• Published 22nd Mar 2014
  • 5,915 Views, 93 Comments

Orphans - Autum Breeze

After a horibble accident on a train to Canterlot claims their parents lives, Pinkie becomes the guardian of the Cake twins.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - Suspicions

Chapter 5


“Dinner was delicious, Pinkie,” Twilight said as she stood and helped Pinkie clear the plates, balancing them on the pink mare’s wings.

“Yeah, it was great!” Pumpkin exclaimed, her smile wide as her muzzle would allow.

“You’re the best cook ever!” Pound said, shoving a hoof in the air.

Pinkie chuckled. “Okay, you two. Now, before we have dessert, did you both finish your homework?”

Both foals looked away, putting on an innocent act.

Pinkie gave a playful frown. “If you don’t finish your homework, no Caramel Chocolate Tacos for dessert.”

Their eyes went wide with horror and they leaped from the table, running up the stairs.

“Aren't you forgetting something?” Pinkie called out playfully.

Both foals ran half way back down the stairs and smiled sheepishly.

“Thanks for coming to dinner today, Princess Twilight,” they said.

Twilight smiled. "Kids, we're all royalty here. No need for titles."

They both blushed, then turned to Pinkie, trying to divert attention away from their slip-up. “Dinner was great. Thanks, Mommy.”

They hurried back upstairs, not noticing the sadden looked that crossed Pinkie’s face.

“Pinkie?” Twilight asked, hugging the alicorn’s shoulder.

Pinkie buried her face into Twilight’s chest. “It still hurts, Twi. Every time they call me “mommy” it breaks my heart, but also makes me so happy. Does that make me a horrible pony?”

Twilight pulled Pinkie into a full hug. “No, Pinkie. It makes you a wonderful pony.”

Pinkie sniffled and looked up at the Princess of Friendship.

“You’ve made them happy. That was the promise you made. And you don’t need to let your heart break. The Cakes told you they didn’t mind as long as you raise the twins to be happy, didn’t they?”

Pinkie sniffed, burying herself again.

It had been five years since she’d become Pound and Pumpkin’s “mother”.


While the twins had still been infants, Twilight had gathered the girls in the library, saying she’d been sensing some extremely powerful magic.

This only intensified to the point where all six of them had sensed it. Then, the items they’d all been careful to cherish without fully knowing why had glowed with a rainbow light and they’d all found themselves in front of the Tree of Harmony, Spike and the twins nowhere to be seen.

All their items had turned into keys, one for each hole in the box that had grown out of the tree when they’d returned the Elements to it.

When they put the keys into the holes and turned, it had bloomed into a beautiful flower the likes of which none of them had ever since.

They’d all felt a surge of power and there’d been a blinding flash of light.

When it faded, every one of them had become alicorns.

When the princesses had arrived shortly after, bringing Spike and the twins with them, to Pinkie's relief, Celestia explained that the Tree of Harmony had taken their giving up the Elements so it could live as a sign they had been deemed worthy and deserved to be alicorns.

She then explained each of the lessons they had each learned that earned them their key had been a test from the tree to prove it was right and that they were all worthy.

Now that the keys had been used, they were all alicorns, each a princess of the Element they beared.

Along with that, Twilight's libarry turned into the Friedship Castle, a throne for each princess, along with a small one by Twilight's for Spike and two by Pinkie's for the twins.


Later that evening, Pinkie tucked the twins into bed.

They were sharing a room... their parents’ room, which Twilight had helped Pinkie make ready for them two years ago.

“Goodnight, Mommy,” Pumpkin said, smiling sleepily up at Pinkie.

Pinkie gave a small smile back. “Goodnight, my little princess,” she said, leaning down and kissing Pumpkin on the forehead.

When Pinkie turned to Pound Cake’s bed, he folded his hooves, hovering above his bed.

“I don’ wanna sleep,” he said firmly.

Pinkie flew up to him, her horn glowing with a blue aura. “do I have to use a sleeping spell again, my Poundy?”

Pound winced, both at the nickname and the idea of making his mother angry enough that she’d do that... again.

With a sigh of defeat, he lowered down onto his bed and got in.

Pinkie smiled and kissed him on the forehead, to which he made a gagging expression, which only served to make Pinkie and his sister giggle.

“Goodnight, my little prince,” Pinkie said, walking out the door, closing it behind her.

Once he was sure the sound of their mother’s hoofsteps were gone, Pound pushed the covers of his bed, snuck to the door and slowly opened it, with the intention of sneaking downstairs and getting a few treats from the fridge.

But as he opened the door, he saw a pink mane waiting for him, the wings of the body attached to said mane keeping it airborne.

“Ahem,” Pinkie cleared her throat, a knowing smirk on her face.

Grumbling, Pound closed the door and walked back to his bed, ignoring his sister’s giggles.

Even though she was Ponyville’s party pony, sometimes his mother could be such a party pooper.


Pinkie sat in the living room, a photo album open in her hooves.

She looked over all the times she’d had with the twins.

The first time they’d gone to Canterlot, her and girls’ group coronation, their coronation since the twins' mother was a princess.

She put a hoof to her cheek, wiping away the tear that had tried to slide down her cheek.

“You still haven’t told them?”

Pinkie looked up as Twilight walked in, came over to the couch and sat next to her, wrapping a wing around her special mare.

“I haven’t found the right time,” she whispered, then looked to Twilight. “Just when’s the best time to tell your children that you’re not their real mommy?”

