• Published 19th Jul 2014
  • 328 Views, 3 Comments

Hope and Fear: Shadows - Dasher924

The mirror to other worlds is about to open again. The only question is: What's going to walk through?

  • ...

Beginning Again

It was just a normal day inside the walls of Canterlot High School. Most of the students were inside their classrooms taking in whatever knowledge their teachers were putting out to their students. However, even though today would be relatively normal, tomorrow will start the event that the school puts on every year. Most students got excited about it, but one student in particular was more pleased than just about anybody else.

As the school lunch bell rang, the students of Canterlot High School charged toward the school lunchroom. No one really cared for the lunch the school served; lunchtime served more of an opportunity for social gathering than for eating. Every student would sit in the same spot every day, usually grouped by interests, at least somewhat.

Every student ran past the notice boards that the school set up on the wall next to the cafeteria. Most students never gave the bulletin board a second look. Amid the blur of students trying to get to the cafeteria, there was one student who stopped and read the newest notice pinned to the board with a blue push pin.

The notice said, “Who’s going to be this year’s Fall Formal Princess? Make sure you vote today!!” There was more writing below, probably giving some sort of extra details. The person reading the notice didn’t seem to care much about the fine print. After she read those first two sentences, an eerie smile crept up on her lips. “It’s almost time”

“Congratulations Twilight!! Or should I say, Princess Twilight! You’ve completed your long running quest. Just always keep in mind that as one quest ends, another usually starts.”

“What do you mean, Princess?” Twilight asked her teacher, or former teacher, as the case was now.

“The first part of your destiny has been fulfilled. You’ve become an alicorn and a princess. You have learned a lot about magic, and the Magic of Friendship. I’ve given you tests throughout your time in Ponyville. Now your true test will begin. You and your friends will be tested like never before.”

“True Test?” Twilight asked. She couldn’t believe that she had saved Equestria several times, and yet, that wasn’t even her “true test” whatever that was. What more would she need to do?

Princess Celestia smiled. “I’ve sent a letter to Spike. He and your other five friends will be on the next train to Canterlot. I have something that all seven of you need to hear.”

Celestia could actually hear Twilight gulp. “Twilight, try to relax.” Celestia knew that asking Twilight to relax was probably useless. Her student had a breakdown about almost everything that she deemed was out of her control. “In the meantime, Twilight, I’m sure you have some questions for me. Why don’t we sit down and have some tea while we wait for your friends. I’ll try to answer whatever questions you may have.”

The two of them walked into one of Celestia’s private rooms. “Twilight, please have a seat, make yourself comfortable. I’ll make some tea.” As Celestia turned around to start getting the tea ready, from the corner of her eye, she saw Twilight fidgeting in her seat. “Twilight, please relax. What are you so worried about?”

Twilight sighed, “I’m sorry Princess. I’ve just been worried about something ever since I became a princess myself.”

“And what would that be?” Celestia asked.

“Well, you and Luna both rule over Canterlot and all of Equestria. When the Crystal Empire reappeared, you gave that to Cadence to rule. I’m scared that you’re going to do the same to me. The way you were talking about my true test beginning, I was thinking that you were going to assign me to rule somewhere. I just don’t think I’m ready for that!”

Celestia turned around to look at Twilight. “Twilight, my dear. Please do not worry about that. This is all so new to you, and you’re so young. You’re supposed to be having fun with your friends and doing things and going places. I’m not about to ruin that by making you sit on a throne day in and day out. The only thing I want you to do right now is to be there for your friends. We’re work on that throne a little later.” Celestia finished with a smile and a wink.

With Twilight’s immediate worries gone for now, the two of them were able to drink their tea and just chat idly about things of somewhat little importance. Mainly just to kill some time before Twilight’s friends could get to the castle.

When they were both done with their tea, Celestia got up, and using her magic, walked her tea set back to get it cleaned out. Twilight got up as well and walked with her former teacher. Twilight caught Celestia giving a glance toward her desk. More specifically, a picture frame sitting on her desk.

“What was he like?” Twilight asked, thought she’d take a chance on learning more.

“Hmm?” Celestia asked.

“The one in the picture. Could you tell me more about him? You told me once he was like a hero to you and the rest of Equestria, yet I’ve never heard of him. I’m just curious about him.”

“Sister! The train from Ponyville has arrived!” Luna called as she galloped into Celestia’s room. “Hello again, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Please Luna, you can just call me Twilight. No need to call me by my full name every time you see me.”

