a wonderful sentiment, Miss Mocha. But... I'm not reaching anypony if I don't have any fans, am I?"

Mocha just smiled softly, "I can think of at least one." She ducked under the counter for a moment and a record started to play. It was one of Octavia's earliest works. By the time Mocha popped back up, Octavia was already starting to tear up.

"I- This was the song I was writing when I got my cutie mark." She could barely whisper.

"The joy in it is clear bold, overcoming the struggles. I've heard so many criticize it for technical imperfections, but it's possibly my favorite song."

Octavia didn't have any words for this, just closing her eyes and swaying a little as she listened to her younger, more optimistic self playing. Mocha just sits back and watched with a smile and the two listened straight through to the end. Octavia finally smiled at Mocha. "Thank you, Mocha. I think I needed to hear that."

Mocha felt lighter then she had in months to have gotten a smile out of Octavia. "I'm glad to help. I'm afraid I can't help you find your marefriend, though. Vinyl doesn't really seem like the type to drink coffee or tea."

Octavia sighed. "She'll be back. She always comes. I just wish she'd stop doing this to me."

"I'm the wrong mare to ask about that. My only relationship is with my cafe here. It's not like it ever wanders off," Mocha chuckled. Octavia rolled her eyes at the week joke, but couldn't help laughing in spite of herself.

"Well, goodbye Miss Mocha. It was a sincere pleasure meeting you. Perhaps I will frequent your cafe more often."

"It was a joy to meet you as well. Flip the sign to closed for me, if you would please?" Octavia did as she asked on her way out and Mocha started to clean up. After all, a smile like that one didn't need a drink to supplement it.

Author's Note:

This whole concept came out of the Legends of Equestria open server weekend. As such, whoever it was playing "Octavia Harmony," thank you so much for the spark.

Comments ( 5 )

Writing that RP into a story was a great idea. :yay:

4292759 Too bad I couldn't include Molly too. But I'd lose my Everyone rating for that, not to mention she's not really part of my headcanon, entertaining as she is.

That was quite nice.
I enjoyed this on a whole (apart from a few grammar nit-picks I'd like to make but won't), a very light, D'aww inducing story. :yay:
Write more!


Thanks, I plan to. I'm just... technologically challenged right now. :derpytongue2:

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