• Published 30th Mar 2014
  • 906 Views, 10 Comments

Arrows are Beautiful - Voxyl the Game Dragon

Flim and Flam break up and Flim is the one to leave. Flim is run from every town he enters. He goes to Ponyville, hoping he can stay. While being ambushed by the mane 6, a mare comes to his rescue. This mares gives him what he's never had.

  • ...

Happier That My Emerald Will Be

Flim and Emerald were walking to an obstacle course, made my Rainbow. Flim was wearing a brown vest and blue bandana around his neck, contrast him wearing nothing for the past few days.

"Today, you're gonna prove to Rainbow Dash that she can trust you," Emerald said, flying about a foot and a half off the ground.

"Ok. Is that it," Flim asked, watching as the pegasus flew about.

"No. Then we're gonna go to Fluttershy. Then Pinkie Pie. Then AppleJack. Rarity and lastly, Twilight Sparkle."

"All of that in order?"


"And all of that today?"


"You're about run into a tree."

"Sure am. Wait wha-"

Emerald crashed into the prickly branches of a pine tree. Flim snickered a bit and levitated her out.

"Are you *snicker* ok," he asked.

Emerald punched him in the arm, with a smile, and brushed herself off. Flim picked a stick from her hair.

"Hey, Emerald," Rainbow Dash said, trotting up.

She looked at Flim disapprovingly.

"And Flim."

"And hello, to you Rainbow Dash," Flim said.

Rainbow Dash looked at Emerald, and couldn't hold back a snicker.

"What happened to you," Rainbow asked, still having trouble not laughing.

"I flew into a tree," Emerald said.

Rainbow laughed for a bit, then began walking toward the obstacle course she made. She looked back at Flim. He looked...different.

Rainbow brushed it off and held out her hoof.

"If you want my trust then complete this obstacle course."

Flim looked at the course. Seemed easy enough.

"And you have 1 minute. No magic, what so ever. If you mess up, I'll blow this whistle, and you have to come back. Your time will reset, though."

Suddenly not so easy any more.

Flim gulped and began the course.

(You are challenge by song Happier Will That My Emerald be! Original Song: What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me!)

Flim slipped on the mud pit where the tires were. He heard Rainbow's whistle. He got up, shook himself off, and began again.

I can not do this course
No not one little bit
I slip and fall crash into walls
And that whistle makes me tick

[Flim slips and falls, causing him to start over. He looks at Emerald and is filled with confidence]

But it's up to me to do this
Emerald will be pleased
I've got to have her trust in me,
And it's happier that my Emerald will be

[Flim jumped over the last hurdle and skid into the finish. Rainbow smiled and gave him a hoof bump.]

[Flim is helping Fluttershy with animals. He's carrying injured baby ducks on his back, crossing a stream.]

I hope I can keep steady
Keep from falling in the river
But these little ducks are outta luck
That cold water makes me shiver

[Flim stumbles, causing a baby duck to fall off. This scares Fluttershy, but Flim catches it on his muzzle.]

I have to keep them safe,
And Emerald will finally see
I've got to have her trust in me,
And it's happier that my Emerald will be

[Flim crosses the river, bringing the ducks back home. Fluttershy is happy and gives him a hug.]

[Flim is at Sugar Cube Corner, making cupcakes. Pinkie is sitting, impatiently.]

I don't care much for baking cakes and
Pinkie Pie has such high stakes
No matter where I look,
I cannot find out long this will take!!

[Flim puts the cupcake batter in pans and walks away to sit.]

I've got so many things to do,
It's no fun making sweets for three
I've got to have her trust in me,
And it's happier that my Emerald will be

[Flim pulls the cupcakes out. Pinkie taste them and says that they beyond yummy!]

[Flim is bucking apples out of trees. 48 trees, to be exact.]

My legs are gonna ache for days
I think that it is sprained
I don't wanna do this stuff,
But there are few things to gained

I have to buck these tress here
But, boy, will I be pained
Getting her trust be wont easy,
But it's happier that my Emerald will be

[Flim shows AppleJack his work. She tips her hat in approval]

[Flim is using his magic to make a dress. For Emerald, really, but he would never admit that]

I'm in a real big hurry,
I can feel Rarity watching me
Great now I've stabbed myself
That mare is super creepy

But have to keep on trying, so everyone can see

[Flim finished the dress, which will be described in a later story. Rarity marveled at it. She told him he was a natural]

That I can be

Trusted as can be

They all are pleased

Oh please be true

And now I have their trust in me,

Have her trust in me

And it's happier that my Emerald will be

[Song over]

Flim trotted up to the Golden Oak Library, Emerald by his side. He took a deep breath and reached for the doorknob.


Flim turned around at the mention of his name. He couldn't believe his eyes.


Flam fur was matted with rain and sweat. His mane was crazy and frizzy. Leaves and twigs littered his coat.

The mustached pony began running to his brother, but was stopped by a green mare. She held an arrow to his face.

"State your name, age, and business with Flim."

Flam ears were folded down.

"My name is Flam. I'm 25. And I'm here to say sorry to my brother."

Instead of lowering the arrow, Emerald pointed it closer to his muzzle.

"You're Flam?! The pony who threw Flim out!"

Emerald would have released the arrow, if she didn't feel a hoof on her shoulder.

"Emerald. It's alright, stand down."

Emerald blew smoke from her nose and put her bow away. She returned to Flim side.

"Flam, what are you doing here," Flim asked, magically holding back Emerald.

Flam looked at his brother and tears swelled in his eyes. He hugged his brother and began crying into his neck.

"I'm s-so s-s-sorry!"

Flim slowly wrapped his hooves around his brother. It took all his willpower not to cry.

"For what?"

"Everything! The fight! You leaving! I can't live without you! Please come home!"

By now, Twilight and the girls were standing outside, watching this happen.

Flim released Flam. He had the most serious look.

"I can't."

Flam looked astounded.

"B-but why? Are you still mad?"

"No. I'm not mad anymore."

Flim looked down at Emerald and turned toward her. He leaned down and grabbed her hoof.

"I'm in love."

Everyone gasped, while Rainbow gagged. Emerald's green face was rimmed scarlet.


"Emerald Arrow, I'm in love with you! You're so sweet and-and kind! You took me in when I had nopony! You helped me redeem myself! And you're so-"

Emerald silenced him.

With her lips.

"Aww," filled the air. Flim was astonished, but kissed her back.

Then something amazing happened.

Another cutie mark appeared under Emerald's bow and arrow!

She gasped loudly as she broke away. She reached back and rubbed at her cutie mark, and found it faded away. Underneath was something beautiful.

A rainbow heart.

Author's Note:

Yeah, Emerald's cutie mark wasn't real. This will be explained in a flashback next chapter. So, anyway, how was the song? I hope you all liked it! I wouldn't mind if someone sang it on YouTube (hint, hint). And would fanart be to much ask? I mean literally. Am I asking to much by asking for fanart? But it you make some, send me the link please!