“Very well, Twilight Sparkle, I will remember that.

“Hmm,” Celestia thought to herself as she came up with an idea. “Luna, how would you like to get out of this castle for a few days?”

“Oh, I would love that. You know it’s been far too long since I had a vacation.”

“How about you, Twilight?” Celestia continued, “Do you think you and your friends could use a few days too?” I was thinking about a visit to the Crystal Empire.”

“That sounds fun!” Luna said very excitedly. “It has been over a millennia since I had seen the Empire.”

“Yeah, I guess I could use some days of fun. I’ve been pretty stressed lately.” Twilight said.

“Good, then let’s meet your friends at the train station. Then I’ll get us a train to the Crystal Empire. Why don’t you go down and meet your friends. Luna and I will be out in a couple minutes.”

“Alright then.” Twilight said as she left the room to go find her friends. “See you soon.”

“When are you going to tell her?” Luna asked her sister after Twilight left.

“Twilight and all her friends will know everything when we get to the Crystal Empire. I want Cadence and Shining Armor to know as well. Equestria is in great danger. When does the mirror open again?”

“Tonight at midnight.”

“That doesn’t give us much time. We need to tell them everything as soon as we get to the Empire.”

Later that day, Princess Celestia was able to get a private train to the Crystal Empire. It was a shorter train than that usually runs. This train only had 2 cars plus the engine. Luna, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were sitting in the first car, talking and laughing to and with each other. In that car the atmosphere was light and fun. In the rear car, however, it felt dark. The lone passenger of the car was Princess Celestia. She had a bad feeling about tonight. She wasn’t sure exactly why she had such a bad feeling. The portal in the mirror had opened before with no signs of danger, but she was sure something bad was going to happen this time. It was as if she knew a huge army was going to come walking out of that mirror. “What if the Elements of Harmony can’t handle what’s coming?” Celestia thought to herself.

“Come on, Tia” Luna said, as if she had been listening to her sister’s thoughts.

Celestia looked up to find Luna standing right next to her, a look of worry on her face. “Don’t worry so much about the future. You don’t know what’s going to happen, so stop trying to change and manipulate it. Isn’t that one of the lessons Twilight learned at some point? Anyway, whatever is going to happen, we will be able to overcome it together.”

“But what about---” Celestia began.

“We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it, Tia.”

A small snicker escaped Celestia. “The phrase is, ‘We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it’. Not burn the bridge.”

“Are you sure, Tia?”

“Pretty sure.”

“Well, whatever, then. Now come on Tia, let’s have some fun with the others. I hate to see you miserable.”

“You’re right, Luna. I’m sorry.”

The train ride from Canterlot to the Crystal Empire didn’t take near as long as it usually did. The private train the princesses got didn’t have to make any stops to reach its destination like other trains did.

The train station was riddled with Crystal Guards-the Royal Guards of the Crystal Empire. There weren’t near as many Crystal guards as there were Canterlot Royal Guards, but there was still enough to deter most ponies from doing anything stupid anywhere near the castle.

After the train stopped at the station, the eight ponies, and one dragon, walked out of the train, and was instantly greeted by a third alicorn.

“Cadance!” Twilight called, running up to her former foul-sitter.

“Twilight!” Cadance called, giving Twilight a hug. “It’s so good to see you again, and all your friends as well. Let’s head back to the castle. After I got the letter from all of you saying you all were coming for a couple of days, I got our extra rooms in the castle ready. You’re all welcome to stay as long as you want. I do have a question, however. Something tells me that this is more than all of you wanting a vacation.”

“Indeed.” Princess Celestia said. “I have much to tell all of you. I just wish I could say that it was better news.”

“What is it Princess?” Twilight asked.

“I will tell you all, but first let’s get into the castle and get comfortable. The story I have to tell is a long one.

“The Master of Shadows…There he is. We found him.”

“Him? Really? He doesn’t look all that impressive to me.”

“Neither do you, but that doesn’t mean that you also don’t have an important part to play.”

“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. Look, Faust, I can’t believe you’re risking the entire universe on this guy, but if you’re sure, I’ll set the test up. Just remember, if you’re wrong, we’re going to be in even deeper trouble than before.”

“Then we’d better hope I’m right.”

Author's Note:

Finally!! Another story out for you guys to read!

I really want to thank my friend Freewing Alchemist P for helping me through a long writers block.

Anyway, as always, help is always welcome, if you have ideas on how to help me improve.

Hope you enjoy!