• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 524 Views, 3 Comments

Discord's Return - The_WolfGirl

Discord returns to wreak havoc upon the unsuspecting ponies of Equestria. What could possibly go wrong?

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Chapter Six: Death and Chaos

Chapter Six: Death and Chaos

I woke slowly, for once having a night not filled with nightmares and fear. I look around myself and attempt to stand before noticing the warm, serpentine body curled around me. I feel Discord’s eagle claw wrapped protectively around me. Having no other choice but to stay, I relax and snuggle closer into the warm body. I feel Discord’s body move all of a sudden, disturbing a piece of paper and sending it spiraling around the room. I grab it in my magic and place it on the bed that Discord and I were curled up next to.

“You’re awake, Rose. Did you sleep well?” I stare at Discord, surprised at his concern until the antics of last night return to me.

I smile, blushing lightly, sure that it makes my cheeks look like cherries, “Yes, Discord. I slept well, I thank thee.” I stand up, wincing as my tense muscles get stretched out. Discord steps to my side and puts one paw around me to help me stand. I shake off his help, embarrassed that he thinks I need it. A blush still present on my cheeks, I nod my thanks to Discord who steps back with a small comment made indecipherable by the fact that his head is down and he scrapes his hoof across the ground.

I step up to the embarrassed draconequus and nuzzle him softly, “ I thank thee, Discord. Wouldst thou mind showing me around thine abode?” Discord looks up hopefully before magically producing a pink and green suit to wear and an orange top hat.

“Right this way miss, to the strange and wonderful land of the marvelous draconequus, Discord, the master of all things chaotic!” Discord sweeps his arm down and beckons me out the door. Smiling I exit, only to freeze and blink wildly at my surroundings.

“Discord, wherefore art we? Is this thy home? `Tis more chaotic than thyself!” Indeed the crazy, epilepsy inducing halls around us where more chaotic than Discord. I pull my gaze away from the insane halls, stairs leading to nowhere, and doors that seemed to lead into different dimensions, and stare at the draconequus in question.

“This, is my home, Rosie! To crazy for you?”

“Yes! I feel as if I shall faint from all the insanity.”

“You wound me.” Discord’s voice seems to drip sarcasm and false insult. “Come on, let me show you to your room.”

“Where we not just in it?” I stare up at Discord in confusion.

“No, we were in my room. Don’t you remember, this is our old clubhouse, our den of iniquity!” I laugh at Discord’s use of the term, at the fact that he brought me somewhere safe. I freeze, remembering more of the night Luna and Celestia came to visit.

“Discord, what didst thou do to Luna and Celestia? I heard Celestia’s voice, and Luna was in mine cottage when thou came to visit. Are they alright?”

Discord sighs and teleports us outside, to stare at the sky above while resting us on a soft, pink cloud. “You know, I wasn’t lying to Rainbow Dash when I said that these clouds were plush.” I laugh, knowing that Discord is stalling, but also knowing that he will get to the point eventually. “You’re right, Celestia came into the cottage not long after you collapsed. I think your scream may have attracted her’s and Luna’s attention. She came at me, saw me and… well froze.”

“Froze? Discord, what dost thou mean? Celestia is not one to freeze at the sight of anything, be it danger or an old friend turned into a demon from Hell.”

“Well, umm…” Discord seems to shrink before my eyes. I prod Discord and glare at him. All of a sudden Discord’s words come rushing out in a fierce onslaught, “I was standing over you and it umm, probably looked… weird!”

I stare at Discord, confused by his obvious discomfort. “Why wouldst thou be embarrassed at this?”

“Well, umm. It’s just, I don’t want you to think that… Oh, I don’t know how to talk to a mare!”

I laugh at the ridiculous reason behind Discord’s embarrassment. “Thou wert great at it when we were still bearers for the Elements of Harmony. At least, I thought thou were.” My white fur must be permanently turned red by the amount of blood rushing to my face.

Discord merely smiles and wraps his serpentine body around my curled form. Together we stare at Luna’s night and relax beneath the silver moon. For so long my life has been turmoil and pain, but now, with Discord, I feel as though I don’t need to be afraid anymore. I feel like, if anything happens, Discord will take care of me. I stare up at his elongated face and smile, thinking, ‘Nothing can ruin this, nothing’. I sigh, sure of my place in his world and close my eyes, exhausted from the labyrinth and admitting my love for the draconequus beside me.


I feel a writhing body swarming over my wings and a large talon scrape past my ear. My eyes snap open and my horn glows to prepare a spell for whatever danger dares to awaken me. I stare up at a gray serpentine body, standing protectively over me and a red-scaled tail lashing back and forth. My horn’s glow dies and try to wiggle out from underneath Discord.

It is to no avail and I begin to try to attract Discord’s attention, “Discord… Discord!! Discord, get off of me!”

“DISCORD!!” An all too familiar voice booms out from around me, echoing throughout the air, “What have you done with Broken Rose? Answer me, Monster!”

