• Published 7th Apr 2014
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The 34th Equestrian Hunger Games - Sketch-Pad

The Equestrian Hunger games. Probably heard of them, I'm guessing. I'm Terra North, and on this the 34th year, I think the games are going to change.

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X - Isn't the Beach Just Lovely?

The group wasn't at all the same after Zero died, even though her passing was about 3 days ago. Gaelan really tried to make the group laugh, or at least keep our spirits lifted, but all he ever really got was a shrug or a sigh. Every now and then somepony would smile, but that that was a rare case.

We decided to make our main priority for the days finding water. Not only were all of us worn out from running, but the island itself was quite hot. The nights were cold and the mornings would start cool and at a perfect temperature, but by mid-day, the heat was almost unbearable. Most of our bodies were covered in what small amount of sweat our body would create.

To no luck did we find ourselves a river or stream, but we came across several patches of mud, or damp ground. Every time we came across them we could get our hopes up, thinking that there must be water near the site. However, there was always nothing.

I eventually got the idea that perhaps the water was in the ground, so, we dug in the mud. We made a decent sized hole, reaching about a half of a foreleg's length down into the ground and about a foot long in diameter. We stood around it, waiting, and after some time, we were relieved to find that there was indeed water inside the hole. Finding a way to drink it was a challenge, and the water itself tasted like dirt. However, it was better than no water at all. We carefully filled our canteens, making sure to take from the surface of the water, and only taking from the well once the water had stilled. We wanted to keep the possibility of an illness to a minimum.

We kept munching on blackberries since there seemed to be a lot of those bushes in this arena. We found other plants as well, coming across a patch of clovers and daisies. It was better than eating the blackberries every day.

After the three days had passed, we were relieved to find that only two other ponies had died in the games. The blue stallion from district one had died, 8-Bit, his name was. Another stallion, named Gearfly, had died just before the stallion from one. I had recalled that he and I were supposed to be in a group together, and it made me anxious about the state of his group.

Based on the order of events, I was to presume that the careers probably came across the stallion and his group, and ended up killing him. He was supposed to be in my alliance, so something must have happened to that group. I felt sad. I wanted to at least know Gearfly a little bit. The group decided to avenge him and killed the stallion. There was also the possibility that the stallion from one also died from his wounds since we had faced him only a few days before.

Knowing that the threat of the careers was almost gone, it made high emotions rest, but there was something else that was lurking inside every pony that remained in the arena. There was fear of their allies. All that every pony wanted to get through was the careers. If they survived them, then there was usually a group left - a group that would have to turn on their allies they had spent so long bonding with.

I knew in myself that I didn't know how I would be able to fight Code Red, or Gaelan or Candor. And even if I brought myself to face them, I don't think I could kill them.

We rested beneath a tree, waiting patiently in the shade. While we wanted to go out and face the remaining enemies, we also wanted to stay away from heat and losing body fluids as much as possible. This was easier said than done, of course, as everything in these games always was.

I was thinking to myself as I played with a knife with my magic. Code Red was sitting in the tree above us. While his mood had lightened since his marefriend's death, he was still rather glum about the whole thing. Gaelan and Candor were talking about something that sounded like their home. They mentioned their parents several times, and Gaelan mentioned something about being an artist.

Anyways, I was thinking. My mind had wandered over the idea of home and what would happen if I was the one to walk out of this arena alive. I thought about how nice it could feel, being the winner of the games, and receiving not only a new house but plenty of food and supplies for my family every year for the rest of our lives. The Idea was great, sure. but another thing followed. Depending on what happened in the rest of the games could determine how I react when I get out. I could have PTSD, constantly giving me visions of the past and terrible nightmares. I didn't want them if I walked out. No.

Upon thinking of home, I started thinking about the old mare that had come and talked to me during our goodbyes. I remembered her asking to keep her son safe. Asking me to keep Jockey safe. Jockey. Alliance.

I jumped to my feet so quickly that the other ponies around me jumped as well. Candor was on her hooves, her magic levitating her pair of swords at her sides. That was the other thing we needed: more weapons.

I didn't know why the thought hadn't dawned on me before. I had waited so long that the thought practically punched me in the face. I wasn't planning on breaking my promise. I was going to find Jockey and his group if it was the last thing I do.

"What's wrong?" Gaelan asked, his eyes darting around, looking for an enemy that he didn't see.

I turned and looked at him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to jump up like that..." I trailed off, and adjusted my hooves below me, rocking back and forth in thought. I probably looked like I had to pee.

Candor flicked her ear in annoyance, and then placed her swords on the ground next to the base of the tree. "Well, then what happened?" She asked, her head looking out into the forest.

