• Published 27th Mar 2014
  • 681 Views, 17 Comments

Bioshock: The Servant - A-Fox

There's a darkness in Saddle Arabia, one that was concealed from the world...but one young mare fully aware of this choses to escape to the land of Equestria, with the aid of a strange, bipedal creature. Crossover with Sin City and Bioshock.

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Author's Note:

Alright folks, this here’s the first FiMfiction I’ve ever published (I wrote one that I ended up scrapping the current form of, I might publish it later), here we have a crossover with Friendship is Magic and Frank Miller’s Sin City.
Now for those wondering about why I’ve called it Bioshock: The Servant, when there’s no Bioshock in this crossover, it’s because this Fic is intended to follow the ‘Bioshock’ formula Elizabeth referred to at the end of Bioshock Infinite (WARNING: IF YOU HAVEN’T PLAYED THE GAME, THIS EXPLANATION CONTAINS SOME MINOR SPOILERS!) she said “There’s always a man, a city, a lighthouse” well this Fic contains all three, and thus is intended to be a story following that formula, and as a result, now you’ll see one of the most unorthodox Bioshock fanfictions ever wrote. Enjoy.
Oh, and I don’t own My Little Pony, Bioshock, or even Sin City.



I spat, I couldn’t believe these wimps, they couldn’t get it done in just one jolt?
A smirk grew on my face “Is that the best you can do, you pussies?”
Another jolt shot through my system as they tried to finish the job. It worked this time, I could feel my body shut down.
Goldie…I’m coming.
I could feel my body falling, is this what death feels like? No…I couldn’t understand it.
Something was wrong, I couldn’t put my finger on it, it felt like I was being pulled by something.
I looked down, there was a light, not one of fire, it just looked like light.
Was this Hell? It didn’t matter anymore.
A grin rose up on my face “Bring it” I growled as I fell into the light. I might not know where I’m going…but somebody’s gonna get a nasty surprise when they see me coming, I know that.



Mawa Sihr stood before the summoning circle she’d made in the basement of the palace.
Saddle Arabia didn’t seem like too bad a place to some, an exotic country with beautiful architecture, but anyone who actually read about rights for women in the place would see it as it truly is…though given the terrorist attack on Manehattan years ago, Equestria’s eyes have begun to be opened to the truth about this country.
But any hope of an army being sent in to remove some of the more corrupt officials had died when Celestia was assured that the architect of the plan had been killed a few years back, and now she was out of time.
In Saddle Arabia, women didn’t generally the kind of rights most women in many of the other countries, in fact they had almost none. Virtually all marriages were arranged, and even then most of them were done purely to gain power and higher standings than the family had before. These would often lead to abusive relationships and unhappy marriages.
The noble families were often like something out of the A Song of Fire and Ice books* (how she got those past her father she never knew) and were continually backstabbing and assassinating eachother just to get ahead, unfortunately her asshole of a father never got killed because he actually was paranoid to take precautions to prevent anypony from getting the chance.
Which brought her to her current situation.
About five hours earlier, she’d been informed by the bastard himself that she was to be married to the son of the king, a deal that a power hungry lunatic like him would never ignore. And she’d heard horror stories about him from the servants, this creep liked to pretend he was a good colt but in truth was more a misogynic, asshole that would no doubt abuse and beat her. He himself didn’t want to marry her and was just doing it so he’d be eligible to rule the kingdom one day.
He reminded her a lot of a certain prince from the aforementioned series of books. And Mawa didn’t want anything to do with him.
She’d tried multiple times in years past to escape the palace her father had kept her trapped up in, but never truly succeeded as whenever she did get out, she was dragged back in soon enough. She’d only stopped doing it for the past couple of years because she’d decided on a more thought out plan, and while it was a couple of years early, at this point she had no choice. It was time to enact it.
In front of her hooves lay the Neighcronomicon, a tome of forbidden knowledge that contained spells which were illegal for use by Unicorns.
And currently, one of these spells was her last hope of escaping this Hell on Earth.
“Klaatu” she began, the seal she’d etched onto the wall glowed a little brighter.
“Barada!” She continued, the lights growing lower.
“Nikto!” She shouted out, a blinding light filled the entire room, where it stayed for several minutes.
And just like that, it’d gone, she could feel like something had happened, but-
“MAWA! You idiotic little girl! Get over here!”
The unicorn was sweating now, her father had found her.
Mawa turned and saw the cellar’s stairs flooded with about twelve burly Earth Pony guards, with the angry bearded face of her Pegasus father glaring at her from the front.
His frail body structure was deceiving in nature, as he was still quite intimidating besides it, as his own pools of pure hatred and absolute xenophobia, he looked quite old, had a long beard, and wore a grey turban.
Her father also happened to be a very important noblecolt, and he had plans for her that she’d prefer not to be involved in.
“What are you doing?! Wretched girl.”
“Reading isn’t a sin” she snidely remarked, trying to save face in front of her enemy.
“When a woman does it is, did you honestly think you were going to escape this time?!”
She finally lost it “And do you think I care about what you want?! All you want is a tool, something you can only use to further your goals, I will not sacrifice my life for you, and I sure as buck won’t marry that prince!”
“You’ll do as I say you immoral brat! Guards! Take her to her room, wipe away this symbol, and for the love of all that is holy, keep books or anything with words away from her!”
This was it, she couldn’t escape now, revealing the true extent of her magic now would play her trump card too soon, but the wedding was tomorrow…she had to escape this somehow.
As her mind wondered just how to escape the fate of the arranged marriage/Hell on Earth her father planned to put her in, there was something to show her fate could be avoided after all, nopony noticed it, not even Mawa herself.
But when the light filled the room, she’d gained a Cutie Mark…one of a portal with a hand reaching out through it…