• Published 24th Mar 2014
  • 2,897 Views, 153 Comments

Fluttershy's One True Love (Is a Minigun) - DismantledAccount

Fluttershy has found her soul mate. Opposites attract. Friends are not amused. Things go well. Why wouldn't things go well?

  • ...

Chapter One

Rapid, frenzied knocking echoed throughout Fluttershy’s house, causing her ears to perk up and angle towards the source of the noise. Sighing lightly, she leaped off her bed and trotted down the stairs. “I’m coming, I’m coming!” Reaching the door, she opened it and was met with pink. Her vision was completely filled with pink face and blue eyes. Calming her suddenly rapidly beating heart, she smiled. “Hi, Pinkie. What are you doing on this lovely day?”

“Nothing much. How’s it going?” asked Pinkie, pressing her face directly into Fluttershy’s own.

“I’m actually kind of a little bit busy today, but it’s not too bad.” Pinkie silently stared at her, still smiling. “Ummm, if that’s all you wanted to say, I’m sorry, but I need to go.” She started to back away from Pinkie and close the door, but a purple hoof flew out and kept it open.

“It can wait, Fluttershy,” said a recognizable voice, pulling back on Pinkie’s tail; without Pinkie in her face, she could see that the rest of her friends were there as well. Flanked by Applejack and Rainbow Dash on her left and Rarity and Pinkie on her right, Twilight stood on Fluttershy’s doorstep. “You’re a lesbian.”

“What?!” Fluttershy exclaimed in a loud whisper. “I’m not—”

“Ya don’t like colts. In fact, you’ve been avoiding colts and stallions almost completely. An the only ponies who ya do talk ta are soft-spoken mares, such as yourself, or us,” said Applejack. “So we put the two an’ two together an’ came up with, uh, the answer.”


“And living on the edge of a forest is the perfect coverup for some mare on mare action; nopony can see when a mare walks into your house. Isn’t that right?” Rainbow stepped forward and narrowed her eyes.

Taking a step backward, Fluttershy let out a quiet eep. “N—”

Rarity smiled. “And so, darling, we are here to fully support your decision. We are going to help you break out of your shell. And we are also here to help you make sure that this is the really who you want to be.”

“What kind of friends would we be if we didn’t?” said Rainbow, nodding.

“We are going to explain every last reason as to why you need a stallion in your life.” Winking coyishly, Rarity said, “And believe me, there are many.” She paused and had to coax the words out of her throat. “. . . As well as every reason why a mare is superior companion, of which there are also . . . many.”


Pinkie nodded, her mane bobbing violently. “Yup! Stallions make much better companions mares! Especially with alone time! Well, unless you’re into mares. Then, I guess, they aren’t!”

“Wait . . . how do you know that?” asked Rainbow.

Pinkie grinned awkwardly and rubbed the back of her head. “Well, things miiiiiiight have gotten, you know, just a tiiiiinsy bit crazy at a party one time.”

“Ew.” Rainbow shook her head.


“And so!” shouted Twilight, causing the mares to fall silent. “Let’s begin. I hope you don’t mind if we come inside?” Brushing past Fluttershy, she sat down in the middle of the room, the others following her. Opening her saddlebag, she started levitating books out of the bag. “Aren’t you coming, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked, seeing that she was still standing by the door with an unsure look on her face. “It’s okay, we’re not here to judge you; we’re just here to help you decide. This is a pretty huge decision, after all.”

“Oh, um, yes?” Closing the door behind her, Fluttershy walked over and joined the circle of seated mares.

“To start off, I brought a few of the more basic books for you to study. We have Long, Thick, and Hard: A Mare’s Guide . . . Longer, Thicker, and Harder: Also a Mare’s Guide . . . Longest, Thickest, and Hardest: The Final Mare’s Guide . . . Sexy Fun Time With Your Stallion: Why Stallions Are Fun in Bed . . . and Getting to Know Your Stallion. Oh, and I almost forgot the most important one: How to Not Be a Lesbian for Beginners. And once you finished those, I've got plenty of books in here on being a lesbian, as well. Just give me a second to find them.” She peered into her bag, lighting up her horn.

“I really don’t thin—”

“Fluttershy, Ah don’t know why you’ve decided to be a lesbian, an’ honestly, Ah don’t care. But we’re goin’ to make sure you’re sure, even if Ah have to sacrifice mah own brother's virginity to do it.” Applejack nodded, a determined expression on her face.

