• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 1,045 Views, 65 Comments

Coming to terms - The Infinity Doctor

Side story to 'The Weeping Angel' collab with The Planyx. Human male sent to Equestria as a Time Lord.

  • ...

...is not always good

"So...allow me to understand this..." Celestia said, nursing a cup of tea "You two have come from the future, and you wish for me to use the Elements of Harmony on..."
"Shimmering Dust, highness"
"...Shimmering Dust, who has been effected by chaos magic in her home"
"Correct" I said.
"You seem to have a valid reason, but why should I believe you?"
"Princess, with all due respect, I just managed to sneak a 'Pony Box' into one of the most secure places in Equestria, and you have yet to call your guards, which gives me the impression you already believe us"

"Very well..." she relented, then turned to Dusty "are you prepared?"
"Y-yes" she answered nervously.
"Return within a few days, and I shall be ready by then"

Dusty and I nodded, I opened the door to the Tardis, both of us stepped in and I shut the door.

'She's no doubt already run into the Doctor, no point in explaining the Tardis to her'

"More waiting?" Dusty asked.
"More waiting" I replied.


I snored as my mind wandered in dreamland, the inky blackness transformed into a dark landscape, trees, grass, all of that. I found myself standing on the ground, I felt around for my sonic screwdriver. Finding it secured in my pocket, I proceeded to explore.
The landscape shaped itself as I walked, blurring into a forest or castle as I went; this seemed familiar to me, I just couldn't place when or where.

'Really hope I don't run into Nightmare Moon' I thought, continuing to god-knows-where 'but still, it'd be pretty cool to meet her...'

I walked for what felt like hours, my feet were starting to get sore as I sat down to rest.


I looked up and around at my surroundings.

"Who said that?" I asked myself.

A huge shadow loomed over me as I turned, standing there was a-


I shot up as I awoke from my...whatever it was...sitting on the seats in front of the console.
Dusty blinked wearily as she raised her head, a questioning look on her muzzle.

"Bad dream?" she asked.
"No" I replied.

'At least, I don't think it was...'

She shrugged and lay her head back down to drift off to sleep once more.

'That was wierd...is that going to be a normal thing for me?'

I continued to question myself as I stood up and stretched, popping the kinks in my back. I went to the scanner and checked on Celestia, she was fast asleep in her bed, dozing peacefully despite the past few days.

'What a trooper...' I thought, watching her.

I quickly realized what I was doing and shut off the scanner, raising it.

'I wonder if Luna is imprisoned on the moon or in it, the craters seem to show she was on in it, but somehow I doubt Celestia was that cruel, I can only imagine Luna is 'chained' to the moon during her banishment, like handcuffs attached to a wire fence'

I filed that away for another time, getting Dusty back to normal and home safe and sound was my first priority right now.

Meanwhile, I turned back to my current predicament, I was technically a Time Lord now, but what did that entail? Have I truly lost all my connections with humanity? I doubt that I could take the Tardis back to my Earth, it could kill her in the process- this is another dimension, right? (Wait a minute...did I just refer to the Tardis as a 'she'? Better than calling her 'it' I suppose...) Unless, of course, this was just a different world, then I could get back home, no problem; but the question was, did I want to go home? Here I could actually do something, I could actually do something important with my life. (Is is 'life' or 'lives'? I don't know, oh, wait, I'm rambling again, aren't I?) But at the same time, I have none of the practice or experience of the Doctor, and probably never could- I could end up seriously screwing things up and changing the future. Doing that could...well it could ultimately throw the world into disarray, and not the good kind either, like Discord's, real, horrifying, earth-shattering, life-ruining havoc. That train of thought led me to another question; what happens when I regenerate? I don't know how I'll adjust to a new body, will I even be human? This is technically my first form, so wouldn't it make sense that I be something more fitting to this world? Or does any of that not even matter, and I'll be at the mercy of whatever the universe will choose?

I shook my head to clear it, and turned to the console. I checked all the systems before going back to the seats and falling asleep once more.

Author's Note:

Yes! Another chapter finished! Please R&R, I could use the feedback.
Sorry for the kind of short chapter :twilightblush: