• Published 26th Mar 2012
  • 1,552 Views, 11 Comments

The Last Dance - uz_mike222

Fleur and OC romance for all ages that is also a Oneshot/short story

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The Last Dance

The Last Dance

It was a beautiful morning in the capital city of Equestria: Canterlot. Ponies meandered from shop to shop and café to café as they walked around dressed in bright and colorful fancy suits and dresses. However, there was an egg white colored pony, with an egg yolk colored mane and tail, who wore nothing more than an old cabbies cap and facial stubble as he walked to a café. He had his quill, ink, and a stack of paper in his old brown saddlebag that used an ink bottle for a clasp. His cutie mark was a quill.

He sat down and ordered a cup of black coffee, pulling out the stack of blank paper with his quill and ink with his magic placing his bag next to his chair. He set the stuff down in a precise order once the cup of coffee, with a small bowl of cream and another small bowl filled with sugar lumps on silver dish, arrived. He poured a small amount of cream into the cup, along with a single lump of sugar, and stirred the mixture until he was satisfied. He took a sip and sighed happily as he set it down on the saucer, replacing the cup with his quill.

An hour flew by as he stared at the blank page, quill poised to write something down on it, his cup of coffee long since empty. That was the worst part of being a novelist for Scramble: not being able to come up with a fictional story for a genre he had no idea about. His writer’s block maddened him to no end, and it’s been two weeks since he came up with a story that he tried to somewhat like. He slammed his face onto the table, rattling the dishes and the ink bottle.

“Why can’t I write a story?!” he cried raising his hooves into the air, then pounding the table with his hoof with each ‘why’ he uttered thrice times, head in his leg.

He sighed heavily while leaning back and let his head drop behind the chair he sat in, letting his legs drop to his side. It hurt his neck, but he didn’t care since not being able to write hurt his brain even more. Then, an idea hit him as he looked around the street and saw nothing but couples around him. He finally found an idea worth writing a story on and it was a genre he barely knew anything about: Romance. It was unfamiliar territory and he was extremely happy to be exploring it, until something knocked him out of his chair.

Scramble was splayed out on the cobblestone, dazed as concerned unicorns talked about what they saw, one actually coming over to see if he was alright. He stood up and replaced his cap where it belonged: covering his broken horn. He saw a female unicorn with a rose white coat, pink and white colored tail and mane with turquoise eyes, gingerly removing his stuff and placing it in his bag. She moved the bag onto the ground next to him and promptly called a waiter. Her cutie mark was three fleurs-de-lis, the two on top were a light purple as the bottom one was a golden color.

“Hey! I was sitting there!” Scramble shouted, running up to her, baggy olive eyes staring into her pampered, well-kept eyes.

“This is my usual 4 O’ clock tea-time seat, and everypony knows not to sit here an hour before 4 O’ clock.”

“Well, that stinks, Miss,” he said, lifting her up and placing her on the ground, taking the seat back. “I was sitting here and finally had an idea for my story. I haven’t to written anything in the past four months, and I have a deadline to meet in the next couple of months otherwise I’m out of a job. Thank you for ruining that. Now if you please vacate my area, I need another hour to think about another idea for my story.”

“Oh, no, no, no. On the contrary, Mister, this café has reserved this table especially for moi.” The mare lifted him up and placed him back on the ground.

“I don’t see your name anywhere on this table at all miss and the waiters didn’t stop me from sitting here at all.” He picked her up and set her down in another chair at an empty table, back towards Scramble. He grabbed his saddlebag and placed his stuff back in the way he had it.

She turned to him and was about to say something to Scramble until a waiter came by and cleared his throat. “I see you have found your table, Mademoiselle, would you like your usual cup of Earl Gray tea?” he asked in his refined Canterlot voice that most ponies have. He and few of his friends were an exception.

“Please,” she said, completely oblivious of the spectacle they made and Scramble was forgotten completely by the mare.

He sighed happily and spent another hour, with another cup of coffee thinking of ways to make a romance novel, with a little bit of drama and action spliced into it, but how he was going to do it? He didn’t have enough experience in courting a mare since most of the mares in Canterlot either laughed at him while walking away or just stared at him silently, eyebrow raised until he awkwardly left their vicinity. He knew all the rejections were because of his horn being broken. It wasn’t his fault that it was because of an event that happened when he was a kid would do this to him but it happened and now he was stuck being alone, writing fictional stories while wearing a cabbie cap to hide his broken horn.

He continued to think for another half-hour until a voice cleared its throat.

There was the mare who tried to take his table, sitting across from him in the open seat, staring at him.

“Can I help you?” he asked, a curious look in his eyes and on his face while being suspicious of her.

“You can help by not staring at my back. It’s very uncouth of a unicorn to stare at another’s back, and where in Equestria did you get that hat? It’s very selcouth.” She asked taking the hat without asking.

Scramble quickly snatched it back, putting it back atop his head in its rightful spot.

“It’s an heirloom when my grandfather was alive, ok? Also, I never even once looked in your direction at all while sitting here. I’m sorry but I can help myself sometimes to not stare at a mare who thinks she’s a cut above the rest.”

