• Published 26th Mar 2014
  • 456 Views, 12 Comments

Equestrian Earth: This is My Story - Tinkles

A game that allows you to play as your own character in a VR world?! Count me in! This is my story in a world of Equestrian Earth, filled with monsters and good friends. Hope you like it.

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Chapter 1: Well, Here We Go

"Thanks for allowing me to have lunch with your family, Mrs Love Tap." I said to the pale-yellow earth pony beside me. "It was wonderful."

"My pleasure, Tinkles," Love Tap chuckled. "It's the least I could do since you agreed to help me foalsit Button today for a few hours today while I had an appointment at the Ponyville Spa with a few friends. Are you sure you don't need any help in this, Tinkles?"

"I'm sure, Mrs Love Tap. I can handle this. Besides, now I know how Spike feels 'bout watching the library when Twilight and her friends went on one of their picnics." I replied, looking at the brown colt with the ever-spinning propeller hat across the table.

"Thank you. Besides, just call me Love Tap." She chuckled. "There are plenty of food in the fridge if you or Button are hungry, that is if you could make sandwiches, right?" I nodded in reply. "Great, and could you make sure Button does his homework before playing his games? He always left it until the last minute."

"Mmmmooooommmmmm!!!" The colt wailed.

"Oh don't worry...erm, Love Tap. I will make sure he does them." I replied, adding one more chore into my mental list. She smiled before shouldering her saddlebags and left the house.

Closing the door, I picked up the plates with my magic and placed them in the sink. "Come on, Button. Why don't you go up to your room and do your homework? I will be coming right up with some snacks after I finish doing the dishes."

"Never!!" The filly cried out, landing on the floor and growled. "You will never take me alive! I won't let you serve me to the brain-eating zombie king of the Apachulytis!!"

I sighed. Love Tap wasn't kidding when she said he was a game addict. "Come on, Button..." I tried to get closer to him step by step, but he move back for every step I took.

"Stay back! Stay back, I tell you!" Then he started to chant some words in a weird language while waving his hoofs at me.

"Ugh," I groaned, doing a facehoof. "Tell you what, why don't you bring your homework down here so I could help you with them while doing the dishes." I offered. "This way, you could finish your assignments quickly and play your games earlier. I could also play some of them with you if you want."

That seemed to work as his ears perked up at my offer and gave me a big smile and wide, shining eyes. "Really?"

I smiled, finally catching his attention. "Cross my heart and hope to fly," I intoned, my hoof performing the Pinkie Promise ritual. "Stick a cupcake in my eye." The deal was sealed; for whomever broke their Pinkie Promise would have to face the wrath of Pinkie Pie.

"Yay!!!" He screamed before dashing up to his room to get his homework. I chuckled as I squirted soap into a sponge before washing the dishes.

It only took an half an hour to finish all of Button's homework before he was allowed to play his games. As we went up to his room, he admitted that it was the first time he finished them so quickly. It usually took him about two to three hours to finish them, especially when it comes down to math.

"So, what games are you going to play today, Button?" I asked, hoping to cross out 'Playing a Digital Game with No Opposable Thumbs' off my 'Impossible Things that can be Done' List.

"You'll see! And you are going to love it." Button's smile instantly got bigger. "Come on, I'll show you." Immediately, he took my hoof and ran to his room with amazing speed, dragging me along as well. Once inside his room, I whistled at the sight of it. To one side, there was a 45" TV on a table with a device of some sort plugged in. On the other side was a bookshelf with various consoles, game cartridges and other gamer stuffs. "Err, Button, what exactly is this game?"

"It's Equestrian Earth, the one they released just this morning! I played this thing before lunch and it was so cool!" Button squealed excitedly. "It's a MMORPG game that utilizes both science and magic to allow a player to experience playing it like it was in real life! It's like a dream come true! You can log in with your friends and fight monsters and go on quests and..."

I quickly stopped his endless babble with a hoof. "Alright, I get it." I sighed. But still, it did sounds cool. "So, how do you play this game?"

