• Published 15th Feb 2014
  • 1,272 Views, 86 Comments

Roborganics - The Psychopath

A man must cope with his new robotic body when it begins to change and morph and do something that defies logic and reality.

  • ...

"Not for ponies"

"I've gotta get back in my body and figure out what's going on! Quick, back into my body. I should get back into my body once I connect the cord."

Louis clumsily got back onto the table and, just as difficultly, put the cord into the slot on his neck. However, even though this method always worked, no matter how hard he closed his eyes, he felt no transfer. There was no black, no sense of death, no nothing.

"Hm? Did it work?" Louis asked.

He lifted his arm to his face to wipe the blurriness from his eyes, but realized it was still the one covered in the red moss, and it was slowly turning purple as time passed. He began to stress even more, pounding on the table as he tried to force himself back into his body.

"Come on! Oh...crap..."

The student tore the cable out from his neck and jumped to the floor. His only act was to try and bust the door to the capsule down to reach his body by any means necessary. Unfortunately, he slowly gave up and slid down the window of the door, creating a squeek sound as he did so.

"Dangit! My body...There has to be an override button somewhere."

In a last ditch effort to free himself, Louis started to scan the whole capsule in search of this "secret" button. After all, many handheld devices had a hidden hard-to-reach reset button somewhere. Digging behind the contraption, he accidentally slammed a hoof into the back, making a compartment door that was previously unknown very well known. There were no buttons, but it had a list of compatible subjects.

"Why is this here? Why didn't they put this in the manuals? Hmmm. For some reason most of this crap has been hidden by muck and whatnot...Looks like it's part of the filtration system. I wonder if I can distinguish some...words...'Warning: Not compatible with ponies'. What?!"

Louis was completely horrified at seeing this. Did Roborganics plan this from the start? Is that why this part was always hidden in the filtration systems? What purpose would they even have to turn everyone into cartoonish ponies? Granted, they had extremely beneficial powers and abilities, but this was not the way to go! If anything he had to get to the Roborganics store and his mother was the only one who could get him there. He had to endure it, but he felt something heavy weighing on his chest. Was he already growing a heart? No! He couldn't think about that now. Rushing down stairs, the neuropony's 'ears' were assaulted by extremely loud electrical guitars, drums, and what sounded like a very low and gravelly voice.

"What the hell, mom?! This is why she didn't hear me yell, but how did I not hear this? Mom. Mom! MOM!" Louis yelled.

"Woo! Melodic deathmetal Dethklok! What?! Huh?"

Louis' mother turned off the old stereo speakers and looked at the neuropony right before her.

"Why were you listening to heavy metal?"

"Melodic deathmetal. It's different. It was great back in my day. It was the 'bees' knees'!" Louis' mother laughed.

"Bees' knees? What are you talking about? Stop acting like YOU'RE SEVENTY-FIVE!"

"Hey! Don't raise your voice at me!"


Louis' ears drooped down, and his mother couldn't help but find that adorable.

"Why are you still in that body? I thought I asked you to get out of it."

"I know...but I can't get back in my body."


"I tried everything I could. I just can't."

"Are you sure you tried everything?"

"YES! This is serious! We have to go to the Roborganics store and get this straightened out."

"Okay. Get in the garage. I'll get the keys."

"Can't we just walk there?" the neuropony begged.

Louis' mother just stared viciously at him, making the little pony shrink down and slowly inch towards the garage door like a hermit crab. The second the closing sound resonated, the neuropony sighed in irritation at seeing the red sports car in the cement-gray garage. It was a red, very sleek and aerodynamic model whose speed was excessively high even by the new-fifty's standards. The student never talked about it because his mother was always so calm outside of the house, but she was a rabid monster who was all about extreme sports and violent activities. This was why the young adult hated cars so much and walked every day. Now he had no choice, so he waited for his mother, stress welling up inside him.

"Oh. Come on. Hurry up. I don't want to stay in this death machine any longer. Ah! There she is. Finally!"

"Hmph. There we go."Louis' mom said as she strapped into her seat."Are you ready?"


"Put your seatbelt on, and too bad."