The mare gasped, “How dare you not stare at Fleur de Lis! I am the most famous super model pony in all of Pony Fashion!” she exclaimed, jumping into a couple of random poses to show off her talent.

“Yeah, um, about that: I’ve never heard of you at all. Then again, I don’t follow fashion news, so if you don’t mind, I’d like to try and at least attempt to write down an idea for a romance novel, thank you.”

“How could something like you ever make it as a writer?” she asked in a very condescending way that actually stung Scramble.

“For your information Miss Fleur, I am an accomplished fictional writer who is known throughout Equestria, but I doubt you read anything more than a 500 word fashion article.” He told her, a sly smile on his. A sting for a sting.

The mare’s cheeks grew red with anger at that. She got off the chair and walked away with a ‘humph,’ nose sticking up into the air. Scramble just scoffed and packed up his things to leave also, though his head was level. He gave the waiter the money he owed, along with a tip and walked back to his apartment. With the words of the mare, that Fleur de Lis, fresh on his mind, he finally found an idea and started brainstorming his idea for the new romance story he was about to write.

The rest of the week went by for Scramble and his story. By the time the weekend rolled around, he already had three chapters written down and they were ready to be handed in to the publishing office he was contracted to. He moved away from his desk, and stretched while yawning. He rubbed his eyes and thought how hard it was to write a romance story. In the time it took him to write three chapters for this romance, he would have written about ten chapters if he was writing one of his fantasy novels that he loved to write since he could create a world based on how he wanted to create it. Sure they had love interests and the like, but it was always pushed aside for the action and suspense that was favored.

He happily laid down on the couch he had sitting up against the wall, across from his desk. He crossed his front hooves and placed them on his chest while his hat was pulled down over his eyes. He happily yawned and was about to fall asleep until a loud banging noise came from his front door. He groaned as he got up from his couch and made his way to the door. He opened it up and saw his three friends standing in front.

“What are you guys doing here?” he asked through a hoof as he tried to cover a yawn.

“Well, we wanted to ask if you wanted to go out to eat for lunch?” a blue coated male Pegasus asked as he floated above his friends pushing down his sunglasses.

Sky Dancer’s mane and tail was white with a green stripe down the middle of each. His cutie mark was a cloud with a Quaver note placed over it. He was a nice pony, but he was the exact opposite when it came to his and Scramble’s energy output. Where Scramble took his time and thought out his decisions, Sky Dancer was always on the move, never stopping to think. It got him in trouble a couple of times, but he was able to fly his way out of those situations, and always came out on top. He was the song writer of the group. He was able to write any type of classical styling and make it popular.

“That depends on which restaurant we’re going to.” He yawned again.

“Why not that new Bistro that opened up a week ago? I heard it was given 5 stars already.” Starlight piped up.

She was a unicorn who was a science fiction writer while gazing up at the stars while she writes. Her coat is a light purple, while her mane and tail are a dark gray. Her cutie mark is a five pointed star with a quill laid over it. She was the soft spoken mare of the group and usually kept quiet until somepony said something to her.

“You mean ‘Over the Hay?’” Asked Crisps; the ‘odd’ one in the group since he was able to make art with food, instead of words, pictures or music. He was unicorn who was one of the most famous chefs in Canterlot.

He was an Earth Pony worked in the castle as Celestia’s and Luna’s personal chef until he resigned from the position a year ago so he could open up a Mom and Pop diner. He was a golden yellow with a light blue mane and tail that had two red stripes running down the sides, while his cutie mark was a fork and a knife that were crossed. He was an adroit chef and could make anything.

“Yeah!”Starlight exclaimed. “That’s the one! Let’s go and try the place out!” she started to jump up and down in an excited manner which was very unnatural for her.

“I got nothing better to do so I might as well join in,” Scramble said, closing the door as he entered the hallway and locked it, placing his key under his hat.

The group made their way to the restaurant and was able to find an open table out on the patio. They were able to grab an extra set of chairs, which they didn’t know why until Sky Dancer told them that ‘Harmony and her friend are going to come join us for lunch and should arrive in the next half-hour.’

The ponies ordered theira plate of appetizers and ate while waiting for them, talking about what they did the past week, which, usually isn’t a lot for Scramble and Starlight since they devoted their time to writing. Sky Dancer and Crisp went out more often to parties and events, however, Crisp only went because his diner was the ones catering while Sky Dancer was only there to have fun and woo the girls.

“So, Scramble, what new book idea did you come up with this time?” Sky Dancer asked in tone that sounded condescending, which he probably didn’t mean.

“A romance actually,” he replied in his normal neutral tone.

The others gasped.

“So you’re actually writing a romance novel? You, who’s famous for writing fantasy novels?”

“Shocking isn’t?” He asked with a smile on his lips. “I just wanted to try something new and I thought, why not a romance. It’s a territory I barely explore more in real life than in books. It’s surprisingly difficult, however.”

“How so?” Starlight asked.