“I haven’t done anything with her, you won’t take her away again Celestia!” Discord’s angry voice reverberates through his body, shaking me slightly.

“Wouldst thou allow me to speak?” I gently poke Discord in the underbelly, unwilling to go out and face an angry Celestia. Neither of them seem to notice.

“You leave me no choice, Discord.” I see a flash of yellow magic and hear Discord’s agonized scream. I watch in horror as the draconequus tumbles off of me and falls, leaning over the side of the pale gray cloud, I watch as Discord’s scorched body hits the ground.

“NOOO!!!” I scream, tears falling to splatter on the ground beside Discord’s broken body. I see Celestia straighten and stare at me in astonishment. I leap off the cloud and fall to the ground, spreading my wings at the last moment to land safely. I collapse on the ground to rest my head against Discord.

“Broken Rose, is that you? Where did you come from, how did you get here?” Celestia lands next to me, still staring, not seeming to care about the fact that Discord was dead.

I turn to stare at her, my tears still not ceasing, I step up to the white alicorn, “Why?” My voice is so quiet, even I could barely hear it, “Why did he have to die? He wasn’t doing anything!” By the end I am screaming at her.

Celestia looks astonished, “I didn’t kill him, I…”

“STOP, LYING!” My horn begins to drip blood and glow with the same terrible radiance that the me in the maze had. The spell that Solstice had taught my brother, and, in return, me, raced through my mind. I heard a faint voice calling out to me. I blocked out all sound as a bolt of red light raced towards Celestia, frozen in shock.

I black form raced in front of the bolt at the last second, screaming, she vanished. I froze, the red light fading from my eyes, and the blood ceasing to drip from my horn.

Celestia stared at the spot where just seconds before, her younger sister had raced to stop my attack, “LUNA!!! NOOOO!!!” Celestia’s light purple eyes seemed to burn as she glared at me, “What have you done! How could you. How could banish Luna to the moon again?”

Sure enough, when I stare up to the moon, the shape of a mare is back. I stumble backwards, falling over Discord’s broken body. Collapsing next to him I shake, astonished at what I did.

“I… I didn’t mean to! I was, just trying to…” I refuse to go on.

Celestia steps up to me, her horn gleaming like the sun it raises. I shake, then, I stare at Discord, broken body all that remains of the creature I was beginning to trust once more.

“Thou killed Discord. He was trying to protect me, and thou killed him!”

Celestia stops in her tracks, “I didn’t kill Discord.” Her voice washes over me like ice. “He is using his magic again, isn’t he.”

Celestia steps up to me, horn still glowing. I back up as far as I can, “Celestia, what art thou doing?” I scream in agony as Celestia’s horn pierces my forehead just below my own horn and begins to glow once more.

“I am sorry that it hurts, Broken Rose. It’s the only way to clear your mind.”

My vision begins to fade in and out before Celestia removes her horn and watches me closely. Her horn glows once more and heals my wound. I turn suddenly and stare at the ground, Discord’s body having vanished. I look back at Celestia and open my mouth to demand an explanation, when a sight freezes me. Celestia lays at the feet of Discord, a gash along her side and her horn and wings missing from her body.

“Well then, you keep escaping my mind powers. Let’s see if this works.” Discord steps over Celestia’s still body and places his eagle talon on the top of my head. I feel my mind being torn in two, one half overwhelming the other, the half that I thought was destroyed in the labyrinth of my mind emerges. I stand completely still as Discord teleports the three of us, Celestia included, to the town square of Ponyville.

“Ponies of Ponyville! I have an announcement.” Ponies stare at the sight of Discord standing over the broken body of their sunny princess. I feel their gazes travel over me and watch their confusion grow. “I have decided to make Ponyville the chaos capital of the world.” Only I hear Discord’s next muttered words, “And this time, nopony will stand in my way.”

I watch as the purple unicorn steps through the crowd, “Discord, what have you done to Celestia and Luna?!”

“Oh, I didn’t do anything to dear Luna. Rosie hear did that for me! Why don’t you take a look at the moon?” I can feel my face remain blank as the ponies scream in horror as they realize that both their princesses are defeated. Discord’s next words are for me alone, “Rosie, why don’t you try your hoof at some chaos?”

I nod my head with robotic actions and see my horn drip blood as the plants and animals in Ponyville attack the ponies. Rabbits grow fangs and begin to grow a taste for pony blood. Roses expand their thorns and trap ponies in cages that constantly change shape, causing many ponies to bleed onto the ground and attract the vampiric rabbits.

I feel Discord’s lion paw on my shoulder and look up at him, “Don’t kill too many, than who will appreciate our beautiful chaos?” I nod slowly and end the spells, returning Ponyville to normal as Discord laughs and summons two thrones out of nowhere. Banishing Celestia to some dungeon he guides me to the thrones and seated me down, before sitting down and causing more of his specialized chaos.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long, I might not be able to pump out chapters as fast as I was.