• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 175 Views, 0 Comments

Get up... - Bambisbb

Doodle Bug gets a phone call at three in the morning about 'the tiny annoying colt starting fights' at a bar. Doesn't take a genius to figure out who they're talking about.

  • ...

The only chapter.

Doodle Bug muttered something about a 'sugary world with rainbow waterfalls' and rolled over, throwing an arm off the bed before resuming her light snoring. Buster yipped in his sleep and fell off the bed, landing on his head upside down and staying asleep. The whole house was silent, except for Doodle Bugs' mumbling, and Busters' yipping. Any person that knew the ponies that lived there, would be asking themselves, 'Why isn't there a loud, obnoxious snoring filling the house, with brief pausing that are filled Hoop telling everybody to be quiet so he can sleep?' If Doodle was awake, she would be wondering this to.


Doodle Bug opened one of her eyes, struggling to keep them open, "Cupcakes mountains..." She murmured, shutting her eyes again.


Doodle Bug opened her eyes again, reaching for the alarm clock. She hit snooze.


She cried out and grabbed the alarm clock, throwing it down.


She opened her eyes and looked at the broken alarm on the floor. "Oops..." She whispered, tiredly. She looked at her cell phone, which was resting on her nightstand. She whined and grabbed it, seeing the time. "Who in Tartarus is calling at 3:00 AM..." She pressed answer. "What."

"Whoa, don't get snappy."

"Rainbow Dash? What the heck are you doing, calling me at 3:00 AM, I actually like sleeping, ya know."

"Yea yea yea, I need you to come get your little sissy colt-friend, he's starting fights and shouting random things-"

"Doodle Bug why don't you love meee?!"

"Like that...Come get him, Berry Punch is too drunk to kick him out of the bar, and anytime someone tells him to beat it, he starts a fight! The poor idiot is already bleeding."

Doodle Bug blinked a few times, "...O...Kay? I'll get over there..."

"Thanks- Whoa, dude, not a good idea!"

The phone call ended. "My little sissy colt-friend? Oh for Fausts' sake, if she's talking about Hoop..." Doodle Bug rolled out of bed, putting on her slippers. She wasn't gonna get dressed...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Only a few accidents later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Doodle Bug arrived at the bar, knocking at the door. Rainbow opened the door. "Why ya knocking? Get in here and get this poor idiot!" She opened the door all the way and Doodle Bug blinked. "Oh my- Hoop! What the- I- Ugh..." She face-palmed and walked in. Hoop was laying upside down on the counter, his nose was busted, he had broken glass in his hands, and she just knew he was going to have bruises tomorrow. "How were you even allowed to drink?!" Rainbow frowned.

"Whadaya mean? You're allowed to drink when you're 16." Doodle Bug blinked a few times.

"It was 21 in Trottingville!"

"Well here it's 16. Hoop's just old enough to drink."

"Who told him about this, jeez..." Doodle Bug sighed and tried to pull him off the counter.

"Noooo, I'm not leaving until Doodle Bug loves meeee!" Hoop whined and grabbed onto the counter, pulling himself back on.

"Hoop, you big dummy, I do love you, now come on home!"

"She doesn't love me..." He frowned. "She loves Grey...Can't compete with him...He's the perfect guy, and I'm just stupid colt that can't do anything right...I'm not even her best-friend anymore..." He slipped off the counter and sprawled out on the floor. "I don't have anything to love for...She was my only real friend, and I lost her..."

Doodle Bug blinked a few times and nudged him. "Hey, you haven't lost me..." Rainbow sighed.

"Yea, he does this every 5 minutes..."

Doodle Bug rolled her eyes, "Hoop, get up...Let's go home, yea?"

"What's the point, the mare of my dreams doesn't wanna be around me..."

"Are you seriously so drunk that you can't tell it's me?"

"Who are you?"

"...I'll take that as a yes..." She sighed and grabbed his tail, yanking it roughly. He yelped and jumped up, "Not cool! I outta-" He fell back and started snoring. "Best way to get him asleep...Yank his tail..." She sighed.

"So, uh...You gonna drag him home?" Rainbow frowned

"Yea...And then dig the glass out of his hand..."

"That was my fault...Gave him a bottle..." Rainbow sighed, "Well, if you need help, just tell me, if not, I gotta go get my drink on."

"I'll be fine, bye Rainbow." Doodle Bug grabbed on of Hoops back hooves and started dragging him out the door.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No accidents later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Doodle Bug groaned and threw the door open, dragging Hoop inside. Having to listen to his snoring for an hour wasn't very fun...She dragged him onto to couch. "Gosh Hoop, for a tiny colt like yourself, you weigh a lot...Oh, and now I'm talking to passed out ponies, great." She sighed and went to get a blanket. She covered him up, "Okay, when morning comes, I'll make some coffee, and then slap you for doing what you did tonight, yea? Yea. Okay, night."


Doodle Bug groaned and put the pillow over her head, "Ewwww, sunlightttt..." She rolled over, falling off her bed. "...Ow..." She snorted and threw her pillow back onto the bed, standing up. She wobbled a bit before she shuffled out to the living room. Hoop was still on the couch, snoring and twitching. She smiled slightly and shuffled off to start some coffee and find the painkillers.

It took an hour or two, but Hoop finally woke up, with a yip and a very loud groan. "Ohhhh, owww...Doodle Buuug...Heeeelp." Doodle Bug chuckled and grabbed the bottle of painkillers, walking out into the living room. She tossed them to Hoop and sat down on the chair next to the couch. Hoop swallowed two painkillers and groaned again, putting his face into his hands. "Owwww..."

"That's what happens when you drink."

Hoop blinked a few times and looked up, "What now?"

"Yep, you got drunk. And it was kinda funny. The sad kind of funny."

"Oh Faust."

"Yea, so why do you think you've lost me?"

Hoop blushed and looked at her. "U-Uh...What do you m-mean?"

"Come on Hoop.."


"Well...You haven't lost me. You're still my best-friend, and if your jealous because I spend time with Grey, just remember. If you like a filly, don't friendzone her and then cry because she isn't clinging to you." Doodle Bug smirked and got up, walking off to the kitchen.

Hoop blushed again. "Well, I'm never going out drinking with Rainbow Dash, ever again..."

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