• Published 24th Mar 2014
  • 2,243 Views, 44 Comments

This Fragment of Life - Loganberry

Rarity thought she could help with anypony's breakup, even Twilight's. But she didn't count on her friend having had a relationship like this...

  • ...

Of One Moment's Pain

"There, there, darling," said Rarity kindly. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here for as long as you need me, I promise."

Twilight was still crying hysterically on her friend's shoulder, apparently endless rivulets of tears running down both ponies' coats and pooling on the dirt floor of the library. Her mane was dishevelled and her ears flattened in misery, the usually vibrant purple of her coat having lost much of its silky sheen. Her eyes looked at Rarity, but they didn't really see her, instead gazing straight through her and at something far beyond.

"She's go-o-one!" she wailed between great, racking sobs. "She's go-o-o-one! How am I supposed to go on without her?"

Ah, thought Rarity knowingly. So that's what all this is about. She certainly kept it very quiet; I didn't even know she'd been seeing anypony. She levitated a tissue from a nearby shelf and used it to dab at Twilight's red and staring eyes. Princess she might be, but she was still a mare like any other – even more so, in some ways. Rarity felt on surer ground now she knew that this was the sad outcome of a romantic entanglement rather than, say, a boiling-over of frustration after the failure of a particularly complex spell – but she'd still need to be careful. These things had a habit of coming back to bite you if you didn't handle them just right.

After a while, Twilight seemed to have subsided a little, though it might just have been exhaustion setting in. The sobs were somewhat less frequent, the tears flowed a bit less freely. Rarity chewed her lip for a moment, wondering whether she should risk saying anything – but it wasn't just anypony clinging to her in the utter depths of despair. Of course she had to give Twilight all the love and tenderness that she could.

"So..." she started carefully, "when did all this happen?" Not the best line imaginable, and she grimaced inwardly at how dismissive it sounded, but with somepony like Twilight it wasn't too disastrous. Probably. At any rate, she got what she had been aiming for: a reaonably coherent reply.

"This morning," gasped Twilight, who seemed to have become rather unsteady on her hooves. Rarity moved a little closer for support and waited for her to say more. After some more tears, the alicorn added, "An hour ago, two; I don't know. It's all still so raw."

My goodness. Who'd have thought Twilight of all ponies would get into this sort of state? It just went to show that you never could tell. Still, great as it was, Rarity's surprise was as nothing to her condition after taking the full force of the the bombshell that her friend was about to drop.

"Cele-e-estia! Oh, Celestia, come back to me! Ple-e-ase! I'm so sorry! I miss you so mu-u-ch!"

Celestia?! What the—

"How am I supposed to do anything without Celestia here with me? I just let my horn run away with me for a moment. It was only a little spell! It shouldn't have been any big deal! How could she just break up because of a thing like that?"

Rarity felt her head start to swim; she was beginning to wonder just who was supposed to be doing the supporting here. She consciously set her jaw and attempted to think clearly, despite the frankly rather gross dribble from Twilight's lolling tongue that was now oozing into her coat. She tried to focus on choosing her words carefully.

"Twilight... are you telling me that you and Celestia were..."

Rarity trailed off. She wasn't at all sure how to end that sentence, and she was even less certain that she wanted to try. But Twilight, who seemed to have got hold of herself a little more now, was responding anyway.

"Oh, Rarity, you know so much about how to handle these things. I'm sure you'd have known what to do. Except... you don't know Celestia like I do... like I did. I've never experienced anything like this before, and all I knew about heartbreak was what I heard from other ponies or read in my books. I just... I just wanted so very, very much to be with her always. To caress those smooth curves and hold her tight to me and... oh, just everything. I felt so safe when she was there with me; she even let me hide behind her sometimes, especially when Maud came round wanting to read those stupid poems of hers. It was so nice of Celestia; I know she never liked that sort of poetry anyway. I wanted everything to be one never-ending wholeness of happiness, all held together so perfectly. And now all I'll ever have to remember this beautiful, divine, amazing time by is a pathetic little fragment."

Rarity waited patiently for Twilight to finish. The outpouring of words made a change from the sobbing, certainly, but even so she wasn't sure that it was getting either of them very far. On the bright side, at least she's stopped drooling on me. Had her friend been more experienced in the ways of love, Rarity reflected, she would surely have realised by now that fragments often were all you were left with after the end of an affair. She said nothing, but reached out a forehoof to rest it gently on Twilight's shoulder. Her companion stepped back as she did so, forcing Rarity to take a pace forwards in response.

