• Published 31st Mar 2012
  • 656 Views, 4 Comments

Leaf Of The Sky - PonyfanDG

A pony is found, but somthing isn't right...

  • ...

Angry Bunnies are Not Fun.

Beginnings Act 1

"Auuhhh..." I mumbled, holding my hoof against my face. 'Wait, hoof? Was that always there? Err, of course, right? I mean, transformation isn't possible, is it? No. Of course not.' I pondered. 'Hey, where's the light? Oh right. Eyes closed. Heh, heh...' My eyes seemed to resist as my forehead muscles pulled my eyelids up like a sunken treasure. "Urrgh..." Was was all I could manage as I stretched my limbs to their fullest extent. At first all I could see was a white blob, but my brain decided that blobs don't exist and the blob turned into the shape of a rabbit. This particular bunny had decided my blue stomach was the perfect place to sleep and seemed to be napping. "Huh." I mumbled out. Wait, blue? Was that my colour?
I didn't seem to be that before... What colour was I before? I couldn't remember! Where am I? Who am I? "WHY IS THIS SO CLICHE?" I jumped out of the couch I was on, screaming. I was on a couch? Before I could answer my question, I fell onto a small coffee table, which sent the poor rabbit flying across the room. Sadly, coffee tables usually can't take the wait of a fully grown pony, and it crumbled beneath me. "ACK!" Was the only sound that came out as I hit the wooden floor and I was out again.

When the black world I had started out in came back, I wasn't surprised. This time, I thought, 'how about I DON'T freak out.' I opened my eyes slowly, to see a very unhappy bunny. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to hurt ya." I said softly. Apparently, that wasn't the answer he was looking for and he grabbed my cheeks and stared into my eyes with a angry expression. He then pointed to an empty salad bowl then to what I presumed to be the door to the kitchen the to his open mouth. "Oh! I get it! Evil salad monsters are cooking and you want me to attack them! That or you want me to make salad as payback for waking you up... I bet its the salad monsters, right?" I said hopefully. He shook his head. "No? Okay, your hungry." I said. "But does it have to be now? I'm actually kinda hurt in several places and..." he cut me off with a kick to the head. "OW! Can't you see I'm in pain! Why would you do that!" WHUMP!

It felt like my skull shattered as his foot met my face. I slipped into the murky blackness of subconscious as a wave of pain washed through me. Suddenly, I felt as if I was falling. I grimaced as I imagined how hard I would hit the ground. 'Wait. I still can't see anything! My eyes aren't responding, so I must still be asleep! But that means I'm either dreaming, or took a blow to the spine.' Just as this realization came, my eyes opened involuntarily. 'Okay, I'm dreaming.' I was in a field, with grass and flowers alike wilted down to the ground. I suddenly could move myself around in the dreamworld place. I took this as a chance to look at myself. I wasn't sure if it was what I really looked like, but I seemed to be a Pegasus pony with a lightish blue colour. I had an orange tail and mane, and was male. 'I was male before, right?' I wondered. I then noticed a light on one side of the plain. As I slowly walked towards it, a pink butterfly flew in front of me and after circling around a few times, it headed away from the light. 'Maybe its trying to tell me something?' The thought came into my head as if it was pushed in by somepony else. I stole one last look back at the light, then followed the strange insect.

insert original screen wipe here

"Hello? Are you awake?" A small, meek voice asked. I was awake for the third or so time, this time by a creature who could apparently talk. 'I have no idea...' was what I was going to say, but it came out as "Iou nave og niaa." I heard a small squeak and a what sounded like a thump a rabbit would make if it jumped backwards. How do I know what sound it makes? No idea. I heard a small shuffling noise, and the creature responded after what seemed like hours. (its hard to tell time when you can't see anything but darkness! Speaking of which, why don't I open my eyes?) "Umm, are you okay?" it said in a very soft and quiet way. I then decided I should at least see whatever I was talking to before I said anything important. I slowly opened my eyes (Again!) and my they widened at what they saw. "THE EVIL BUNNY OF DEATH!"

(Play this for the lolz.)

I took action as soon as the shock wore off. I jumped upwards, the every fiber of protesting. As I ascended, I saw a canary yellow Pegasus flee with a squeak. I ignored the sight and came came down running. The evil rodent was stunned and didn't act in time. I headbutted it, sending it flying. It bumped of the wall, dazed. I charged again, this time hitting it to the left with my hoof. It recovered in the air, landing on its feet. It charged me this time, and delivered a powerful kick to my forehead. I winced in pain, stepping back. This caused me to trip backwards over some rubble from the table. I fell onto my back, and the menacing monster with a rabbits body kicked me right in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me. "Okay! I give! Mercy! Uncle! Stop!" It seemed content with my pleas, and hopped away into a small basket and settled down. I slowly, got onto my feet, winching in pain from the battle.

(You can stop the music now.)

I looked at myself, and gasped at what I saw. I was covered in bruises and wounds from small cuts to large gashes. I suddenly felt very weak, and fell down with a thud. I suddenly heard the sound of hoof steps and I looked to see the pegasus who woke me up. Her (I'm guessing she's a girl.) eyes widened when she saw me. She ran up to me and that's all I saw before my now fragile body failed me and I was gone.