• Published 21st Mar 2014
  • 350 Views, 7 Comments

Broken Bird - Liondancer17

The purest are easiest to corrupt. When the shadows posess Derpy, they find that she will be the most powerful enemy Equestria has ever faced.

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Prologue 2-Dawn

From the moment Berry Bright was born, there was something empty inside her.
Her large, blue eyes were grey, empty, the colour of lifeless stone. Her coat, though it shone with the dazzling, pink radiance of bubblegum and flowers, was also dulled with a sort of vacancy that could not be truly described until one saw it.
When spoken to, she would look upon her new companion with eyes that simply saw right through.
Like they were made of glass. Glass that could shatter with the slightest touch…
Once, her parents tried to make her happy.
They played music, they picked her up on their shoulders and sang, sang praises to their glorious Queen, but also singing praises to their daughter, the beautiful shine in their eyes, the laughter in their heart…
And all the pink pony did was stare with those impossible, glass eyes. She could not speak, no matter how hard she tried.
And she was silent.
Always silent.
Always falling.
And no one was there to catch her.
When Raider was born, she couldn’t see the colours in the sky.
In fact, she couldn’t see anything.
Well, that wasn’t necessarily true. She could sense everything around her, and was aware of it all. She was aware of the clouds and the rain, and could fly nimbly between droplets of water, faster than any pegasus she knew.
Faster, faster, fasterfasterfaster-I have to get away, I have to get away from them all, I need to be alone, I don’t need anybody, and I don’t need anything anymore-
She was a hero in her town, the Miracle Mare, the blind pegasus with the power to see anyway. Sheer will, they said. It was because she was so stubborn, so determined, and oh so brave…she drove away the bad ponies, the Shadow Soldiers that stormed their neighborhood for extra bloodshed and a few bits more. She drove them away with her speed and skill and she was adulated for it.
She was a coward. A traitor to her people. A liar. Worthless.
Because she let them believe she was good, when all she did was steal from them to feed her younger sister while their backs were turned. And the worst part was that she simply couldn’t bring herself to care. She couldn’t bring herself to feel guilty for it, no matter how hard she tried. She didn’t feel anything. Not anymore.
Raider didn’t know who she was anymore.
Her sister, Glider, a little pegasus filly who would never be able to fly, looked up to her. She idolized her older sister, and at night, she would curl up next to Glider, and listen to her younger sister dreaming of a day where Raider would see, and Glider would soar with her in the skies.
“Everything will be okay.” Raider said. And she hated herself more when she said it.
Because, once again, she was betraying people who looked up to her.
And she couldn’t bring herself to care.
Cobber lived her entire life as a lie.
She was afraid of always being found out. She couldn’t trust anybody, and certainly couldn’t let anybody really get to know her.
She never really had any friends.
And, if she was honest, she didn’t want any.
(That’s a lie and you know it.)
She was born into the Shadow Soldiers, or at least, that was what she fooled herself into believing. (Nobody wanted you, because you were a freak. Just a little jackaroo, a farmmare who was abandoned because she had no magic and nothing she touches will ever grow. You were useless, so you were fed to the Diamond Dogs.)
Every night she served her Queen, and every night she was rewarded with the gift of privilege. She was an Ace, the highest of the Soldiers because of her skill and her intelligence, her gift of lying and getting away with it.
(And it killed her every single day)
She was the Captain, one rank below Major, one rank above Lieutenant. She was the leader of her district, the Queen had always seen something in her, and had trusted her with the commanding rank. She oversaw the night, and protected it, like a good soldier would for her country, her home.
(She saw the cries of the innocent. But she held her tongue, lied, and said that she saw nothing. It was all for her Queen.)
Cobber was a good soldier, and a better liar.
Because she could convince herself the nightmares she saw were just her own creations.
And that the dreams of a past life were nothing to her at all.
Melody could feel the music in life.
It was everywhere, in the thrum of heartbeats, in every breath. With every beat of her wings, she could feel the whistling of the breeze through her feathers, and the song of flight in heart ears.
Of course, she couldn’t hear it, but she could feel it, and that was all that mattered.
It was all she truly felt anymore.
She couldn’t feel joy or sorrow, anger or fear. But she could feel the song. The song of living, and that was all that mattered.
It mattered that she was alone, with nothing but the song.
No matter how long she lay, she felt nothing.
At that was okay.
She couldn’t hear (anything) but the song.
And then her kind, green eyes opened.
Aurora was a selfish pony, and she knew it.
Ever since she was a young filly, she turned water to ice crystals and pretended it was fabulous jewels for her little sister.
Her precious, beautiful, little sister.
Chimer, her entire world, was the only thing that Aurora had. And Aurora was a selfish unicorn, a very, very selfish unicorn.
She would charm her way into the social lives of the high-class ponies around her, and fool them into doing all of her work for the unicorn.
She would steal their bits, and use them for her sister. Her precious, golden little sister.
She would smile, her big, blue eyes, rimmed with false lashes, as she stole the lives of others away. She was a selfish pony. All for her sister…
And because it was for her sister, Aurora would do anything, and never regret it.
Even as she shivered, and her heart grew colder…
Dawn Star was afraid of ice.
It was strange, of course, since her parents were lost in a fire. But she was afraid of ice.
She would sit by the fireplace, watching the flames dance before her wide, violet eyes. It was the only light in her world, to be honest.
It reminded her of the sun.
Of the moon.
Of the stars.
She could make the fire dance.
Magic was something that was lost to the world a long time ago.
But not to Dawn.
In the flames, five figures danced.
And Dawn got to her hooves, and was drawn by the flames to her new life, her destiny.

Author's Note:

Can you spot my favorite characters in there?
(And the mane 6?)
Disclaimer: I own nothing