• Published 26th Mar 2012
  • 906 Views, 5 Comments

Friendship Never Fails - cyberpeajay

Twilight discovers Elements of Disharmony. What chaos awaits Equestria?

  • ...

Chapter 3: Disharmony for all!

"Well, just teleport us outta here then like last time Twi!" Applejack insisted. Her pupils were small and she was sweating a bit.

"I can't! That magical barrier is blocking all access out!" Twilight said panicking.

Rainbow Dash looked worried, however that worry turned to anger as she flew up in the air and beamed a darting glare down at Twilight. "You just had to find these Elements of Disharmony didn't you professor egghead?!" She flew towards Twilight and stopped right in front of her and imitated Twilight mockingly, "Oh uh, the Elements of Disharmony this and that. Blah blah blah, some pony will find them blah blah blah. You should have just let them be! They were secluded here! It's a miracle even we found them!" Rainbow paused to catch her breath but kept going, "We were intentionally looking for them! How could some pony stumble across them?!" Twilight looked away with tears forming in her eyes. "Now we're trapped in here forever and it's all your fault!" Rainbow landed on the ground and threw her nose at Twilight as she trotted away to the other side of the room.

"I.. Uh." Twilight couldn't speak as she was afraid she would burst into tears if she did. She wanted to run away, but there was no where to run. Twilight simply turned away from her friends and laid down on the stone floor sulking.

Pinkie Pie wasn't so bubbly anymore and realized the seriousness of the situation. She quietly sat on her haunches and just stared at nothing. She wasn't moving.

Rarity tried to use her magic, but the barrier just blocked her abilities from passing through. "I can't believe this is how I'll be known when we eventually get discovered. 'The Dirty One.'"

Fluttershy simply sat down and did nothing much like Pinkie.

Rainbow turned her head to see all her friends in such a depressing state. It was dead silent in there, much like how it will be forever. But one thing struck her mind. "Doesn't fire need oxygen to stay lit?"

Applejack nodded, "Yes ma'am."

"Well, we've been here for a while, and with four torches lit and us breathing, shouldn't we have run out by now?" Rainbow said.

Twilight sniffled then turned her head, "You know... You're right." She said.

Rainbow was really focused on the dead silence sound, but she heard something within it. A faint whistling noise. She cocked her head and saw one of the torches flickering more wildly than the other ones. She walked up to the torch and the whistling was a tad bit more noticeable. "Hmmm."

"What is it Rainbow Dash?" Rarity questioned as she trotted over to her pegasus friend.

Rainbow put her face closer to the whistling sound and her mane was moving slightly with a small breeze. "What the?" Was all Rainbow could say. This caught the attention of all her friends as they looked over to see what she was curious about. Twilight dried her tears and walked over to the breeze with her ears down in shame still. She reacted quite differently which swung her mood completely around.

"I know why we're getting air!" She then quickly faced away from the wall and bucked the stone really hard. Without warning a small chunk of stone shattered and collapsed revealing another tunnel. "An escape route! Incase any pony got trapped in this vault like we have!" They all smiled and looked down the tunnel.

"An escape route! WOOOOOO!" Pinkie Pie said all enthusiastically again.

Applejack looked down the tunnel as well, "I gotta say! Nice catch Dash!" She winked at Rainbow and then winked at Twilight.

Rarity looked down the tunnel and noticed it was a very steep decline but she didn't care. As long as it was a way out she was happy.

They all stepped into the tunnel at the same time and before they knew it, they couldn't stop themselves from moving. Gravity was doing its job and pulled them down the steep slope and just continued sliding! They were all screaming except for Pinkie who was having a blast. Down and down they went, and soon Twilight worried they were just going to get stuck even deeper underground. The tunnel twisted and turned causing the six to sometimes bonk heads together, or against the wall. Twilight lit her horn again for light to see ahead where they were going. Rarity was getting dirt thrown in her face by the ponies in front of her and turned her head away to breathe. Twilight noticed the tunnel was getting brighter even though she wasn't illuminating more magic than before. She saw at the end of the tunnel a faint bluish light. As they got closer, the light was getting brighter.

