• Published 29th Mar 2014
  • 2,565 Views, 40 Comments

The Visitors - MetroXLR99

All his life, Prince Onyx has been the only human in Equestria..So, what happens when ANOTHER human suddenly appears in Canterlot??

  • ...

Part Three: Restless Night

It was nightfall upon the equine kingdom of Canterlot..and, Princess Luna stood vigil. her blue eyes gazing out at her kingdom from the balcony.

as the guardian of the moon, Luna was sovereign of Equestria during the night. So, being responsible for the entire kingdom at this time was nothing new to her.

but, THIS TIME was different. This time, her sister was not slumbering in her bedchambers where she would awaken and resume her duties once it came time to raise the sun to herald the day.

Hours ago, Luna recieved a message that her sister had encountered a "visitor from another world" details were sketchy, but it appeared that this visitor was of the same species as her adopted nephew, Onyx.

and, what's more: This visitor helped to foil an attempt on his life by their enemy, the tyrannical griffin emperor, Gryffin.

While Luna was greatful to this stranger for saving the life of one she had come to cherish and love as if he were her own son..the princess of the night was also wary. she knew NOTHING of this "Helix", nor what her true intentions were for coming to Equestria. she seriously doubted that it was for Prince Onyx's welfare alone.

So, Luna was on edge..Mainly because he sister, her nephew and the element of magic were currently guests aboard Helix "airship", and would all be staying there through the night.

Luna would be lying if she said she wasn't a TINY bit concerned for the safety of her family, AND Twilight.

Part of her believed that her sister had to be "addle-headed" to take sanctuary amongst a stranger..particularly one that seemed more like a 'warlord' that an ambassador of peace.

BUT, Luna had to remind herself that between the two of them..Celestia was the most mature, responsible and wisest. Afterall..It was Celestia who spent One-Thousand Years raising both the Sun AND Moon, while Luna herself languished away for centuries because of a colossal error that she made so long ago.

so, who was SHE to question her sister's wisdom?!

Princess Luna at last exhaled deeply..she then glanced over at a fairly large telescope. paranoia getting to her again, the dark blue alicorn walked over to the device, and began to mystically focus the lens.

after good long minutes of searching, Luna at last found her target: The Airship-or, WARship, of the human called Helix.

Luna grimaced at the vessel. finding it to be quite an ominous and foreboding presence. the metallic ship resembled a great "iron vulture" in the sky. looming as if ready to swoop down on unsuspecting prey. and, despite being late in the evening..the ship continued to move at a steady pace over the landscape. This left Luna nervous. wondering why Helix NEVER landed her ship.

Helix was human. she HAD to sleep like any other creature. So, why was her airship constantly moving?..what did SHE have to fear?!

Luna finally pulled away, sighing. "sleep well, my dear sister..I hope you know what you are doing."

In a stateroom, Celestia tossed and turned in the bed..but at last she opened her eyes. no matter how hard the alicorn tried, she just couldn't get to sleep.

too many things were going through her mind at once.

Finally, the sun princess rose up. exhaling stressfully, she got out of bed and made her way to the door. she didn't even bother to put on her shows, necklace and crown..she was too distracted to even remember that.

exiting the room, Celestia made her way down the dimly lit hallway. by now she had memorized where most of the corridors led, having been given a map to study earlier, making it unlikely for her to get lost again.

ALMOST, anyway..

Celstia made her way to Onyx stateroom, which was unsurprisingly right next to hers. she carefully opened the door, pushing it gently with her hoof.

However, she was quite surprised to find that her dear son wasn't sleeping in his bed..In fact, he wasn't in the room AT ALL.

"Onyx?!" growing concerned, Celestia left the empty room and began searching for him.

Remembering the primary reason for Onyx wishing to stay aboard the Harbinger, Celestia decided to head over to the Science Wing where one of Helix "supercomputers" were located.

Onyx was likely researching his human heritage from the machine.

As Celestia walked, she frowned as she fell deep in thought. recent events had been quite a shock to her.
first her son was nearly killed by the tyrant emperor of the griffons..then, someone of Onyx species appeared, and turned her world upside-down with her science and technology.

