• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 662 Views, 9 Comments

A Major Threat - DuhBankz

Chaos is raining on Equestria and Twilight Sparkle has been asked to stop it. How will this unfold?

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Chapter 2

The day had finally come, the day Twilight Sparkle would venture forth to take down the dreaded Ursa Major that was slowly approaching Ponyville. Hopes were returning to the citizens of Equestria and people were beginning to depend on Twilight more than she had in mind. Parades marched through the streets of Canterlot, purple flags with her cutie mark on them had been raised and people gossiped about her great magical powers she would use to stop the destructive Ursa. "Goodbye my friends, I may never see you again but I promise that you won't have to worry at all about the Ursa hurting any of you." Twilight said with gratitude.

"Twilight, it sure means a lot to all of us here in Ponyville. You risking your life to save us and all." Fluttershy said with kindness in her tone.

"Yeah Twi! I don't know any pony braver than you!" Applejack said joining the conversation.

"Thanks guys, but i really must be going. I cant just stand here and do nothing after all." Twilight replied.

"Good luck Twilight Sparkle!" The citizens of Ponyville all said with great encouragement.

With that, Twilight began her journey to the place that was last reported to see the Ursa, Hoofington. "Hey, um Twilight I think somepony's following us." Spike said with fear.

"What?!" Twlight was reading a book about ancient times before Equestria before Spike interrupted. "Why do you think that?."

"Look." Spike pointed to what appeared to be a dark blue pony in the dark. But it was too dark and foggy to tell.

"Don't worry Spike, I'm sure it's nothing."

The two continued on the road to the Everfree Forest where Twilight stopped and looked around. "I can't see anything through all of this fog Spike." Twilight said.

"Maybe you can cast a spell to clear some of it up?"

"Great idea!"

Twilight's horn began to glow and she pointed it towards the foggy Everfree Forest and shot a beam of light into it immediately clearing the fog all around them. They continued their journey through the mysterious forest until Spike suspected someone was following them again. "Spike! Nobody is following us! Please, if you're going to do this the whole time just go home. I'm stressed out enough already."

"I'm sorry Twilight, I just keep seeing something moving behin-" Spike was interrupted by a deafening screech that echoed through the whole forest.

The screech was so loud it cause leaves to fall off of trees all around Twilight and Spike. So many leaves had begun to fall that they could no longer see their surroundings.

It was nearly five long minutes before the leaves cleared up and Twilight could make out what was around her. But Spike was nowhere to be found. "Spike? Spike?! SPIKE?!!" Twilight continued searching for her faithful companion but to no avail.

She continued her quest all alone, every once in a while yelling for Spike. But he never turned up. After about an hour of walking Twilight finally escaped the dark and gloomy forest harmless but alone. As she followed the path to Hoofington she would look behind herself every once in a while in hopes to see Spike or what he had been seeing following them. The sun was out and Twilight was almost to the glorious town that the Ursa was spotted nearest to. As she walked she tried to imagine what the town would be like, would the place be in ruins, with buildings torn apart and fires lighting up the streets? Would the great beast just be arriving and it's shadow being cast over the great city as hundreds of ponies look to it in great fear and shocking waiting to have all their life's hard work be taken from them in an instant? Twilight hoped to find the Ursa far away from Hoofington, and the towns great people be safe. As she journeyed onward to the Ursa Twilight was buried in a book about ancient times before Equestria. At the moment she was reading about the very first Ursa Major attack on the poor citizens of a town called Pegaton. The city was attacked on the noon of their annually celebrated Pegasus races. The races were held during a great thunder storm on a circular track. Due to the conditions in the town the speed from the Pegasi racing would cause the audience and racetrack to be completely protected from the rain. When the attack happened the races had just begun right after the Duke was informed by the Pegaton City Guard that an Ursa Major was spotted.

The Duke decided to keep the sighting a secret and allow the race to go on. The Ursa was quickly approaching the city and the townspeople were getting suspicious of the noises. The races were put on hold when a white pegasus with red and blue mane ran into the arena and screamed with great horror the news. The Ursa Major had made it's way to the front gates of the town and the Duke ordered his guard to defend his city with all of their might. The pegasi shot lightning bolts at the Ursa but they were useless as it tore down the gates to the city and began to reign havoc. Citizen's homes were destroyed and the guards were pushed to their last line of defense. The last line of defense was simply an unpenetrable wall of lightning charged clouds around the racetrack. However without any struggle the Ursa tore down the wall of clouds and destroyed the entire racetrack leaving nothing behind but the flat land that would someday become part of Equestria.

Twilight was shocked to read about what happened to one very well protected town when an Ursa Major attacked and could only imagine what the beast could do to the mildly unprotected town of Ponyville. She was even more determined to stop the beast now and had finally arrived in Hoofington. Only to see what she feared the most.

Feedback will be greatly appreciated :)