The six were coughing and felt themselves getting hit by droplets of water from above. Fluttershy opened one eye and saw green. She opened the other and raised her head to see a bunch of wet plants surrounding her. She looked up and saw a thunderstorm. She was never this happy to see a raging storm above her. She jumped in the air and screamed "YEAAHH!" With a hoof high in the air.

The others realized where they were too and also gave a celebratory shout and grin, then looked at Fluttershy. Fluttershy finally noticed her shout and pose then quickly hid behind her mane. "I mean... Yay."

Twilight looked up and saw that they were shot out of an exit chute at the bottom of the cliff. She looked higher and saw the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters way up at the top. Looking slightly right she saw the broken bridge where they had that incident with Applejack. Peering her head down was the blackness of the canal ahead of them.

Rainbow Dash walked over to Twilight with her head hung low and her ears back. She looked up at Twilight with sorrowful eyes. "Twilight...I just wanted to appol-"

Twilight put a hoof over Rainbow's mouth. "I forgive you Rainbow." Twilight softened her expression a bit. "I was angry at myself too. I deserved everything you said, but everything turned out alright didn't it?" Rainbow raised her head and gave Twilight a smile, then a hug.

Fluttershy raised the awkward meter with an "Awwww." Rainbow and Twilight opened their eyes quickly and ended the hug retracting fast. Twilight looked away and rubbed the back of her head with a hoof.

"So we good?" Asked Rainbow.


"Uh gals, since we found the Elements of Disharmony and all, and now they're loose, what do ya'll suppose they're doin'?" Asked Applejack.

"Well they have our memories and knowledge supposedly." Twilight said responded to her orange friend not looking at her, but rather the night storm above them. She then faced Applejack. "Whatever it is, it'll be..." She gulped remembering her book, "Catastrophic." Her pupils got tiny just thinking about that.

"Well we must stop them!" Rarity yelled out behind them.

"How do we do that? Should we assault them with cake 'till those meanie weenies leave?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"No Pinkie." Twilight's expression changed to a commanding one then turned to face her friends. "We use the Elements of Harmony!"


(In the rest of this chapter, all mane six characters are the COPIED disharmonic versions of themselves.)

"What's say we have a little fun with these new costumes?" Asked Rarity. "You know, before they've served their purpose."

"Ah agree with 'Rarity'" Applejack said putting the emphases on her name. They all laughed and were nearing the outer edge of the Everfree forest.

"All right then ladies, lets have a little fun. Since we know their knowledge and memories, lets abuse this privilege and meet up at the library later." Twilight said, who was the obvious leader of the group. The leader of the Ponytact's was the large unicorn, the beast was now a copied Twilight.

"Time to ruffle some feathers!" Yelled Rainbow Dash.

The Group charged off towards Ponyville to cause havoc.


It was now mid afternoon. It was a perfect day. It was warm and sunny with just an odd white cloud floating here and there.

Applebloom was busy helping Big Macintosh make apple juice. It was easy. Applebloom would squash an apple over a strainer, and the juice would drop into a barrel. Big Mac would lid and stack them inside a barn.

Applebloom wiped the sweat from her brow and noticed a figure in the distance. "Applejack!" She squealed and ran up to her sister. She gave Applejack a big hug. "Where were you sis?! We were worried 'bout ya!"

"Out of mah way Applebloom." Applejack pushed Applebloom off to the side and trotted up to the barrels of apple juice. Applebloom just got a little teary. Applejack had never wanted her out of the way, especially if they haven't seen each other in a while. Applejack looked at the barrel, then at Big Mac. She had a puzzled look on her face. "You make this here juice?" She asked.

"Eeyup." He responded.

Applejack opened a barrel and looked inside. "Well I gotta say, this is the worst looking juice I'd ever seen in all mah life!" Big Mac dropped the hay straw out of his mouth in surprise. "Take it from me Macky, I wouldn't drink this if mah life depended on it." She stomped a hoof to the ground. "Good gravy..." She looked over to see Applebloom.

"Why... What... What'd we do wrong?" She asked in disappointment.