Twilight shook her head and pulled the Princess of Laughter closer. “You are their real mother, Pinkie. You’re not their birth mother, but you are their real mother. All those happy times wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t.”

Pinkie nuzzled into Twilight, giving a low sigh.

“Thanks, Twi. I needed that.”

Twilight kissed Pinkie’s mane. “That’s what a marefriend’s for, right?”

Pinkie was quiet for a bit, before she next spoke.

“Do you want to still do it?”

Twilight nodded. “I’ve just been waiting til you’re ready. I couldn’t really say I love you if I can’t be patient, can I?”

Pinkie gave a tiny giggle. “I guess not. Maybe in a few months?”

Twilight smiled. "I think I can't wait a few more months."

She closed her eyes and sighed.

Carrot, she thought, a small tear leaking from her eye, Cup, did I make you proud?

A warm breeze blew through the living room, brushing against Pinkie, though both she and Twilight knew there were no open windows or doors for the wind to have come through.


“Well, well, if it ain’t the Royal Cakes?”

Pound and Pumpkin turned and glared at the tanned Earth Pony colt with green eyes, a black mane and a golden nugget as his Cutie Mark.

Behind him stood several other fillies and colts. Some were sneering, others looked nervous.

It was recess at school and Miss Cheerliee was inside, so she couldn’t see this happening, which the twins knew was his plan all along.

Both twins rolled their eyes.

“Hi, Gold Mine,” Pound deadpanned. “What do you want?”

“Well, ain’t that int’r’stin’?” Gold Mine sneered. “The little prince’s askin’ me wha I wan’. If he really is a prince.”

Both narrowed their eyes at the bully.

Normally they took his insults. Being the cousin of Diamond Tiara from Manehattan, they’d known to expect this from him, after what their cousins Apple Bloom and Bab Seeds had told them about the arrogant filly.

But what he’d just said... that sounded like he was insulting their mother!

“Leave our mommy outta this,” Pumpkin said, her horn glowing with its blue aura.

“Unless you wanna learn what my Auntie Rainbow taught me,” Pound snarled, digging the ground with his hooves as if he was going to charge.

Gold simply looked to another of the ponies near him, a scared-looking unicorn with a pink coat, brown mane and tail and blue eyes and nodded.

She hesitantly tossed a large scroll at the twins, which hit the ground and rolled out.

It showed their mother’s family history.

They looked down it and frowned. They weren’t on there.

“Is this some kind of sick joke?” Pumpkin asked, picking up the scroll in her magic and frowning at the picture of her mother. It was from before she’d become an alicorn and was still an Earth Pony.

Gold sneered. “Ain’t yous two ever wondered why you’re not alicorns, like your mother?”

They really didn’t like how he said “mother” like that.

Before anything more could be said, the bell rang, signalling the end of recess.

As they walked back inside, Pumpkin levitated the scroll into her saddlebag.

This was an old scroll from before their mother was a princess, so it would make sense that she was an Earth Pony on it...

But the date. The scroll had been updated a good nine months after their birthday to include Pinkie as part of the Apple Family. So why weren’t they on it?


“You all know why I called you here?” Twilight asked, looking at the other princesses as they stood in the throne room.

Sweetie Belle looked the littlest bit anxious.

Even after five years, she still wasn’t used to being the Princess of Inspiration and always felt out of place whenever her sister and the other princesses that lived in Ponyville had these Alicorn Princesses Only meetings.

The only reason Spike was allowed to stay was because he was taking notes Twilight would look over later.

“Pound ’n’ Pumpkin,” Applejack nodded. You had to give it to her, she was the Princess of Honesty, alright.

Twilight nodded, then looked to Pinkie, who flinched.

Twilight stepped toward her and wrapped a wing around her.

“I know it’s not easy, Pinkie, but you need to tell them the truth,” she said softly, though all in the library could hear. “They need to hear it from you before they find out on their own.”

Pinkie’s eyes widened in horror. “How?”

Twilight sighed and levitated over a scroll she’d written five years ago.

“This is the scroll I wrote everything you told me Discord said before he made the twins think you’re their mother,” she said, holding it out to Pinkie, who took it in her own blue magic and read it.

“Look at what he says after you told him not to make the twins older,” Twilight pointed a hoof at a particular line.

Pinkie read it out loud, her voice quivering as she did so.

W-well, what do you want me to do, alter their memories so they won’t ask til say... f-five years from now?

Silence rang throughout the library. Spike had even stopped writing notes.

“They’ll... they’ll ask soon... won’t they?” Sweetie asked, though not sure if she was allowed to speak.

Twilight nodded to the youngest princess. “Pinkie,” she turned back to said pony, “you need to tell them. The sooner the better. It won’t be easy, but I know you’ll get through this.”

Pinkie let the scroll fall, her eyes brimming with tears. “How? How can you know?”

Twilight pulled her into a hug. “Because I know how much you love them.”

Author's Note:

Chapter 5 is done!

wow, 2 chapters in 1 day. gotta say, i surpsied myself here.

So, what is it that twi's been waiting for Pinkie's okay for? Will Pound and Pumpkin learn the truth before Pinkie can tell them herself and how will this affect their feelings towards Pinkie?

You'll all have to wait until next time to find out.

PS Yes, i did make Sweetie Belle the Goddess of Inspiration, but her reason isn't the same as in This Side of Eternity... don't really know what that reason is yet, but i'll maybe mention it later. we'll see.