“The biggest thing for me is interest in the plot and the genre in general. Then it’s the finer points of emotions, thought process of the characters and everything else that usually go into a story, but trying to gear more towards the lovey-dovey stuff than into the action and suspense that I usually like.”

He went more in depth about the topic for a little longer, but once he finished his spiel, a throat cleared and the ponies turned to see who it was. It turned out to be their friend Neon Glitter. She was a famous Pegasus fashion model in the Canterlot circuit as well as in Baltimare. She was a bit shorter than average, but her mane and tail made up for that for their long than normal lengths. They were colored a light green with light yellow and light blue, alternating with each other. Her coat was a light red with small flakes of dark red in it that were few and far. Her cutie mark was two spotlights with a small red carpet running in between them.

“Guys, I want you to meet the most famous fashion model in all of Equestria, my friend Fleur de Lis.” Glitter said, moving aside so Fleur could step forward while posing.

“Please kill me now Celestia,” Scramble whispered as he hid his face in his arms while his friends clapped.

“Thank you for the applause everypony.” Fleur bowed. “Please introduce me to your friends Glitter.”

“Of course. The Pegasus here is Sky Dancer. He’s a musical composer in the classical arts. He created the score for Written Scroll’s famous play, The Mare and The Window.”

“That was a side job really,” Sky Dancer replied with a shrug.

“It was still a very impressive score, Mr. Sky Dancer.” Fleur said and he just shrugged again.

“That Pony there with the apron is Chef Crisp who owns the restaurant, Crisp’s Diner. It’s a little small but he gets a lot of business since he was the head chef for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

“I might actually come and try out your food,” Fleur commented.

“You probably have if you ever been to any big fashion, theater or party event since my restaurant is the one who usually caters, unfortunately.” He sighed, a depressed look on his face.

“Next,” Glitter pointed to the unicorn mare, “Is Starlight, who’s a Science Fiction writer, who also wrote a lot of books on the subjects of astronomy, cosmology, and other subjects that relates to the stars and planets. She’s also creating a makeup line which I’m going to be showcasing in the next fashion circuit.”

“That is Scramble; he’s the famous fiction writer that wrote all of the bestselling fantasy novels. His first book is still being sold today and is actually a standard reading in every school system and district. And why are you hiding your face Scramble?” Glitter asked, also curious.

“I only caught a few hours of sleep for the last three days. I was going to get sleep today away, but these three featherbrained ponies convinced me to come out here.” Lifting his head and gestured to them.

“Writing a new book, I see. What is it this time?” Glitter asked while she and Fleur took their seats.

“Going to try and write a romance novel. Luckily, I wrote down the first few chapters, which are. Each chapter is up to 20 pages, more or less. Oh and I’m going to say this right away, I remember meeting Fleur de Lis over at Café Mesa.”

“We did?” Fleur asked a bit shocked.

“Yes, we did. I distinctly remember you forcing me away from my table, we fought about , me placing you at your own table and then glaring at me because I’ve never heard of you before in my life after you finished your tea, even with Neon Glitter here as my friend.”

Fleur gasped and her eyes grew narrow. “I remember you and your selcouth hat now. You were completely rude and very uncivilized.” She turned her head away, giving Scramble the cold shoulder. He just shrugged and placed his head back into his crossed arms.

“Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask, what’s the summary of your new book Scramble?” Starlight asked, changing the topic onto something else.

He leaned back and sighed, “Um, probably your cliché, run of the mill romance with a detective as the hero. It’s not much, but I hope it at least can get the job done so I can pay my rent and be able to eat for the next six months.”

“What about all the money from your first book? Where does that go?” Crisp asked, curious.

“To the schools and their programs so they can help the foals succeed in life. Besides, I’d rather live in a one bedroom apartment and eat ‘common food’ instead of going to fancy restaurants every day. A Stallion has to know how to cook.”

“I hear that,” Crisp said, raising his hoof. “I live the same way. Sure I could have lived in a mansion, like Celestia offered, but I’d rather live in a regular Joe apartment than anywhere else while being able to cook my own food so I can experiment and come up with new dishes. For me and Scramble, it’s not about the money, but for the ponies eat my food while they read his books.” He chuckled.

The waiter arrived and took their orders. Scramble took his usual daffodil sandwich and a glass of water, while Crisp brought his own lunch and drink. Starlight ordered something plain, while being luxurious at the same time, since she wanted to pamper herself for the day. However, Fleur, Glitter and Sky Dancer all ordered the most lavish lunches on the menu.

They talked amongst themselves, but Scramble and Fleur ate quietly. For the group, none of them talked to Scramble since he liked to eat undisturbed, but for Fleur, she liked to talk to everypony at the table while eating and so, she tried to ask him a couple of questions, which he completely ignored her and continued to eat his sandwich happily.

“Don’t worry about him not answering your questions Fleur; he’s been like that since our childhood, so please don’t mind him about it.” Glitter told her friend, but Fleur didn’t like it. She didn’t touch the subject any further, though.

Scramble finished his sandwich and drank the rest of his water he had, sighing happily. He placed the four bits he owed down on the table and stood up.