Onyx "interest" in her worried Celestia..fearing he placed too much trust in someone who only just met. someone who claimed to have all the answers he seeked.

However, Celestia herself now found herself intrigued by Helix. Particularly since she discovered Helix "secret" that the woman had her own child, one who bore a striking resemblance to her own son.

Celestia at first wondered if Onyx was the child she saw in the holo-photograph..but, soon decided that wasn't so. whoever the child was, he WASN'T Onyx.

but, then..who WAS that baby?! and why was Helix so secretive about him?

Did something happen to the child?..was he even still alive?! and, who did Helix go from the joyous mother that Celestia saw in that picture, to the cold and calculating woman that she knows her to be now?!

Celestia had so many questions..and, she was desparate for some answers. Sadly, only Helix could answer them..and, she wasn't talking.

At last, Celestia reached he Science Wing. the alicorn entered..and, once again became captivated by the sheer size of the chamber.

When Helix guards stated that it was twice the size of a palace courtyard..they certainly weren't joking. the massive laboratory was nearly as big as the "stained glass window hall" back at Canterlot..and, filled with an assortment of machines and technology.

the lab was filled with many anthros, each of varied animal species. All working on complicated experiments, or testing devices.

none of which that Celestia understood completely.

after several minutes, Celestia at last found a familiar face..but, it wasn't Onyx.

"Twilight!!" Celestia's faithful student didn't acknowledge her teacher..she appeared to be too engrossed in what was in front of her face.

they were holographic projectors, not unlike the "moving photograph" that Celestia encountered earlier. but, these orbs were projecting writing, not images.

Twilight almost looked 'entranced' as she stared at the projections.


"GAH!!" Twilight was startled back to reality, and looked to Celestia behind her. "P-Princess!!"

Celestia gave Twilight a look of annoyance, but also understanding. "I see you have been quite busy with your new studies."

"uhh..Y-Yeah, I have." stuttered Twilight "I recently found that Helix keeps most of her records on these "data disks", instead of books. an entire library's worth of knowledge..all contained in just ONE disk. I have been spending the last several hours researching Planet Earth, Onyx's home world..Fascinating!!"

Celestia frowned. "Twilight..have you seen Onyx anywhere?!"

Twilight shook her head 'no' "No, my princess..I haven't. But, I heard he was meeting with Helix herself in a place called "The Simulation Chamber". Something to do with new combat training."

"Oh..I see."

Before Celestia could do or say anything else, an alarm sounded, followed by a sequential flashing of light. "what in-"

"IT'S AN EXPERIMENT!!" exclaimed Twilight, leaping from her chair "Mister Takka is conducting Another experiment!!"

While she would much rather look for her son..even Celestia was curious at what Helix scientists were up to. AND, a bit concerned over the safety of her apprentice, too.

Celestia finally followed the hyperactive Twilight in another part of the laboratory. There, she indeed saw the dark skinned human from earlier. who was ordering various anthros as they fiddled with a massive machine that sparked colored lightning.

"Increase power at 15% capacity." a humanoid wolf, fox and raccoon did just that.

"No good, sir. we are only getting 5% from the power cells." said a fox

Takka glance over at an anthro tigeress. "Frieda!!, fetch me another power cell!"

"I can't, Sir." began Frieda "That was the LAST cell, and there isn't enough time to send for more from storage."

Takka looked at another anthro. a Rabbit, this time. "Ace, what is the status of our power levels!?"

"Up to 35%, sir."

Takka growled in his throat at this. "spirits..That isn't enough!!"

"Can I help?!" Takka looked, and saw a purple unicorn walk up. "wait..your that equine native: Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight nodded. "Yes, and I want to know if I can help."

Celestia looked unsure of this "Twilight, I am not so sure that is-"

"perhaps you COULD." began Takka "being a Unicorn, you produce reality altering energy utilizing your horn as a conduit."

Twilight stared blankly. "uhhh..y-yeah!, right."

Takka thought for a moment. "hmmm...perhaps you CAN be of assistance, afterall." Takka then snapped his finger. "Frieda, fetch me an U.E.C., NOW."

