• Published 27th Mar 2014
  • 3,079 Views, 30 Comments

The Red Reploid: Equestrian Tales - Sir Mortimer of Eden

A lone red reploid wakes up in a world he is not familiar with. His name is Zero.

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Chapter 6 -or- The Princess (Part 2)

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
~Helen Keller


“I guess it started when I took my first breath in Equestria as I woke up inside a capsule in the Everfree Forest,” I began, crossing my arms as well as giving off a thoughtful look, trying to recite what had happened when I woke up.

Celestia gave me a confused look while Cadence’s expression was one of curiosity and…worry? “Capsule?” I turned my head towards Celestia, giving her a nod.

“Yes, a capsule is small cylindrical container that is used to keep a reploid inside whether it be just for him to rest inside or to seal him away,” Celestia put a hoof under her chin, contemplating what I had just told her while Cadence decided to just listen in.

“Where was this capsule located?” I closed my eyes for a few seconds, calculating in my mind where exactly I had woken up, said calculation didn't take long.

“Inside a secret room in the old ruins,” Celestias’ ears pricked up as a look of shock was adorned on her face, although she hid it well, I could easily see it through her ‘mask’.

“Th-the ruins?” Celestia stuttered, obviously shocked at the sudden news as I confirmed what she had said by giving a small nod.

I decided to clarify what I had said. “Or as it used to be called, ‘The Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters’. Presumably named after Luna and yourself,” Cadence perked up at this, motioning her head towards her aunt while said figure gave off a sad frown and closed her eyes.

“…Yes, it is,” she said solemnly, making me curse myself, knowing that I had gone too far that I had reminded her of her sister. This was a subject that Celestia did not want to talk about right now.

Keeping Celestia from thinking about it too deeply, I decided to get back on topic with the story. “The room wasn't very large but big at best, it held all of my equipment and weapons. The room itself being completely made of metal that was sealed off by an illusion as I couldn't see the room, neither the entrance after I had walked into the hallway,” Cadence decided to give her own ideas.

“So that means that somepony used a spell to keep that room a secret in case somepony decided to explore the ru-c-castle, right?” she replied, earning a smile from Celestia, although I could sense that she was worried about Cadence’s explanation. In a way if I was a ruler of a country and there was a secret kept from you that held the discovery of a new life form, I would be cautious about it as well, especially if that new life form could destroy anything in its path. Although the difference is that I have been alive for hundreds of years and had arrived here against my will plus I didn't go on a murderous rampage.

“Very perceptive my dear niece,” Celestia answered, bringing me out of my thoughts before I became too lost in them, but I already had a hunch of who brought me here, an unnerving one at that. I gave a quick glance at Cadence who was smiling at her aunty, probably happy at the praise she had received while Celestia nodded her head, bidding me to continue.

“After I had wandered the castle halls for a while, I decided to check out the Everfree Forest,” I decided that it would be best to leave out what I had found in the castle in case it would leave Celestia in a bad state. “Where I found a small village that seemed to be as normal as any other. Due to the forest I ‘investigated’ the town where I discovered something unnatural.”

“What did you find unnatural Zero?” Cadence asked politely, earning a smile from myself at her eagerness. It also reminded me of when I had started being a Maverick Hunter, always ready to fight even though my memories of X seemed to show him as a pacifist and as him not being too eager to fight Mavericks, as I wondered why he became a Hunter in the first place if that was the case.

I shook my head as I answered her question. “The town wasn't a town at all or…it used to be one,” After I finished my short answer, Cadence’s smile seemed to falter for a second as I turned back to Celestia, giving her a serious look. “Almost everything there was black, covered in moss and the houses there were reduced to broken rubble-”

“Sunny Town,” I quirked an eyebrow at Celestia while Cadence just gave her another confused look. “I’d rather not talk about it, to put it bluntly…it changed for the worse,” I looked over to Cadence as I realised why Celestia ‘put it bluntly’ due to the fact that Cadence was here. Finding no other reason to stay on the subject, I continued.

“Well…as I made my way through the forest, trying to find a way out I was being watched by five predators, I assumed that they were timberwolves but I’m still not sure. Do the timberwolves eyes have a golden glow to them?” Celestia nodded her head, confirming my suspicions. “Then they were timberwolves…anyway…as I continued through I found a large opening of a cave that had stone steps leading down to a crystal tree,” Celestias’ ears pricked up at this information, earning her a look from Cadence as well as myself while she had a serious expression.