“Thanks for bringing me out to lunch guys, but I’m going to go and get some sleep now.” He stretched out all four of his legs. “Later,” He walked out the patio gate the café had for eating outdoors.

He walked along the market street, looking around the different shops. He heard an indistinct yelp and turned. Nothing was there when he looked. He went back on his way, getting a suspicious felling. Scramble ducked into a restaurant and walked past the host as he lifted up the rope. He walked over to the bar and lifted up the divider, walking into the kitchen. The customers of the restaurant were perplexed, but the host told them he was an inspector, which they just nodded in acknowledgement and promptly went back to eating their meals. Scramble moved past the push doors and into the heart of any restaurant: the Kitchen.

“Ah Scramble, what brings you to my kitchen?” the head chef asked, his pudgy face showing a giant smile.

“You know how it is Whisk,” he shrugged, looking through the circular window and saw some pony walk into the restaurant. It was Fleur, which surprised him. “Stalker fan mares; make this one an exception though, she’s a super model.”

“Of course, of course. You and your fan girls, Scramble. Anyway, head out the back, me and my staff will put on a show for the lady, won’t we boys?” the chef turned to his staff, standing on his back hoofs, front legs out.

The entire kitchen staff, chef and waiters, cheered as they started to run around, preparing for everything they needed.

“You always know how to please your patrons, eh Whisk?” Scramble asked as they moved to the back door.

“You know me Scramble, I like to put on a little show every once and a while.” He kissed his hoof and extended it. He placed it back on the tile flooring and ran around the room, giving orders and instructions for both waiters and chefs.

Scramble pushed open the door and walked into the alleyway, a small smile on his face, moving around the puddles of the rain they had a day ago. It was still cloudy. He looked for the exit of the alleyway, cantering over to the open street and walked out so he could get back to his house.


Fleur walked into the restaurant that Scramble went into. The name was The Galloping Dessert, a tacky name that could only belong to a very tacky pony. She pushed open the door and walked in to the interior of the restaurant. She was amazed by how gorgeous it was on the interior, and it looked nothing like she thought it on the outside.

She walked up to the host and told him she’d like to have a table.

“I cannot allow you to do that unless you have a reservation, madam.”

“I do not need a reservation. I am Fleur de Lis, and I am a celebrity.”

“I am sorry madam, but even celebrities must have reservation to be seated. Company policy” The host said, his nose high.

“Let the girl in Monty,” a happy sounding voice said as a pudgy pony in an apron and chef’s hat walked up to them. “She’s the special guest.”

“Of course, sir,” the unicorn said, lifting up the rope and letting Fleur past.

“If you’re looking for Scramble, he’s already long gone. Don’t worry, though, he’s fine and just needs some well deserved sleep. Now, about you, come and sit!” the pudgy pony ordered by pulling a chair and forcing Fleur to sit.

“Hey! Who are you to give me orders?!” she asked, her voice slightly rose in tone, though it was still dignified.

“Why, I am the owner and head chef of this fine restaurant, along with being a dear friend of Scramble’s. Scramble asked me to give you the special treatment. You’re one of the few lucky mares to get this treatment, especially if he’s involved.” He whispered into her ear.

He backed up and clapped his hooves together. His waiters came out with push tables full of food and dessert. They wheeled them up to many different tables, but left the biggest one at Fleur’s table.

“May I have everyponies attention please?!” the owner shouted while standing on a chair one of his waiters brought him. “Today is a special day in the fact that it is the two year anniversary of this restaurant and I, head chef and owner of this fine restaurant, am feeling very humble today and would like to tell everypony here that the meals you are currently eating are free, as well as the buffet I am about to provide you. So enjoy everypony and eat until you cannot eat anymore! And don’t be shy, there will be plenty more so you can take it home too!” He shouted as every one of the patrons cheered happily to get free food.

“I do appreciate the offer of a free buffet, sir, but I have already eaten lunch and cannot eat anymore.” She said a weak smile on her face with pleading eyes.

“Nonsense!” he bellowed, laughing with a jolly expression. “Scramble asked me personally to give you all of this. You don’t want to disappoint him now, do you?”

“I guess not,” she replied meekly, head down.

“Wonderful! Eat everypony, until you cannot move at all!” he said laughing, moving away so the waiters could starting piling plates onto Fleur’s table until it was fully covered.


It took a few weeks but Scramble finished his new story. He put it together in a professional manner and made sure everything was correct while being in place. He sealed the manuscript in a giant envelope and walked out of the apartment and headed to his publisher’s office.

It was a weird few weeks for him since had been Fleur following him for a couple days a week, but he was able to lose her whenever he needed to get back to his apartment since he knew a lot of shop owners because they were either fans of his work and/or they knew him from going to school together.

He felt relieved that she wasn’t on his tail anymore, but he did want to find out why she followed him with such passion. That’ll have to wait however, since he needed to focus his mind for the task he had at hand.

Scramble nervously walked into his publisher’s office, the assistant signing different papers as she hummed.

“Ah Mr. Scramble, welcome back. You finished your new book?” The young mare asked with a smile on her face, light red eyes twinkling.