"Yes, sir. Right away, sir." said the Tigress, as she ran off at a fast pace. both Twilight and Celestia eyed Takka. "U.E.C.?!"

"It's stand for Universal Energy Converter. It is a device that absorbs any energy type, and changes it into another type. OR, to put it simply: It'll convert Twilight Sparkle's mystical energy into compatible energy for the machine."


at that moment, Frieda returned with the device in question. "Excellent work, Frieda. Now, just hook it up, and we'll get started."

As Frieda did just that, Twilight approached the machine. anticipating she would be needed soon.

"The U.E.C. is ready, sir."

"Excellent." said Takka, who looked to Twilight. "Twilight, your up. fire your strongest blast of magic into the U.E.C."

Twilight narrowed her eyes as her horn glowed bright violet. she then fired a strong blast of magical energy at the device..which true to Takka's description. began to take in the magic like a sponge.

"Give It ALL you've got, Ms. Sparkle." said Takka. his tone calm, despite the situation.

"GRRRRRRRAAAAAAARGH!!!" Twilight grinded her teeth as she attempted to push herself further than she ever had before. "this is..as F-FAR..As I can..GO!!"

Takka looked to an anthro frog female. "Tina, Status Report.

"Power levels are at now at 65%, sir."

Celestia walked up to the human. "th-that's Good, right?"

"No, not really." replied Takka "We need power level at least 90% to make any progress. your apprentice has aided us greatly..but, even HER magic isn't enough."

Celestia looked at her student..who continued to pour in all of the magic she had. touching her chin with her hoof, Celestia at last made a decision. "What if I added my magic to Twilight's?!"

Takka took a moment to process this. "Theoretically, that may work..but, Alicorns produce one-hundred times the amount of energy than unicorns do. You would only need to give a 'tiny' bit if you are adding to Twight's magic. If you were to use all you add, you may risk overloading the machine..and, destroying it."

Celestia was wide eyed, amazed at how delicate this mechanical beast was. But, she understood Takka's instructions and took her place near Twilight. the alicorn princess then fired golden energy from her horn..which seamlessly melded with Twilight's, forming white energy.

"Power level rising, sir." began a female squirrel "70%. 80..85..90."

"Easy does it, princess..just a little bit more." Celestia breathed steadily as she carefully raised the strength of her magic.


"STOP!, hold it there!!" commanded Takka

Both Celestia and Twilight held the flow of their magic at the current levels. a bright light gleamed from within the machine, and made a high pitched whining sound..

..then, at last: it went out like a snuffed candle. the two ponies stopped using their magic, assuming the experiment was over.

Twilight panted heavily, the whole thing taking alot out of her. "d-d-did we?..i-is it?!"

a random anthro answered Twilight's question to Takka. "The crystal has stabilized, sir. the experiment was a success."

this made Celestia raise a brow. "Crystal!?"

a compartment in the machine opened up like an oven, and out came a tray holding an odd looking crystal. the crystal was a pale green color, and was shaped like a cylinder with four curved spikes protruding from the top end like a claw.

Celestia approached it, bewildered. "what..is that?!" inquired the sun princess

Takka didn't answer. he only issued a command to a nearby soldier. "Make sure Lady Helix knows that the Ix Crystal has been completed successfully. and, shall be ready for the Discord Sanction should the situation call for it."

"yes, sir." replied the anthro crocodile

Celstia widened her eye sat this. "Discord Sanction!!?"

"Yes." said Takka, acknowledging Celestia finally. "As you know, Lady Helix is against Chaos, Anarchy and Disorder..and, this Discord is the literal embodiment of that. Helix has issued many 'plans' to deal with the chimera..one of which being the creation of the Ix Crystal."

"and..j-just what IS..a-an Ix Crystal?!" asked Twilight, still fatiqued

"a crystal that can mystically entrap any entity no matter the strength of it's power."

this sent chills up Celestia's spine. "I'm..not sure I like the sound of that."

"Do not fret. we are sealing the crystal in our vault, and will ONLY be used for when Discord becomes a serious threat to us. Nothing more."

Celestia eyed Takka, still feeling unsure of all this. But, for whatever reason she decided to trust his word and let it go.

