• Published 26th Mar 2014
  • 983 Views, 19 Comments

Voyage of Peace - Blueninetails

While investigating the magic behind the enchanted comic book, Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Fluttershy are thrown into an adventure not meant for them to retrieve an artifact.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Even through the confusion and concern the group had, and Rainbow's insistence to test the jail door's strength for hours, they did manage to get a good night's rest. By mid-morning the next day more guards had arrived and bound all eight to one another by their ankles again, before promptly leading them to the courthouse.

Ever since the explanation from Azure and Rose, bits and pieces of what they considered to be 'memory' started to return to them, which backed up their earlier explanation. Through the whole morning, up until they arrived at the courthouse, Twilight had preoccupied herself making sure her assumption really was true, that they were in a book. While she never fully completed the book, preferring a more scholarly book at the time, what she could remember did seem to match perfectly with what was currently happening to them. Plus, the seemingly 'regained' memory of specific island locations she had never known in Equestria and events backed this theory.

Right now, they were all seated in front of a semi-circular podium that was elevated slightly above the height of their heads, and had an open doorway behind it. Behind them sat a few ponies that looked to be very important, probably other government officials that have decided to watch the trial, and on either side of the courthouse were several guards that were posted in case they tried anything.

"Twilight, um..., I know you already told us this, and I'm so sorry for asking..., but are you sure we're in the book Discord was reading?" Fluttershy whispered to her as they waited for the hearing.

"It's okay Fluttershy. I'm not completely sure, but I am quite certain we must be in that book." Twilight whispered back, "It's the only logical explanation I can think of right now. While I've never fully finished reading the book, I do recall something about a trial at the start of it, as well as it containing pirates."

"Not to mention it was probably the only pirate book that you didn't have shelved at the time." Rainbow whispered in a dull tone.

"It'll take some time, but maybe I can try to cast the spell again later, see if that'll remove us from the story. For the time being, we better just follow along with the story."

"So much for not having another adventure, eh Twilight?" Rainbow remarked with a smirk.

"Silence. You now stand trial for the severe crime you have committed to our fair city and its citizens. Proceeding over your trial will be the Grand Council of Sapphire Port." The guard nearest to them quieted them before turning to the courtroom. "Everypony rise."

Everypony did as they were told and got up, as the guard who had told them to do so hit the ground with the blunt end of his staff.

"Presenting the Grand Council. Lady Crystal Wings, Councilmare Gleaming Star, Councilmare Aurora Light, Grand Counselor Accordant Conduct, and Lady Amethyst." he announced, each member of the council coming out as their names were announced before taking their respective seats at the podium.

Pinkie, Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy couldn't believe their eyes as each of the members came out and took their seats. In order of arrival, each looked to be Chrysalis, Luna, Celestia, Discord, and Cadence to an amazing degree, minus their usual accessories. Instead, each wore an outfit that was befitting of the supposed time period as each, except Accordant, wore a dress that complimented their coat and mane colors and were clearly on par with some of the best dressmakers in Canterlot. Acordant was wearing a regal looking coat complete with monocle and lace jabot.

Accordant was the most interesting to the group as the others seemed almost to be expected, but his was completely the opposite of what they were use to. The outfit made him look very prim and proper, a truly upstanding citizen of society, and chaos being the last thing on his mind.

Everyone remained silent for a brief moment as council got comfortable, as well go back to sitting as well, then Counselor Accordant spoke as he adjusted his monocle, "The judgement of Captain Pinkie and her crew of seafaring pirates has now begun."

"You eight stand before us, the Grand Council of Sapphire Port, to answer to the crime of stealing one of our city's most prized artifact, the Stone of Peace." Aurora Light stated in a firm and serious voice, "What do you have to say for yourselves?"

"This is ridiculous! We didn't steal anything from you, much less some rock!" Rainbow exclaimed

"LIES!" a stallion behind them shouted in anger, "Who else other than a pirate would have the audacity to steal such an artifact?!"

"Settle down, both of you." Aurora stated as she stomped her hoof a few times just loud enough for them to hear, "This is to be a fair trial, they are allowed an attempt to prove themselves innocent."

"Honorable councilmare, surely you jest?!" he exclaimed in disbelief, "What about the evidence that two of them had been seen near the central tower the previous night?"