“Yeah! Pretty soon, we’ll have you back to wanting a good, hard di—”

“Please, Pinkie, we’re not here to force her to conform. And you are in the company of a lady,” sniffed Rarity.”Please keep to some of the less vulgar terms.”

Raising her eyebrow, Rainbow smirked knowingly. “Don’t deny you’ve had your fair share.”

“I certainly won’t deny it,” said Rarity. “In fact, I could use a stallion—”

"Ah! Here's one! Lesbian Sex 101 and there's more where that came from."

“Stoooooooooooooooooooooop!” Fluttershy screamed. “I’m not a lesbian!”

The room drifted off into an awkward silence.

“. . . Really?” asked Twilight. “But I brought flowcharts, diagrams, and blueprints. Can’t you at least pretend?”

“No! I’m not a lesbian!” she said, stomping her hoof on the floor.

“Then why don’t ya like colts?” asked Applejack. “That don’t make sense.”

“I didn’t quite know how to say this before, but . . . um . . . my fiance is a little over-protective,” she mumbled slowly, kicking the ground and not making eye contact. “It makes him feel better when I don't really talk to colts, especially after dark. I think it's kind of sweet that he cares that much, don't you?”

“. . . Fiance?” asked Twilight, her mouth falling open.

“. . . F-f-fiance?” stuttered Rarity, blinking rapidly.

“. . . Fi-an-ce,” Applejack said slowly, rolling the word in her mouth.

“. . . Fiance!?” shouted Pinkie.

“. . . Fiance?” asked Rainbow. “Wait, what’s a fiance again?” she whispered to nopony in particular.

“Fiance,” affirmed Fluttershy, looking up. “I’m getting married.”

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner!” exclaimed Rarity. “I mean, us sooner! We have so much to do before the wedding! Dresses and planning and flowers and catering and invites and tablecloths—oh the marvelous tablecloths!—and colors and transportation and bridesmaids and—the groom!” Rarity gasped, her eyes almost rolling back in her head. “Who is the groom?!”

“I wouldn’t mind seeing the groom as well,” interjected Twilight. “I’d like to at least meet the pony who one of my best friends is going to be marrying and devoting her entire life to.”

“Do you really want to meet him?” asked Fluttershy. “I didn’t introduce him before because he’s kinda shy, but—”

“Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes!” screamed Pinkie.

“Ah’d like to meet this mystery stallion, too,” muttered Applejack, pounding her forehooves together.

Narrowing her eyes, Fluttershy frowned. “I’ll have you know, he’s really sweet and always treats me well, so you’d better give him a chance. And you guys better not hurt his feelings either, or I’m going to have a serious talk with each and every one of you.”

“Yeah, yeah, we got it. Just go and get him already!” said Rainbow.

“Oh, all right, wait here. Last I checked, he was in my bed. Be right back!” she sang, floating up the stairs with a happy smile on her face.

“In her bed? Did I hear that right?” asked Rarity. “How . . .” She lowered her voice to a sultry purr. “. . . scandalous.”

“Ah already don’t trust ‘im,” muttered Applejack. “Why did she never tell us ‘bout him before? She’s obviously been dating him for a while, so why didn’t she come clean?”

“You guys are being too hard on her. I mean, this is Fluttershy! If she says a stallion is treating her well, then he is,” said Rainbow. “I’m pretty sure that the Element of Kindness knows kindness when she sees it.”

“But that’s precisely the problem: this is Fluttershy,” muttered Twilight over the sound of heavy banging from above their heads. “Let’s face it, we all know how much of a—I don’t want to say ‘pushover’ but I will—Fluttershy can be sometimes. What if he’s forcing her into this?”

Rainbow nodded reluctantly.

“Don’t I get a say in this?” asked Pinkie. “I think it’s really awesome that she finally found a stallion. Don’t you? I’ve been trying to hook her up with a stallion ever since she arrived, and it looks like she found her match.” She wiped a tear from her eye. “I’m so happy for her,” she said, lower lip quivering.

A reverberating thump echoed through the house.

“Remember, girls, be nice for Fluttershy,” Twilight muttered out of the corner of her mouth.

The thump came again and again and again, eventually stopping at the base of the stairs; Fluttershy peeked her head around the corner. “Are you ready to meet my fiance?” she asked, smiling.

Her friends nodded as one.

Fluttershy came out the rest of the way and proudly presented the stallion whom she was going to marry. “Meet my fiance.”

Her friend's jaws dropped as one.