“Yup, and this is one you might even read yourself,” He said with a small smile.

“Oh? So you finally stopped writing those fantasy books?” She asked.

“For know. I thought I’d try my hoof at writing a romance. Thought it took some time to get into it, but I stuck it through and finished it. I’ll try and convince your boss to send you a copy before it goes on sale.” a confident look on his face.

“So sure about it already even though you haven’t talked to her yet, eh?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Scramble’s response was a shrug.

“Well, she’s ready for you now. Good luck with your new story.” The assistant called as he walked through the main door.

He found himself in a long hallway with many rooms, the stairwell was at the end. Scramble walked up the stairs to the second floor and made his to the back of another hallway. He knocked on the door and waited until he was called in. He walked into the spacious office and went straight for the long, curved desk, dropping the envelope onto it.

“What? No hug or a friendly hello that you would normally do, Scramble?” The publisher asked while turning in her swivel chair; she was beautiful for a mare her age.

“I’m kind of tired today so I just want to get this thing done and over with so I can get some shut eye.” He yawned, helping his point.

“Always to the point with you, Scramble. What fictional story did you come up with this time?”

“A romance/thriller,” Scramble told his publisher, taking a seat on the open chair that was right in front of her desk.

Scramble waited as she read through every page. She analyzed every detail to see if the story would pass her harsh inspection. He watched her eyes begin to water while trying to sniff them away after reading for some time. He probably guessed she was about a quarter of the way done as the tears began to flow. She wiped away the tears, setting the rest of the manuscript down onto her desk. His publisher cried openly.

“That was the most beautiful thing I have ever read.” She tried to say through the mucus and the tears. “I’ll have this made right away. Take this to my assistant and tell her it’s urgent.”

“Oh, once the book is ready for sale, could Inkwell have a preview copy, along with one of her friends?” He asked.

“Sure, just tell her it has the green light.” She wailed again.

Scramble took the slip of paper she had written while trying to wipe away the tears. He made his way down to the front of the building and walked up to his Inkwell, setting the little slip of paper onto the table.

“What’s this?” The mare asked, picking up the paper and reading. Her eyes went wide at what she read.

“I told you I’d get you that copy. Tell Miss Scroll that once the book is fully published, you and another friend can have a preview copy two days before it goes on sale. Think of it as an early birthday present.” He winked and walked outside, leaving the mare with her mouth open.

He breathed in deeply and cantered back to his apartment, a small smile on his face. It took a while since he had to go through the busiest area in Canterlot but he made it back only to find an invitation on his door. He pulled it off and read it aloud to himself.

“‘You are herby cordially invited to the Grand Galloping Gala here in the capitol city of Canterlot as a special guest of Princess Celestia. Incased is a ticket for entrance into the Gala and into the VIP section of the Gala.” He dropped the letter along with the ticket and put his head against his door, letting out a depressed sigh.

Scramble never wanted to go to the Gala since his first invitation and that was because of his first book doing magnificently well, but it was too successful for his taste. He went to the Gala a couple of times, but always left after an hour after arriving because he barely had anypony to socialize with since Crisp had to watch the food and Sky Dancer was always surrounded by people.

He tried writing a letter a couple of times a few years later, but the only thing he got was another invitation with a ticket inside. He just sighed again and went inside. He had a couple of months to get his tux cleaned and ready for the big day.

He was going to have a fun time at this next gala. At least he’ll be able to leave an hour after he arrived, which he didn’t mind since none of those ‘rich; ponies paid him no mind even though he wrote the bestselling book of all time.


Weeks passed and the big day for the Gala arrived. Scramble arrived in a basic black tux, but he wore his old cabbie hat. He walked up to the front of the castle while most of the other ponies used carriages. He glanced all over the road as ponies walked past him, not even paying him any mind. He didn’t mind if he didn’t get any attention, he was fine with that, but as soon as he entered the castle lobby, he started hearing singing outside which was completely out of the ordinary. He couldn’t hear the lyrics well, but he somehow heard something about someone coming to the Gala. He just rolled his eyes as he walked up the red carpet covered steps.

“Welcome to the Grand Galloping Gala, Scramble. Going to stay for the usual hour?” Princess Celestia asked, standing atop the steps, her mane waving in an imaginary wind.

“Of course, Princess,” he replied, bowing then shook the Princess’s hoof. “You know I’m not much of a socialite as the other ponies of Canterlot are. Why do you think I like writing books?”

The Princess giggled a little, “I understand Scramble, but I do hope you’ll at least say hi to my personal student since this her first Gala. She loved your first book when I suggested it to her.”

“I will if I am able to, Princess. I’m going to go and check on Crisp since I heard that he was catering here. It was nice to see you again Princess.” Scramble said with a bow. Celestia returned it with a nod of acknowledgement and he walked away, making his way to the ballroom.

Scramble arrived and saw Crisp lounging near the buffet table making sure everypony was getting the food they wanted in an orderly manner, his white apron crisp and clean.