"Calm yourself and be allowed to stay, or leave and continue you're incessant ranting. Make your choice." Gleaming Star warned the stallion, who begrudgingly complied and seated himself again.

"Members of the Grand Council, I ask what is this so called 'evidence' he stated?" Azure asked, "We were nowhere near the city's center at all the previous night."

"The evidence is that many of our citizens had claimed to have spotted your crew mates, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, at the tower. The assailed guards whom Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash incapacitated at the tower also confirmed this."

"That's not possible." Twilight rang in, "I was on board our ship taking inventory of our supplies, and Rainbow was on board as well."

"I was?" Rainbow whispered with a curious glance.

"It's what this character remembers. Just go with it." she whispered back, before looking back at the council, "As Azure pointed, neither one of us were near the center of the city, much less near the towers."

Rainbow actually thought about what she just heard, focusing hard to remember if that was actually true; and, to her surprise she actually did vaguely remember something. She recalled several barrels of apples, something about a telescope, and...cider, she definitely remembered something regarding apple cider.

"The evidence states otherwise." Gleaming Star remarked, as Aurora gestured for a guard to project an image to them. The image being what he had seen two nights ago.

It was somewhat fuzzy, probably an effect of not having enough magical energy, but it showed a relatively dark scene, the only thing bright enough to see was the light of the moon shining off something gold, presumably the tops of the towers. Dead center in the image was a silhouette that did actually appear to look like Twilight.

"This is what the guard had seen two nights ago. He was one of the guards present during the attack."

"W-well, what about Rainbow Dash? That image only shows it could possibly be me, it doesn't prove Rainbow of anything."

"The evidence that stacks upon her was obtained by asking any of the ponies that were able to see the incident from the ground." Crystal Wings replied.

"Each pony we've asked, noted, other than faint purple flashes of light, a pegasus was seen flying around at high speeds was also fighting off the guards." Aurora further explained, "Some had described this pegasus to appear to be merely a blur. A pegasus flying so fast it could only match Rainbow Dash."

"That doesn't seem very viable. I mean who's to say it's her?"

"Uh, I do." Rainbow replied, "Like there's a pegasus alive who's fa-Oof!"

Twilight interrupted her by elbowing the pegasus hard enough to cause pain. Twilight, Rose, Azure, and Pinkie then shot the pegasus a look saying not to argue.

Rainbow was gonna complain about being elbowed in the gut, but then quickly realized what she was gonna say and looked up at the council members, who seemed to be deliberating.

"If I may argue, the evidence seems to be rather weak. A fuzzy image from the mind of a guard who was probably hit hard enough to damage his brain, and the assumption that a fast flying pegasus is Rainbow doesn't seem to be a very strong argument." Azure reasoned

"You're right, it isn't much of a strong argument." Aurora agreed

"But, it does appear far more than a mere coincidence that we would get such an incident within hours of you pirates porting in our docks." Accordant stated, "I'm certain even you can agree that it does appear rather suspicious that a matter like this would occur."

They remained silent as they had to admit Accordant's statement did make some sense, it was rather difficult to say it won't at least look strange the moment a band of pirates are allowed to port, a potentially priceless artifact get's stolen.

After a long moment of silence, Fluttershy seemingly started mouthing something as she looked up at them.

"Hm...? I'm sorry my dear, did you mean to say something?" Accordant asked as he cupped one of his ears with his pawed hand, "We can't quite hear you."

Fluttershy's ear nervously twitched as she hesitated, before looking back up to the council members, "It's just...I know that...." she started, but quickly started to trail off into silence.

"A little louder if you will." Crystal Wings said as she raised a brow.

"Speak up pegasus!" a pony, this time a mare, behind them shouted loudly, causing Fluttershy to give off an 'eep' before ducking her head in her forehooves.

Pinkie gave a shocked look before looking back at the pony who had yelled and glared at her, growling under her breath.

"You're not helping matters with your outbursts." Gleaming Star, "I've already mentioned before, either you stay calm or leave." this time adding a slight glow to her eyes, before looking back towards Fluttershy, "Please, speak loud and clear, we can not take anything into consideration if we can't hear your testimony."

Fluttershy timidly nodded, "I,um...I know that it really does look like we did it. We are pirates afterall, and...that's what pirates do; but, we really are telling the truth. We didn't steal anything. We stayed near the port all night."

All five members looked at one another as the contemplated the matter in silence for a brief moment.

