• Published 17th Mar 2014
  • 1,339 Views, 18 Comments

Maud gives birth to a rock - Jammo

After visiting the doctor with abdominal pains they make an amazing discovery. Maud has kidney stones!

  • ...

Zircon Zygote

A stale, sterile scent hung in the air.
A dull-coated Earth pony sat calmly in the examination table as the clock ticked with every second.
She tilted her head down nonchalantly at her abdomen then towards the various tools on the wall. No shortage of odds and ends. Tools for hearing, tools for seeing.

Muttering under her breath to the pocket sewn her plain blue linen dress "Told you Boulder, my birthday was last month remember? Dad gave me rocks." This particular mare had a lifestyle, a fixation even with all things earthy and silicon.

Rocks, pebbles, slabs, bricks. If she could breath rocks, she would. Their solemn stony dignity spoke to her in ways that nothing else could. She was not a people pony. Gathering rocks, breaking rocks, moving rocks.

Her duties on her fathers farm gave her plenty of time to think and reflect. One of her sisters left that life to pursue a more eventful one and the two others have been eager to start their own farms and raise a family of their own but this pony..

She never considered a family, having one to care for. The simple joys of hooves sifting through stone made her content. That's all she wanted to be, at peace.

After waiting for what felt like no time for her but was actually 30 minutes a dusty coloured stallion with brown hair and a doctors uniform walked in with a folder. His face was sullen, a worker who did not enjoy dealing with the general public but was happy with the pay.

"Ms. Pie is it?"

In a dull, uninterested voice the lavender maned patient replied. "Yes?"

"Sorry for taking so long we've been very busy treating feather flu patients. We have a whole line up of people saying the need medical care with the flu and every time we have to tell them they need to go back to bed and get some rest."

Ms. Pie dismissive, wondering why she needed to hear this replied in a deadpan voice. "I don't have the feather flu."

Befuddled and confused the doctor shifted through his papers. "Uhh yeah, of course not. We took this ultrasounds of you last week and I'm afraid there's a bit of bad news".

With empty glassy eyes she snipped "I have the feather flu?"

The doctor readjusted his glasses with his hoof while cocking his eyebrow out her. After sifting through her papers he found a sheet of black plastic and placed it down next to her. On it what appeared to be a lumpy white mass, apparently only the size of a thimble if proportions were to be believed but it looked much larger magnified.

Looking intense the doctor spoke up. "Going to be stern. You came here due to complaints of abdominal pains. You mentioned to our nurse you had an excessive diet consists solely of minerals." She butted in with a dry "... I never said excessive."

Resuming his lecture "This buildup of calcium, magnesium and several others from your unique diet has caused deposits to develop in your left kidney. It will continue to grow until we can remove it manually, or worst case scenario you pass it."

"Pass it?" The charcoal mare said looking back with the first look of concern in her eyes. "There's surgery or we can have skilled alchemists from Canterlot flown in who can transmute it into a passable fluid. That is expensive and I know you're family isn't well-off financially. My recommendation is..."

With steely cobalt eyes she once again interrupted "So there's a rock.. Growing inside me?" Frustrated the practitioner tapped his hoof on the picture of her insides. "Yes. Kidney stones. They should be removed as soon as possible. Plus you should change your diet. Keep it from getting any bigger."

Keep it from? This pony, her life was rocks, her interest was rocks. Those things so many took for "granite". Her mind, body and soul were to give to the rocks. They meant little to others, but the world to her. Why were people acting like this was an illness? To create a rock inside her body, to nurture it seemed fitting.

This was a thing if beauty to her and they act like it's an illness? This was an experience she wanted, but didn't know it till now. An adventure. Not a loud, dangerous adventure with surprises and threats at every turn, but a personal bonding experience where the wonder is internal.

The mind and body growing as she brings a rock, the things she found so wondrous into the world through the miracle of her body.

With gears turning in her head she felt her stone needed a voice. "I want to keep it." Losing interest in his strange client he responded in a tired voice "Once we get it out you can keep it. We have no use for it." She rubbed her left hoof on her tummy and responded "No like.. I want it to grow. I want to raise it as my own and pass it naturally."

The doctor was ready to storm out then and there. He was tired, impatient and had no time for foolishness. Keeping his voice down refusing to lose is temper "Okay. You're free to do what you want. It will hurt. Passing it will hurt. We can deal with whatever you want to happen when it happens.

But I've given you my recommendation from a medical professional what you should do. We can reschedule and talk about then when you want to act like sane..!"

He looked at the dead-eyed grey mare looking down at her abdomen giving it soft rubs with her hoof. "Ugh!" He grunted. "Fine" he said as he walked out the door.

Maud proceeded to leave the office, walking through the main plaza and out the twin doors. She saw several ponies getting exercise in the fields outside the hospital. One was wall-eyed blue mare barking like a dog as she chased butterflies. The amethyst maned pony could only say in a dull monotone "Hm.. These ponies are weird.

Author's Note:

Later chapters will be a lot longer but I feel is short intro should set the stage for what I want to do.
Hope you guys go along for the ride with this silly premise.