"What did you do wrong? What didn't you do wrong is what you should be askin'." Applejack looked back at the barrel.

"We, *sniff* we did our best." Applebloom looked at the ground where a tear fell. She looked away trying to stay strong.

Applejack shook her head. "Disgraceful sis. I'm truly disappointed. What a waste of apples. Thanks a lot!" Applejack was walking away with a sinister smile on her face that no pony could see. She quickly trotted back and snorted at her siblings. "Pitiful ya'll." She then bucked a barrel on the bottom of a pile which caused a bunch of barrels to fall and smash apart, spilling all the apple juice, and ruining Applebloom's and Big Mac's efforts. She then walked back to the house-barn smiling.

Applebloom plopped down on the ground instantly and started crying. Big Mac came over and comforted her while shooting her supposed sister a glare. What was Applejack's problem? She had never snapped at her sister before, no matter what the mistake was. However Big Mac knew this juice was just perfect, and Applejack destroyed it. He wasn't upset for the fact that the juice was gone, but that his youngest sister was excited about helping all week, and she poured her heart and soul into this. Applejack wasn't even grateful for her sisters help. Instead she seemed to be the complete opposite.

Big Mac galloped towards Applejack and stopped in front of her with a look of determination. "Nnope!" He said rather angrily.

Applejack just turned around and bucked him straight into the side of the house without even changing the normal looking expression on her face. "Looks like you have injured ribs again brother!" Applejack said and walked into the house laughing. Applebloom ran over to Big Mac wiping away the last of her tears.

"Big Mac! Oh my gosh are you alright?" She said concerned.

Big Mac just laid there with a grimace and groaned, "Nnnope."


Rarity turned and bucked her door open to the Carousel Boutique. "Rarity! You left me all alone for a really long time! I'm hungry!" Sweetie Belle squeaked at her sister while coming down stairs looking rather annoyed. Her stomach growled and she held it. "I haven't been able to reach anything in here."

Rarity shot a glare at her sister. "Well maybe you should learn to use your magic pip-squeak!" Rarity yelled. Sweetie shrunk in place as Rarity walked up towering over the little filly. "Now get ready. We're going sapphire hunting." She gave a nonchalant wave of her hoof to tell Sweetie Belle to get ready. She got a small bag and carried it in her mouth. Rarity looked at the bag and ripped it from Sweetie's grasp and stomped on it with a hoof. "Do you honestly think this thing will be enough?" Rarity said. She magically got a bag the size of the entirety of herself and flung it over Sweetie Belle. "We'll be filling this one up."

Sweetie poked her head out from under the bag as it was the size of a blanket compared to her. "We need to fill THIS huge bag with rare sapphires?!" Sweetie cried.

"...Yep!" Rarity said. "Now here's the deal my dear sister, I find the sapphires, you dig them and carry them in that bag, then I make you something to eat when we're finished."

"When we're finished?!" Sweetie blurted and jumped out from under the bag. "I'm hungry now! This bag will take forever to fill!" She yelled and lifted a corner of the bag with a hoof looking at it quite angrily.

"Well we best get started then?" Rarity asked rhetorically.

Sweetie sat there with her mouth agape. Was she really supposed to fill this whole bag before getting food?

Rarity was heading out the door and called back. "Sweetie Belle! Get over here right now and do as your big sister commands!" She pointed a hoof out the door with her eyes closed.

Sweetie was flustered, but did as she was told. She put the big bag in her mouth, dragging it as she walked out the door. Rarity closed the door and locked it. They both knew where to find sapphires and were heading in that general direction.

Sweetie saw an apple on the ground and felt instant happiness. She let go of the bag and ran for the apple. She picked it up in her hoof ready to take a bite when Rarity swatted it out of her hoof and stepped on it, squashing the apple into mush. She put on a thin smile and looked down at Sweetie Belle. "No." Is all Rarity simply said and handed the bag back to Sweetie to put in her mouth. "We're not done yet Sweetie. Oh why, we haven't even begun!" She started to trot towards her destination again. Sweetie was already starting to feel weak, and had no idea why her sister would deprive her of one of natures natural and most simplistic needs.