"Do you know if there were any ponies who could back up that statement?" Crystal Wings asked her fellow council members.

"The barkeep of Sleepy Horseshoe could. I had been told that three of the members were present during that night till sun's rise." Aurora replied

"In respects to Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, were they present? While all eight are accused, it is those two who are blamed particularly to the theft of our city's artifact." Accordant remarked

"We would have to ask."

"I think...I think I might be willing to give them the benefit of doubt." Amethyst stated as she brought a hoof to her chin, earning quite a lot of stares of disbelief and murmurs from the crowd.

"And what leads you to this belief?" Gleaming Star asked

"Yes, please elaborate what you are thinking, Lady Amethyst." Aurora agreed

She nodded, "I do agree that the evidence against them is rather weak. It seems unjustified that claims where we can not directly say they are truly the ones responsible prove they are indeed guilty. Also, for what is supposedly an experienced crew, I believe it would've been a poor decision to have waited till daybreak, when the city's cannons and our navy ships could easily spot and sink their vessel."

"Yes, that is indeed true." Aurora said under her breath as she nodded.

"I'll second the notion." Accordant stated firmly as he raised his arm after a moment of silence in the courthouse.

"You do?"

"It holds to logic that if they were the thieves, then staying until daybreak would be unwise. Only a fool would stay that long after accomplishing such a feat." he replied before looking down at the accused once more, "That is why I believe I may have a solution to this problem." he added as he stood up.

"Really...?" Crystal Wings asked, "Well, speak then. Let us hear it."

"I propose we allow Captain Pinkie and her crew to prove themselves innocent by returning the stone."

This statement shocked everyone in the courthouse, even the stoic guards looked surprised.

"Is that a joke Grand Counselor...?! You propose we hire a band of pirates that we don't even know if they are lying, to return the artifact?" Crystal Wings asked.

"I do not see why not. Whether they are lying or not, is merely our speculation. Their word versus ours effectively. However, the stone must be returned to its pedestal."

"Agreed." Aurora nodded before looking to the others, who agreed as well, before standing to address the accused, "We have come to an agreement, if you are to return the Stone of Peace to us, we will drop the charge against thee."

"What?! But we didn't take it!" Twilight shouted

"That is why we will allow you to prove yourselves innocent, and find the true thieves for us."

"And how are we to find something we have never stolen?" Rose asked

"Why not ask Twilight Sparkle? If her reputation perceives her, I'm certain she'll find some way."

At that statement, Twilight suddenly felt all the eyes in the courthouse fall on her. It was true though, both the character she is and herself personally were thinkers, ponies with a mind for calculations and well-planned actions. She'd have to look into a few things first though.

"So what says you, Twilight Sparkle?" Accordant asked, "Are you willing to help prove your innocence?"

Twilight looked up at the council, and gave a firm nod, "I am, but I will require access to the crime scene."

"Granted." Aurora stated

"They will also require a ship as well." Accordant remarked, "Unless I am mistaken, our navy added their ship to the ocean's bottom the previous morning."

"Agreed. I will allow them to travel on board a navy ship, along with a hoof-ful of navy ponies to keep an eye as well as aid them on the search." Aurora declared then looked at her fellow members, who seemed to agree as well, "I find it fit to give them ten days for this search. What says the rest of you?"

"I think ten days is a suitable time enough." Accordant replied

"As do I." Gleaming Star agreed

"I agree as well." Crystal Wings agreed

"I will follow suit with it as well." Amethyst remarked

"It is decided, you will have but ten days to find the artifact and return to us. If you fail to do so, you will be punished to the full extent of our laws." Aurora declared

"If I may ask, what is the punishment we will have to face?" Twilight asked, "And what if we do succeed, but face problems returning?"

"If that does occur, then...I will put my trust in the navy ponies we send with you. If they agree that there were several issues returning, I will make an exception. As for the punishment....While all eight of you stand accused, it will be both Rainbow Dash and yourself, Twilight Sparkle, whom shall face the executioner's blade upon the gallows."

At that Twilight and Rainbow brought a hoof to their necks, Rainbow in particular felt her blood run cold.

"Do you all eight of you understand?"

They nodded in agreement.

"Very well. Guards, lead them out to the central courtyard." she commanded, "Councilmare Gleaming Star and Lady Amethyst will you both see charge of them till morning tomorrow? Bring them somewhere they may be able to stay for the night."