"Mister Takka..could you direct me to the 'simulation room'? I would very much like to check up on my son, please."

"certainly." replied Takka, polite as ever

Celestia looked to Twilight..who motioned her mentor to go. "y-you go on ahead..I-I'll stay here, an..c-catch my breath."

Celestia nodded. "of course." with that, Celestia left with Takka.

Celestia walked with Takka to a metallic door guarded by two anthros, a Rhino and a Boar.



as soon as the guards saw Takka..they fidgeted. "M-Mister Takka, Sir!!"

Takka approached the two, a plain look on his face. "let us pass. the princess of canterlot wished to speak with her son."

"P-Prince Onyx is currently undergoing a test given by Lady Helix and Commander Scarlett, sir." said the boar

Celestia approached the guards, looking at them. "May I PLEASE enter?!"

the guards looked nervous. "ummm.."

"Go ahead and let us enter." said Takka "If Lady Helix is angered by our presence, the blame can be pinned on ME..not either one of you."

the guards each let out sighs of relief. "th-thank you, s-sir."

with that, the doors opened up and Celestia and Takka walked inside..

..Inside, Celestia found a large, empty, wide open room. It was clear that this was a training ground of some sort.

she then looked at the center..where Helix stood watching as Scarlett and Onyx were engaging in combat. At first, Celestia was worried, but quickly reminded herself that as this was a training room..her son was in no real danger.

Onyx threw swift hard punches at Scarlett, who effortlessly evaded them. the fiery haired woman then grabbed his forearm mid-swing, and flung him across the room.

"Your attacks are too predictable, Onyx.." began Helix, her tone deadpanned "Predictable..and, SLOW."

Onyx responded with a sweep kick, followed by flipping back onto his feet. "hmm..Better." said Helix, an eyebrow raised.

Onyx performed a series of kicks at Scarlett..who bore an uninterested look on her face. "Is THAT the best you've got!? I've seen turtles with more faster, swifter maneuvers than yours."

Onyx got angry. he yelled out as he charged..which was a mistake, as struck him in the gut, elbow bashed his jaw, then finally grabbed his head and SLAMMED his skull onto her knee.

dazed, Onyx stepped back..to which Scarlett performed a leap kick, finishing the fight. as Onyx groaned on the floor..Helix stood over him. "YOU LOSE, Prince Onyx." Onxy growled at this. Helix then helped him up. "i'm..I'm sss-sorry."

"oh, I am not disappointed at your failure." began Helix, maintaining her snide smile "I didn't expect to conquer my first lieutenant overnight. What I AM disappointed at is that this is the tenth time Scarlett has planted your face upon the ground..and, It appears you haven't learned anything since the first time she beat you."

Onxy grumbled. "sorry..but, she just too fast, an-"

"ANYONE can throw a punch or kick.." continued Helix. "but, to call yourself a true fighter is to master more than one style of combat. your style is Simple, Primitive, SLOPPY..as expected, given it is the Griffons combat style. But, I am certain that I can make you just as good a fighter as Myself."

Onyx eyed Helix. "How can I possibly know that?!, You've never fought me!!, you just had Scarlett do all the fighting."

Helix chortled, smirking. "That is because I am the boss, and SHE is an underling. and, If you can't defeat Scarlett in single combat..then, HOW can you possibly hope to beat Me?!"

Onyx took a moment to ponder this. "Given that I am superior to Scarlett in every way..You wouldn't stand a chance."

"well..I suppose you are-"

"GOOD, We are both in agreement. Now, let's take five for a-" just then, the sound of a clearing throat was heard. the three looked, and saw Princess Celestia approach.

"MOM!!" exclaimed Onyx

Celestia smiled warmly. "Hello, son..I see you have begun training."

"If by "Training", you mean Making-a-good-impression-of-a-punching-bag..then, YES. he has only just started." said Scarlett, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Onyx ignored her, and spoke very calmly to his mother. "Helix is teaching me how humans fight. she says that If I pass, she'll give me powers like hers..then, I'll be a REAL prince of Equestria."

"Tsk..Sweetheart, you don't need any of that to be a 'real prince'. You are perfectly fine just the way you are."

