• Published 22nd Apr 2014
  • 624 Views, 8 Comments

Professional Exorcist - TheWittleScamper

It was a simple job. Just investigate a bizarre haunting that has taken place in a poor young lady's home. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a demon who can rip holes through space and time. Now I'm stuck in this place they call Equestria

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A Whole New World (1)

A Whole New World

-Note: There will be flashbacks in this story. Flashbacks will be italicized and in the third person point of view.

Daemon ran around the room, giggling childishly as he jumped from different sets of furniture. "The floor is lava! The floor is lava!" He shouted playfully. He leaped from the bed and landed on his dresser, knocking off some items placed on top of it. "Come on, Harry!" He called out to his best friend.

"Uh, I don't know Daemon. It looks like a long jump."

"Oh, don't be such a baby! If I made it, you can make it too!" He encouraged. Harry anticipated his chances on making the jump. His life was on the line here. If he missed, he would burn and drown in the lava that spread across the floor. He positioned himself carefully at the foot of the bed. He counted to three to himself, tightening the muscles in his legs. On the shout of three, he sprung up in the air, and landed on top of the dresser. "See? I knew you could do it!" Daemon cheered. Before Harry could reply, Daemon's father breached in the room.

"What is going on here?!" He shouted.

"Me and Harry are playing "The Floor is Lava", Dad. It's really fun!"

"You and Harry?"

"Yeah! You missed it too! Harry made the big jump from my bed!"

His father sighed heavily, and picked up his son. He placed him on the floor, and crouched eye level with him. "We've been over this, son. Harry is... gone. He's gone and he is never coming back." He held back tears in his eyes. "He is in a better place now. Do you understand?"

"But, he's right there."

"No, he's not."

"Yes he is! Why can't you see him?! He's standing right there!"

"Enough, Daemon! He is not there, OK? Why can't you accept that he is gone?" He wiped off the tears that ran down his cheek. "Son, listen to me. From this point on, I don't want you to talk about Harry like he is here anymore. Do you understand?"

"...Yes sir..."

"Good. Now please pick up this mess."

Daemon was angry, but did what his father told him to do. It was always annoying when he tries to convince his parents that he could see Harry, even after the incident. A question lingered in his mind for the rest of that day. Why couldn't his own parents see what he could see?

I didn't wake up so easily after that encounter. I woke up with a severe burning sensation on the left side of my navel, to which I responded with muffled screams. In spite of the pain, I hoisted my self on my legs. Then I almost vomited due to the heavy metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I started to notice that I was dizzy from the blood loss, so I tended to my wound. It wasn't a very deep hole, but since it was caused by a demon, blood was pouring out of it like a morbid fountain. I swiftly grabbed a vile of Holy water, and poured it in the wound. I sat down to relax for a moment while the water worked it's magic. Soon enough, the water slowed the bleeding, and got rid of the burning sensation, allowing me to move my torso a bit easier. I removed my trench coat and body armor in order to wrap medicated gauze around the opening. "Damn, that stings." I spoke to no one in particular. I finally got the chance to look at my surroundings. Trees grew everywhere as far as the eye could see. They were also massive, with thick trunks maybe at least 4 meters tall. They were kind of frightening to stare at. I checked the contents of my coat, making sure all of my items were unharmed. "Holy water... check! Bible... check! Compass... check! Pistols... check! Pop Tarts... damn it, they're crushed!" I tore the foil wrapper, and decided to eat the now single toaster pastry. I continued my mental checklist, and thankfully, everything was in order. I grabbed my armor, and examined the damage. There was a hole that was a bit larger than my wound. That could be problematic if I didn't get it repaired right away. I prepared a mental plan of what I needed to do.

"Step 1: Find civilization. Step 2: Find a local hospital for professional medical treatment. Step 3: Call another Exorcist to pick me up. Step 4: Find a bar and buy a strong drink." I went over the plan over and over again to make sure it was etched into my brain. I checked my compass, and decided to go north for no reason at all. Again, I cursed at myself for never getting a GPS. I walked carefully down the trees, and used whatever survival skills I had to find traces of hikers or pathways. I spent maybe half an hour wandering aimlessly around the forest before coming to the conclusion that I was lost.

"This is hopeless. I knew that Bear Grylls guy was full of shit!" I screamed mentally. I did my best to keep my composure and continued to march on. Surely, the forest doesn't go on forever, right? I was starting to get bored and irritated that nothing was happening. To entertain myself, I whistled a little tune. That didn't work, so I started singing. That didn't work either, so I kicked a rock, and challenged myself to keep it on the path that I was walking in. Again, that didn't kill my boredom. "Ugh! God, please make some interesting happen!" Apparently, God has a sense of humor. Not even two seconds after I shouted, a menacing growl of a hungry predator was right behind me. I instinctively grabbed a pistol and turned around to face my foe. I was a way more than a little surprised when I locked eyes with it. It was large, and consisted the body of a lion, wings of a bat, and a tail of a scorpion.

