• Published 21st Mar 2014
  • 351 Views, 9 Comments

Journal of the Stars - Et-Luna-Et-Stellis

Seluna of the Night- Princess. Ruler of the Moon. Prone to jealousy. And Fortune Teller.

  • ...


3000 years ago

"Sister, I beg of you."
"Luna, I have already expressed my view on this point. It is just a dream."
Luna skidded around the corner of the narrow hallway, chasing after her fairer and (to her disgust) rather prettier sister. Celestia was older, and looked it. She already had the graceful stride inherited from her mother, and her tinted mane was beginning to flow around her shoulders, lifted as if by a slight breeze. She was taller than Luna, and decked in her crown and golden horse shoes, looked nothing less of a leader.

"Tia, please! This one is different, it wasn't natural, it wa-" "Luna, drop it. Mother has already spoken to you about this. It is a dream, nothing more or less. If you are to be a leader, you should stop acting like a foal!" Luna glared at her sisters purple eyes, so unlike her turquoise ones. Although Luna was a head and a bit shorter, Celestia often made her feel as if she was around one hoof off the ground. "This. Wasn't. A. Dream." Luna hissed through gritted teeth. Dark as her sister was fair, her lavender mane was silky and reached past her shoulders and dragged slightly on the floor. Her sister might have taken after their mother, but Luna had inherited not only her father's dark coat and eyes, but also his stubbornness and short temper.

"Sister, listen to me. He is dangerous. We do not know his origins, we do not know his methods- for all we know, he could kill you and not bat an eye!" Celestia narrowed her eyes. "Luna-" She began. "No! You have to understand, you must! It wasn't even a dream, it made the one I was having stop and I saw this instead!" Luna heard the plead in her voice and hated herself for it. But as much as her sister taunted her and told her to grow up, she would rather die than see her hurt like this. "Luna," Her voice had hardened, taking on a tone her mother often used herself. "Luna, I understand your concern. But Discord is trustworthy. He has already proven himself, has he not? He and his kind have fought on our side before and he even gave us inside information from the Griffin Kingdom."

"He is a Draconeques, he cannot- should not!- be trusted! It's what he wants! He wants to control you like a puppet, and by dating him your giving him all he-" "Is that you or Starswirl speaking?" Asks Celestia smoothly, starting to walk onwards, Luna trotting in her wake.

A dull blush appears on Luna's cheeks. "I- He- What? No of course, its me!" She blustered and the blush increased, turning her cheeks a light pink. "Do you think he's possessing me or something?" She let loose a slightly hysterical laugh. Most of her bravado had already been lost. Celestia grinned smugly. "I thought there was something between you two. Too much time spent in the library. And," She grinned even wider, "You started wearing perfume." Luna's cheeks were now a darker shade of pink. The blush had spread to the top of her muzzle.

"D-don't change the subject," She muttered; "You are going out with Discord." It was Celestia's turn to blush. "So what if I am? I'm big enough to decide what's good for me." Luna's cheeks returned to their previous dark blue, and her eyes were once again narrowed in argument. "You had all of the colts of Equestria to choose from. You're a Princess. And you go for a dude who's not even a colt, not even a PONY. You go for a guy who appears out of nowhere and presents himself as a refugee. And you snog him. " Celestia suddenly stopped gazing at Luna's face and instead looked beyond her. Her eyes were wide with shock.

Luna spun around and stared. Hoofsteps away from her is the Draconeqeus in question, gleeful face alight with a smile. "How much of that did you hear?" Luna demands.

Discord grins unabashedly; "The part when you question your sisters good taste in guys. And honestly, I wouldn't snog her if I was presented with a life and death choice." He walks towards the pair of them on all fours, tail playfully tickling Luna's muzzle. Celestia giggles and swats at him with a hoof. "D, that's not true." Luna glared at the pair of them. Discord smiled innocently at her. "Nice mane. It looks better long.More like your sisters."

Luna acknowledged the compliment with a cold nod. "Well," she said stiffly, "I'll be in my bedroom."

Without waiting for a response, she turned and walked towards the nearest stair case. Her room was in the tallest tower in the castle, and she would usually teleport there herself, but she needed time to think. And time to make sure she wasn't being followed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
When she finally got to the peace and serenity of her bedroom, she sighed and automatically locked the door. She trotted towards her desk. The floor boards echoed and amplified her hoofsteps, the occasional threadbare rug doing nothing to help. Unlike her sister, Luna craved simplicity. She rummaged through the one drawer in the desk and found what she was looking for in seconds. Levitating it in her magic, she turned towards the en suite bathroom. Is it worth it? Yes, it is, replied a quiet voice in her head.

It certainly is.

Walking purposefully through the bathroom door, she gazed at the mirror above the white sink. She would do it. She walked in front of the mirror, levitating the object unto a shelf. She would do it. She began to to braid her tail. It took her mere seconds but it felt like hours. She wouldn't stop, not now. Luna took a gulp of air and continued. She braided her mane over her shoulder. She wouldn't stop. Luna levitated the object towards her. Her heart was beating hard. Would she dare do that what ultimately make her vulnerable for months, possibly years? But Luna knew the answer.

Holding the scissors in her magic, she cut the braid of her tail leaving a choppy stump of hair. She immediately felt the difference. Her magic weakened, the blue haze around the scissors growing faint. She felt tired, so tired that even holding the scissors in her magic was a big effort. Alicorn magic was dependent on sources- Luna's source was the mane that so ressembled her fathers. Celestia's was unknown to her. She began to feel even more tired. The scissors started to wobble. She had to finish what she started.

Lifting the scissors, she cut off the braid of her mane. The scissors clattered to the floor.

She was at the brink of fatigue.

Her hair was now chin length, and felt dull and coarse on her cheek. She felt exhaustion leaden her legs and make her clumsy. Her eye lids felt ridiculously heavy. Taking one last look at the mirror, she smiles. "I am not my sister and I will not look like my sister." Luna mutters before her eyes close and she drifts off to a heavy sleep.