While walking down the path she saw Scootaloo walking the opposite way and they greeted each other excitingly, well, at least Scootaloo did. "Hey Sweetie Belle!" She said enthusiastically.

"Hi." Was all Sweetie could muster.

"Hey Sweetie, What's with the bag?" Asked Scootlaoo.

"I'm filling this up with sapphires for my sister..." She started to tear up and looked over secretly to see that Rarity was far enough away not to hear her. Sweetie whispered in Scootaloo's ear while looking at Rarity. "You need to help me! Bring me some food! I haven't eaten all day and Rarity won't let me eat until this bag is filled which will takes hours!"

Scootaloo's face immediately changed from happy to concerned. She also looked to Rarity and noticed she was standing a ways away not looking at the filly friends. She whispered back to Sweetie Belle. "What?! That's awful!" She continued looking at Rarity. "No pony should have to go through this. This is just slavery!" She darted her eyes back and forth. "Come with me to my place. We'll take care of you there and you can hide there until your big sister comes to her senses."

Just then a flash of blue light appeared around Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, teleporting them right in front of Rarity. "You're so thoughtful little sis!" Rarity said rather mellow-dramatically and looking at Scootaloo. "It's so nice that you convinced your friend to help too!"

Scootaloo flinched and looked at Sweetie then back at Rarity with small pupils. "What?! I never agreed to-"

Rarity cut her off. "I said, it's nice you convinced your friend to help too." She said between gritted teeth.


Rainbow Dash was flying full speed towards the sky. However a voice calling out to her stopped her in mid-flight. "Rainbow Dash!" Yelled an ill mannered mayor. Her eyebrows slanted downwards indicating she was upset. Rainbow Dash came down to see her at eye level. "Whatever happened to that rain storm you were supposed to create this morning? It was your job!"

Rainbow Dash closed her wings as she landed on the ground. "Look, I can do it now." Rainbow said.

"You can't just do them whenever you feel like. Your job is scheduled!" Said the mayor.

"I said I'll do it!" Snapped Rainbow without hesitation.

The mayor just stepped back a bit. "Well uh, make it snappy then." She said more calmly. She was not used to being yelled at.

Rainbow unfurled her wings and flew off towards the sky at full speed talking to herself. "You want a rain storm? You got it." She said with much determination. She gathered loose clouds and plumped them all together. With each cloud she added, the storm cloud grew bigger and darker. Rainbow grinned sinisterly as her creation was beginning to reach dangerous levels. Rainbow kicked it, and it spread throughout the sky with ease.

Thunder was beginning to rumble and Rainbow looked at the cloud one last time before darting off. "Here's your rain storm!" She bucked the cloud as hard as she could and flew upwards to a safe distance from the storm. Thunder and lightning were flashing and banging everywhere at a fairly constant rate. Then, a downpour of rain came flooding from the sky. Within seconds everything was soaked and small puddles already began to form.

Rainbow Dash then flew back down and punctured a hole in the cloud which automatically filled itself again. She flew under a nearby shelter and landed next to the mayor. "Stormy enough for ya?" She asked sarcastically.

"Tone down the intensity at once!" The mayor commanded.

"Why? Afraid you'll get wet?" Rainbow Dash teased before bolting out of there. The mayor just had her mouth hanging open as she didn't understand why Rainbow would do this all on purpose.

A bolt of lightning came down and struck a nearby tree causing it to catch fire. However the downpour of rain dowsed the flames immediately. A few more trees were hit and had the same effect. The rain quickly created large puddles and small streams of water to run down the streets.

Rainbow looked back at the cloud hovering over Ponyville and just smiled while patting herself on the back.


Pinkie Pie came running into Sugar Cube Corner desperate to get out of the rain as quickly as she could. She shook when she got inside getting her surroundings wet.

"Boy it's a doozy outside." Said Mr. Cake to Pinkie.

"Duh." Said Pinkie as she walked over to the counter.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake looked at each other and just shrugged. Mrs. Cake walked towards Pinkie. "Pinkie, you wouldn't mind creating the rest of the orders tonight would you?"