“Hey Scramble! So you finally arrived huh? Better late than never, eh?” Crisp laughed in a jolly manner.

“Yeah, yeah. You know I don’t like socializing much. You’re just lucky we’re childhood friends, otherwise I wouldn’t know you right now.” He smiled slyly.

“I don’t know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult but since it’s from you, I’ll take it as the former.” Crisp laughed again, slapping his buddy on the back.

“Anyway, what’s the grub for tonight?”

“Stuff you’d never eat normally,”

“So the basically rich pony food with portions that are extremely small and are never satisfying while still leaving you hungry?” Scramble asked, raising an eyebrow.

“As usual. Anyway, you should go mingle. I think Sky Dancer is in the VIP section already hitting on some mares. I think you need to save them from him.” He laughed.

“Will do captain,” Scramble said, doing a half salute then walked over to the small area that was roped off area that had a sign hanging from the main rope that said ‘V.I.P.’ that was near the ballroom.

He walked up to a big chocolate colored stallion with a sun for a cutie mark and showed him his ticket. The unicorn inspected it and let Scramble in, handing the ticket back. He nodded and looked around. He noticed a few of the Wonderbolts that were backups who were mingling about with the other VIP’s, but his interest was with his buddy. He went over to a group of mares fawning over a blue coated pony with a white colored mane and green strip running down the middle of it.

“Hey Scramble, so you finally decided to show up to the Gala?” Sky Dancer asked with a cheeky smile on his face.

“You know I’m forced to go, even though I seriously don’t want to, but I can’t do much if the Princess is making me a special guest.” He shrugged.

“Oh right, ladies, this is my best friend Scramble. He’s a fiction writer who wrote a new book called…” he stopped, rubbing his head on trying to think of the name.

“It’s called ‘When the Leaves Fall and the Flowers Bloom,’” He finished for his friend.

“Oh my! I have read that book and I was hooked in immediately by the characters and the plot. It was simply marvelous. How did you ever come up with that riveting tale?” A mare asked. She wore a yellow flower in her mane with a matching saddle.

“I don’t even know myself half the time, to tell you the truth madam. All I know is that if some pony reads my books, even if it’s just one, I’m happy.” He chuckled. “Anyway, it seems your doing fine here by yourself Sky Dancer, I’m going to go and walk around the grounds for a bit.”

Scramble turned to go, but Sky Dancer called back.

“If you’re looking for a dance partner, you can always dance with me.” Sky Dancer said jokingly with a wink.

“Thanks, but I need a pony who does not have two left hooves to be my dance partner. Besides, you should stick with your day job and not become a professional dancer.” He laughed as he walked out of the V.I.P. section.

He walked the ground for a bit and saw a mare who wore an ensemble that was like a rancher would wear; cowboy hat and all.

He was about to go over to her after she had set up her stand but forgot he didn’t have any money on him since the food is usually free, and he wanted some real food. He just sighed a in depressing manner and walked past as she called out to him, but he ignored her. He looked back and saw Soarin, one of the more famous Wonderbolts, buying a big Apple Pie. His looked longing but he got depressed again. Well, at least Scramble ate before coming here so he wasn’t that hungry.

He kept walking and decided to go and see if Starlight was sitting around inside, listening to the small orchestra of four ponies: a pianist, a Cello player, a Sousaphone player, and a harpist. Once he made his way inside, he turned around and left since he saw a pink colored pony hopping and dancing around in a crazy manner. Scramble didn’t want in any part of it since his hat might fall off, showing his broken horn that never grew back.

He moved to the more secluded area to look at the birds and animals. He saw a yellow Pegasus wearing a spring/nature type of dress that was mostly green with small white and light blue flowers strewn about in her pink hair with light blue butterfly. She wore the same thing on her chest that was held up with a puffy cloth to make them look like leaves. He was going to say hi to the mare but she walked around, wings up, following the different birds as she tried to talk to them, completely ignoring him.

Scramble sighed since the mare was more interested in the birds and didn’t pay attention to him. He wanted to find out who she was because he was hoping to use her likeness in a new book he wanted to write, but it probably won’t work.

He walked on, going around from place to place, seemingly invisible to the other ponies. He would have stayed longer if the others actually talked to him, but they all look preoccupied and didn’t pay him mind. When he tried to insert himself into some conversations and introduced himself as the stallion who wrote ‘And here I was,’ his most successful story to date, they just laughed and called him a fake.

So he moved into the ballroom again and saw the pink pony who wore candy on her dress was sitting alone at a table, sighing heavily. Though he didn’t like the crazy types, he wanted to capture that spunk she had when she was singing. Hopefully he could come up with another story, but something tapped him on the shoulder.

“What are you doing here?” a feminine voice asked in a disappointed tone.

Scramble turned and saw it was Fleur de Lis. She wore nothing than a small saddle that probably went out of fashion long ago. Guess they were making a comeback if she’s wearing it.

“I was unfortunately invited here by the Princess herself. Told me I was a special guest and had access to everything around here.” He looked at the clock. “However, I guess I won’t be able to say hello to her student since my hour that I usually spend here is up. It was nice seeing you here Fleur, but I must take my leave.”