Onyx eyed his mother..then, he looked away and exhaled. "sorry, mom..but "being who I am" has nearly gotten me killed more times than I care to remember. and, let's face it: Nopony is going to follow a prince who actually NEEDS guards to keep him alive."

"Sad, but TRUE." began Helix "Power seems to be the only thing the equines respect. No Power, NO RESPECT."

Celestia hated to admit it..but, what both humans were saying may be true. In the long run, It wasn't her royal title that garnered respect from her subjects, and fear from her enemies..but, rather her deity-like power derived from her being an Alicorn.

The more she thought about It..the MORE she agreed that her son having powers of his own wouldn't be such a bad idea.

"well..Okay. If that is what you really want." began Celestia "Just..b-be careful. I too remember all the times you've nearly been killed..and, I don't think even my heart could bear to see you endure any more suffering."

Onyx gave his mother a smile..Helix then smirked, flexing her fingers like talons.

"Lady Helix.." Helix looked, and saw Takka approach. "I have a status report on the Discord Sanction."

Celestia glanced at the two as they spoke. "AND?.." said Helix, wanting an answer

"Forging of the Ix Crystal was a success, despite a few complications. I had it sent to the vault, per your orders."

"EXCELLEEEENT..We are but one step closer to stamping out Chaos and Anarchy then. Starting with the perfect weapon to deal with the physical embodiment of Chaos itself."

Onyx didn't really know of Discord that well..only that he was a powerful entity that his mother and aunt defeated many centuries ago. and, after the mess he started following his release..he didn't mind one bit that Helix had a means to stop him for good.

Celestia, however..STILL had reservations on the whole thing.

"Will there be anything else, my lady?" said Takka

"No, Takka. you may go now, you've earned some time off." began Helix..who then smirked at him. "I am sure your wife would LOVE to speak with you."

Takka nodded, a smile on his face. "yes..and, I would love to speak with her."

"Then, go. If I require your assistance any further, I will call."

Takka bowed, then turned and left. Celestia looked at Helix. "Ms. Helix..I would have word with you."

Helix raised an eyebrow at the alicorn..then, put on a smile and lightly chortled. "of course." Helix looked to Scarlett, and snapped her fingers. "give us a pleasant atmosphere." whispered Helix

Scarlett grumbled as she took out a remote-like device. pressing a button, the whole room flashed white..once the light faded, the once empty, metallic room was now a tropical beach.

Despite not understanding the technology, Celestia figured It was an illusion..a very Realistic illusion. it even smelled real.

"take a seat." said Helix "Scarlett, continue with Onyx's lesson. Do not stop on our account."

Scarlett did a mock salute, then led the human prince over to "the beach" Helix and Celestia promptly sat on some bamboo chairs, facing one another.

"Now..what's this all about?!" said Helix, folding her hands together and tapping her fingers

Celestia paused for a moment..then, spoke. "It's..r-regarding that one incident in your room."

"I already told you: As my guests, I am letting it slide..JUST. This. once."

"That isn't what I meant." said Celestia. Helix then eyed her. "oh?..then, DO you mean?!"

Celestia paused again, wondering if she was crossing a line that she shouldn't. "It regards the..'moving picture' that I saw in your room. The one of you, and..that child."

Helix groaned at this, indicating that this was a subject she DID NOT want to discuss. "I already told you: THAT is personal."

"But, who WAS that child!?" exclaimed Celestia, craving an answer. "Was he your son!?, Who was he?!, Is he on this ship!?, What happened to him!!?"

"My-My-MY..quite a nosey little pony, aren't you?" said Helix with a smirk "Well, apologies, your highness..but, that topic is personal for me."

Helix then stroked her chin. "HOWEVER..I might be willing to trust you with such information. Provided you entrust me with one of your own."

Celestia wasn't sure she liked this. "what..Kind of secret?"

"oh, not much..just something that has been nagging at me since I arrived her: How is it that Onyx came to be your son? I know humans aren't native here..I would just like to know how he came to be in this world."

Celestia fell silent for a good long minute. "Well?.." said Helix, expecting an answer

"i..I can't really give you an answer." said Celestia, finally

Helix smirked at the alicorn. "then, I'm afraid I can't really give YOU an answer, either."