The student's mother had activated the garage door to start opening, if ever so slowly, but she couldn't wait. The car was even short enough to run through the tiny gap below the door anyways. And so she slammed her foot on the pedal, letting the engine roar with extreme power and tenacity. The wheels screeched on the street as its driver braked and sharp-turned towards the city. All the while, Louis was clinging against to his seat in a foolish attempt to keep his life intact. His mother really didn't care for the street code. It was no wonder she got her permit removed seventeen times.

"Wait...she got her permit removed seventeen times! I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!STOP THE CAR!"

"Nope. We're stopping at the store and that's final. SHARP CORNER!"

The car had already reached the city in under five minutes. Its speed was unmatched, so it always came to everyone's mind how this crazy women got such a fearsome vehicle. Unfortunately for her need for speed, the drag race was halted by a loud screech and seat bounce.

"What in the world..."the mother said with her mouth agape.

"I thought I was the only one..."

In front of the Roborganics store stood thousands of neuroponies, and each one had a variable amount of the colored, organic moss on them. Many had less of it than others, but these ones looked like recent models. The two got out of the car and walked slowly towards the enormous and enraged crowd. Many of the ponies had collapsed on the ground and were 'crying'. Quite a few people were trying to comfort them, but it wouldn't work. Others seemed to be going crazy while others had suddenly started to have a spasm on the ground.

"Mom...I think this is worse than we could imagine."

"You think?"

A weird static noise was heard from the store loudspeakers. They had turned on and were transmitting a rather frightened voice:

"I...I don't know what's going on. None of us do. Whatever is happening, it's happening across the globe. The whole planet of Eku is affected. This is more than a basic programming error, but rest assured. Roborganics is looking for a way to help you all."

The silence created by the announcement was overshadowed by the uproar from before. It was clear that nobody believed them and wanted answers. Some were even starting to lift dangerous objects in threat of destroying the building. To this the store replied with calling its security task force and more than likely the local law enforment that would arrive much later for certain.

"H-hey! It's you again! Remember me?"


A black and turquoise unicorn had come running towards Louis and his mother in all due haste, but he seemed strangely out of breath.

"I was the unicorn from several weeks ago...I...Give me a moment." the unicorn seemed to be gasping for air.

"What's wrong with you? We don't have lungs."

"Yeah? Well now I do."

"I don't know what's going on, though."

"No one does, but I think everyone is going to go crazy. Me and a group of others are going to search for the factory of Roborganics and try and get a straight answer."

"But the main headquarters' location has never been found!"

"True, but we have some hints that could help. We think it's somewhere in the Baltimore sea."

"But...that's two months from here. I don't think our bodies will hold out for that long."

"It's okay, Louis. I'll make sure that mummifying effect doesn't happen." the student's mother replied.

"How do you know about that?"

"A mother must know everything for the safety of her child. I even learned methods to lengthen the conservation of your body, so be ready to get back to your home after your trip."

"But...You're okay with this?"

"Louis..."the young adult's mother sighed in irritation and crossed her arms."Just do as I say. The procedure only works for two months. If you delay even one day you know what will happen."

The little pegasus nodded and looked downwards in sadness, its lips trembling. The unicorn had something important to say, though:

"M'am." he said as he stepped forward."I don't know about you, but I suggest finding a way to protect your home, or better yet, to move everything out. My friends and I have accepted what is happening to us and are willing to live with it, if we can. However, even if we live with this, others can't. You might encounter some...horrid things in the future. These sort of events never happened well in the comic books and stories I read, so I doubt they'll end up good here either."

"Hmmm. True. I'll do what I can. Now go."

"Don't worry. We'll take good care of him. Scout's honor!" the unicorn pounded his chest with a hoof.

The unicorn pleaded his sniffling friend to follow him, and after some more words from his mother, the pegasus accepted albeit half-heartedly.

"I hope what you said is wrong."

"Of course it is. This isn't a book. People are smarter than that."

"Then why'd you tell that to my mother?"

"To make sure she protects herself and your body twice as heavily."

"That seems effective, but...I really hope that doesn't happen."

"I would say 'relax', but you don't seem to be capable of such things yet."

The pegasus jolted an angry glare at the fellow neuropony who looked away sheepishly.

"I wish I never even used this model. I wonder if I can trust this guy? He didn't even present himself beyond 'remember me' and 'I'll take him to my friends'. I hope I'm not delving into something bad."

Author's Note:

Aaaaand it starts.