• Published 11th Apr 2014
  • 494 Views, 1 Comments

Songwriter's Block - Spirit 0f Chaos

Vinyl has spent two days trying to write a new song, but has come up with squat. What's a friend to do?

  • ...

"Vinyl, you work too much."

Vinyl growled and threw yet another piece of paper towards her overflowing trash can. The projectile bounced off the crumpled stationary already in the can and fell to the floor- along with three other papers. The unicorn rubbed her eyes, and the movement knocked over the violet shades perched precariously on her horn. She didn't reach to pick them up.

Her horn shone for a moment with magic and levitated a can of cider to lips. A few drops of liquid dropped from the can, but other than that, it was empty. Growling slightly in frustration, the can was dropped on a nearby table while she already reached for another one. A moment's consideration checked the motion, and she opened the small fridge nearby. Vinyl produced a bottle of red wine and poured a small amount into a glass. She never understood why Octavia liked this stuff, but seeing as how her own drink of choice was out, she might as well try it.

“My, my, my, what is this?” Vinyl flinched and some of the wine sloshed out of the glass with the movement. She turned and saw Octavia standing in the doorway. “I believe I am directly quoting you when I remember you saying that my wine was “refined crap that could barely be called alcohol".” The earth pony smirked, but it fell from her face rather quickly. “So why are you drinking it Vinyl?”

Vinyl mumbled incoherently and turned away from her roommate. Octavia raised an eyebrow. “Pardon me? I didn't quite catch that.”

“The cider ran out!” Vinyl's voice was much louder than was needed. She lowered it back to acceptable volumes. “I drank the last of the cider and I thought I’d try this stuff because I really need something to drink right now.”

Octavia grabbed a chair and dragged it alongside Vinyl’s. Her eyes drifted to the overflowing trash and the empty cider can. Another look around the room revealed it wasn't the only empty can in the room- at least 6 cans were perched around the room, and Octavia was willing to bet all of them were drunk dry. “Vinyl dear,” she said in a concerned tone. “Are you feeling all right?”

“I’m fine Tavi.” Vinyl knocked back the wine in her glass; her face scrunched in disgust. “Ugh, that stuff is terrible.” The unicorn roughly tossed the glass back on the table. Octavia took the glass and bottle and poured herself a drink.

Octavia took a small sip and sighed appreciatively. Seeing Vinyl’s brooding expression, she reached into the small fridge once again, this time pulling out another can of cider. Vinyl’s eyes lit up along with her horn, and she eagerly accepted the drink. “How long have you had this Octy?”

“Oh, maybe a few weeks. I picked them up while you were away at Fillydelphia. I wagered it would be handy to have some cider stashed away if this type of situation ever arose. Apparently I made the right call.” She smiled at her housemate over her glass.

Vinyl nodded in agreement. “Yeah, you sure did.” She took another drink of her cider before dropping it on the table, bad mood regained.

Octavia set her own glass down in response. “What is the matter with you Vinyl? What has caused you to drink an entire six- “ she was interrupted by Vinyl noisily knocking back the last of the drink and throwing it to the side. “Excuse me, seven cans of cider in one night? Your music room is a pigsty, your attitude is appalling, and you aren't listening to a word I’m saying.” she finished sternly.

“It’s this stupid song Octy.” Vinyl growled. “I have been at this thing for two dam-” Octavia swatted Vinyl on the head before she could finish. “Ouch! Jeez, fine. I've been working on this song for two days now and I just can’t get anything!”

Octavia listened attentively to her friend's short rant. “Oh come now Vinyl it can’t be that bad. Here, let me see what you have so far.” She reached over to the paper on Vinyl’s desk. After a moment staring at it, she spoke up in confusion. “Er, Vinyl, this is blank.”

“Exactly!” Vinyl shouted. She reached for yet another can of cider, but Octavia gently pushed the hoof aside. “Oh come on Tavs, I work better when I have something to drink; you know that!”

“Evidently not, Vinyl.” Octavia deadpanned while returning the cider to the fridge. “And seven cans of cider are pushing it, even for one who has such experience with it as you.” Vinyl grumbled to herself but voiced no argument- no coherent one anyways. “Perhaps all this alcohol is part of the reason you've been having trouble with your creativity.”

Vinyl scoffed. “Octavia, a few cans of cider are nothing to me.” She took the paper back from her friend and stared at it for a few seconds before planting her face on the desk with a low groan. “Why is this so hard?”

Octavia patted Vinyl on the back and attempted to console her. “There, there, Vinyl. It sounds to me as if what you really need is a break. It seems to me you've been pushing yourself far too hard as of late.” She rose from her seat and pulled the unicorn up along with her. “You are going to get out of this room, come with me, and we are going to go get some of that inedible substance you call food.”

Vinyl smiled appreciatively as they walked out of the room together. “Thanks Octy. Maybe I do need some time away from all this.” They both walked out and down the hall in to what served as both a kitchen and dining room. Vinyl's eyes were caught by a cello case which lay discarded near the doorway from when it's owner had come home. “How long have you been home Tavs?”

“Oh, just a couple minutes.” She glanced at the clock overhanging the fireplace. “Seven minutes to be precise. Where is that menu you keep around?”

“It’s on the fridge. Octavia, you don’t have to go out and do that; I can get it myself. I could stand to get out of the house a little, after all I've been here for the past few days and it’s really starting to drive me nuts.” The unicorn stuck her head back in the room and emerged with her shades. “You just chill out here. I’ll be back soon.”

“Or we could go together.” Octavia came up alongside Vinyl. “When was the last time you and I went out together?”

