• Published 2nd Mar 2014
  • 433 Views, 0 Comments

Tornado Destroyer of Worlds - timeblitz

Tornado and her son have lost everything and now they have to survive on the streets of Manehatten.

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Chapter 2 The First Flight

Chapter 2 The First Flight

Tornado stepped out on to the mushy water soaked ground. Miss Penniesworth had just left for work and the rain had stopped a few hours ago. It was the perfect time for a flying lesson. Whirlwind jumped off his mothers back excitedly, he get get it right this time for sure! He had been practicing.

"Okay. The first step in flying is to get that running start." Tornado said "Of course once your wings get stronger it won't be necessary.". "I know mom. You told me last time." Whirlwind replied with a sarcastic tone.

He took a few steps back then started to run as fast as he could. His hooves sunk into the muddy ground but he didn't care. Not if it helped him to fly. After a few yards Whirlwind's outstretched wings started to flap. He jumped off the ground and hovered close to the earth for a few minutes before his wings failed him. He fell to the ground and lay there for a while huffing and puffing from exhaust. He slowly stood up and looked to his mother.

What he saw was a proud look along with an encouraging nod. He had flown for a few seconds before crashing to earth. Still, he had done it! Even if it was a short run.

His mother trotted over and nudged him onto her back. Today they wouldn't scavenge or hunt or whatever ponies called it. Instead they would celebrate Whirlwind's little flight. She flew him up to their camp then tucked him into his sleeping space. The young Pegasus didn't resist, instead nestled into the blankets and fell asleep from exhaustion.

Tornado went down into Miss Penniesworth's kitchen. Even though the attic was blocked off from the rest of the house Tornado knew where the spare key was. She unlocked the door then went inside. Once in she took a few canned goods she knew wouldn't be missed and a package of cookies. Chocolate drizzled hay-nut cookies.

Tornado was quiet found of these kind. She remembered her mother making these all the time. They held sentimental value to her.

As a filly Tornado had few friends. She didn't need them though, she was too busy being clumsy. In fact her cutie mark was a tornado for being so good at taking things apart. She had gotten it after taking apart her mother's favorite bag. She had found the thread remover from her mom's sewing kit along with a pair of scissors. Tornado was lucky she had taken it apart so neatly. her mother could sew it back to get her. After lecturing her on asking permission she had baked cookies to celebrate her cutie mark.

Tornado stepped outside locking the door behind her. She put the key back under the garden gnome. She flew back to her son and started making their supper of celery soup. She had taken this soup earlier and was now adding some old seasonings she had found in the back of the cupboard.

Whirlwind felt someone nudging his side. He slowly opened his eyes and got up. It was his mother and supper was done. She handed him a bowl of celery soup. This was one of his favorite of the limited soups they could obtain. He slowly drained the bowl enjoying every slurp.

After Whirlwind finished his bowl he took it over to a big bucket full of water. This was for washing the dishes and other things that may need to be cleaned. He picked up an old grimy sponge he had found awhile back. He started to scrub this and last nights bowls. He dried them all off then put them away.

His mother had started up the lantern and was holding something behind his back. When he sat down she handed him a weird round crumbly thing. It was drizzled in what he knew was chocolate and smelled delicious.

"It's a cookie!" Tornado said happily. "Go on, take a bite." Whirlwind took a small nibble of the treat. His eyes widened and he took a larger chomp. "I got these to celebrate your first flight." she said grinning as Whirlwind finished his cookie. She handed him another one saying it would be his last for awhile.

After their cookie filled moment Whirlwind let out a big yawn. Tornado tucked him into his pile of blankets and said good night.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony, thanks for checking out my first story. I would like to thank Brilliant Bubbles for giving me inspiration to write this. Second I would like to thank you for reading it. It means a lot to me that ponies would actually check it out. Feel free to point out any mistakes and what you thought. ^^ -TimeBlitz