I gave them a shy little smile before telling her, "I realized that I need to find Jockey."

Gaelan looked confused. "Who?"

"Jockey," I answered.

"Jockey?" Candor repeated.

"Yes. The stallion from my district," I finally explained.

"Oh.." They said simultaneously.

"I have to find him soon. I made a promise and I need to keep it." I explained. Riley shrugged as Code Red made his way down the tree.

"Well, where do you suppose we look? This is a smaller arena, yes, but at the same time they are probably moving," Gaelan complained. It didn't bother me.

"Well, let's just head down to the beach before we decide. The ocean will be a nice way to cool us down, even if it's salt water," Candor said, sort of answering my question. "Who knows, we might see them along the way."

I looked over at Code Red, and hesitated. I didn't know if he was ready for more allies, and if he was, he probably wouldn't talk to them that much.

I flicked my tail and picked up my bag. "Well, off to the beach then?" I asked, throwing the bag over my shoulder.

"To the beach," Gaelan said with a broad smile.

After making our way down the hills and through the forest, we came to a thin stretch of sand on the west side of the island. It was quiet, but the waves rolling on the beach were slow and gentle, creating a very soft sound as the sea-foam rolled.

"Well, this beach wasn't what I expected," Candor commented.

I shrugged. "It's better than nothing."

I made my way towards the water and walked in until the water was mid-thigh. The way the water lapped at my legs was what I needed to cool myself down. The gentle breeze helped too.

If I looked to my right, I would see Gaelan and Candor splashing water on each other, laughing and trying to enjoy this moment before we went off and searched for Jockey, and maybe his allies as well. I didn't know if I wanted to find them, but I had to.

The movement of water could be heard behind me, though I fought the urge to turn my head. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Code Red standing next to me, his gaze fixed on the horizon far off in the distance.

"It's rather pretty, Isn't it?" I asked, following his gaze.

"Yeah, I guess."

"The water looks like It could go on forever." I started. He didn't respond, so I kept talking.

"I was always amazed as a kid how big the ocean actually was. I went on a vacation with my mother when I was about six years old, and when I first saw it, I froze and stared." I giggled at myself. "My mom told me that, 'the ocean is the biggest thing in the entire world, and most of it is still waiting to be explored'" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "I wanted to be the one to explore it and discover everything, you know. Now that I look back I can laugh and realize you silly the idea is now, but then again, when we're kids, we always come up with these crazy ideas that we think we can use to change the world."

I turned my head to look at him, only to see that his head had dropped and his eyes were closed. He was thinking, by the looks of it. Or listening.

"And now that I'm older I realize that every pony is destined to change the world in their own way. Be that change small or big, everyone does. It's what makes all us so special." I turned my head and look back at the horizon.

I swear, for a split second there was a small ripple in the air where I was looking. It was like the forcefield itself was water, and someone had dropped a drop of water on it, and it rippled outwards. They faded and they weren't that noticeable after awhile. The only thing was that I didn't know if it was my imagination, illusions from the heat, or if something had actually happened far off in the distance.

I blinked, and then looked back at Code Red, who still had his eyes closed. I don't know what was shooting through my head, but once I opened my mouth words just came out. "You could always win for her."

His head shot up and he turned to face me. "What?"

"You could win these games in honor and in memory of her." I flicked my ear. "If you and I were the last two tributes left, I might let you win. For her."

He gave a little smile, but it faded. "But why? We don't even know each other that well, and you're saying you would give your life if meant I won?"

I pondered over the thought and looked back out on the horizon. I took a deep breath and allowed myself to think of Circuit back home. I knew he was still mad at me. But I loved him. I would do anything to come home. and I knew that Code Red felt the same way.

"Yes. Your story should have also been my own. I came into these games with the mentality that if I was to give my life for any pony, it would be you and your marefriend. It might be a little difficult to explain, but just trust me."

He looked back at the horizon. "Thank you, Terra. I probably wouldn't have gotten through this...situation without you, even if you didn't do a lot. I'll try to win. I'll try to win for her."

I opened my mouth only to hear screaming coming from the shore.

"Again!?" I moaned. I made my way back to the shore and shook the water off of my legs. Sand still clung to them, creating an itch that only sand could create.

"We should hide." Candor muttered, "Just in case."

I turned and looked at the bushes where the screaming came. A single, clearly female scream sounded again. It was getting closer.

I jumped into the bushes, and the group quickly followed me. Gaelan was on my right, and Code Red was on my left. The four of us were squished together, trying to take up as little space as possible. Of course, being in between a griffon and a stallion that were both noticeably larger than me didn't make the most comfortable situation. We were sitting on our bags, compressing whatever was inside of them. Gaelan and Candor had their weapons at the ready in case there was a sour situation.