He tried to move past from but she put a hoof on his chest, blocking him.

“I’m sorry about my tone and the way I’ve acted towards you.” She said, sighing

“Do you mean the stalking or the hostility?” He asked one of his eyebrows raised.

“How did you know that was me?!” she asked, stepping back. Her cheeks were red with embarrassment.

“You’re not that subtle you know. You were easily detectable.” He replied with a small smile but it went away. “Anyway, my hour is up here and I think that pink pony is about to start singing.”

He moved away from the ballroom and went outside, Fleur right behind him as the pink pony began to sing that Pony Polka song he hated. They walked out onto the rounds and he saw the mare with apple stand kick out some apples. An unsuspecting stallion tripped and fell on them. She was near him, trying to help the stallion up while trying to sell him some of the products she had, but to no avail.

He avoided the mare and her stall in the hopes he wasn’t able to smell those delicious products. He found himself in the garden again and saw the mare who was chasing after the birds trying to capture the different animals by trying to pounce on them. Every attempt she made always ended in failure as she landed on her stomach. She stomped around shouting out to the animals. He turned around and walked away from the sight.

Scramble just sighed and saw things were calm in the VIP section but it was a bit crowded. He made his way over, narrowly avoiding the stall but saw Prince Blueblood with a mare, which made Scramble stop of out of surprise. That spoiled stallion who was good for nothing actually landed himself a lady? The Prince and his guest walked over to the apple stall and ordered two fritters. They both moved their heads, trying to make the other pay, but it seems the mare who ran the stall sighed and just gave the fritters to them for free.

Scramble watched the spectacle of Prince Blueblood slapping his tongue to get rid of the taste of the fritter and then had a taste breakdown. Scramble cracked up with laughter as the Prince and his guest moved over to them.

“Who dares laughs at me?” He asked with a tone of disapproval.

“The name’s Scramble and I’m a famous writer, but knowing you Prince Blueblood, You’ve never read anything more than the basic school books.” His laughter turned into chuckling.

“Oh, and how famous are you?” The mare asked in a dignified voice, eyebrow raised.

“Ever read the book called ‘And Here I Was?’” He asked, wiping a tear away as he continued to chuckle.

She gasped, “You’re the writer of that amazing tale?”

“Yeah, that’s me, and listen to this advice I have for you, miss,” he moved closer to her so he could whisper into her ear. “Get away from this oaf if I were you. He maybe Celestia’s and Luna’s nephew, but he’s as dense as a mountain and as spoiled as a two year old apple. Trust me with this.” He moved away from the mare and got a look of disapproval from Blueblood.

“I’m going to tell Aunt Celestia that you said I was as dense as a mountain and as spoiled as a two year old apple and I hope she throws you out of the Gala forever!” He exclaimed.

“You’d actually be doing me a favor if you could convince the Princess to make me not come to this place. Tried for a couple of years but was unsuccessful. All I have to say is good luck to you kid and I hope you please help me out. If that’s all, I must take my leave. Have fun you two,” Scramble said as he ran off chuckling at what Prince Blueblood did. Fleur followed closely behind.

He made his way to the front of the castle from the side and saw a long line just to say hello to the Princess and her student that made its way out the door. He made his way through the line and popped back inside the lobby proper. He moved quickly to the right, hoping that the Princess wouldn’t see him, but it was a fruitless attempt as she lifted him up with her magic and brought him over to her, setting him down in front of her student.

“And where did you think you were going?” she asked, an eyebrow raised.

“The ballroom to try and at least get something small to eat before I have to leave? I tried going in through the back way, but there were so many ponies there, it was kind of hard to.” He smiled sheepishly.

“Likely story Scramble. Anyway, Twilight, this is Scramble, he’s the stallion who wrote the book ‘And I Was Here’.”

Twilight gasped as she gladly took his hoof and shook it.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Scramble. I have read all of your books and am a huge fan of your work.”

“I appreciate it Miss Twilight, but if you both shall excuse me, my date is waiting for me.” He told them while laughing nervously.

“I didn’t know you brought a date. Why didn’t you introduce me?” Celestia asked.

“That’s because I didn’t know about bringing a date either.” He sighed. “Anyway, it was nice to meet to meet you Twilight, but I must take my leave. Oh, if your nephew comes and asks you to ban me from the Gala forever, please do.” He turned and headed back to the ballroom. Fleur followed closely behind.

Both Scramble and Fleur saw the crowded interior of the ballroom and tried to make their way to an open table. Once they Scramble waited for Fleur to say something but spoke first after a couple of minutes.

“You want to talk to me about something?” he asked seeing the nervous look in her eyes.

“But I don’t have anything to say,” she told him nervously glancing everywhere but in his direction.

“If you have nothing then I’m going to go before something bad happens.” He was going to move but a set of double opened up and the mare who ran the apple stall come out pushing a cart with a giant cake on it.

“Okay you high classed ponies, here’s a High Bloomin’ Apple Cake for all yer hoity-toity tastebuds.” She shouted as she pushed the cart closer to the stage.