"Ow!" A tender spot on one of Rarity's hind hooves had trodden on a sharp piece of gravel. Doubtless one of Spike's leftovers. Silly little dragon. She kicked it away dismissively, watching it fly for a few feet before hitting the ground and rolling onwards to disappear down a wide crack near the wall. She let her attention wander briefly, but after a moment she felt the atmosphere change and the tension rise. She looked up again.

Rarity was shocked to discover that Twilight's eyes were now burning with an intense, fierce anger. She'd been prepared for mood swings, but this was a little... extreme. Twilight's wings flared and her horn crackled with magic potential. For all the world, it looked as though she was preparing to attack. An angry alicorn was not a creature to be trifled with, and had Rarity not known her so very well for so very long, she might well have leapt back from the other pony in fright. Even so, she found herself biting her lip again as she stood nervously before Twilight.

"How could you, Rarity? How could you do this to me as well?"

"W-whatever do you mean, darling? I'm your friend; I'm only trying to support you. If you don't want me here, then of course I shall leave you in peace, but I thought you might be grateful for a shoulder to cry on at a time like this."

Twilight didn't seem particularly mollified by this reply. Rarity pushed on: "I really do understand, dearest Twilight. I'll admit that I was startled to hear that it was Celestia who was involved, and I can see that this might cause you some... problems in the future. But believe me, darling, these things really do start to heal with time."

Still no change in Twilight's demeanour. Rarity took a deep breath. It looks like I'm going to have to take a chance here.

"Now you listen to me, Princess Twilight Sparkle," she said in a considerably more commanding tone. "You simply cannot let yourself stay in this state. Unhappy as this experience has been for you – for both of you, no doubt – you've always been a mare who has taken her responsibilities very seriously. Equestria needs you, it really does. You're simply going to have to perform your royal duties."

Ah. That seemed to have made a difference. Twilight wasn't exactly calm now, but she had at least drawn back a little from the precipice.

Somewhat encouraged, Rarity continued with her bolder approach: "And you know, you'll still have to work with Celestia and—"

The flash of purple light came with terrifying suddenness. Rarity shrieked and tried to shrink back from the blinding aura, but she couldn't move. She felt the tell-tale prickling as a teleportation spell began to do its work; quite a strong one, too, by the feel of things. It didn't hurt – Twilight's magic never did – but it was a distinctly uncomfortable sensation nonetheless. She tried briefly to counteract the spell with one of her own, but there seemed to have been some restraining magic added to the mix. Twilight was much too powerful to overcome in any case. There was no way out of this one.

As she dematerialised, she heard Twilight speak one last, short sentence in a harsh, grating whisper quite unlike anything Rarity had ever heard from her before.

* * *

It was a long time before she finally came to the end of her long, energy-sapping journey home from the depths of the San Palomino Desert. There were still no railways out there, and she'd swallowed her considerable pride sufficiently to accept a lift part of the way from a passing griffon. He had been civil enough, but it certainly wasn't an experience that Rarity wanted to repeat. As she crept gratefully into the first soft bed she'd felt in weeks, she resolved never again to interfere in the private lives of royalty. It just wasn't worth the trouble.

Even so, there was plenty to be done. She could hardly avoid Twilight for the rest of her life, and in any case she was reasonably confident that the two of them could find a way to put what had happened behind them, rather than living out their days in an eternal state of enmity that would benefit neither. Perhaps it was wishful thinking, but she even held out the hope that they could somehow rebuild their shattered friendship.

She winced and silently chided herself: Not the ideal choice of metaphor, Rarity. Twilight's words came back to her, painfully sharp and clear still. The words that had proved that not even she knew everything about the mysteries of love in all its remarkably varied and endlessly surprising forms. The words that explained why she had been treated so savagely by one of her best friends. The words Rarity had heard so many times in recent months, with only a slight change of tense, but whose significance she had not truly appreciated.

Until now.

For she had not merely kicked away a worthless piece of gravel. The blocky pebble she had sent barrelling into oblivion had been all that was left of a lost part of Twilight's life, something Rarity had only realised when it was already far, far too late. All she could do then was to wait, endure the sensation of the teleportation spell beginning its implacable work – and listen to the other pony destroy her utterly with four plain, cold words:

"Celestia... was... my... rock."

Comments ( 43 )

That escalated quickly... and ended well.

Good job!

:rainbowlaugh: that END!!!such good job to you my friend!

Eh, it was okay. To each their own, but the ending didn't really fit what you were building up to. Just my take. :applejackunsure:

4128339 Thanks! It was one of those silly late-night ideas that turned into a story, and I just couldn't help myself. :rainbowwild:
4128406 You're welcome! It was supposed to have that impression, so I'm glad it did!

4128626 a night where an idea for a story pops up in your head?thats happened to me twice but they didn't become as funny or good as this one!

