• Published 17th May 2014
  • 654 Views, 11 Comments

A Midnight Star - Aquari

Many ponies think that there are only four alicorns in Equestria. Those ponies are terribly wrong. Midnight Star would know. She is the lost princess of Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 1 (edited)

Princess Twilight Sparkle was heading towards Zecora's hut for their monthly tea. The eerie sounds of the Everfree Forest always put her on edge, and when she was half way there, she heard a scream of agony.

Forgetting what she was doing, she ran towards the sound. The newly crowned princess of magic found herself in a clearing in the forest, where she found a young blue-violet alicorn with a darker mane sprawled across the forest floor.

Twilight immediately teleported the young mare and herself to the Ponyville Hospital.

When she arrived, she yelled, “Get me a doctor!”

Within seconds a couple doctors came in with a stretcher and put the alicorn on it. “Please stay out here ma'am,” said one of the doctors to Twilight.

Knowing that she needs to report this immediately, in a flash of bright light, the purple alicorn was gone.

When she appears into the library, Twilight yelled for Spike, her number one assistant. In a few seconds, a small purple dragon came running in.

“Yes, Twilight?” he asked.

“Get a scroll and quill quickly! I have an important message to send to Princess Celestia!”

Running into the other room, Spike grabbed a scroll, quill and a bottle of ink. He ran back in and dipped the quill in the ink and looked up expectantly at Twilight. When Twilight started talking, he started to write the letter.

When the parchment was ready, describing all the current situation, he held it up in his hand, and breathed a small green flame on to the letter, causing it to disintegrate into magic and go out the open window.

“Come on, Spike, lets go gather up the girls,” spoke Twilight, as she headed out the door. Spike ran up to her as they galloped through town to get the other Elements.

In Princess Celestia's study, after finishing day court, the princess was busy reading a book.

Suddenly, there was a green wisp of fire, and a scroll appeared. Celestia smiled, happy to get a letter from her former student and fellow princess.

However, upon reading this letter, her smile quickly fell and she immediately got up and went to get her sister.

A flash of bright light appeared in the Ponyville Hospital and a white alicorn, followed by a navy blue alicorn appeared. Behind them, the doors opened and six ponies came galloping in.

“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!” all the other element bearers kneeled down, except Twilight.

Celestia and Luna turned around to see the six mares. “My dearest Twilight, where is this young alicorn you spoke of in your letter?” Celestia asked, gently nuzzling her cheek.

“In here, your highness,” said a nurse from behind them, bowing to the princesses. “We will allow three ponies in to see her now.”

“Thank you, Nurse,” Celestia smiled at the nurse before turning to Twilight and Luna. “Would you two come with me to see this young alicorn?”

Twilight nodded and silently followed Celestia to the room, Luna following suit.

Midnight Star opened her eyes and yawned groggily. Blinking her eyes, she realized that she was in an unknown environment. In front of her were three alicorns. " W-where am I?" She cautiously asked.

The navy blue alicorn looked up and smiled sadly. "You are in the Ponyville Hospital, young filly."


The white alicorn stood up and walked over to her bed. " May I ask what is your name?"

"M-Midnight Star."

"Well, Midnight Star, I am Princess Celestia. This is my sister Princess Luna," Celestia gestured towards her," And this is Princess Twilight Sparkle, also she is the mare who found you."

Twilight got up and walked over to her and smiled kindly at Midnight. "Midnight, why were you in the Everfree Forest?"

"I -I ..." She sighed," I'll just start from the beginning. I was born on the other side of the Everfree Forest, far away from the castle of the two pony sisters. I lived with my mother, Starlight. My father passed away when I was three. I have lived a happy life with my mother.

“Yesterday, however, this stallion who wants to take over Equestria, came to our home.

"My mom told me to run as fast as I could and to not stop running. She said to save myself and to always remember her. She gave me her locket and sent me off. As I was running, I heard her scream and I knew what had happened.

"I quickened my pace and kept running. However, when I was almost through the Everfree Forest, the pony teleported in front of me and cornered me. I was too exhausted to teleport, so I had know means of defense. He used dark magic on me. I had read about the spell he used on me before. The spell was a spell meant to kill ponies extremely painfully... I knew it was the end, and the last thing I saw was you, Twilight."

As she finished, there were tears streaming down not only her face, but the other's too. They had equal expressions on their faces. It was a look of sympathy, anger, and horror.

