• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 519 Views, 1 Comments

The stormhoof chronicles: Tragic Elegance - Stormhoof

Raritys new contract bares a surprize, A High ranking officer of the Equestrian gaurd

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Prologue:An intimidating contract

“Oh what ever will I do!” Rarity exclaimed to herself, Spike had just brought a letter to the Fashionista Unicorn moments ago from Princess Celestia. Still not believing what she read she hovered the parchment in front of her, examining it as if it would change before her eyes.

My loyal subject Rarity,

The equestrian guard has brought to my attention that many of their newer recruits require a custom
armor fitting as they have been assigned to a rather important battalion. Although I know that your experience is mainly centered around fashion it would seem that you are the only pony available
for the job, I am most certain that my student, and your friend, Twilight Sparkle will have some
useful books on the subject of armor. The contract pays 10,000 bits for 40 sets of armor, and it
specifically requested the work of a unicorn. By the time you read this letter you will have
two days before the battalion arrives for the fitting, the stallion in charge of the group also
assures that all material costs will be covered in addition to your payment.

My best regards,

Princess Celestia.

After lowering the letter to the desk again she let out a sigh, Opalessence let out a long meow causing Rarity to smile
“Your are very right Opal, this is a very important contract and I must do my best to learn about fitting armor, To the library!”

After her trip to the library Rarity nearly had a nervous breakdown, Armor fitting was similar to dress fitting in ways, but there were so many parts of it she could not understand, each type of armor had a different way it was supposed to fit, or a different amount of flexibility or protection, it was too much for her to take in through just books, and she did not even have any stallions she could experiment with. Pacing in her inspiration room she had to fight with her reflection in the mirror to convince herself to go to bed, It was gonna be a long night.

Her sleep was more refreshing then she would have thought it to be, She sighed to herself

"Oh Rarity, Just what are you going to do? Postponing the fitting comes to mind, oh but it could cost me the client...I Might just have to visit the library again, Twilight did have some helpful books...then it is settled...I shall visit the library later in the day, for now I think I shall just relax outside, it is a wonderful day after all."


Stepping back into carousal Boutique after enjoying the day and picking up a few books from Twilight, Rarity set to preparing what she knew she would need, Measuring tape, Measurement logs, Material lists, and she spent the rest of the evening researching how armors are properly fitted letting out a bored sigh

"Ugh, These are simply too boring, I just do not understand why these armors have to be so dull. Perhaps this Mr. Cloud would not mind me spicing a few of them up..After all, they may as well get their bits worth...Right Opal? "

At being addressed Opal simply turned away and dozed off, Rarity just noticed she had spent four entire hours preparing and was nowhere near done...Tomorrow was her last day to get the rest of the information she needed and she had better get and early start

" I do suppose you are right, and besides, I simply can not go without my beauty sleep, I do not care if the armor fitting takes a week of measurements, I must still keep myself looking as fresh as possible"

She climbed under her covers gently, careful not to disturb them much. Looking out her window she watched the moon floating high above Ponyville and smiled to herself, lowering her silken blind fold over her eyes, magically turning her lamp off, Welcoming warmly her dreams.