“You know about this tree aunty? What is it?” Curiosity was laced in Cadences tone. This made me curious as well at what the alicorn of the sun knew about the mysterious tree as well since it did in fact talk to me when I had discovered it.

Celestia, whose expression remained neutral, gave a heavy sigh. “Well, I guess I had to tell you sooner or later my niece,” I was all ears at what Celestia was about to explain about the tree despite the fact that I had been interrupted a few times, but due to her serious expression I had a feeling that there was more to this tree than I knew.

The Princess of the Sun softly cleared her throat. “As Zero has already discovered, it is no ordinary tree,” I gave Celestia a nod to which she continued. “It is called the ‘Tree of Harmony’, it is an ancient tree that contains six powerful elements: Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty and Magic. These elements are called the elements of harmony and are the most powerful defence Equestria has…had.”

I raised an eyebrow at her punctuation. “So do these elements not work anymore or did they disappear,” I asked, knowing that they were the only two reasons that could really count for Celestia’s past tense, I was sure it was the later one.

“I’m afraid that it is the first,” Or not. “For you see Zero, my sister and I were the users of the elements before she ‘left’ and when she did…we were both disconnected from them…there hasn't been anypony to wield them since.”

Nodding, I compared what Celestia had said in my head, revealing that she knew where the elements were. “So do you know where the elements are then, if so why don’t I just retrieve them for you?” She shook her head.

“No, I would rather not for they are in a safe place,” I could tell that she didn’t want them moved for a reason so I decided not to pry any further, returning to the story.

“Thanks for the history lesson-,” Cadence gave a small giggle at my bluntness, “-now, when I discovered the tree I found somepony else there as well.”

Celestia gave me an inquisitive look while Cadence’s face seemed to brighten, already knowing what I was going to say. “Somepony was at the Tree of Harmony? Might I ask who?” I gave her a smile, more than willing to tell her.

“Well Celestia it is the man I was telling you about earlier, Do-“

“Mr Light!” Cadence yelled with enthusiasm while cutting me off as well, although I didn't mind and smiled anyway.

Celestia’s look was one of confusion until the realization dawned on her, shock clearly on her features when said realization happened. “T-Thomas Light? But with his old age, wouldn't he have passed away?” I shook my head, a smile still on my face. “In a way he is Celestia, but before he passed away he coded himself into specially designed capsules that –when near- can produce a see through image of himself or a hologram as I call it. He has been gone for almost three hundred years and I’m only just over two hundred years old,” Celestia’s expression stayed its shocked expression but began to develop to a curious one. I looked straight into Celestias' eyes, showing how serious I was but look held no aggressiveness to it. “If you are wondering if I am immortal, then the answer is yes, I can never pass away from old age.”

I couldn't tell what to think of Celestia after I had finished as she seemed to look at me with a knowing look as her lips slightly trembled. “Your…immortal?” I gave her a nod as I just realised how tall I was compared to her in this form, about a few centimetres taller than her head but shorter than her horn while my normal body was only about one centimetre taller than her.

“I know what it would feel like to outlive everypony you knew but in a way, you don’t need to worry anymore because you have Cadence here as well as myself.” I held my hand out towards her. “So let’s make the most it, by being my friend.” She grasped it with her hoof, a joyful smile on her face as we both shook.

“Can we keep him aunty! Can we please!” Celestia gave a gentle laugh and looked towards Cadence while an awkward image plastered itself in my head: One where I was on all fours with a leash on my neck…I sweat dropped while my mouth twitched slightly, already consumed by the awkward thought.

Celestia looked towards me, a kind but mischievous smile on her face. “You know…I think that we should keep him my niece,” I broke out of my thoughts as I heard her call my name. “Zero, would you like to stay here in Canterlot with us…as Cadence’s friend,” I gave her a smile, rubbing the back of my helmet while I transformed back into my original form, causing Celestia to step back a bit. “Of cour-“

“Wait!” I was cut off from the loud voice of Cadence, a pout shown on her face. “I want Zero to be my big brother!” I was slightly taken aback by this as well as Celestia, whose reaction was the same as mine. “He knows what it’s like to be alone, he understands me and my problems, but most of all…he’s immortal like me…me! We’re perfect for each other and I've always wanted a big brother and now I have this chance.”