Fluttershy was standing on her hind legs and holding a something in her forelegs. It was a something that nopony had ever seen before. It was big, it was black, and it was metal. It had two handles: one at the rear and one in the middle. Suspended from the handles was a heavy metal-looking cylinder with a comparatively smaller, rectangular box attached to it; shiny brass objects lay within and entered the side of the main body. And coming from the front were six small hollow tubes, attached with circular plates of steel at regular intervals.

The room was silent for a long, awkward moment

“A-aren’t you going to say hi?” asked Fluttershy, ears wilting.

“Uh . . . hi . . .” squeaked Rainbow, eyes wide, muscles tense, and ears flat against her head.

A high-pitched whine answered her as the tubes rotated rapidly along a set, circular path. Leaping backward, Rainbow hissed, the fur on her back standing straight up. The others didn’t fare much better.

“He says, ‘It’s nice to meet you,’” translated Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy . . . Fluttershy, what is that thing.” Twilight blinked rapidly, but the illusion refused to disappear.

Fluttershy frowned as the object spun and whined again. “Shhhhh,” she cooed. “I’m sure she didn’t mean it—she better not have meant it.” She threw a meaningful look at Twilight as she brought the object up to her face and nuzzled it. “Minny is a who, not an it, and he has sensitive feelings.”

“Ah can’t . . .” Applejack punched herself in the face. Twice.

Rainbow bared her teeth.

Pinkie froze, jaw swinging wide open.

“Well, then . . .” stated Rarity, her left eye twitching. “What lovely—” she coughed discreetly “—blackness he has there.”

“That’s not a stallion,” murmured Twilight, eyes glazing over as they refused to see something that wasn’t possible.

“Why don’t you start with your names and a little about yourself,” hinted Fluttershy, gritting her teeth.

“. . .”

“Go on.” Her eyes narrowed.

“I-I . . . I’m Twilight . . . Princess Twilight Sparkle, to be exact. And I like doing . . . princessy things and reading books. . . . And stuff. Can Minny—I mean, can you read, Minny?”

Minny whined twice.

“He says yes,” supplied Fluttershy.

“How can—I mean, that’s . . . nice. Do you have a favorite author?”

Minny let out a complex series of whines while Fluttershy scrunched up her face in concentration.

“He says, ‘You are. I can’t believe I’m finally meeting you in person! I’ve read all your books on time travel, interdimensional jumping, and the fundamental theorems of higher magic of the third plane. The pleasure is all mine.’”

“Oh, thank you. I was hoping somepony was reading those.” Blushing, Twilight smiled unsurely, her eyes glancing left and right.

“Ooh! Ooh! Me next!” shouted Pinkie. “My name’s Pinkie Pie, but you can just call me Pinkie Pie. I’m really glad to meet you! I love meeting new ponies and friends—” she stared intently and silently at Minny for a long minute “—and . . . things . . . and throwing parties!” She gasped. “That reminds me! We’ll have to have an Official Welcome to Ponyville and Hooray You’re Engaged to a Really Close Friend of Mine so Let’s Get to Know Each Other! party!”

Once again, Minny let out whines of varying pitch.

“He says, ‘I would like that! I don’t get out much, but I’m sure that meeting some new ponies would be really fun,” said Fluttershy.

“Well, I’m Rainbow Dash, and I’m the most awesome, most daring, most hardcore stunt pegasus ever. If you want to watch me or fly . . . with . . . me? . . . We might be able to work something out?” She grinned awkwardly.

Minny let out a single long whine.

“I agree,” said Fluttershy. “But she’s trying her best to be more humble. Before, she wouldn't have even offered to let you watch.”


Minny let out another whine.

“He says, ‘It’s nice to meet you too.’”

“Ah’m Applejack.” She stared at Minny, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

Fluttershy blinked. “Is that it?” she asked. “Don’t you want to tell Minny a little about yourself?”

“Sorry, Minny, don’t take this personally, but it’s a bit too soon for me. Ah’m still getting over the fact that you’re engaged to Fluttershy. But rest assured, me an’ you are gonna have a nice long talk . . . alone.” Seeing Fluttershy’s face, Applejack hastily continued, “Ah promise that Ah won’t do anythin’ stupid. All Ah’m gonna do is talk to him.”

Minny whined.

“He is looking forward to it,” said Fluttershy.

“And finally, my name is Rarity. I’m the prime fashion center of this town and dressmaker extraordinaire! If you need anything fashion-related, I will be happy to help.” She winked suggestively—though it looked more like her spasming eyelid finally gave up. “Like maybe a suit? Though I must say, darling, you are quite the . . interesting individual. Why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself, hmmm?”

