• Published 30th Mar 2014
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Remilia's Scarlet Equestria - Dragonborne Fox

A vampire finds herself turned into a horned batpony. Armed with a Norse weapon of legend, can she conquer the land of ponies?

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Chapter One: New Body

I fidget about, still sleeping, hoping to awaken from a nightmare. I see a horrid shape—more like six—approaching me with glowing white eyes like that of the sun. Around what I assumed to be their necks were necklaces of white gold, each embedded with a different gemstone of some kind. One didn’t have a necklace; rather, it had a delicate tiara made in the same way as the necklaces themselves.

I swear upon my soul they had an intention to banish me somewhere; yet they elaborated no further than that. My ability to control fate is rendered useless against them, and my body refuses to lift my Gungnir into the air.

I cannot even fly, let alone move. For literally the first time in years—perhaps a century even—I am filled with fear; yet I don’t understand. I am the proud Remilia Scarlet; why am I letting these puny creatures with their ornate jewelry dominate me?!

I slowly raise my trembling hand to the creatures and clench my fist, attempting to conjure a spellcard from it. At once, a throbbing and most unbearable pain assaults my head and I cannot help but yelp in shock. My vision goes black and my body falls to the floor numb.

Darkness covers me, surrounds my frame, concealing my sight for an uncounted amount of time. Is this a dream, or is that gap hag up to something I cannot possibly fathom?


I shift, groaning in pain as my body aches horrendously. Much of my body is still numb, lingering with traces of fear. I cannot comprehend what had happened, nor why.

My senses, heightened from a human’s as they are, still can not efficiently inform me of my present location. If anything, perhaps I was truly dead and gone now. Why then does pain still assault me; why then does fear relentlessly attack me? Not once since my body was left to rot such an eon by a human’s lifetime ago have I felt such emotional pain and distress.

Here I believe myself to lay, in this wretched plane of darkness that has swallowed me up. Here I believe myself to lay in what I guessed was purgatory— or perhaps one amongst the less noble afterlives.

I didn’t understand why I felt this way, nor did I understand why I was rendered unable to move. I didn’t understand the vision of those six strange creatures who wore those pieces of jewelry.

I simply could not understand it at all, for this was well beyond what I was used to. I lay still, perhaps a moment further, finding my senses returning ever so slightly. Another moment or so, I am trying to make sense of all of this. When I did, an unbearable headache hit my nerves, and I so desperately wanted to scream.

A blinding light shines in front of my numbingly fogged eyes as they fluttered open, and I begin to panic. The sun, which my kind dread so much, was high upon this sky— I was beneath its cruel rays. Yet it surprised me that I had not yet started turning to steam, let alone a pile of ashes. It then occurred to me that the sky was a vivid mixture of red and purple—the sun had been receding away, fleeting to prepare for night.

My wings twitch in some kind of anticipation, yet I felt myself out of proportion, as it were. I attempt to stand up, only to fall over on my face. I realized that I was no longer in bed; that I was in fact sitting in the middle of someone’s yard.

I stretch my arm out, hoping to propel myself up with it— and I scream in dread and anger. My arm ended in a rounded, flat surface in place of where my hand should’ve been, and the whole thing was a grey-pink in hue. My other arm had been the exact same way, and I glance at my body to find myself screeching further.

My body had somehow changed into that of a pink, pastel miniature horse. My wings were on my sides, pink-jointed with black membrane, and a black bat decorated both of my flanks. A blue-grey tail the same color as my hair was at the end of my rump, and it was rather lengthy. I must have screeched for but a few moments, but it felt as if a thousand years of solitude passed by as this equine form, this cursed flesh that wasn’t mine, sat there in a yard at dusk screaming her fool head off.

By a stroke of sheer coincidence, there was a mirror on a nearby fence as if placed there to mock me in my new, accursed state. It had been so long since I last had a reflection, and this is a sight that won’t ever leave my mind: there was a single, sharp, straight horn protruding from my forehead. In short, I became something along the lines of a bloody winged unicorn.

A door opened, the creaking of its hinges causing me to turn at the nearby house from which it came. Another pastel horse exited from its abode, carefully gazing at me with a sparkle of wonder in its eyes which matched those of my own. It had a grey body and a mane of light brown.

In its mouth was a wooden stake. I very nearly jumped in haste, my wings spreading wide with newfound ease. This forgotten feeling of dread encompassed me once more as the horse approached cautiously with a cursory gaze scrawled into its narrowing eyes. I seized all muscles in my face before they could contort into a blatant wide-eyed state of shock. I swallowed, standing there and trying to figure out what to do like the panicking idiot I was.

Then, the horse with the stake made the first move. It charged forward, lunging at me with the stake and simultaneously craning his head just right. I delivered a swift bite to the neck, breaking it and ending its life in mere seconds.

My body then felt weak, and I refused to let go of my catch. I sat there drinking the blood of the wretched creature for mere moments before hastily releasing the decrepit corpse.