• Published 21st Feb 2014
  • 359 Views, 2 Comments

A Trick in the Shadows - Soad24k

Trixie get her hooves on a very very dark source of power

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The Headless Task

Somewhere in a desolate abandoned mining town out in the west of Equestria, tumbleweeds rolled by the blowing winds and the howls of the barren and empty buildings. The sky above was faintly lit by the moon, lightly shaded by clouds. A low hum resonated as a black appeared and grew in size. Darkrai, Zoroark and a very noxious Trixie appeared out the portal. Zoroark sniffed the air as Darkrai scanned the area. Their attention was then drawn towards Trixie, who was swaying a bit and had a sick look on her muzzle.

“Hey, if you’re gonna barf don’t do it here.” Zoroark said, backing up a bit after the dizzy pony.

“Trix-Trixie is not going to….b-barf. She….she just needs to collect herself. That’s all.” She replied in a slightly slurred manner. With a calm breather and light shake, she stable again. “So, mind telling Trixie where we are and what is this place?” She asked checking her surroundings.

“This is your testing area.” Zoroark blurted out, spreading his arms out.

Trixie raised an eyebrow at the fox. “Come again.”

“He’s right, this is where your test will be at.” Darkrai spoke out. “This was once a busy bustling mining town in the past, one of many here in this world, until a mining incident happened. They soon had to close the mines up and the ponies here had to move to a new town. Legend says that a certain pony roams this area till this day.”

Suddenly, there was a ghostly neigh that echoed out and bounced off the vacant wooden buildings. Trixie jumped at the wail and looked around. “W-what was that?” She asked in panic. Soon a tall like horse like shadow loomed over the three. The figure was about the size of Princess Luna, its body was jet black and long flowing dark blue tail. The head of it was clearly gone as it revealed the meat and bone of its neck. It stood above them with the moon behind it.

“Ah! Is that….the Headless Horse?” She franticly said, pointing at it.

“Yup, and he’s your test.” Zoroark said cocking a smirk on his face.

“What?! Trixie has to defect the Headless Horse?! Trixie thought it was only a Pony’s tale.”

Zoroark snickered some at the last two words. “Pony’s tale?”

Trixie rolled her eyes at that.” Yes, a made up story ponies would tell their foals.”

“Well, you can tell him that he isn’t real.” Zoroark said back.

“But what if he kills me?”

“Then it means you're weak and your fail the test.” Darkrai said coldly.

“Yeah, so, good luck.” Zoroark said, giving her a thumbs up and with a snap of Darkrai’s fingers they were both gone and leaving Trixie alone with the Headless Horse.

Trixie gasped as she looked around for the two, but couldn’t find any signs of them. She then looked up and stared at the headless horse. Her ears flatten on her head as she stared at the decapitated pony. It then reeled on his back legs and let out a grossly loud ghostly neigh causing Trixie to finally move and run off. Her instincts were null as she did nothing but run. She looked around hoping to find a place to hide. Her running slowed to a fast trot as she looked behind her. She let out a sigh of relief then bumps into something. She jumps back as she saw the headless horse more close up. She turned around but ran smack into a wall as she was trapped in a room with him. All that Trixie could do is close her eyes and fear the worse. This was the end of her, until she remembered the words Darkrai said to her. “Your weak.” The words echoed in her mind and grew louder and louder. She could feel a shadow looming her mind as she pictured images of Twilight. Soon her mind was filled with words and images about twilight and Trixie not surpassing her expectations. The thoughts made Trixie feel dark inside. By the time the headless pony was near her, she had her head facing her floor.

“I….am….not….weak,” The softly uttered to herself the pony tilled its neck as if puzzled on what she said. “TRIXIE IS NOT WEAK!” Her voice boomed out, surprising the pony. Then a dark shockwave blasted him out the room. Trixie’s body emitted a dark glow as her azure fur blacked along with her mane and tail. She leaned her head up and opened her eyes. With shrunken pupils she eyed the pony on the ground and with a devilish grin began walking towards him.

The pony begun the shiver is fear as he watched Trixie slowly approach him. Trixie now in control of the dark energy the welled up inside her was now unleashed and under Trixie’s command. She stopped at the doorway and looked at her hoof. It was shrouded in a black fog the also covered her body. She looked at the pony and pointed at him. The shadows under her came to life as it twisted and bent to her will. The pony jumped he scurried to his hooves, but was too late, the shadow morphed out of the ground and grabbed him by his back left leg. Trixie rotated her hoof and slowly closed it. At the same time, the pony was being dragged into the darkening pit the shadow gripped more of his body. In mere seconds the headless horse was gone as Trixie put her hoof down. She then heads to where the two vanished. Then on cue, Zoroark and Darkrai came back, both with astounded expressions and Zoroark with his mouth open.

“You better close your mouth or else a bug might fly in.” Trixie said with a cold look in her eye.

Zoroark did so and closed his mouth. “Wow, just….wow.”

“Yes, never have I seen someone or some-pony use dark energy like that. Not even from our last master.” Darkrai said.

“Well, that’s why I am the great and powerful Trixie. Now, tell Trixie about your last master.” She said in a demanding voice.

“Very well, you pass the test, I do think it is time you knew about our master.” Darkrai said and with a snap of his fingers he opens a portal and steps in. Zoroark then walked in afterward then Trixie and then the portal closed.