"I don't REALLY know!!" exclaimed Celestia. "I just found him night, Okay! I don't know WHERE he came from, or HOW he came to be in my world. All I know was that he was a tiny little baby who NEEDED a mother."

"Where did you find him?" asked Helix, professionally

"I-In the Royal Gardens." began Celestia, stuttering a bit "I found him nesled in the rose bushes."

"and, What do you recall yourself doing BEFORE that?" Celestia thought long and hard about this.

"I was..in despair over banishing my sister to the moon so many years ago. i..I r-remember seeing a shooting star in the night sky. I..m-made a wish, and shortly after..There he was."

"a WISH?!" said Helix, dumbfounded

"yes.." said Celestia, nodding her head. "to not be alone in this world..my little Onyx has given me so much joy."

Helix took a moment to ponder on this information. as she did, Celestia spoke again. "There. I told you what you want to know..Now, you answer MY question: Who WAS that child I saw in your arms!?"

Helix eyed the majestic equine. Though didn't want to divulge ANY information on this touchy subject..a deal WAS a deal.

"his name..is Shade. and, he IS my son." began Helix, her voice calm and quiet. "He has no father..apart from science, I never had much luck when it came to dating. So, when the time came that I wanted a child, I decided to take the easier, if somewhat unorthodox means of doing so, by impregnating myself with a serum synthesized from my own DNA.

My son was born..and, I raised him for twelve long years. on his thirteeth birthday..we had a "disagreement", one that compelled him to leave and find his own place in the world. we still talk sometimes..but, for the most part we are divided by our personal lives. he is sixteen now, and recently experienced a personal tragedy. he disappeared one day, and hasn't been seen since."

Celestia paused at this. "oh..I see." Celestia looked at Helix. "I am so sorry..wa-what was this tragedy?"

"His girlfriend died. killed defending her brother..Shade took it hard." chills went down Celestia's spine upon hearing this.

"I..am so very sorry." Helix was silent, her expression unreadable.

"I think it best if we all retire for the night. they'll be plenty to discuss in the morning."

Celestia looked at Helix..then, nodded sadly. "of course."

"END PROGRAM." said Helix loudly. the 'tropical' environment almost immediately faded away, returning to the empty metallic room.

"WHAT THE HE-!?" exclaimed Scarlett, as she held Onyx in a choke hold

"It is LATE." began Helix, approaching the two with Celestia. "I believe it may be time for us to retire until morning."

Scarlett released Onyx, who rubbed his neck. "I can keep fighting ALL. NIGHT. LONG!!" exclaimed Scarlett

"Oh, that much I believe..but, I am beginning to think that the reason for Prince Onyx's constant defeats is that he is tired, and needs his rest. Perhaps he can fair better against you when he is Refreshed."

Scarlett crossed her arms, grumbling loudly. "FINE."

As Scarlett left, Onyx stood onto his feet. "i..I think I almost had her that time."

"sure you did." said Helix, as she departed.

once gone, Celestia approached her son. "I do hope you know what you are doing, son."

"aw, mom..you worry too much." said Onyx, as he brushed himself off. he then looked at his mother. "So..you still think Helix can't be trusted?"

Celestia stared off, a far out look in her eyes. "I used to..but, Now I'm not so sure."

Twilight was sitting before a massive computer screen, magically typing buttons on a keyboard.

though still recovering from the Ix Crystal Experiment, she was well enough to do some research regarding humans, and the world her dearest friend originated from.

Least, that was what she WAS doing..

Now, she was undergoing some 'personal' research. remembering what Helix said of "Beasts" and "Anthros", she was going over files related to the subject.

"okay..here goes." began Twilight, silently to herself. "HUMAN..ANTHRO..INTERSPECIES..OFFSPRING."

Twilight tapped a button..and, her eyes grew wide at the news articles. she clicked on, and read it out loud.

"Station Square became the most talked about city in the United Federation when interspecies couple Alan Zander (a human) and Queen Aleena Hedgehog announced the birth of their new daughter.

named Tiara, this bundle of joy is the very first Human/Anthro hybrid to be born. only three weeks old, this child is already a celebrity to both the Overlander and Mobian community.