Mr. Cake stepped up. "We have to deliver our orders today, and with the rain it'll take longer than normal since we have to protect them." Said Mr. Cake and pointed towards a few delicious looking trays of desserts covered by a tarp.

"Oh I sure can! You can count on me!" Pinkie said trying to sound as convincing as ever. She walked behind the counter and gave the Cakes a silly salute.

When the Cakes had left, Pinkie rubbed her hooves together and looked down at the different cakes behind the display case. "You're mine now." She said as she ate the cakes one by one. "Wow! Eating something in over a thousand years sure makes the food taste that much better!" She figured she still had a good amount of time until the Cakes came back.

"Alright lets see..." Pinkie said taking out the order sheet. She noticed she had to bake three more cakes by tonight. "Hmm, I could just not do them but where's the fun in that?" She asked herself. Then she had a great idea.

Pinkie was creating a nice chocolate cake and it looked absolutely wonderful. It was a double stacked cake covered in chocolate icing and had some candies stuck to it. Pinkie then walked over to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and took out some ear medicine. "I just wish I could see them taste it!" She said excitedly and trotted over to the chocolate cake just sitting there. She popped off the cap to the medicine and slowly tilted the bottle downwards until a little bit of drops fell onto the cake. She spread the medicine throughout the cake evenly and looked proudly at her handy work. "That's one baked bad." She gleefully scurried away.

"Nurse Red Heart will have her hooves full tonight." She exclaimed. "Alright! Onto the next order!"


Fluttershy was in her cottage and all the animals were fed. Angel hopped over and pointed to his food dish again noticing Fluttershy forgot to put food in there. "Oops. Let me put some food in there for you pal."

Angel closed his eyes and stood happily next to dish awaiting his fill. Just then a loud thud was made and Angel looked to see what was dropped in his dish. His eyes watered and ears drooped. He shook his head and had an angry scowl on his face again. He picked up an old rotten flimsy carrot with mold growing on it and threw it on the ground forcefully.

"What's the matter? Don't like it?" Fluttershy said with an evil grin. "Well then starve tonight."

Angel had a shocked look on his face and then looked back down at the carrot. Fluttershy simply snickered to herself and then opened the door. Angel knew something was up. Usually Fluttershy wouldn't be so cruel and she was scared of lightning storms, but she simply took off without a care in the world.

"Now to go talk to Fluttershy's old teacher, Mrs. Cotton Cloud." She said as she flew above the storm cloud towards her old city, Cloudsdale.

After a few minutes of flying at a quicker pace than usual she arrived at her destination. "Oh right, I also needed a new mug. Might as well get that since I'm here." Fluttershy landed on a cloud and walked towards a nearby souvenir shop. She looked around for a bit inside the store and noticed there was an abundance of items. From Clocks to watches and spoons to mugs, however she never saw a 'Junior Speedsters Flight Camp' mug.

"Excuse me." Fluttershy got the attention of the clerk. "Where's the Junior Speedsters Flight Camp cups?"

"What?" The clerk was taken back, "You can't buy those, you earn them by passing that certain camp class."

Fluttershy's expression turned to anger. "Oh of course!" She shouted rather quietly. She huffed and left the store, but as she was halfway out the door she whipped her tail at a plain white mug which fell off a shelf and through the cloud floor to the grassy ground. Before the store clerk could do anything, Fluttershy had taken off and disappeared.

A little while later Fluttershy arrived at her old flight camp. This brought up so many memories, however she knew those memories weren't exactly hers but she digressed. Walking into the camp building was a taste of nostalgia as things haven't really changed in the surroundings. She walked around a bit and eventually came to a door that had the label of 'Mrs. Cotton Cloud'. She grinned mischievously.

She entered her old teachers room and noticed an old frail pegasus pony marking sheets of paper. The teacher looked elderly, almost as old as Granny Smith but was pure white in color. She had Orange eyes and a picture of a cumulus cloud cutie mark. She stopped marking and tilted her head to left noticing a figure standing beside her.

"Is that? No it can't be..." She sat there pondering with a hoof on her chin.

"Fluttershy." The yellow pegasus simply said.

"Oh my Fluttershy it's been so long! How are you?" She said standing up rather shakily but had a big smile on her face.

