• Published 22nd Mar 2014
  • 1,833 Views, 17 Comments

My Daughter, My Hero - Super Trampoline

Rainbow Dash’s father Johan Kodachrome first examines the legal aspects of his daughter’s legal fight to marry a human, Rasheed Gupta. Then, more importantly, he examines what Rainbow means to him.

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~The Cloudsdale Post-Dispatch~

2 bits, more where posted 46 pages, Friday 12d 7m, 1567


My Daughter, My Hero

On the eve of a historic American court ruling of great importance to both Earth and Equestria alike, Johan Kodachrome reflects in this exclusive piece on the pony who finds herself at the center of it all, his daughter Rainbow Dash.

The Rainbow family has always been frank and to the point, so no burying the lede: my daughter is most likely getting married.

Unless you have been living under a rain cloud, you are probably aware that Rainbow Dash has been dating a human, Rasheed Gupta, for a year and a half now. They are engaged, but she cannot legally marry him, at least in Equestria. We hope this changes soon on Earth. A group known as the ACLU is suing the United States government on behalf of the pair, and the case is currently being heard by the Supreme Court, the highest law of this man’s county.

I have faith that this ACLU group knows what they are doing; as I understand it they have been instrumental in improving civil rights in America. The case itself hinges on whether Rainbow can legally be considered a person under United States law. If she can be, then there should be no further obstacles between her, Rasheed, and a marriage license. That is, assuming she can tear herself away from all the talk shows she constantly appears on.

It seems—at least from Rainbow’s letters and what I read in the paper—Equestria in some ways has more open and accepting social views than the United States. However, I am afraid that at the upper echelons, our court system is hopelessly antiquated, packed as it is with all those stuffy bourgeoisie unicorns. Inasmuch, the couple was advised to pursue legal action in Rasheed’s home country. Should they win this case (And again, my sources suspect it is in the bag.), their marriage would automatically be recognized in Equestria. This is thanks to the precedent set by the 1322 case Grizelton vs. Trottingham Medical Holdings, where a griffon sued for family visitation rights to his dying wife. I hope Rainbow needn't worry about that scenario for many decades to come. Besides, she wants to get married as a matter of devotion and pride, not finances and other marriage perks.

But enough legal talk. You didn't buy this paper to hear me prattle on about otherworldly laws. You bought it to read the comics, the sports section, your horoscope, and most importantly, what the father of one of Cloudsdale’s most famous native daughters has to say about her. I aim to deliver.

Rainbow Dash met Rasheed Gupta while on a goodwill tour of American military bases with the Wonderbolts. He tried to break up a bar fight between her and some anti-equinists, and ended up with a cast and (eventually) a new fillyfriend.

Again, I’ll be frank and to the point: I can’t say I fully understand her decision. Her colt, nay, boyfriend Rasheed has been nothing but polite the few times I have met him, but he is still a human. And humans are queer creatures, to put it nicely. But just because I don't understand Rainbow's decision, doesn't mean I don't support her. Everything she does, she does with heart, and I know a decision this important is no different. If, after almost eighteen stress-filled months, she is still sure loves this man (As a side note, one of the many observations I have drawn from the experience is that saying "man" instead of "stallion" never ceases to be weird.), then who am I to doubt her. So am I proud of her for pursuing this? You bet. I couldn't be prouder.

Rainbow Dash has always been loyal to herself, first and foremost. That may sound selfish, but it’s not, because at her very center are her relationships with her friends. When she follows her heart, it indubitably means she’s following her friends. It is no surprise to me that the Element of Loyalty picked her to imbue its power to, because Rainbow Dash embodies this selfless dedication to friendship and duty so well.

One does not easily become Rainbow’s friend. Rasheed’s first encounter with her ended with a fractured fetlock (roughly what humans call the wrist.). Certainly, one thing I must fault her for is her excessive distrust of unfamiliar figures. But should you prove yourself trustworthy, you will find yourself with a fierce friend for the long haul, perhaps even for life. Of course, if Rainbow and Rasheed are indeed meant to be beloveds, then I do not doubt Rainbow Dash will be unabashedly true to him. Pursuing their ability to marry is surely but one way she shows this dedication.