“That’s easy.” Fluttershy grinned. “He’s already told me so much about himself. Minny is a Model 134 Minigun. He is a belt-fed, fully automatic machine gun chambered in 7.62 by 51 mm NATO; a cartridge is a small piece of lead sitting on top of an explosive charge capable of propelling the lead at roughly the velocity of 2,733 feet per second. The spent casings are then ejected from the gun as a new round is placed in the chamber. And then what makes him special is the six barrel design; you see, the multiple electrically powered rotating barrels let him fire faster and longer without overheating, as compared to a single barrel. And let me tell you, when he let’s loose, he lets loose. My little Minny can crank out over five thousand rounds per minute!” Blushing, she smiled and nuzzled him. “I think it’s pretty sexy. Don’t you?”

“Bluh . . .” said Twilight.

“Uh, no?” asked Rainbow.

“I, uh, see. . . . How did you two meet?” asked Rarity, both eyes twitching.

Fluttershy giggled. “It was the sweetest, most romantic thing ever. I was helping a little lost bluebird get back to his family a little while ago when I realized something: while helping him, I didn’t keep track of where I was going; I was lost. I stumbled around looking for something recognizable when I heard a noise. So followed the noises until I found Minny lying in the dirt. He was crying because he had been separated from all of his friends.” She wrapped a comforting foreleg around him. “We’ve no idea how he got here, and were actually going to ask you soon, Twilight, but all he remembers is a big flash and waking up in the forest.”

“I know I’m not romantic, but I also know that that’s not romantic either,” muttered Rainbow.

“I was getting to that. You see, even though he was feeling so sad himself, he put me first and helped me find my way home safely. He even fought off a pack of Timberwolves for me. Twice.” She planted a light kiss on Minny’s closest barrel and grinned. “And he says I’m the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.”

“She’s too far gone,” replied Applejack, whispering. “Anything he does is romantic. Ah’ve seen this before, back in the Great Love War o’ ‘98.” She shook her head, muttering, “Those poor stallions . . .”

Minny whined, barrels spinning, after her lips moved to a safe distance.

“Oh, stop it, you,” she giggled, blushing. “He says that I was completely adorable while firing him for the first time. He also says there’s nowhere in the world he would rather be than in my hooves.”

“Awwwww,” cooed Rarity, more out of habit than anything.

“And let me tell you, the feeling of holding him while he lets loose is . . . it’s just indescribable! The way he vibrates in your hooves, the way he spews lead, his solidness, his thundering power, the smell of gunpowder, I was hooked from day one! I just can’t believe I’ve found such a nice stallion!”

Minny whined again.

“Really?” Fluttershy looked at Minny. “But they’re my friends, I don’t want to ask them to leave.”

“Actually, I think that would be for the best. I seem to have developed a minor eye condition,” mumbled Rarity, eyelids spasming uncontrollably. “But I’m sure it’s nothing a good night’s rest can’t handle.

“I agree; that . . . that’s fine,” said Twilight. “I think we all kinda need time to process everything you just said. You go on ahead, girls; I’ll be out in a second.”

Giving a small grin, Fluttershy looked down and her ears wilted slightly; she gently caressed Minny with her foreleg. “He says it was nice meeting you all.”

Each of the mares stood up on shaky legs and waved to both Minny and Fluttershy; then they slowly walked out the door, expressions ranging somewhat unsettled to downright disturbed to purely confused—not even Pinkie was unphased.

“It was . . . nice meeting you, Minny. I’m sure I’ll be seeing quite a bit more of you in the days to come.” Twilight nodded to Minny and received a whine in return.

“He says, ‘Thanks for taking it so well, and I’m glad to finally have had the chance to meet my Fluttershy’s friends,’” translated Fluttershy, smiling.

Twilight nodded and turned to go. Pausing, she looked over her shoulder at the pair. “Out of curiosity, what exactly were you doing before we got here? You said we interrupted something.”

“Well . . .” Fluttershy turned a deep red. “You know how I said I left him on the bed? We, uh, were on the bed for a reason. . . .”

Paling slightly, Twilight stared at the most innocent pony she knew. The “innocent” pony stared back, blushing even redder. And, unless she was imagining things, Minny changed to an ever so slightly pinker shade of black.

“My mind has been corrupted,” stated Twilight. She left without another word and shut the door behind her. Stopping on the bridge, she glanced over her shoulder at Fluttershy’s cottage. She then proceeded to throw the Long, Thick, and Hard trilogy into the river.