"With this!" From the desk, he took a brown visor with the cross button you could see on his Joyboy. "All you need to do is to create an account, then pop on this thing and boom, you're in the game!"

"Alright then, you got me interested." I decided. "Help me create an account and let's see if this game is as good as what you said it is."

"Finally!" I said as Button and I entered the house after a quick trip to the store an hour later. Now since I had became slightly interested in the VR game, I asked Button to help me create an account of my own on the website. It was a ten minutes job: all we had to do was to enter my name and particulars. Immediately, the website responded with a message to pick up the game at the nearest store. After that, it was a matter of buying from the Ponyville Toy Store for 30 bits (with an additional 20 bits per month for subscription).

Opening the first of the two boxes I bought, it contained the game itself. It was some sort of device that had to be plugged into a monitor so that you could play it. But for now, I would just use Button's instead, there's already a TV waiting to be plugged in at home. As for the next box, it was a completely different matter, for it contained my very own I.P.V, a device that allowed the player to be integrated into the game itself.

Taking out the visor by magic, I noticed mine was a darker shade of orange as compared to my fur with three stars at each end. We settled on Button's bed, ready to start playing the game. After putting on the IPV, Button gave me a nod, signalling that he was ready as well. I pressed the start button on the device and activated my I.P.V. Immediately, my vision began to pixelate and it felt like I was being pulled though a tunnel filled with lights so bright I had to close my eyes so as not to hurt them too much.

"Welcome." A soft voice spoke up. I opened my eyes to see myself floating with a mysterious figure in front of me. From her voice, I could tell it was female. If it weren't for the surrounding lights, I would be able to look at her properly. Note to self, lower game brightness

"Who are you?" I asked warily, not knowing if the being was friendly or foe.

"I am the central A.I of this game here, so you may call me Goddess. Welcome again to Equestrian Earth." The figure chuckled. "And you don't have to be afraid of me. I won't bite."

Being new here, I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. "Hello to you as well. My name is Tinkles." I said. "And erm...what should I do next?"

"Simple, my little pony," She chuckled. Now I realized how melodious she sounded. "Now, you have to choose the class you want to be in."

"Ok, so how do I..." The Goddess swiped her hoof and immediately, a bunch of files popped into existence. "Never mind," I muttered. I had already chosen a class when I created my game character, so I loaded the save file I created earlier to save time.

"An apprentice healer, a wise yet risky choice." The Goddess commented. "Very few had chosen this class because it is the easiest to fall to the dark side. Be warned, young one, for if you truly wish to choose this class, then you must be careful. Though many considered Healers to be one of the weakest classes, little realized that they are one of the most important of classes and the Darkness knows that as well.

"Remember, it is never a weakness to rely on your friends. Have trust and faith in them will then you be able to fight those who meant you harm. If you don't, then the Darkness will claim you as his own. You were warned." It was then I knew that this was more than just a normal game. It almost sounded as if there was a personal battle within the game as well.

"Now Tinkles, you are about to venture into a world full of magic and friendship, where you will meet friends both old and new." She continued. “Yet, this world also holds many dark secrets and monsters of legend, forces to be wary of. Never walk the world alone, for strength is in numbers and the bonds you forge. Good luck.” Just as the Goddess finished her introductions, the lights around us intensified, forcing me to close my eyes again. What is it with all these lights anyway?! I sighed.

"So are you coming or what?" I opened my eyes to see a brown colt in chain mail with a sword standing over me, a smile played on his lips as he offered me a hoof. "We've got lots of training to do if you want to be above level 10 by the time Mom gets home."

Author's Note:

My first story and my first chapter posted on FIMfiction, I hope you like it. Constructive feedbacks and positive comments are always welcome.
I must apologize beforehand if I am not able to upload future chapters as quickly as I could. Sorry

Choatic Note, if you are reading this, thank you for letting me join the wonderful world of Equestrian Earth.