Would you believe me if I told you my little Dashie's first word was "awesome"? I hope not, 'cause it's not true (It was "fly".). Yet, since she first learned what it means to be awesome, she has striven to live up to the word. From her first sonic rainboom, to helping defeat Nightmare Moon, to her revitalization of the Wonderbolts, Rainbow has always been loyal to her dreams of greatness. But while she has never been one to shy away from accolades, all these things she did to help others: the rainboom to stand up for her best friend (and future bridesmaid) Fluttershy, the assumption of the Element of Loyalty to save the world, and the scrubbing of the tarnished aerial unit for the sake of its remaining honorable members. Paving the way for more marriages like hers is just the latest in a long line of great feats of selfless loyalty.

Rainbow Dash reminds me that there are few things more important than following your heart. She is my daughter, and I will always love her. But even more than I love her, I admire her. Rainbow, no matter what happens in the court room next week, you're already my hero. Stay awesome, Squirt.

Johan will be signing copies of his daughter’s book Flying High: My Life as a Wonderbolt, this Sunday 14d 7m* from 11am to 2 pm, at the Trader Shiloh’s Bookstore, 573 Flower Airway, Cloudsdale.

Editor’s Note:
*For the humans who may be reading this, that is to say, the fourteenth day of the seventh moon, or approximately July 14th.

Comments ( 17 )

I don't know why, but I like this.

4119334 I don't know why you like it either, but I'm glad you do! :pinkiehappy:

To be honest, I kinda want to see this as a full multi-chapter story, from Rainbow's POV.

4119648 I'll keep that in mind. Probably not gonna happen any time soon; I simply have too many half-finished fics and story ideas bouncing around in my head. But I will definitely slowly start planning in my head. Have a great day! :pinkiehappy:

Wow, this is new.... Was a interesting read.... Only a one shot I'm assuming though? Would be a nice full story imo, rainbow and a human having the first cross species marriage between earth and equestria shown in a realistic way.

So is this a side story to a larger fic? I hope so, or if not I hope one gets made, i'm a sucker for HumanXdash. This was really very well written and im amazed at how you made reading the newspaper actually interesting. One thing though. How do you pronounce the humans name? Is he an Indian or is that some uncommon name in America?

I believe he is mixed African-American/Indian American. Perhaps he had ancestors who from India who moved to Africa, like Gandhi did. pronunciation of "Rasheed"

4119759 4119854 I suppose I could expand this. I'm happy to see all y'alls interest. It wouldn't happen right away though. I have too many other things i need to start/finish first. But I'll definitely begin planning! :pinkiehappy:

I fucking hate the fanon identically-colored family members. No way, no how. I especially hate it when people give RD male family members. You want to know why?

In my headcanon, Rainbow is a repressed heterosexual raised by militant bull dykes who look nothing like her. Due to her mane colors, they revered her as the Jesus H. Christ of the faggots 'n' queers, causing Rainbow to view herself as gay. I mean, of course she's gay, she's got a fucking pride flag for hair! This causes her to be very insecure about her sexuality and relationships with pretty much anyone. She actually thinks she's asexual, if only because she's barely ever seen a stallion. I mean, there are practically zero in all of Equestria.


The first paragraph is serious and gospel truth. The second kind of rolled downhill. It's a mixture of truth and bullshit. Some parts of it I've actually seen in fics and really like, and some parts are complete lies. Regardless, I want to see this interpretation in a fic someday. It grew on me pretty quickly.

But seriously, her family members aren't going to be colored the same. I'll read it anyway and pretend he's toffee and fuchsia.

4121192 I seriously hope your trolling.... otherwise.... NO.... just no...


:rainbowdetermined2: Reading comprehension! A vital part of fiction sites, but apparently not their comment sections!

There are several questions that I would ask if this were to occur. The first question would be "Should such a marriage be legal?" I imagine most people would say "yes." However, there is a second question being "Is such a marriage morally good?" Again, I imagine most people would say "yes," but at the same time, not as many as before. Morals are complicated. Not everyone agrees on what is morally right. I wonder what arguments would be made and what beliefs formed in this scenario. It is not the legality that I am interested in here, but the morality. Why would it be wrong or right? What is the reasoning behind the moral code that they hold?

4124096 that definitely would be something to explore, should i revisit this in the future.

Only if you are prepared to step into some very deep water.

What's with all the down-votes? This is a pretty good story with an interesting format.

Only typo I found:

But just because I don't understand Rainbow's decision, doesn't mean I don't support her.

6308893 Thanks for the vote of confidence. :pinkiesmile:

Not sure how that's a typo though.

6308904 Sorry I was unclear. The word "mean" is not actually in the story. I need to better show that sort of thing in the future.

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