4128487 Thanks for the feedback. I'm actually now curious about what you did think it was meant to be building up to? The reason I ask that is that the ending actually came first: the whole of the rest of the story was written to lead up to it. This is basically a (slightly literary) crackfic; it was never intended to be a shipfic in the usual sense of the word.

What happened before the story starts was that after deciding to learn about rocks to try to be a better friend to Maud, Twilight finds a rock that's so perfect that she falls in love with it. Because of its godlike beauty, she names the rock "Celestia". She accidentally shatters it in a terrible magical accident -- so "Celestia" literally breaks up. Rarity, of course, thinks that Twilight was having an affair with Princess Celestia, but that's just a red herring. Basically, this is a story in which Twilight is devastated because she's ruined her wonderful relationship with a rock. :rainbowwild:


Funny, in a terrible sort of way! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy:

4128655 Now there's the reaction I was hoping for! :derpytongue2:

...one spell.
...break up.
...shattered friendship.

4128645 All of this emotion for possibly the best brick joke ever. :rainbowderp:

4128766 My work here is done. :pinkiecrazy:
4128838 You do not know how hard it was for me to avoid a literal "brick" reference in this fic. :twilightsheepish: Thank you!

Uhhhh............................................... nope. i ain't got nothin':applejackconfused:

4777080 Confused? Well, if you want an explanation of what the story means, read the spoiler-tagged part of this comment. :twilightsheepish:

4777119 no i read that. I'm still at a loss for words

4777159 Oh, I see; sorry. Well... this story has a Random tag on it for a reason -- and now you know what that reason is! :pinkiecrazy:

Just... take a like, a fav, a ribbon, and a feature recommendation and we'll never speak of this again...

You're going to pony hell for this. :heart:

4789337 Oh my... thank you so much! :pinkiehappy: Er, for leaving a comment, of course. Which you apparently did. I don't know what it was about, since my memory has mysteriously been blanked. Oh well.

4789839 Sounds good to me; it's where all the cool ponies go, after all! (Though given my lack of coolness, I guess it means I'm going to Pony Hell's Kitchen...)

I... uh...


I had to read the last line a few times to actually understand. :twilightsheepish:

Nice job on this though, felt like serious crackfic, if that makes sense.



felt like serious crackfic, if that makes sense.

Yes, it does! That's exactly the sort of thing I was going for, so it's really good to read a comment like that. :twilightsmile: (Thanks for the favouritey thing, too!)

That... That was good. I feel like it was the perfect length for what the story was meant to be, and it did everything well. I noticed what might have been a few missing words in a couple sentences here and there, and a couple fragments, but nothing that really broke obtrusively into the experience of reading the story, so not really a big deal. Very well done, overall. :twilightsmile:

4829867 Thank you very much for the comment. (And for the favourite, too!) I'm flattered by your assessment, and I'm glad you enjoyed the fic. I agree with you that this was a natural shortfic; it could have been spun out to five times the length, but I don't think it would have been significantly better.

I noticed what might have been a few missing words

Oh? If you feel like it (and only if you do) I'd be interested to know where those were. It's a fault I do have sometimes, so I wouldn't put it past me!

a couple fragments

Well, what do you expect on a story with this title, eh? :rainbowlaugh: But a little more seriously, while I can't guarantee that all the fragments you noticed were deliberate, at least some of them were. This one, for example:

Still no change in Twilight's demeanour.

It was a conscious decision not to add "There was" to the front of that line. I felt that gave it a little more immediacy.

And oh, you're the writer of Seashell! That's fairly near the top of my Read Later list now, so I'll try to return the compliment when I've read it. :twilightsmile:

Missing words...

Rarity felt on surer ground now she knew that this was the sad outcome of a romantic entanglement...

Looks like it's supposed to be, "Rarity felt on surer ground now that she knew that this was the sad outcome of a romantic entanglement..."

But Twilight, who seemed to have got hold of herself a little more now, was responding anyway.

"But Twilight, who seemed to have gotten hold of herself a little more now, was responding anyway."
(just part of a word, I guess)

I thought I may have seen another one, but I can't find it again, and if it's that subtle it's probably nothing worth worrying about.

The fragments that I noticed most were the ones in the fourth to last paragraph, where there's a series of them that start with, "The words". I think those in particular would work better if they were complete sentences. For example,

The words that had proved that not even she knew everything about the mysteries of love in all its remarkably varied and endlessly surprising forms.

I feel like this works better as maybe something like, "The words had proved that not even she knew everything about the mysteries of love in all its remarkably varied and endlessly surprising forms." Maybe it's just a personal preference thing, but I don't think there's as much urgency on these and it seems to me like they'd read better as complete sentences.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of Seashell. I'm glad you're interested in reading it. :twilightsmile:

4830811 Thanks very much for that! :twilightsmile:


Arguable, I think. It's not wrong as it stands, but you could say that it would be a more balanced sentence if written the way you suggest.