Finally, Twilight spoke up. "I am so very sorry for you. Don't you worry, we are going to find that awful stallion and make sure he pays for what he did."

"Midnight, there is something you need to know," said Luna coming up to her. "Long ago, our parents had Celestia. A few years later they had me. What you don't know is that I wasn't the only one born. I had a twin sister. The three of us were best friends growing up.

"However, she was taken away from us by an immortal stallion. He said we will never see her again. I was devastated. I was willing to give up anything to have her back. After a while I accepted that she was gone and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Life went on without her after that. Midnight, my twin sister's name was Starlight. You are our niece. You are Princess Midnight Star."

Both Twilight and Midnight were in shock. Midnight finally asked after a minute of silence, "You are my aunts?" Celestia and Luna nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight, I didn't tell you before out of precaution. I was afraid that if you knew, you might go and try to find him. I didn't want to risk your safety said Celestia.

The four sat in silence for what seemed an eternity. Finally, a nurse knocked on the door before entering. "You're awake! I will be right back. I need to go get the doctor!" She said before running out of the room.

A minute later, the doctor came in. "Miss, I will need your name before checking your current condition."

"My name is Midnight Star, sir."

"Thank you Miss. Star," He turned toward the others. "I will need you to leave the room, Your Highness'."

"Of course, sir." said Celestia turning to leave, Twilight and Luna following suit.

Once they had left, the nurses started performing routine checks. "I can't believe this, but you are free to go Miss. I will just need you to sign these papers here," said the doctor handing a pen and clipboard to her. After she signed them, he thanked her. The nurses put her in a wheelchair and wheeled her out.

Celestia turned at the sound of the wheelchair and looked questioningly at the nurse. "She is in good enough condition to send her out, Your Highness." said the nurse.

Celestia smiled and took hold of the wheelchair. Turning it around, Midnight was met with the faces of five new ponies.

"Um... Hi," Midnight said shyly.

Twilight walked up. "Midnight, these are my friends. This is Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity. They are really nice and are here to make sure you feel safe here in Ponyville. Since you don't have a place to sleep, you are going to sleep in the spare bedroom in my house. Is that okay with you?" Twilight asked.

"It's nice to meet you all. My name is Midnight Star, and thank you for the offer Twilight." said Midnight smiling big.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie said, " Oh my gosh, this is just so awesome! You are going to love it here!" Pinkie was bouncing all over the place as she talked and at the end somehow made a shower of confetti appear out of thin air.

"How-" Midnight was cut off by Twilight.

"Don't question it. Here this is usually addressed as 'Pinkie being Pinkie', I learned that the hard way." She said giggling slightly.

Midnight smiled, happy that she was surrounded by friends. She was going to like it here.

Author's Note:

... Wow... I just reread this and I realized that it needed major work.:pinkiecrazy: I just fixed it up... For the second time... It didn't save the first time... :facehoof:

Also, if anyone wants a sequel, please comment and I maybe able to add some requests in to it too! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 11 )

kinda rushed, some story holes and need a lot of editing... i like it!! has a lot of potential!!!

I know, I have been working on it for a while though. I am trying to get better at writing. I just put it out there so I could get some feedback on it so I could improve it. Thanks! :)

4405137 if you want i can edit it a little or do a proofreading

4405137 whenever i am not working on my own stories

That would be great. I could use the help. :twilightsmile:

4405161 ok whenever you want, send me a Gdocs with the story ill check up and try to edit it

That was... alright. It's actually really good compared to some of the- other.. first time stories on this site. :ajbemused:

I do agree with shenadri's first comment, it all does seem a little rushed and could use some expansion on detail and such (without going OTT like I do ;-;), but is a bit mediocre/cliché in terms of story. In the editing department though, I don't think it needs much. Sure, you could use one for moral support (I know how stressful writing can be, having taken large essays and such) and picking apart bits and bobs to make it sound and flow better but otherwise.. eh.

It does look like something that has been gone over a lot, with so little mistakes with proper English and punctuation. It also does well with the story because I can see a lot of paths it can take, in addition to potential.

All in all, it is pretty good for a first chapter but does need some extra detail and some plot twists or more imaginative plot devices.

Don't worry, I'm just desperate to be a critic of something.

4408868 Thanks. I just got it edited, so I will be re-posting it.

Nice story....looking forward to the next chapter:twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

Yeah... I have no idea what to do next... But thanks!


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