We waited there until two ponies popped out of the bushes and walked onto the shoreline. The large, bright orange stallion was out first, yelling things at the mare he was with. The two of them were arguing, but after seeing the mare I instantly recognized her as the very pretty one from district seven, whose name was Aphrodite. Gaelan laid eyes on her as well, and I could feel one of his wings stiffening at my side. I rolled my eyes, and continued to watch and listen.

"I had no Idea that Cherry Cloud would attack us like that! She was so nice earlier!" The mare chirped.

"It's not her fault, she's the only sensible Career left!" He argued. "Stop complaining about everything! These are the Hunger games, remember?"

She stamped her hoof on the ground. "It's not my fault that I was picked and no one volunteered to save me!"

He puffed out his chest. "Uh, yes it is! Maybe if you thought with your heart instead of your flank, you would have more friends! Or maybe, you would be able to survive out here by yourself!"

Her ear flicked at him as she leaned forward, their faces pressed together. "Oh, so are you telling me that I should just give up my talent, they very thing my cutie mark represents, and just CHANGE!?"

He rolled his head back, his messy mane flopping to the other side of his neck. "Oh look, she can think!"

The pink mare's face was turning bright red. I almost expected her to burst into flames. "Well, unlike you, I was trying to make the best out of the situation!" She flipped her golden mane and turned away from the stallion.

"By taking a bath and flirting with the cameras to get sponsors to send you useless things like ice cream!" He yelled back.

"It's hot outside. And it's better than you can do!"

"I haven't needed anything yet! All I've done is gotten you food, protected you, found you shelter, made sure that you were comfortable!" She continued to stay turned away from him, her nose in the air as he ranted on. "You physically made me polish your hooves and braid your hair and even give you a back massage!"

"It's not my problem if you fell for seduction!"

"I'm not the problem, you are!"

"If I'm such a problem, then why haven't you killed me yet?" She screamed, turning to face him again.

"Maybe I will!"

She flattened her ears and backed up as the dark red-maned stallion ran towards her. He gripped her head between his muscular arms, and with a quick twist, she collapsed. A cannon sounded in the distance, sending goosebumps rippling on my back.

"Holy -" Gaelan started. Candor cut him off with a quick little "Shh."

The stallion was pacing in the sea foam that lapped against his leg. He was constantly kicking sand as he went, sending water and small rocks into the air and into his face. He shook them away, but he kept ranting as he mumbled to himself.

The small aircraft floated overhead and picked up the pink mare's body with a large metal claw. The stallion starting throwing rocks at the aircraft, showing off that he had an impressive arm. He hit the ship several times with a few rocks, as well as some stray sticks.

"This is all your fault, Discord! Only someone with a sick mind like you would create these games! I quit!" He yelled up at the aircraft. "I quit, I quit, I quit! Just kill me now!"

The aircraft was about to take off, but it hesitated. I heard rumbling in the sky and looked up to see a single black cloud in the air. It was small, but there were visible blue flashes that flickered behind the cloud puffs.

With a loud crack and a white flash, the stallion on the beach was on the ground, his mane scorched and his pelt singed. He shook violently, as he suffered from the electric shock that sent his body into a seizure. He continued to twist and convulse violently for several seconds until finally, the terror stopped, and Daylight Sun lay dead on the sand. I was stunned and mortified.

A cannon sounded, and the aircraft lowered the giant claw once more, picking up the electrocuted stallion from district seven. My heart was pounding because of what I had just seen. That was not a good way to die, no sir. This was evidence that I needed to be careful with what I say and what I do.

The four of us sat there, staring at the beach where the scene had happened. The ship flew away, but we were still resting there, appalled. Finally, Gaelan broke the silence.

"What in the hell-pit of Equestria was that?" he whispered.

Candor muttered to herself, then spoke aloud. "Probably his punishment for the killing of a capitol fave. Or just maybe they did what he asked - they killed him. He did say he quit."

No pony was moving. There were more visible clouds in the sky, and the sky looked like it was going to rain. It would be a great relief if it did, but they probably would only torment us with the idea of fresh water.

"W-we should go and find Jockey. I don't want to stay on this beach..." I said, my voice shaking. I wouldn't be able to un-see that. I would surely have nightmares.

"Agreed. Let's just go..." someone said. I couldn't tell who it was. We turned away from the scene and made our way back towards the center of the island on our quest to find the green stallion from my district. It was all that I had a purpose for now. I had to find Jockey and keep my promise.

So much for the beach clearing our minds.

Author's Note:

Dun dun Duuuun.
Lesson learned. Never quit the Hunger games.