I turned towards Celestia, giving her a smile, showing her that I was okay. But what she didn't know was that the reason I was smiling wasn't to calm her but at Cadence’s attitude of a filly that wanted a special toy really badly, which I didn't mind at all as I already considered her a little sister. “Don’t worry Celestia, I’ll be fine with it as I have kind of always wanted to have a sister or experience what it would be like. So I would be fine to have Cadence as my sister.” I look down at myself and back up to her, a sheepish smile on my face. “Oh and don’t worry about my appearance, I change it through different circumstances.”

Celestia gave a happy smile, nodding her head at my and Cadence’s request. “Very well Zero, if you are fine with becoming Cadence’s sister as well as my nephew then I would be more than happy to gain a new family member, but if this is to happen I may have to pull some strings with the court but that shouldn't be a problem.” I gave a nod while Cadence hugged my legs prompting me to kneel down on one knee and hug her back.

We separated from the hug as I stood back up and faced Celestia going back to the story. “Nothing else really happened after that. I followed the light out of the Everfree Forest, travelled to Manehatten, met Cadence and then travel here. Oh!” I snapped my fingers together, remembering a question I wanted to ask the princess. “Does th-“

“Don’t tell them…”

I stopped talking and shook my head.


“Does what Zero?”

I looked at Cadence, shaking my hand. “Don’t worry about it, it’s not important,” Celestia looked like she wanted to pursue my question but decided against it.

“Hey Zero?”

“Hm?” I looked back towards Cadence.

“Are you able to take us to Mr Light right now?” I put my hand underneath my chin while Celestia looked towards Cadence in a sad manner. “I’m sorry my niece but I cannot allow you to travel into the Everfree Forest, it is just too dangerous.”

I looked back towards Celestia, an idea in my head. “What if we could teleport straight to the tree?” Celestia raised an eyebrow while Cadence looked as if she had just realised what I had said was the sentence of the century. “I have a two-way teleport system that could take us straight to the tree and can take us straight back to this exact same spot, thus the name is two-way teleport.”

‘I just hope the tree triggered it when it repaired my systems.’

Celestia walked up to me, worry clearly plastered on her face. “Are you sure you want to take us there, will it strain you?” I smiled and shook my head. “Nah, it doesn’t hurt at all, I’ll be fine,” Cadence moved to my right side while Celestia moved to the left. “Ready?” The both gave a nod, giving me the signal to activate the teleport system as I closed my eyes.

(Sound Effect)

As our transportation finished, I opened my eyes, hoping that we were in the right place.

As they opened, my eyes were greeted with the majestic glow of the crystal tree. “Wowww!” Cadence ran past me and in front of the tree, her jaw-dropped face making me supress a laugh while Celestia looked at the tree like one would an old relative.

“He’s over here…aunty,” A playful smile sneaked onto my face as I said the last word prompting Celestia and Cadence to walk over to me, said aunty gave me a playful nudge as well as a playful smile as the three of us looked at the capsule in front of us.

Celestia looked at the capsule quizzically then back at me. “This wasn't here the last time I visited.”

I already knew how to reply. “It wasn't here the last time because it had a generated cloaking field to keep any unwanted reploid or creature that came through here from finding it. The capsule recognizes my systems from the Doppler war, don’t worry about it, I’d rather not talk about the war,” I added in, in case Celestia decided to question me about Doppler in which my memories weren't clear about the third maverick war.

Cadence was too distracted to listen to any of us as she looked at the capsule with glee, hope filling her with meeting the good Doctor. “Here, I’ll activate the capsule,” I walked forward until I was about a metre distance from the capsule. Said capsule’s projector began to glow a light blue, showing the image of Doctor Light.

He gave me one of his gentle smiles that he always gives when we talk. “Hello again Zero, you've been gone for several hours and I was starting to get worried that something horrible had happened but i am glad that you are back.”


I looked at Celestia with confusion wondering why she seemed so shocked to meet the Doctor as her emotions seemed to contain shock, denial and…happiness?


Author's Note:

Hello Again Viewers!

Sorry for the delay but i have been lazy for the last two weeks but i managed to finish this chapter. This specific chapter took two rewrites as i had trouble in how to write it as well as thinking over a few areas. But with that now aside it is time for me to leave.

See you Later!

P.S: i am going to scrap the White Reploid as a better idea appeared in my head. Lumine is also going to be scrapped.