"I believe an inn near the lower district will be able to house them for the night. I'll see to it they get there." Gleaming Star stated, which Amethyst nodded in agreement.

"Twilight Sparkle, once you have been brought to the inn, I'll be expecting your audience in the courtyard in front of this building. From there, I and a few guards will escort you to the tower."

"I'll come along as well." Crystal Wings rang in, "I'd like to see what damage was possibly done to the tower myself." she added, which Aurora merely gave a nod to.

"This trial is now over." Gleaming Star announced before pounding her hoof loudly a few times against the podium.

With Gleaming Star and Amethyst leading, the group was allowed to stay at the nearby inn free of charge. It wasn't exactly the best place to stay in the city, but more than certainly beat sleeping in jail cells. The walk there was also less than pleasant as more than enough of the townsfolk made it known in how much they were displeased by the outcome of the trial; but, they did keep their distance though. With both councilmares leading them, along with, a couple of guards, the crowd didn't dare do anything, especially since Gleaming Star made it a point to give each of the citizens a look that silently threatened anypony who dares try anything is going to regret it.

After getting properly situated at the inn, Twilight followed Gleaming Star and Amethyst back to the courthouse, where Aurora and Crystal Wings were already patiently waiting for her. Accordant seemed to have disappeared for the time being, probably trying to take care of a few things in regards to the grand council's decision.

"So this is the tower the artifact is usually placed?" Twilight asked as they arrived at the top of the center tower, and approached the pedestal.

"Yes, this is where the Stone of Peace is usually placed." Aurora replied

"It doesn't seem very well protected up here if it's just sitting on this pedestal."

"All three towers are usually protected by a magical barrier that disallows pegasi to immediately enter. It's the reason why we had to go the long way rather than simply flying up here." Crystal Wings explained, "Other than that, there are typically several guards posted along all three towers."

"I see..." Twilight remarked as she looked around for anything, plant matter that could've gotten stuck on the perpetrator's hooves, sand, or maybe even a mane strand or tuff of fur of the perpetrator, any evidence that could give her a hint where to look and/or the real thieves.

After almost a minute of empty searching, something managed to catch her eye. Caught on some vines that grew along the pillars that held the tower's roof in place, was a lone petal that went from blue to white. Since the vines didn't seem to have any other flower, it seemed almost out of place.

"What's this?" she asked out to no one in particular as she picked the petal up with her magic.

"It looks to be a petal from a seaflower that grows on the Triangle Islands." Aurora replied

"Triangle Islands...?"

"The Triangle Islands are three islands that obtained the name from the shape all three islands form when connected by lines."

"Yes, I'm quite familiar with the location." Twilight stated, "It use to be one giant island that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption several centuries ago, correct?"

"Yes, that would be correct." Crystal Wings replied

"And you're sure that this flower only grows there?"

Both Aurora and Crystal Wings nodded.

"The flower is a particular delicacy in several towns and cities, as well as a very nice decorative piece in several noble's homes." Aurora explained, "We'd devote time to grow it ourselves, but it's particularly sensitive about where it grows."

"Then this is good clue as to where to look." Twilight declared.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." she replied confidently with a nod, "It also proves we weren't the ones who stole the artifact."

"In what way?" Crystal Wings asked

"I don't recall us ever going to the islands." Twilight replied as she closed her eyes to focus, forcing herself to be absolutely sure that the character she was really doesn't remember ever going there, "Yes, we've never been there. If I'm remembering correctly, the waters there are quite dangerous. Far more trouble than we would've considered worth our time to visit in the past."

"Well, if you're sure, I do hope you are willing to make this an exception to visit the islands." Aurora stated

"I'd have to talk it over with Pi-...Er, Captain Pinkie Pie first. Also, you wouldn't happen to have any maps of that area would you?"

"We have one or two in the library. I'll be happy to show it to you." Aurora stated before turning around to lead Twilight, who of course nodded and quickly followed suit.

Crystal Wings turned to follow as well, but stopped for a brief moment to look back at the empty pedestal where the Stone of Peace would've been sitting. She gave an exasperated sigh, before pressing on to follow Aurora and Twilight to the library.

Author's Note:

I actually would've published this far sooner, but my editor was really slow with his job on this, and I was fairly adamant about publishing this story once both chapters one and two were done.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this new story, I'll try to finish this up as soon as I can.