• Published 19th Feb 2014
  • 340 Views, 2 Comments

Creating a Weapon - Harmonic Revelations

Harmonic Tech is a leader in the industry of weapon development, and the B.O.D. has come up with an idea that could put all of Equestria under their firm control.

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To: B.O.D.

From : Unknown (Name Redacted)

Subject: We've done it.

Let's get right down to business without fluffing it up too much. The Original has been woken up, we had an ATEF Security Team bring him up to Cell Block 3A this morning (With minimal difficulty, the sedation was still in affect at the time). We recommend keeping him in isolation to prevent him from forming any social bonds, which could be troubling later on, especially if any of the subjects end up being useless and must be disposed of.

The only social contact he has been granted is with his cellmate, and even then he is under close observation with our team on standby in case a problem arises. I sent the Research Department a request to test their combat abilities, and I fully expect they will get back to me before the day is out.

I will send the results of the testing your way once and if it is conducted.


To: B.O.D.

From : Unknown (Name Redacted)

Subject: RE: We've done it.

The testing has been completed as per protocol. We had one of the security officers go up against the subjects. Sadly, neither of the subjects showed remarkable physical or magical abilities, and were unable to defeat the officer. We even tried having them combat him without him wearing his armor, and yet they still failed.

We brought them back to the cell and are withholding food from them as punishment, instead giving them their nutrients via IV.

As an added note, I believe that the Original is forming a brotherly bond with his cellmate. They have been spending a large amount of time together. For this reason, I recommend removing the cellmate to prevent emotional influence.

I am truly sorry for the lack of results, but surely you understand that things like this take time to come to fruition.


To: Unknown (Name Redacted)

From : B.O.D.

Subject: RE: RE: We've done it.

We understand your concerns, and the lab sent up the full test results, so we now understand the complete scope of your crippling failure. These are unacceptable results. Our investors won't like it very much if our illicit activities don't yield any pay-off. May we remind you that the reason you're in a clandestine underground facility is not so that you can goof off and do as you please in your own little rabbit hole, but so that you can develop the Original's potential away from the prying eyes of the Royal Guard and the rest of the nosy bastards in positions of power in Canterlot.

The things we're doing will change Equestria forever, whether or not you have a part in that will depend on your success or failure in making us the super weapon we gave you the funding to create in the first place.

Due to the unfortunate lack of results from the cellmate, your orders are to remove and kill him. Burn the body, we don't want it popping up somewhere the guards can find it and coming back to haunt us later. If you don't get results quickly, you'll find yourself being dealt with similarly.

Report any progress to us immediately. The sooner we can deploy him as a viable soldier, the better. We don't need any unnecessary bumps in the road being created because you won't get off your lazy ass and use your hooves to do something other than picking your nose and spinning your chair around.

We're starting to wonder why we green-lit the program in the first place, and that's not good news for you. You better try your damn hardest to change our minds about that.

Harmonic may be the C.E.O., but we don't have to tell you that our researchers are the muscles of the company, and we will remove the weak link in the chain of command if you don't start getting us what we want.


To: B.O.D.

From : Unknown (Name Redacted)

Subject: Good News

As you commanded, we had the cellmate removed and exterminated. At first we were worried, the Original stopped eating and drinking, and did not take his gaze off the cell door at any point for several days. We were starting to wonder if he had become chronically depressed, which would, of course, go against our grand design.

However, it appears our initial diagnosis was inaccurate. The lead security officer recommended we retest his combat potential in order to gauge the effect his mood change has had on his adeptness on the battlefield. The results were amazing. It only took a matter of seconds once the Original was in the ring for his horn to glow and for the officer's flesh to come right off his bones. It was a truly magnificent sight.

After applying a magic limiter, we put him up against another officer. He managed to take the soldier down with haste, getting him in a choke hold and removing the head from his shoulders. He let out enormous quantities of energy, it had an EMP-like effect on the equipment, even shutting off the electricity in the immediate area for a while. After that, we sent up a security team to sedate and restrain the Subject. They were successful, but did lose two members of their squad. He was then brought back to his cell and will remain in isolation until further orders are given.

My colleagues have several guesses as to what could have caused this change , but nothing conclusive so far. The most obvious guess would be our recent removal of his companion, but that still does not explain how his abilities were boosted exponentially in such a short amount of time.

We have full confidence the investors will be pleased, and hope that you will be, too.


To: Unknown (Name Redacted)

From : B.O.D.

Subject: RE:Good News

You've done it? It is good to see that your team finally did something to earn their paychecks for once. We are on our way to meet up with the Princesses right now to discuss a possible deal to produce more like the Original, and eventually find a way to implement them into the Equestrian army, filling our coffers to the point where they are ready to burst.

If the deal falls through, either due to them declining our offer or them asking too many questions about the origin of the troops, you are to deploy Derelict along with several of your ATEF teams. We have reports of hostilities from the Infection in the Wastelands and could use as much help as possible. We will update you with the results of the negotiations.

We have high hopes for the future.

We will change the face of Equestria with the work you have completed for us.

Comments ( 2 )

Well it will be interesting if you make a sequel.Just you know... If the princess reject the offer and B.O.D. gets a little angry.That would be cool.


I'm planning on it.

This concept and story is actually based around the concept of an RP I did a while ago, so I already have the plot points, I just need to get around to writing a story around them.

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