Some call her a miracle of nature..others an abomination. whatever the case, this tyke will be the start of something quite new.

"She will CHANGE the World.", quoted Princess Sonia, Tiara's older sister."

Twilight pondered for a brief moment..then read another news article.

"The city of Petropolis welcomes it's newest citizen. Marie Maxwell, the daughter of Andy Katswell and Alexis Bunny.

Normally the birth of 'one baby' wouldn't be front page headlines..but, this isn't the case. as contrary to his name, the father of Marie isn't a Cat at all. In fact, he is the ONLY human citizen of Petropolis.

Many thought it impossible for a Human and an Anthro to reproduce..but, the Petropolis Hospital has confirmed that the child is a geninue Human/Anthro hybrid, perfectly heathly and ready to start It's new life here.

Will this bundle of joy give way to something New?!, Only time will tell."

Twilight finally stopped reading. she paused for a moment, and thought real hard.

What Helix said was indeed true. there was documented evidence of Humans and Non-Humans being in love, and having children..but, said Non-Humans were all "Anthropomorphics" not "Beasts", as Helix had so dubbed her.

a swell of sadness swept over Twilight. she couldn't deny that she loved Onyx. he was her first REAL friend, and over the years their friendship had grown into so much more. they had endured the greatest of adversites..both from others, and even themselves.

Twilight wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with her best friend..her LOVE. But, what future could she possibly give to Onyx if she was incapable of bearing his children.

and, all because she wasn't of his species..or, Similar to it. She now saw the cruel irony of it all. her mind was human, but her body was that of an animal. what a Sick Joke!!

She found herself longing for something to change..either she be like Onyx, so they could be happy together. OR, be a "true" animal: mindless and stupid, so she wouldn't have to be in pain anymore.

the last opinion seemed almost akin to suicide, but at this point she really didn't care.

Just then, a voice spoke. "Late night browsing?"

Twilight gasped. she turned, and saw Helix herself standing before her.

"H-Helix!!..um, well-" Helix noted what was on the screen. "I see the subject of cross-species reproduction has peaked your intrigue."

Twilight said nothing as she turned her back to Helix, her head hanging low. letting out a deep sigh, she spoke.

"is it..Really impossible for us to-"

"I am afraid it is. In fact, the idea of Humans and Beasts being romantically involved with one another is frowned upon by many. It is considered Vulgar and Disgusting."

a tear formed in twilight's eye. "but..i-I am NOT an animal. I'm NOT A BEAST!!"

"Mentally, no. but, your physical body begs to differ."

Twilight turned to face Helix again, tears streaming down her eyes. "can you change me?!..CAN YOU MAKE LIKE ONYX!!?"

Helix smirked sinisterly. "I can..with the Evolution Ray."

Twilight smiled, though she still cried. "show it to me..PLEASE."

Helix grinned wide. enjoying every minute of this.

Author's Note:

This chapter spends a bit more time aboard The Harbinger. and, drags a bit more on the subject of the gifts that Helix has promised Prince Onyx and Twilight Sparkle
(most explaining the reasons WHY they want them, which are pretty good reasons.)

for Metroverse fans, Helix explains a bit of her past to Celestia. mainly revealing the identity of her son, Shade. and, how he came to be.
(she obviously leaves out SOME details, but for the most part she tells Celestia what she wants to know.)

I also took quite a risk touching upon Twilight and Onyx relationship here.
BUT, I think I made things real clear in that Human/Beast romance is a NOPE, while Human/Anthro romance is a YEAH!

not only in the case of social acceptance, but genetic compatibility.

the new articles that Twilight read are all references to Non-MLP stories that I have worked on in the past.
All of which involve interspecies romance and bonding in some form or another.

their mention serves as "credentials" to Twilight, egging her on to become an Anthro
(and, Kudos to anyone who guesses which franchise the "evolution ray" originates from)

Another obscure reference I made is the Ix Crystal. which is "Canon" (in some other franchise), and really does what Takka said it does.

Again, kudos to anyone who guesses where I got that from (Good luck, It's a real classic.)