Scramble had a bad feeling about it and saw the pink pony from earlier dancing on the stage. Without knowing, the pony jumped into the air yelling ‘stage dive’, making the patrons move away from her. Instead of the ponies catching her, she landed on the cart, hitting it in a way that sent the cake on top of it flying.

The ponies followed the trajectory of the cake, noticing that Prince Blueblood and his date walked in though a set of side doors. Blueblood and his date gasped as they saw the cake flying towards them. With lightning quick, and selfish, reflexes, Prince Blueblood moved his date in front of him, making her take the brunt of the cake so he could avoid being hit by it and not mess up his ‘looks.’

Every single pony in the room gasped as the mare turned around, a burning fire in her eyes. Her entire face turned a bright red and Scramble knew Prince Blueblood was going to be in trouble.

“You sir are the most un-charming prince I have ever met! The only thing that is ‘royal’ about you is that you are a royal pain!” She shouted at him and the only response the oaf could come up with just made Scramble slap his hoof against his head.

“Ew! Stay back! I just had myself groomed!” Blueblood shouted, his front hooves moving in small panicked circles.

“Afraid to get dirty?!” the mare asked in anger, quickly shaking her head back and forth to force the cake to get onto the Prince.

He stumbled back and landed on his back, hitting a statue of one of the royal princess’s. It groaned and creaked as it toppled over almost landing on top of a group of ponies. However, a fast pony flew over, catching the statue on her back, rainbow dress still billowing. She yelled in excitement at catching it, but it was short-lived as the statue made her lose her balance. She stumbled, moving the statue until it hit one of the pillars near her. It tumbled, creating a domino effect as all the pillars fell around her. Luckily she was safe once the dust cleared.

He saw the Princess and Twilight walk into the ballroom, both eyes wide. Twilight said something he couldn’t hear, but that was the least of his worries as one of the doors to the outside blew open and many different animals burst into the room, chased by the animal crazy mare.

“You’re going to love me!” she shouted in anger as the animals scattered.

Scramble and Fleur ran outside, dodging the creatures as they went. Scramble dove to the safety of the garden. He stood up and fixed his hat while brushing off the dirt of his tux. Once he was satisfied, the next thing he knew, however, was that he found himself back on the ground, Fleur standing over him. She quickly moved off of him, blushing the entire time.

He stood back up and put his hat back on since it fell off. He burst out laughing as chaos spread through the Gala because of the animals. Fleur also joined in the laughter, though it was a giggle.

Once things have settled down a bit and they were able to breath, Scramble wiped a tear from his eye.

“That was best Gala I have been to yet. They’re usually boring and everypony is so stuck up, that I only stayed for an hour.

This one was the most amazing Gala yet.”

“That was pretty fun, but it was boring without you,” Fleur told him.

“What?” Scramble asked, but was cut off as Fleur kissed him passionately.

He wanted to shout out ‘what are you doing?’ but it was impossible with Fleur’s sweet tasting lips on his.

They parted a few seconds later and she looked down, her cheeks red with embarrassment. Scramble’s was a bit less red, but he was still trying to process what just happened.

“I’m sorry; I got caught up in the excitement of what just happened. I shouldn’t have done that.” She lowered her head, looking a bit sad.

Scramble took her chin with his hoof and lifted it up.

“It’s ok, Fleur. It took me by surprise, yes, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it. You’re the first mare I kissed in a long time, and I hope we can do it again while getting to know each other over a sandwich or something? He told her, warming a smile onto her face.

“May I have this dance?” he extended a hoof to her.

“Of course,” she answered.

She took his hoof and they lifted each other up so they could stand on their back legs and began to dance the waltz as the animals ran past in the night. They looked deep into each other’s leaned in, passionately kissing each other.

Comments ( 11 )

Little bit rushed, but still entertaining in its own right.

370900 Haha, I know. I'm not good at writing short stories as much as I am writing stories with chapters in them, not to mention this is my first time ever writing a full on romance story, so there's that also. Anyway, thank you for reading my story and thank you for commenting on it.

Rushed, but was really nice, we sorta got to look into his life, his friends and possible love life, Great story :pinkiehappy:

371026 Just refer to why it seems rushed to my comment above, but I thank you for taking the time to read my short story and commenting on it.


To be honest, I'd be interested in seeing this as a multi-chapter fic. From what I've seen, it looks interesting enough.

371196 And I have to be honest with you: This story was just an experiment to see whether or not I could write out a short story with romance as the genre, and if you hadn't noticed, I used the events at the Gala from episode 26, which in itself was an experiment and was pretty tough. But in a future story I'm working on, I will definitely be referencing this one since it also uses the Main Character, along with a few members of the Mane 6.


I might just take a look at it when you post it, then.

371389You're going to have a long while before I post it.

I loved it! a little fast-paced but nonetheless really good :twilightsmile:

372954 I know it was a little fast and there wasn't much I could do without making even longer, and I didn't want to drag it out any longer. I thank you for taking the time to read my story and commenting on it.

This was pretty cute and good.

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