"What the hell is that?!" The beast leaped into the air, attempting to pounce on me. Out of a lucky reaction, I interrupted its attack with a good swing from my staff. It didn't do much, however, as the beast recovered in less than ten seconds flat. I raised my arm that wielded my pistol, only to get swiped off from my hand. I used my instincts and the skills taught to me at the Monastery to dodge the creature's attacks. It pounced at me again, swiping it's claws at me. "Damn, this thing is fast!" I attempted to grab my other gun, but my luck ran out. It knocked me over on my back, and pounced once more. The only thing that was keeping me alive, was my legs and arms pushing back just far enough that it's swinging claws couldn't reach my face. Adrenaline surged through my body as I struggled to survive. They say your life flashes before your eyes before you die. That is probably what happened to me when the world felt like it was going a million times slower. All I could think about was my life. My family and friends, my achievements and mistakes, and just my whole life in general. Then I noticed something on the corner of my right eye. I turned my head and saw my pistol, laying on top of the grass. I felt a bit of excitement that I could possibly survive this. Reality came back to me. I thought of a plan, and it became the only thing I was thinking about. I reached out with my right arm as far as I could. My strength was giving in. I couldn't last much longer. Adrenaline and excitement washed over me as I felt the butt of the grip. I used my fingers to move the weapon closer to me. I could practically feel the razor sharp claws on my face. I felt the trigger of my gun, and I smiled. Every second felt like an hour as I brought the weapon up to the creature's chest. I squeezed the trigger three times, each one followed by a staccato crack.

I threw the lifeless body to my side, and stood up. I smiled wide, and started laughing, relieved that I was alive. I was still pumped up with adrenaline, and felt my heart race. As I calmed down, a sharp pain came across my chest. I looked down. I don't know when it happened, but the creature's claws cut cleanly through the armor, leaving gashes in my chest. "Aw... crap." I knelt down onto my knees as the adrenaline fueling my strength left me. I fell onto my back, gazing into the sky. The sun was setting, and not a cloud was in the sky. A perfect spring day. My vision was going blurry as the world around me was spinning. I thought I heard the sound of hooves, who I assumed to be people on horseback. I didn't bother calling out to them. I was really tired. The only thing I could think about was taking a nice long nap. I closed my eyes, and drifted off to a deep sleep.

I awoke in a bed. It wasn't my bed, though. That sent my mind racing. "What happened last night?" I tried to remember anything that brought me to my current situation. Nothing came across my mind. I took a second to examine my surroundings. The place was all made of wood, so I assumed it to be a cottage of sorts. There were two doors, one I figured it would be a bathroom, and the other would lead to the rest of the house. The only thing weird about the place was the decorations. Whoever lived here seemed to be obsessed with butterflies. On the foot of the bed, and on the center of a yellow carpet, there was a trio of butterflies. On pictures, there was always a butter colored pegasus with a pink mane and tail with a trio of butterflies tattooed or dyed on the flank. "They sure do have a weird taste in art." I mused. I unwrapped myself from the pink blanket that covered me. Then my worst fear was realized. I was naked. "That's just great." I sighed. I tried to get up, but pain stopped me. I then noticed the bandages wrapped around my chest and navel. "Seriously, what happened last night?!" My mind was racing. The door suddenly creaked opened, which startled me enough that I fell on the side of the bed. There was a squeak from the other side of the room, as I groaned in pain.

"Oh, my goodness! Are you alright?" A voice asked in a concerned manner. I swear it was a voice from an angel.

"I'm fine! Just don't come over here! I don't have any clothes on!"

"Oh, um, sorry about that... I just washed your clothes... I hope you don't mind."

"No, I don't mind. Just put them on the bed and give some privacy, please."

She did what I asked her to. I got up to get dressed once I heard the door close. My clothes were neatly folded and had a pleasant scent to them. The only problem I had was that my shirt had three large rips on the front. I decided to wear it backwards and place my trench coat over it. There was a mirror right next to the bed. I took a look at it, but didn't like what I saw. My black hair was unkempt, with strands of hair sticking up here and there, I needed to shave, and I needed to brush my teeth. All that, and my breath could probably be used as a weapon. I tried brushing my hair with the saliva and fingers technique to make myself look a little presentable. I thought about the lady I would inevitably meet. She sounded like a beautiful women, and was certainly light on her feet. I didn't even hear her footsteps when she placed my clothes on the bed. "Alright, you can come in, now!" I called out to her. The door creaked opened once again, revealing something I did not expect. It was the butter colored pegasus that was in those pictures. From the pink mane and tail, to the butterflies etched on it's flank.

"Oh. My. God."

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long. My internet kinda crashed this week. Stupid lightning storms!
Anyhoo, I enjoyed writing this chapter. As always, Constructive critism is always welcomed!