"Oh I've been fine... Wow Mrs. Cotton Cloud, you sure look old." Fluttershy stated. The teachers smile remained.

"Yes haha, I've aged a few since we last saw each other." Fluttershy was about to say something but Mrs. Cotton Cloud interrupted her, "I'm so glad my past students still remember me. It's quite the gesture to come all this way to see me." Fluttershy was about to say something again but the same altercation happened. "I honestly didn't think any pony would remember me. But enough of my moment, what are you up to nowadays my dear?"

Fluttershy waited a few seconds in case she got cut off again and began to speak when she felt it was fine. "I help sick animals and unlike a lot of pegasi, I live near the ground." She then looked right at her teacher. "So any pony fail flight camp? If I recall you were a pretty bad teacher." Fluttershy was laughing inside at her insults. But to her shock this didn't seem to bother the teacher in the slightest.

"Yeah I wasn't exactly the best teacher a pony could have, but I've improved." She kept looking at Fluttershy with a smile. "You see, the older you get the more mistakes you make. However a pony learns from mistakes and gets better and better at whatever they've been doing for a while. So my teaching abilities have improved since you were my student."

Fluttershy stood there looking puzzled and was getting angry. Why couldn't she break her teachers spirits with these insults she was throwing at her? "Well I don't really notice a difference. You just look like an old pegasus who should have left the game years ago."

Mrs. Cotton Cloud winked and returned grading her papers. "Never give up my dear. This is something I love to do. Helping little fillies and colts fly just brightens my day."

Fluttershy just groaned loudly and left the room, unsatisfied that things didn't go exactly as planned. "Come back anytime Fluttershy!" Was all she heard as she trotted down the hallway frustrated.

"Am I rusty after being a statue for over a millennium?" She asked herself as she snatched an apple out of a young fillies hoof, took one bite then threw it away.

"Hey!" The filly yelled at Fluttershy as she kept trotting away and taking off in flight not even caring about the young filly whose apple she just wasted.

"Nah, she's just a senile old lady." She concluded to herself and flew back towards Ponyville.


Spike was lounging in a chair with his head resting in one of his palms. He was finished his daily chores and had no mess of Twilight's to clean up since she had been gone since yesterday evening. Just as he was dozing off Twilight magically opened the door and walked in with her eyes half closed and a smug look to her face. She then slammed the door closed causing the baby dragon to open his eyes wide.

"Twilight you're okay!" Spike said giving his mentor a hug around Twilight's neck. Twilight pushed Spike back.

"You know Spike, I've had it up to here with you." Twilight said raising a hoof in the air.

Spike broke the hug and looked back at Twilight looking confused and shocked at the same time. "Wha... What do you mean Twi?" He stepped back giving some personal space.

"Well for starters you always complain when you have to pick up books and do chores, and this thing you have going on with Rarity is just... Weird." She said walking in no particular location.

Spike stood there not expecting a lecture as soon Twilight returned home from her trip. Especially one completely random as this.

"Now clean up those books!" Twilight turned her head towards Spike.

Spike looked around, "Uh, what books Twi?" He asked since the place was spick and span.

"Those ones!" She pointed a hoof to the corner and magically lifted all the books off of a shelf and dropped them to the floor in a tussle. "Make it snappy Spike, I'm expecting company in a bit."

"What?" Spike laughed. "Oh I see what you're doing Twilight, you had me going there with this whole 'acting tough' persona." Spike pumped out his chest when he said that.

Twilight walked over to Spike and magically lifted him in the air so he was face-to-face with her. "Clean up those books or you're in big trouble mister." She said between gritted teeth.

Spike's happy smile was replaced by a look of terror. He's never seen Twilight so angry over reasons unknown. The magic ceased and he was dropped to the floor with a thump. Spike got up and dusted himself off. He slowly walked over to the pile of books and sighed with his head hanging.

"You see Spike?" Twilight said to her assistant. "You always complain about this sort of thing." She looked on as Spike didn't respond and was picking up a pile of books. "Fine, now you have to clean this." She unloaded another shelf beside Spike and another pile of books fell to the floor.