Vinyl rubbed a hoof against the back of her neck. “Uh, I think it was when you and I tried to go to the spa. About a month ago?”

Octavia shuddered at the memory. After a long week for both of them it had seemed a good idea to go someplace to unwind, and they had both wanted to try the spa they had heard so much about. Well, rather, Octavia had convinced Vinyl to accompany her. Suffice to say it had not been the relaxing experience they had been hoping for. “Yes I remember it well. I don’t believe I’ll ever forget that experience.”

“Neither will I.” Vinyl said with a short laugh. “I’m good for going together if you want Octy. I thought since you just got home and all, you’d want to stick around here and kick back a little.”

“Vinyl, I have spent all day in meetings and discussions. The absolute last thing I want to do right now is sit around and do nothing.” She tossed her mane over her shoulder.

Vinyl grinned and donned her violet sunglasses. “All right then. After you Tavi.”

“Why thank you Miss Scratch.” As they walked out, Octavia suddenly stopped her friend. "But first, you are going to do something about your mane and coat. I realize you enjoy having it a little "wild," but that is far too much!"

Vinyl levitated a nearby mirror to look into. "Wow, you're right." She turned her head either way, taking in every detail. "I don't know, I think it looks good!" She grinned, but it was quickly dashed by the glare she received. Chuckling in discomfort, she excused herself to the washroom to tidy up.


Octavia shrieked with laughter, heedless of the other ponies around the park bench they sat on together. “Neon Lights really did that? Oh goodness Vinyl that must have been absolutely awful!”

“I’m dead serious Octavia; the guy was insane! To this day he still doesn't know I got it on camera! I've been saving it for a very special occasion.” Vinyl snickered with an evil smile before taking another bite of her food.

Octavia wiped a tear from her eye. “Vinyl for his sake you must never let that see the light of day. The poor stallion would be ruined!” She giggled again. “Exactly what circumstances are you planning on using it?”

Vinyl finished chewing and swallowed. “Oh I had a few ideas. None I intend to share just yet. You wait Octy- he’ll be putty it my hooves once I show him that tape.”

The grey mare eyed her friend suggestively. “Ah, so THAT’S what you intend to get out of him for it?” She burst out laughing again at how quickly her friend’s diabolical expression evaporated. In seconds Vinyl’s face turned redder than Big Mac’s coat. A few feeble attempts at a comeback revealed that Octavia had told exactly what her friend was thinking. Octavia patted the unicorn on the back consolingly. “Not to worry my dear; your secret is safe with me. Both secrets are.” She added with a snicker.

Vinyl let the comment go. No sense in digging herself any deeper into this hole. Turning her attention back to the remainder of the food in her plastic carton, she scarfed down what little there was left and stuffed the container back in the bag. “Man this stuff is good. What do they call it again?”

“I’m not entirely sure. Whatever is on the side of these containers certainly don’t lend any clues.” Octavia studied the logo she spoke of. “I can’t tell for sure if this is another language or not. Perhaps it comes from a griffon culture?”

Vinyl shrugged. “Whatever it is, I’d like to shake the hoof or claw of whoever made it. They deserve a medal or something.” She stretched out on the bench and sighed. “This was great Tavs. I really needed this.”

Octavia looked into her own carton and discarded it after a moment of thought. She turned her attention back to Vinyl. “Yes, I do believe it has done you some good.” She glanced up at the setting sun. “You know, we could go and visit the theater if you want. I heard they have a wonderful show playing tonight.”

Vinyl rose from her lying position with a soft groan. “Naw, I think I’m good Octavia. I’m gonna head back home and see if I can’t get some headway on that song.”

Octavia nodded. “Very well then. If you don’t mind, I think I am going to go see the play myself. Is that all right with you?”

Vinyl hopped off the bench. “Yeah, sure thing. I hope you like it.” Octavia followed suite and started to take the bag which held their trash. “Oh you don’t have to worry about that Octy,” Vinyl took the bag in her magic. “I’ll take care of it myself. Thanks again for the time out; I really appreciated it.”

“Thank you Vinyl and you’re very welcome.” She briefly embraced the DJ. “I’ll see you back at home later.” With that, the two mares began to their respective destinations, and within Vinyl's head ideas were already forming.


“Vinyl? I’m home!” Octavia called as she entered the house. She stopped to remove her pink bow tie and looked around. The house was dark save for a singular lamp lit near the door, presumably left by her housemate for the grey mare’s arrival. Octavia smiled to herself at the small, thoughtful gesture.

“Vinyl?” she called out in a softer tone. She quietly paced around the area in search of the unicorn. Her eyes caught a flicker on her right, and she turned to see a dim light peeking out of their shared work area. She sighed softly and started to the door.

Inside she saw a surprising change- the cans had been cleared away and the wastebasket had been emptied. Vinyl herself lay slumped over the desk where Octavia had found her earlier that day. The grey mare approached the figure as quietly as she could and looked over her shoulder. In front of Vinyl was a sheet of concepts for a number of songs, as well the beginnings of the some of them.

Vinyl shifted slightly and smacked her lips in sleep. Octavia suppressed a giggle and left the room. Moments later she returned with a light blanket and draped it over her friend, wishing she had the levitation magic to move her to her bed. After clearing away a few remaining sheets of discarded paper, Octavia made her way out of the room.

At the last second, the mare looked over her shoulder back at her friend and grinned warmly. “Good night Vinyl.” She whispered as she shut off the light and closed the door.

Comments ( 1 )

Amazing story! Want. mooooaaaar!

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