• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 2,348 Views, 13 Comments

The Dino Dragon - Wildcard25

Having the same dream countless times, Spike finally sets out to find the truth about his origin, but may be in for more than what he bargained for as he uncovers everything.

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One night, in Golden Oaks Library, Spike the dragon was sleeping in his little basket bed, until he started tossing and turning. As he slept he started hearing voices in his head and started seeing visions.

(Spike's POV)

Spike looked as if he was looking through the inside of an egg, and saw two silhouetted figures holding it. One looked to be a dragon based off the wings on its back and from what he could deduce from the build appeared female, while the one next to it appeared big and muscular, and wingless, "What the?" Spike asked in his thoughts.

"Sweetie, what're we going to do? If they catch us our baby won't have a life." a female voice spoke appearing to be coming from one of the figures Spike could barely make out.

"Baby?" Spike asked, until he heard the bulkier one speak in a masculine voice.

"The only thing we can do. We have to send our child off before they find us."

"What? But isn't there another way?" the female asked in worry.

"I'm afraid not my love. This child has to be born and free for our sakes. I just pray whoever finds him will hopefully give him a happy life," the male began, "And should he ever find out the truth I pray one day he will forgive us."

Suddenly there were sounds of raiding coming from all around as if it were a mob, "What's going on?" Spike asked in worry as he suddenly felt as if he was being carried by the two who were running. He then felt as if he was being placed into something, "Goodbye my child, I pray you will live well and hopefully one day learn the truth." the male said as Spike suddenly felt himself drifting away from the two and saw the silhouettes were being taken away and fire was surrounding them, "No, wait! WHO ARE YOU?!" he cried.

(Normal POV)

Spike shot up from bed panting and covered in sweat, "Spike?" a voice asked as Princess Twilight looked out from the foot of her bed, and down at her number one assistant, "Are you ok, Spike?"

"Oh yeah, Twilight," Spike answered, " Just a bad dream." he brushed it off.

"Again?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, and it's still the same one." Spike answered, as he had been having the same nightmare for the past week. He didn't know why he kept having the same dream, and wasn't exactly sure what to do about it.

"Spike you've been having that same dream for a week," Twilight reminded him, "It's not coincidental."

"Then what could it be?" Spike asked her.

"I've read that sometimes when a pony or in your case dragon suffers from having the same dream over and over it can be a repressed memory." she explained.

"Memory? But how, I don't know anything about my life before I was hatched, not you, or anypony in Canterlot." Spike noted about how nopony knew where his egg came from.

"Well we'll talk about it tomorrow, think you'll be able to get back to sleep?" Twilight asked.

"I'll go get some warm milk." Spike said as he went downstairs and poured himself a glass of milk before using his flames to warm it up,"If this is a memory that's being repressed, could it be the key to the real answers I've been looking for? Maybe I should tell Princess Celestia about this, after all she found my egg and brought it to Canterlot as part of Twilight's exam," he drank his warm milk, before looking in a nearby mirror at his reflection, "Who am I really?" Eventually he was able to get back to sleep for the night without having the dream again.

When morning came Spike still having a bit of bags under his eyes was helping Twilight with the morning chores. As he carried some dishes he started letting his eyelids fall closed before he collapsed with the dishes, "Spike!" Twilight cried as she galloped over to him and helped him up, "You're so exhausted. Maybe you should take a break for today." she suggested.

"What're you talking about, Twilight I'm fine." he brushed it off, while trying to keep his eyes opened.

"It's clear that you're not," She replied, "You should go and get some sleep, I'll clean this mess up."

"Well ok." Spike said as he went back upstairs and decided to nap.

As he slept, he was at peace, until he started having the same dream, seeing the same silhouettes through the inside of an egg and hearing the same voices. Finally he woke up in the same manner last night, "That's it. I have to let her know." he declared as he went back downstairs to see Twilight had finished cleaning up the mess.

Twilight seeing him spoke, "Spike, I thought you were going down for a nap."

"I was, until I had it again. I can't take it anymore, Twilight. I need answers, and I know who to ask." he explained.

"Who?" she wondered.

"The princess." he answered as he took a quill, ink, and some parchment before writing a letter.

"Spike, are you sure Princess Celestia has the answers you're looking for?" Twilight asked.

"Maybe, or maybe not, or maybe she knows somepony who might," Spike answered as he wrote his letter, "But one thing is for sure these dreams are getting stronger and stronger I have to know what they mean." he finished writing the letter. He walked to an open window and used his magic flames on the letter as it dissolved and traveled off.

"I would be careful about this, Spike," Twilight warned him, "Trying to find out too much may lead you to answers you may not want."

"As long as I get answers Twilight, I'll be satisfied no matter how painful they might be." Spike answered, until he burped up a letter from the Princess.

"That was sure fast." Twilight gasped.

Spike unraveled the parchment and started reading it, "Spike, I'm glad you wrote to me about these dreams you've been having. And I feel it's time you knew the truth about everything. Come to Canterlot right away and I'll tell you everything I should have told you from the start. Sincerely, Princess Celestia." he said as he dropped the parchment in surprise, "Princess Celestia knows where I came from?" he gasped.

"I don't believe it." Twilight gasped, wondering why she never told her or Spike before.

"Well I know one thing I believe, she has what I've been looking for all this time," Spike began, "And it's time I got to the bottom of it. I'm going to Canterlot to talk with her."

"Do you want me and the girls to come, Spike?" Twilight suggested, hating to have him go alone.

"Twilight, I appreciate your words, but I think I can make it there myself." Spike answered.

"Not because of that," she corrected him, "For emotional support. You know in case you need somepony else close to you for comfort."

Spike seeing she meant better by having his closest friends close to him for comfort sounded less demeaning to him, "All right, Twi. Let's get the girls and head to Canterlot," Twilight smiled as the two left the library to inform the girls. Spike thought to himself as he walked with his friend, 'Well I finally have a source to the answers I've been looking for, but will it be enough?'