Spike dropped the books he was holding and spun around to look at Twilight across the room. "You know what Twi? I'm not cleaning any of this!" He yelled back at Twilight. This was the first time he's actually felt extremely angry directly towards her.

Twilight just scoffed and unloaded another shelf full of books. She pointed towards the pile in a grumble manner without saying a word. "Clean it up!" Spike just stood there with a lame look on his face. "Fine, be that way. This is not the Spike I know and love. In fact, I don't love you at all Spike."

Spike's angry emotion was gone instantly. He felt his heart sink in his chest and started to tear up. He marched upstairs and out of Twilight's view. With a crack of lightning the entire tree house went dark and silent. A small flickering lantern gave off its presents in the upstairs room. Spike came down with it in hand, and holding a bag that was closed in another hand.

"What's the meaning of this?" Twilight asked. "You still haven't picked up those books!" She yelled in his face with dilated pupils.

Spike walked around her and headed towards the door. He stopped there and turned around. "I'm leaving Twilight. If you're going to act this way and treat me with no respect or as a butler, then I have no reason to be here." He opened the door.

Twilight got even angrier at her little dragon ex-assistant. "Fine! Leave! See if I care!" She made a shooing motion at Spike.

Spike sighed, "Goodbye Twi, I'll be back when you aren't being so disrespectful." With that, he walked outside with a heavy heart into the cold stormy dismal Ponyville streets and closed the door.

Twilight could see him walking down the street getting soaked. Spike looked back at the tree house one last time, and turned his back towards it, walking away in the muddy streets. When Spike walked around the corner and was out of sight from his former home, he broke down in tears and sat against a houses exterior. He had his hands in his face and was sobbing uncontrollably. He raised his head and noticed the streets were completely empty do to the fact that the storms intensity was still raging on. Looking up he saw random pegasi trying to break apart the storm, but it was just too strong. Spike looked back down to the ground not caring if he was getting drenched. He felt nothing but emotional pain right now. "How could she not love me at all?"

Back in the library Twilight was looking out the window. She turned around with a grin on her face. Walking up to a lantern she lit with no effort from her horn. She sat there waiting for the rest of her clan to meet up with her.


It was dark outside now and nearly midnight. The storm that Rainbow Dash created had finally dissipated and cleared up. The night sky was pitch black with the exception of Luna's star spotted universe and moon illuminating as the only light source in all the land. It was completely silent out now since most ponies were in a deep sleep. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy all arrived at Twilight's library at pretty much the same time and they all stood in her living room.

"So, every pony have fun today?" Twilight asked her fellow clan members.

They all nodded and smiled. Rarity gave a grin and bragged that she made her sister and her sisters friend work for her throughout the day. "Then, they both ran off!" Rarity finished her story and they all laughed.

"Yeah I was pretty rough with my 'family' too!" Applejack proudly stated. "Why, I wouldn't doubt they all hate Applejack now." They all laughed again.

"A little while earlier Pinkie was fired from Sugar Cube Corner!" Pinkie stepped in. "Purposely sabotaging peoples orders and admitting them to the hospital." Pinkie rubbed her hooves together devilishly.

"Fluttershy better not go to a certain store in Cloudsdale." The yellow pegasus spoke. "I just don't really understand her old teacher though."

"I think you all know what I caused!" Rainbow Dash blurted and pointed a hoof outside. They all nodded.

"Great work every pony." Twilight said. "I managed to get Spike out of here and out of Twilight's life! Playing the family love card always works." She said closing her eyes standing up tall. "But now that our families are questioning our actions, I say we have the general public do the same." The group stood there listening to their leader intently. "We have to do something... Something big." She stood there thinking for a while. "Oh lets just do what we normally do. Vandalize and destroy."

"Sounds good tah me." Applejack said. The rest agreed and nodded.

"Then lets do it..." Twilight said, and lead her group out the door and into the empty, dark, damp streets. "Oh wait! I have to get something first." Twilight walked into her library for a few seconds and returned with a saddlebag.

"What's in the bag?" Asked Rarity.

"Just a few important objects." Replied Twilight.