That one is correct as it stands: I'm British, and British English uses "got" for the past participle as well; the standard language doesn't have "gotten" at all, other than in the phrase "ill-gotten gains".

The words

I think you're right in that this one is a case of personal preference. I like it the way I wrote it, since I'm deliberately repeatedly emphasising "the words" for, well, emphasis.

*Gets to the end... GROANS*

Well played, good sir. Have a Like.

5090199 Thank you! Just the reaction to the end of the fic that my evil mind wanted. :rainbowlaugh:

i loved doing a dramatic read on this good work

Hmm, and here I thought it was the horsehead statue that had been standing on a plinth on the library floor since season 1 ...

5223301 I don't see your point: where does the horsehead statue come into this?

When I first glanced at the character tags, I thought :

Oh, this is Twilight/Rarity shipfic. Haven't read one for awhile.

Oh sweet Celestia, I was wrong. :facehoof:

5224585 I guess you could also make some sort of an argument for an OC tag. Well, sort of. :pinkiecrazy:

Oh, I don't really have a point as such -- just that I was expecting through most of the story that "Celestia" had been Twilight's name for the horsehead statue. Don't know why. So it felt slightly anticlimactic to learn in the comments that in the author's mind it was just a random rock.

5224836 Heh, I hadn't even thought of that idea! I almost wish I had now... but then again, the Maud angle would have been difficult then, since Twi didn't know Maud existed back in S1 days. Anyone reading this wants to write that story, though, don't let me stop them!

I went into this, knowing those tags. I was thinking: "Okay, when will this get random?" I was thinking RariLight heartwarming and some wacky shenanigans, as crazy as that sounded. I was then met with a tale that wasn't making much sense.

And then I came across the ending. And then I scrolled up and remembered there were mentions of Maud. And then I read it again. And then I looked back at the title of the fic.

I've got nothing. So here, take my upvote, and I'll slowly creep back into the shadows, secretly wishing to see more Twilight x Celestia fics, though it shan't be delivered. As Rarity would say: "Let us never speak of this again."

Good words to live by.

5347746 I think that's probably for the best. :pinkiecrazy: But many thanks for your comment! As for more TwiLestia stories... one day I might write a prequel to this one, but I suspect that may not be quite the TwiLestia you had in mind...

At first, I thought it would be Smarty Pants. Then I figured it was the horse-head bust from the library, but no, that was destroyed by Tirek's spell. Thus, the reveal makes perfect sense and no sense at all, at the same time. That's not easy to pull off. Well done.

5682147 Thank you. :twilightsmile: Though you're not the first person to bring up the horse-head bust; this story was published before the S4 finale appeared, so Tirek wasn't an issue. If anything, canon has done me a favour by removing that particular option!

6085269 Thanks! :twilightsmile: The punctuation has been fixed now. I'm afraid I went through a rather odd little phase (phaselet?) of abusing semicolons like that, as I note you've already noticed in another story of mine. I'm really not sure why, though I have a nagging feeling that it was probably the malign influence of some Victorian author who had the same idiosyncrasy.

And I'm glad the story amused you. It's not as if there's any other reason for it to exist!

I, uh, thought that Twilight accidentally petrified Celestia.

7008356 I've had that reaction a few times -- I'd probably change a couple of things about the story if I were writing it now, to make it a little clearer, but I think I'm going to leave it be. Thanks for reading! :twilightsmile:

"Celestia.. was.. my.. rock ."

Using only two periods in an ellipsis? That's certainly odd; I'm not sure if it's (somehow) intentional or not. Otherwise, I liked how this showed that Twilestia can be just as much of a disaster as it can sail smoothly, and having Rares as a good friend, even if it was all over a statue.


Using only two periods in an ellipsis? That's certainly odd; I'm not sure if it's (somehow) intentional or not.

Nope, just a mistake. Fixed now. That said, it is something you see occasionally over here. For example, here's a Daily Mirror front page; for some reason it seems to be house style there, and at The Sun, to use only two dots. Standard BrEng does usually have three, though.

Anyway, thanks for reading! I'm actually a little startled that someone would read this fic now, as it's really fallen out of view for several years. I'm not going to claim it's the best fic I've ever written, or even close to, but it still makes me giggle stupidly. So there's that. :twilightsheepish:

I like to read more or less whatever catches my eye, and this happened to! :twilightsmile: I think I've read a few of your other works before, so poking through things was neat.

Now that you bring up that screenshot, I'm not so sure I can say that it is wrong, since that paper is British. For all I know, that's all good and kosher in British English.

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